Avocado Café

September 12, 2024
Healthy soils for productive and resilient farms
Amélie Gaudin, Professor and Endowed Chair in Agroecology, Department of Plant Sciences, University of California Davis
Kate Scow, Distinguished Professor of Soil Science and Microbial Ecology, Dept. of Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California Davis

March 18, 2024
Tools for boosting orchard performance
Tim Span, Consultant
How to read Soil and Water Reports; Reviewing the Tools on www.avocadosource.com www.avocadosource.com
Ben Faber, UCANR Advisor, Ventura County

February 27, 2024
Choosing your fertilizer wisely and interpreting your analysis
Ran Erel, Gilat Research Center, Volcani Institute
Rob Mikkelsen, Directory of Agronomy, Yara International   


February 13, 2024
The Impact of the Environment on Successful Fertilization/Fruit Set
Mary Lu Arpaia, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside
Ińaki Hormaza, Professor IHSM La Mayora CSIC UMA, Malaga, Spain


January 9, 2024
Pollination and Pollinizers
Neil Williams, UC Davis
Arnon Dag, Volcani Research Institute, Israel

November 30, 2023
Dealing with frost: Basic strategies and advances in understanding conditions
Mark Battany, Water Management and Biometeorology Advisor, UCANR, San Luis Obispo County

May 23, 2023
Innovation ideas from around the world - Israel and South Africa
Udi Gafni, Chief Agronomist, GranotAvocado Cooperative; Head, R&D Committee of the Israeli Avocado Growers' Organization, Israel
Guy Witney, Independent Agricultural Consultant, George, South Africa

April 28, 2023
The consequences of flooding and mitigation strategies to consider
Fatemeh Khodadadi, Extension Specialist, UC, Riverside
Garrett Gilcrease, Horticultural Scientist

January 31, 2023
Special session on avocado root rot and the use of Orondis
Fatemeh Khodadadi, Extension Specialist, UC, Riverside
James E. Adaskaveg, Dept. of Microbiology and Plant Pathology, University of California, Riverside
Garrett Gilcrease, Agronomy Service Representative, Central California

January 11, 2023
Patrick Brown, Dept. of Plant Sciences, UC, Davis
Gary Bender, UC‐ANR, San Diego/Riverside County, Advisor Emeritus

December 1, 2022
Irrigation Management for Avocados
Ben Faber, UC‐ANR, Ventura/Santa Barbara Counties
Khaled Bali, UC-ANR Kearney Agricultural Center

November 17, 2022
Leaching & Interpreting your water and soil analysis reports
Khaled Bali, UC-ANR Kearney Agricultural Center
Ben Faber, UC‐ANR, Ventura/Santa Barbara Counties

September 20, 2022
Understanding Irrigation – Part 4. Irrigation Scheduling
Khaled Bali, UC-ANR Kearney Agricultural Center
Daniele Zaccaria, UC Davis

August 30, 2022
Understanding Irrigation – Part 3. Irrigation Design and Maintenance
Stu Styles, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Jamie Whiteford, Ventura County Resource Conservation District

July 20, 2022
Understanding Irrigation – Part 2. Water quality and how avocados respond to salinity stress
David Yalin Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Silit Lazare Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

June 2, 2022
Understanding Irrigation – Part 1. How the plant responds and the soil beneath
Mary Lu Arpaia, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside
Ben Faber, University of California, Agricultural and Natural Resources, Ventura county


April 26, 2022
Fertilization of Avocado for Increased Yield Potentials
David Crowley, Professor Emeritus, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of California, Riverside


March 29, 2022
Avocado productivity: Understanding pollinators and their importance for avocado fruit set
Arnon Dag, Institute of Plant Sciences, The Volcani Institute, Israel
Gordon Frankie, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, & Management, UC Berkeley
Raffi Stern, MIGAL Galilee Research Institute, Israel


February 18, 2022
Avocado productivity: How the interplay of light and vegetative vigor influences yield
Rodrigo Iturrieta, University of California, Riverside
Gerardo Adunate, Avocado Consultant, Chile


January 26, 2022
Innovation: How should we push the boundaries of avocado growing –Intensive Management Systems?
Louise Ferguson - University of California, Davis

Zander Ernst - Allesbeste Nursery, Tzaneen, South Africa

December 13, 2021
Francisco Mena Völker - GAMA, Quillota, Chile


Avocado Café Videos are also available from the Avocado Café YouTube Channel.