of The World Avocado Congress III, 1995 152 - 159
C.J. Lovatt
of Botany and Plant Sciences
CA 92521-0124, USA
The avocado fruit is not only
rich in fat and oil but also contains a high concentration of protein relative
to other fruit. Thus, the avocado fruit is a strong sink for both carbon and
nitrogen. When fruit development and vegetative growth are concurrent and,
thus, in competition, the distribution, transport and allocation of nitrogen
within the mature bearing tree is of importance. Is nitrogen fertilizer
allocated according to sink activity existing at the time of fertilizer uptake?
To what extent does application of nitrogen fertilizer stimulate sink activity?
Is it necessary to time the application of nitrogen to the phenology of the
1. Introduction
A review of the literature
regarding the nitrogen economy of the avocado provided two well-documented
facts relevant to this topic:
1. In most avocado producing nations, growers fertilize their trees
to maintain leaf N concentrations between 2.0 to 2.6%.
2. Not only is the oil-rich avocado fruit a
major sink for carbon, it is also a major sink for nitrogen. Avocados have the
greatest concentration of protein of any commercially produced deciduous,
subtropical or tropical fruit tree crop (Hall et al., 1980). Whereas other
fruit average 0.8% protein on a fresh weight basis (FAO, 1970), avocados
routinely exceed 2.3% protein per unit fresh weight (Pearson, 1975; Slater et
al., 1975; Hall et al., 1980).
In this overview, I have used
the California avocado fruit, tree and industry as models. The industry
comprises approximately 26 000 hectares, which yield 230 000 metric tonnes
annually (Affleck,
1992). Over the last 8 years, yield has averaged 8.8 tonnes
per hectare (Affleck, 1992). With the world average being 4 to 8 metric tonnes
per hectare, California is typical of other production areas (Wolstenholme, 1987;
Barros and Sanchez, 1992; Diaz-Robledo,
1992; Illsley,
California avocado growers
use 84 to 168 kg N per hectare, on average, with many growers far exceeding
this rate. At these high rates of nitrogen fertilization, "Where does
all the N go?" becomes a critical issue because of the potential for
excess nitrogen to enter into the groundwater. Although an extremely important
topic from the viewpoint of protecting the environment and human health, as
well as the wasted dollars to the grower through the loss of fertilizer not
used by the tree to produce the crop, nitrate leaching will not be addressed
herein. However, the issue is raised in order to remind us of its increasing
seriousness. The focus of the overview is on identifying where all the nitrogen
goes within the tree.
One of the major
nitrogen-containing components of living tissues is protein. The 'Hass' avocado
in California averages 2.4 g protein per 100 g fresh weight (Slater et al.,
1975). A typical California avocado weighs 200 to 300 g fresh weight (Slater et
al., 1975). Thus, there is 5.0 to 7.5 g of protein per avocado fruit, which
represents more than I g of nitrogen per fresh fruit. (This calculation was
based on two factors commonly used for calculating g protein per 100 g tissue by
multiplying Kjeldahl N by 6.25 or 5.7; Hall et al., 1980). In contrast to
avocado fruit, avocado leaves from common scion varieties average only 4 mg
protein per g fresh weight (table 1) (Lovatt and Cheng, 1990). This level of
leaf protein is 7.5-fold lower than the protein concentration of citrus leaves
and 5-fold lower than that of squash leaves (table 1) (Lovatt and Cheng, 1990).
It is of interest that avocado leaves had the lowest percent water (60%)
(greatest dry matter content) of the leaves in this comparison. The dry matter
content of avocado leaves was confirmed in the present study (table 4). With
the exception of G 755 and Toro Canyon, the protein level of avocado rootstocks
commonly used in California was more than 2-fold lower than that of two common
citrus rootstocks (table 1) (Lovatt and Cheng, 1990).
It is also of interest that
the activity of key nitrogen-metabolizing enzymes in avocado scion leaves is
typically lower than in the roots of avocado rootstocks (tables 2 and 3).
