California Avocado Society 1992 Yearbook - Volume 76


Table of Contents


6.       Past Presidents

7.       1992 President of the California Avocado Society

8.       1991 – 1992 California Avocado Society Officers and Directors

9.       1992 – 1993 California Avocado Society Officers and Directors

10.     Awards of Honor

12.     Award of Honor 1992

14.     Certificate of Recognition

15.     Report from the Variety Committee

16.     Report from the Programs Committee
Oliver Atkins

23.     Research Liaison Report: South Africa
Larry Rose

29.     Australian Avocado Research and Management Programs; 1992
H. Len Francis

39.     Minutes of the 1992 Annual Meeting
H. Len Francis

41.     President's Report
Harry J. Griffiths

45.     Remarks of the Honorable Ann M. Veneman

51.     Financial Statements


61.     The Origin, Nature, and Genetic Improvement of the Avocado
Bob Bergh

77.     Recollections of Avocado History at U.C.L.A.
C. A. Schroeder

85.     Early Persea Collections - Beginning of a 40 - Year Saga
George A. Zentmyer

93.     Protecting the Postharvest Quality of Avocado Fruit
M. L. Arpaia. S. L. Ontai, and J. S. Reints, Jr.

99.     An Effective Strategy for the Management of Greenhouse Thrips in 'Hass' Avocado Orchards
Phil A. Phillips, Ron S. Bekey. Jr., Blair Bailey

109.   Weevils Threaten U.S. Avocado Industry
G. L. Kreitner

119.   Occurrence of Stone Cells in Avocado Fruit —Pericarp in Response to Mechanical Injury
C. A. Schroeder

123.   Nutritious Value of Avocado
Bob Bergh

137.   An Assessment of Processing Potential of Avocado Fruit
R. Pauker, Solange Berstein, Gita Popel, and I. Rosenthal

145.   North American Free Trade Agreement
Avi Crane

151.   Report from Australia
Donald W. Lavers

155.   Preliminary Assessment of G - 755c Root Rot Resistant Avocado Rootstock on the Far North coast of New South Wales, Australia
D. J. Firth and R. N. Allen

159.   Yield Growth and Fruit Quality of 'Fuerte' and 'Ettinger' Cultivars of Avocado on Four Rootstocks in Cyprus
C. Gregoriou

165.   Exploring for Persea in the Cuchurnatanes, Guatemala
Eugenio Schieber and George A. Zentmyer