California Avocado Society 1984 Yearbook - Volume 68


Table of Contents


Section I — The California Avocado Society

  1. 1984 California Avocado Society Officers

  2. 1985 California Avocado Society Officers

  3. Past Presidents

  4. 1984 Committee of the California Avocado Society

  5. 1985 Committees of the California Avocado Society

  6. Financial Statements

  7. Minutes of the Annual Meeting

  8. Report of the President
    Robert G. Platt

  9. 1984 Award of Honor          

  10. Awards of Honor

  11. Report of the Nominating Committee

  12. Report of the Variety Committee

  13. Report of the Research Committee

  14. Report of the Nurserymen's Section

  15. How to Benefit From "Pre-Ripe"
    Charles Gilman Henry

  16. Fruit Quality for Consumer Acceptance
    Charles Coggins, Jr.

  17. The Avocado Industry and Politics
    F. R. Light

Section II — General

  1. William F. Cowan

  2. Take Two: Everett M. Johnston

  3. 5,000 Times Enlarged
    G. A. Zentmyer

  4. An Integrated Approach to the Control of Avocado Root Rot
    Mike Coffey

  5. Crown and Collar Rot of Avocado: A Need for More Research
    Mike Coffey and Yigal Cohen

  6. Avocado Varieties for California
    Bob Bergh

  7. The New Gwen and Whitsell Avocados
    Bob Bergh, Bob Whitsell, and Gray Martin

  8. Collecting Persea schiedeana in the Baja and Alta Verapaz, Guatemala
    Eugenio Schieber, M. D. Coffey, F. B, Guillemet and G. A. Zentmyer

  9. Average Weights of Selected Avocado Cultivars
    John S. Shepherd

  10. Propagation of Avocado Plants in Cyprus (Comparison Between Budding and Grafting of Four Avocado Varieties.)
    C. Gregoriou, M. Papademetriou, and L. Christofides

  11. Previously Imported Parasite May Control Invading Whitefly
    Mike Rose and James B. Woolley

  12. The Brazilian Avocado Industry
    Luis Carlos Donadío

  13. Thoughts From Abroad
    P. D. Williams

Section III — Technical

  1. Feasibility of Using Fruit Size and Percentage Dry Weight to Predict Maturity
    C. W. Coggins, Jr.

  2. Observations on a Second-Generation Progeny of a Mexican x West Indian Cross
    W. B. Storey, B. O. Bergh, R. G. Platt, and Marvin Miller

  3. Root Induction and Vegetative Development From Avocado Plantilles (Persea americana Mill.)
    H. Gonzales Rosas and S, Salazar Garcia

  4. Independent Assortment of Four Isozyme Loci in the 'Bacon' Avocado (Persea americana Mill.)
    Michelle Vrecenar-Gadus and Norman C. Ellstrand

  5. The Investigation of Nutrition, pH, and Ridomil® on Suppression of Phytophthora Root-Rot in Avocado (a progress report)
    A. W. Whiley, K. G. Pegg, and J. B. Saranah

  6. Summary of a Report on an Investigation into Physiological Disorders of Avocados
    L. J. Van Lelyveld

  7. Control of Sprouts on Topworked Avocado Stumps with NAA Formulations
    S. B. Boswell, B. 0. Bergh, and R. H. Whitsell

    Reduction of Rootstock Sprouts on Young Grafted Avocados with NAA
    S. B. Boswell, B. 0. Bergh, R. H. Whitsell, and J. Kumamoto

Section IV — Collegiate Thesis

  1. Determination of Consumer Awareness of the Uses of Avocados in the Fresno Metropolitan Area
    Jaime De La Cruz and John Riccoboni

Section V — Membership Lists

  1. California Avocado Society Membership—1984

  2. Index to Advertisers