S. Lurie1, A. Handros1, G. Zauberman1,
M. Ackerman1, R. Shapira2
1 Department of Postharvest
Science, ARO, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
2Department of Biochemistry,
Food Science and Nutrition, The Hebrew University, Faculty of Agriculture,
Rehovot 76100, Israel
Holding avocado fruits for
various periods of time at temperatures between 37 to 46ºC, slowed the rate of
fruit softening, decreased the climacteric respiratory peak and delayed the
ethylene peak. Some of the time-temperature combinations decreased the severity
of chilling injury after storage at 2ºC for 6 weeks. Activity of cellulase was
lower in heat treated fruit in correlation with their slower rate of softening.
In addition, when heated avocados were inocultaed with Colletotrichum
gloeosporioides the infection developed more slowly than on unheated fruit.
The treatments led in some cases to heat injury, and additional work is needed
to be sure of achieving the benefit of the treatment without injury.
Avocado production areas are
often remote from their overseas markets, necessitating a delay between
harvesting and marketing. Although storage time and shelf life of avocados can
be increased by lowering their temperature, conditions below 7ºC induce
chilling injury, and this is a major factor limiting the storage of avocados
(Eaks, 1976; Zauberman et al., 1977). The symptoms include peel and pulp
discoloration which develop after removal from storage.
We have found that a
prestorage heat treatment of preclimacteric tomatoes, another fruit sensitive
to low temperature, allowed storage at 2ºC without chilling injury (Lurie and
Klein, 1991). In the present study we investigated whether a similar heat
treatment could benefit avocados.
Materials and Methods
Experiments were conducted
on commercially harvested avocado fruits (Persea americana Mill.) of
both Fuerte and Hass varieties, acquired from the packinghouse on the day of
harvest. The fruits were placed in heating chambers at 37, 42 and 46°C for 12
to 48 h and then transferred to 2°C. Control fruit were placed immediately in
2°C storage. After 6 weeks storage fruit were removed to 20°C for ripening and
their firmness, respiration, ethylene production and cellulase activity
followed during a week.
Firmness was measured on 2
sides of 5 fruits from each treatment using a motor driven penetrometer. These fruit were then taken for cellulose
activity measurement according to Zauberman and Jobin-Décor (1994). Five fruits from each treatment were
enclosed individually in 2 L jars and closed for 1 h each day for determination
of ethylene and CO2 production. Head space gas was withdrawn through a
septum with a syringe and injected in a GC-FID with an alumina column for
ethylene and a GC-TCD with a poropak column for CO2. At the end
of 7 days of shelf life 20 fruits from each treatment were cut open for visual
determination of flesh damage.
To determine the effect of
heat treatment on Colletotrichum
gloeosporioides Fuerte avocado fruits were heated and then inoculated into
a puncture wound with 40μl of 106 spores/ml on two sides and
the fruits held at 20°C for fungal development.
3. Results
After 6 weeks of 2°C storage
unheated fruits developed 70% flesh damage (Table 1). All the heating regimes except 12 h at 46°C decreased the amount
of internal damage considerably. The
two best treatments which showed only light damage were 24 h at 37°C and 12 h
at 42°C. These two treatments also
slowed the rate of fruit softening during the first 4 days at 20°C (Fig.
1a). Cellulase activity in the heated
fruit also appeared later in the heated fruits, but showed the same steep rise
in activity between the third and fourth day of shelf life as the control fruit
(Fig. 1b).
Respiration was lower in
heated fruits than in control fruits, but the climacteric occurred in all fruit
after 4 days at 20°C (Fig. 2a). In
contrast, the peak of ethylene production in the heated fruit was shifted to
longer times (Fig. 2b). Peak ethylene
production occurred in control fruit on day 3, in 24 h 37°C fruit after 4 days
and in 12 h 42°C fruit on day five.
The effect of a heat
treatment on Colletotrichum
gloeosporioides development was studied on unstored fruit (Table 2). When the fruits were inoculated following
the heat treatment the rate of fungal growth was reduced 75% compared to growth
on control fruits.
A prestorage heat treatment
of avocados can decrease chilling injury in fruit stored at 2°C, slow the rate
of fruit softening and inhibit the development of fungal rots. However, fine tuning of the treatment is
necessary to prevent heat damage.
Eaks, I.L. 1976.
Ripening, chilling injury and respiratory response of Hass and Fuerte avocado
fruits at 20°C following chilling. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 101:538-540.
Lurie, S. and
Klein, J.D. 1991. Acquisition of low-temperature tolerance in tomatoes by
exposure to high temperature stress. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 116:1007-1012.
Zauberman, G.
and Jobin-Decor, M. 1994. Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) quality
changes in response to low temperature storage. Postharv. Biol. and Technol.
G., Schiffmann-Nadel, M. and Yanko, U. 1977. The response of avocado fruits to
different storage temperatures. HortSci. 12:353-354,