Undurraga, P. L., Olaeta, J.A. and Taito, M.
Facultad de Agronomía
Proyecto Fondef Al-04
Avocado fruit cv Hass, harvested with 8 to 10 % oil content, was
treated with four different formulas of N,O-carboximethyl-chitosan (Nutrasave)
and stored at 5± 1°C during 30, 45, 60 and 75 days. Formulas studied were: NSV
1% (shrimp); NSV 2% (shrimp); NST 2% (krill); NSH 1,5% (other crustaceans).
Results show that by using Nutrasave it is possible to extend the conservation
period up to 60 days due to a reduction in the loss of water content during
storage, and an extended time in which the green- epidermal-color and firmness
are kept, without adversely affecting the taste, texture and natural
characteristics of the fruits.
1. Introduction
Hass is the most important cultivar planted in Chile, due to of its
sensory and productive characteristics. Thirty four percent of the total fruit
production is sent to foreign markets, the majority to the USA and European
The high respiration rate of avocado and high ethylene generation,
together with the high polygalacturonase and pectin-methyl-esterase content
make it difficult to keep fruits in cold storage for periods longer than 30
days, without significant fruit softening. This fact, produces a critical and
monetary timer elements for export to foreign markets.
N,O-carboximethyl-chitosan is a derivative of chitina which is obtained
from shrimp, other crustaceans, fungi and insects, commercialized as
"Nutrasave" a natural, biodegradable, water soluble product which
when applied on the fruits, produces a modified closed atmosphere. (Nova Chem,
To test the effectiveness of "Nutrasave", an experiment was
designed whose objectives were to evaluate the effect of different formulas of
"Nutrasave" on the physical and organoleptic characteristics of
avocado warehoused up to 75 days in cold storage.
2. Material and Methods
Homogeneously sized Avocado fruits cv. Hass with an oil content of 8 to
10% (Olaeta, J. A. and Undurraga, P.L., 1994 ), were harvest from the Experimental
Station of the Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile. These fruits were
treated with different "Nutrasave" formulas and stored at 5 ± 1°C and
95% relative humidity. Response measurements were taken every 15 days, starting
at day 30 through day 75. After the cold storage measurements, the fruit was
left for 7 days at room temperature in order to obtain commercial ripening. The
Nutrasave formulas studied were: NSV 1% (shrimp); NSV 2% (shrimp); NST 2%
(krill); NSH 1.5% (other crustaceans). Each formula was tested for 30, 45, 60
and 75 days. A control group was also tested.
The treatment responses were evaluated with the following measurements:
changes in epidermal color (Munsell), firmness (kg) at the end of cold storage
and at commercial ripening, and moisture content. Flavor and external
appearance were also measured using a hedonic scale with a sensorial evaluation
panel: 1 desirable; 2 indifferent; 3 undesirable.
3. Results
3.1. Epidermal color evolution
For up to 45 days there were no differences among the treatment and the
control groups. Beginning on the 45th day, all the treatments yielded better
responses than the control, but NSH 1.5% retarded most chlorophyll degradation.
3.2. Fruit firmness
The control group showed less pulp resistance to pressure from day 45
and beyond. This was true both at the end of the cold storage as well as for
the 7 days required for commercial ripening. All fruits treated with Nutrasave
were in very good condition for up to 75 days in cold storage, plus 7 days of
ripening (figure 1, 2).
3.3. Moisture content
All fruits treated with Nutrasave showed less moisture losses, from the
45th day forward.
3.4. Flavor and external appearance
The control fruit flavor was better until the second evaluation (45
days). From that point treated fruit flavor improved, becoming better than the
control. The general appearance worsened with storage time however Nutrasave
treatments always showed better conditions than the control (figure 3, 4).
4. Discussion
Results showed that N,O-carboximethyl-chitosan, formulated as
Nutrasave, reduces humidity losses during cold storage when it is applied to
avocado harvested with 8-10% of oil content. Mitchell and Dinamarca 1988, found
a similar response with different products which act by decreasing the
epidermal permeability to gas exchange.
Nutrasave also maintains fruit firmness for up to 75 days under cold
storage, plus 7 days of room temperature to obtain commercial ripening. This is
probably due to a reduction of the polygalacturonase, pectin-methylesterase and
celullase production, which is associated to respiration rate and ethylene
generation (Bower and Cutting, 1990). Furthermore, Nutrasave reduces
chlorophyll degradation which goes along with ripening (Ryall and Pentzer
1974), and gives brightness and better appearance to fruits for up to 75 days.
Bower, J., and Cutting, J.,
1988. Influence of abscisic acid on polyphenol oxidase browning potencial in
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G., Dinamarca, A., 1988. Almacenamiento de productos hortofruticola frescos
Curso de tecnologias de postcosecha de firutasa. y hortalizas.
Santiago,Fundación Chile 1(9): 1-10.
A., Berger, H., Luza, J., 1981. Control químico de hongos causantes de pudriciones
en almacenaje refrigerado de paltas cv. Fuerte. Simiente 51 (1-2): 62-65.
Nova Chem. 1992. Efecto del Nutrisave corno capa
preservativa. Kentville, Canada. 5p. Olaeta, LA. and Undurraga, P.L., 1995.
Estimation of the ripening index in avocado (Persea americana Mill). Harvest
and postharvest technologies for fresh fruits and vegetables. Proceedings of
International Conference: 421-427.
A., Pentzer, W., 1974. Handling transportation and storage of fruits and
vegetables. Wesport, AVI. 545 p.