of The World Avocado Congress III, 1995 245 - 250
Gray Martin and Guy Witney
of Botany and Plant Sciences
of California, Riverside
92521 U.S.A.
Tree form in Persea
americana varies from tall and open to short and compact with varying
composites. Tree form is modified in the nursery by grafting, pinching, pruning
and nursery spacing. Therefore, the resulting tree is not necessarily in the
shape programmed by its genetic information, but has been modified by nursery
conditions. The authors point out the problems with the present tree form, and
offer an alternative form, the central-leader. Where the central-leader form is
most appropriate and how it may enhance orchard productivity is discussed.
1. Introduction
Effective and efficient
light distribution in the avocado grove is a controversial and somewhat complex
problem (Witney, 1992). It has both historical roots and causes. Unlike some
researchers seeking to manipulate tree form to a prescribed formula designed to
maximize light efficiency, both in terms of leaf light exposure and shade
effect on neighboring trees (Barrett, 1938; Köhne and Köhne, 1991; Stassen, et
el., 1995), our work does not compare various tree forms (e.g. open-vase,
hedgerow, espalier, etc. ) but rather compares the traditional semi-spherical
with what may be the more natural columnar form, which will be herein referred
to as a central-leader (Martin,
Historically, one has to ask
if much consideration was given to manipulating the tree form in the very early
years of the avocado nursery industry. In those early years certainly some
knowledge was at-hand regarding propagation, and the general knowledge of citrus
was growing rapidly. Therefore, avocado nursery practices likely mimicked
citrus advances rather than finding an individual identity. Yet when comparing
mature citrus and avocado seedling trees one observes very different canopy
forms, or shapes. Citrus seedling canopies tend to be semi-spherical or
dome-like, avocado seedling canopies tend to be columnar. Standard citrus
nursery practices routinely top and groom young container trees to spherical
canopies. And, so too are avocados "trained". But, what influence
does this early "training" have on the form of the older, mature
trees? In citrus, the nursery tree canopy develops to a semi-spherical canopy
similar in form to older seedling trees. But, pruned avocado nursery trees
very different in form compared to adult columnar seedling trees.
The "Hass" avocado
is genetically inclined to a moderate apical dominance (Thorp,
1992). Any
pruning to encourage a canopy "head" of multiple branches in the
nursery will cause branch competition for single shoot domination. This
competition results in tree spread. It can be demonstrated that mature
"Hass" avocado trees can be grown
as upright trees (central-leader), thereby
considerably narrower in width than multiple-branched specimens. The
central-leader apical dominant shoot naturally subordinates the typically
problematic lower lateral branch vigor.
The topic of tree
structuring is incomplete without first addressing the problems of avocado tree
convergence and shading (Witney, 1992). And, one cannot fairly discuss this
topic of crowding, converging trees without including pruning and stumping
techniques. And any discussion of stumping will include a description of
avocado regeneration and tree structuring. Thus, all these topics are
interrelated and connected (Table 1.).
2. The Problem
Currently many of the groves
in California look and act like avocado forests. As trees begin to crowd the
loss of the canopy reduces not only production surface area but reduces the
trees ability to be productive (Figure 1.).
(The graph in figure 1 is based primarily on
personal observation and on the assumption that evolutionary events support
this argument. For example; A single avocado tree growing with a full canopy
exposed to light has a "job" to perform in perpetuating the species
and building an immediate avocado population; as a result, the tree produces
large numbers of offspring in the form of fruit and seed. Conversely, the
avocado that is squeezed in among many of its own kind -- an avocado forest --
is under no "pressure" to produce offspring. In crowded conditions,
with only a small portion of the original canopy exposed to light, any seed
(fruit) production would not likely survive on the forest floor absent of
light. This is not a very efficient use of plant energy, therefore it is likely
that the crowded tree typically reduces production and goes into a
"dormant" reproductive stage.)
Cultural discussions of
extensively shaded groves usually results in pruning or stumping
recommendations. In recent years more attention has been devoted to these
topics and both traditional and novel approaches are advanced. Admittedly, the
authors have a research interest in the topic of avocado pruning (Martin,
1993), and we are studying several novel, albeit unproven, theories to increase
and sustain high yields from this work. But, as valuable and appropriate as
pruning is for crowding trees, the topic of tree structuring is in our minds
equally or more important (Martin,
3. The Central-Leader Tree
The central-leader avocado
can be roughly defined as the managed tree structure of one main trunk with
non-competitive, fully developed lower lateral limbs. Obvious attributes can be
summarized as: 1) Narrower tree width or spread; 2) Less wasted canopy volume
inside the light deficient tree interior; 3) Maximum light exposure to canopy
is easy to achieve and maintain; 4) The trees are easy to prune and manage; 5)
There is potential for high density plantings. A distinct drawback is the
necessity to train and stake the young leader shoot.
4. Training the Central-Leader
After all that has been said
it would appear reasonable that the best place to begin tree structure training
would be in the nursery. And, to this end we are working with field systems of
encouraging central-leader development from nursery trees. This effort is
currently stalled, primarily because of an infestation of a newly introduced
spider mite; Persea. The mite damage to the leaves resulted in a temporary
of growth and affected the central-leader development
in a significant portion of the trial. Additionally, the properly trained
central-leader tree requires the retention of all the lower lateral
branches--even for young nursery trees. Technically this requirement is
difficult to achieve in the nursery where trees must be tightly packed in
multiple rows for space efficiency. Central-leader shoots defoliated of low
lateral branches will result in a terminal growth flush causing top-heavy, bent
shoots if not topped (a standard nursery practice). Nevertheless, in spite of
these problems the issue of central-leader trees no less important or
trees can be successfully trained from regrowing, stumped trees in the crowed
grove. Avocado regeneration potential is both tremendous and underutilized.
Currently work is being conducted in commercial groves in California as an
alternative to traditional thinning practices. Alternate trees are stumped, low
(generally 30-60 cm), rather than being removed completely. The stump regrowth
is trained to a single shoot rather than allowing the normal abundance of
shoots to compete for dominance. The single shoot is staked and managed to a
central-leader. Obviously, many variations exist on how to manage the remaining
uncut trees to benefit from light penetration into the grove. Some of these
variations are being studied, including stumping the remaining trees once the
trained central-leader trees come into production. Each variation operates on
the new assumption that the current "Hass" avocado tree form can be
modified from spreading to more narrow, and that it is no longer necessary to
totally remove trees, thereby, reducing tree density.
Barrett, C. 1938. Pruning
practice on the avocado. Calif Avocado Soc. Yrbk. 9: 113-118.
Köhne, J. S. and S. Köhne.
199 1. Avocado high density planting--a progress report. So. African Avocado
Soc. Yrbk. 14:39.
G.E. 1991. Avocado tree structuring. Calif Avocado Soc. Yrbk. 75: 51-56.
Martin, G.E. 1993a. The avocado prune. 1. Pruning young or rejuvenating avocado trees. Calif Avocado Soc.
Avocado Quart. 26: 5, 6, 11, 12.
Martin, G.E. 1993b. The
avocado prune. II. Becoming a chain-saw expert. Calif Avocado Soc. Avocado
Quart. 27:3.
Stassen, P.J.C., S.J. Davie,
and B. Snijder. 1995. Principles involved in tree management of higher density
avocado orchards. Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Crops, Private Bag X1
1208, Nelspruit, 1200. 12p.
Witney, G.W. 1992. Avocado
grove thinning. UCCE Riverside County Publication. September 1992. 10p.