California Avocado Commission Production Research Committee
Our Mission: To provide California Avocado Growers a means to achieve optimum profitability, now and in the future, through focused research, global collaboration, and effective communication of results.




Optimization of Systemic Pesticides for the Management of Avocado Pests
Frank Byrne, Joseph Morse, Robert Krieger, Alan Urena, Lindsay Robinson

Stenoma Project Part III (continuing from Part II)
Mark Hoddle, Jocelyn Millar

Avocado thrips (Scirtothrips perseae) Control on Hass Avocado utilizing Low Volatility Surfactants in Substitution for the Current Standard of Horticultural Narrow Range 415 Oil in Conjunction with Abamectin or Spinetoram (Delegate WG)
David Holden

Development of pheromone-based detection and monitoring systems for invasive scale species infesting avocado
Jocelyn Millar, Joseph Morse

Management and resistance monitoring of Avocado Thrips and Persea Mite
PRESENTATION: Research Update -- Avocado Thrips, Persea Mite, and Pesticide Resistance Management
Joseph Morse, Alan Urena, Lindsay Robinson

Determination of the likelihood that scale insects, originating from imported fruit, establish on avocado trees in California
PRESENTATION: Armored Scale Blythe Border Station Sampling / Dispersal Studies
Richard Stouthamer, Joseph Morse


Identification, biology, epidemiology and geographical distribution of fungal and bacterial pathogens associated with avocado in California
Akif Eskalen, Greg Douhan, Mary Lu Arpaia, Gary Bender


Enhancement of Avocado Productivity. Plant Improvement - Selection and Evaluation of Improved Varieties and Rootstocks
Mary Lu Arpaia, R.J. Schnell, Eric Focht, M. Crowley

Linking Candidate Genes to Biochemical Phenotypes of Avocado
Michael T. Clegg

Screening and Evaluation of New Rootstocks with Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi
Greg W. Douhan, Brandon McKee, Elinor Pond, Mary Lu Arpaia, Gary Bender, Ben Faber, Mary Bianchi


Salinity Chloride Interactions and their Influence on Avocado Yields
PRESENTATION: Cutting Edge Technologies for Avocado Production
David Crowley, Mary Lu Arpaia

Developing Field Strategies to Correct Alternate Bearing
Carol J. Lovatt, Yusheng Zheng, Toan Khuong

Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) II - Strategies to Increase Fruit Size of 'Hass' Avocado
Carol J. Lovatt, Yusheng Zheng, Toan Khuong

Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) Strategies to Increase Yield of 'Hass' Avocado
Carol J. Lovatt, Yusheng Zheng, Toan Khuong