California Avocado Society 1999 Yearbook - Volume 83


Table of Contents


5.      Farewell, Don Bartlett

8.       Past Presidents of the Society

9.       1998-99 California Avocado Society Officers and Directors

10.     Minutes of the 1999 Annual Meeting

12.    Financial Statements

16.    Report from the President
Tom Markle

21.     Awards of Honor

25.     Award of Honor - 1999  25

27.     1999 Oliver Atkins Award of Merit

29.     Keynote Address to California Avocado Society Annual Meeting 1999
Bob Reynolds

Avocado Marketing

45.     A Steady Hand, a Long Term View: Development of the California Avocado Marketing Profile
Ed Buckley

55.     Boiling in the "Cauldron of Change"
Mark E. Affleck

67.     The Second Year of Mexican Hass Exports to the United States
Giovanni Cavaletto

Avocado Research

75.     Results of Recent Tests for Root Rot Tolerance in Avocado Rootstocks in California
J.A. Menge, B.S. McKee, F.B. Guillemet, E.G. Pond

87.     The Effect of Yard Trimmings as a Mulch on Growth of Avocado Root Rot Caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi
A.J. Downer, J.A. Menge, H.D. Ohr, B.A. Faber, B.S. McKee, E.G. Pond, M.G. Crowley, S.D. Campbell

105.    Further Progress on Avocado Thrips Biology and Management
Mark S. Hoddle, Joseph G. Morse, Wee L. Yee, Phil A. Phillips

127.    Using Neoseiulus californicus for Control of Persea Mite
Mark S. Hoddle

141.    Control of Avocado Thrips Using Aerial Applications of Insecticides
Wee L. Yee, Phil A. Phillips, Ben A. Faber, Joseph G. Morse, Mark S. Hoddle

163.    Phytochemistry of Nectandra umbrosa Berries, Cloudforest Food of the Resplendent Quetzal
Peter Scora, Rainer W. Scora

World Members of the California Avocado Society

174.    Membership Lists