Nitrogen can only be assimilated as ammonia. Thus, nitrate fertilizer taken up
by the roots of the avocado must be reduced to ammonia before
assimilation can take place. Plants can accumulate large amounts of nitrate in
their tissues without r6ducing it to ammonia. Nitrate accumulates in the
vacuoles as a reserve pool, whereas cytoplasmic nitrate is in the
"inducing" pool. This pool regulates the activity of nitrate
reductase by inducing its synthesis and through substrate regulation. Although
nitrate reductase is present in both leaves and roots, in some plants nitrate
is reduced preferentially in one organ in comparison to the other. Nitrate can
accumulate to concentrations as high as 10% of the plant's dry weight, but on
average, plant nitrate concentrations range from 0 to 0.2% dry weight
(Fernandes and Rosiello, 1995). For 'Hass' avocado leaves and young actively
growing roots, nitrate concentrations were 0.21 ± 0.02% and 0.18 ± 0.02%,
respectively (table 4). Nitrate reductase activity of 'Hass' avocado leaves was
significantly lower than that found in the leaves of most other scion
varieties, with the exception of 'Bacon', or in the roots of most avocado
rootstocks (table 2) (Lovatt and Cheng, 1990). Similarly, the activity of
glutamine synthetase, the primary enzyme of ammonia assimilation, was typically
lower in leaves of avocado scion varieties, especially 'Hass' and 'Bacon', than
in the roots of avocado rootstock varieties (table 3) (Lovatt and Cheng, 1990).
It is interesting to note that although nitrate reductase activity tended to
decrease in both leaves and roots from the early summer to early fall sampling
date, glutamine synthetase activity generally increased in both tissues over
the same period. The relatively higher concentration of nitrogen metabolism in
the roots than in the leaves of the avocado suggests that the rootstock may be
a more important factor in nitrogen nutrition than the scion and, thus,
emphasizes the importance of good root health to avocado production.
In order to determine the relative
importance of different organs of the avocado tree as sinks for nitrogen, we
took apart an avocado tree and had each of the components analyzed for nitrogen
so that a model could be constructed illustrating the allocation of nitrogen to
each component expressed as kg N per hectare.
The results are not intended
to be definitive but instead to be instructive and heuristic. Hopefully, they
will stimulate researchers in other avocado-growing areas to examine nitrogen
allocation in their orchards. Future research in our laboratory will include an
in-depth investigation of nitrogen allocation in 'Hass' avocado trees during
both the " on" and " off ' cycles of alternate bearing.
Material and methods
An 8-year-old 'Hass' avocado
tree on Duke 7 rootstock located at the University of California South Coast
Research and Extension Center, Irvine, CA, was extracted from the ground and
dissected in September 1995 (September is the standard time for determining
tree nitrogen status by leaf analysis in California). The total fresh weight of
each component was determined. A weighed sub sample was dried in a forced air
oven at 60șC until completely dry and the final weight recorded. Oven-dried
samples were ground in a Whiley mill to pass through a 40-mesh screen and
analyzed for nitrogen using the standard Kjeldahl method. The results were used
to calculate kg N per hectare by the following equation:
Because of the difficulty of
completely recovering all the roots from the soil, the data underestimate root
nitrogen costs. Likewise, on a whole tree basis, the data do not include
nitrogen costs associated with the loss of pollen, flowers, fruit, or leaves
that abscised prior to September 1995.
3. Results
At the time we took the tree
apart, it was bearing 67 kg fruit. New shoots represented 1.2 kg fresh weight,
leaves 24 kg, small branches less than 2.5 cm in diameter and green in color
weighed 41.35 kg, whereas larger branches between 2.5 to 5.0 cm in diameter
with brown phelloderm totalled 24.25 kg fresh weight, and scaffolding branches,
70.25 kg. The scion component of the tree trunk weighed 12.1 kg and the
rootstock portion of the trunk weighed 17.35 kg fresh weight. Scaffolding roots
contributed 11.0 kg fresh weight, small roots 3.3 kg, and fine actively growing
roots 0.8 kg. The dry matter content as a percentage of the fresh weight of
each tissue is given in table 4. With exception of actively growing root tips,
the dry matter content of avocado tissues was greater than 30% (dry
weight/fresh weight).
Total nitrogen content was
greater in the younger (current year) tissues and in those that were actively
growing (table 4). The greater concentrations of nitrate were also observed in
these tissues, but in addition scaffolding roots had a significant
concentration of nitrate (table 4). It is interesting to note that for both the
scion trunk and rootstock trunk, the bark had an approximately 2-fold greater
concentration of total nitrogen than the wood and that this ratio was the same
with regard to the nitrate content of these two tissues.
Using the equation given in
the Material and methods section above, the total nitrogen content of
each component of the tree was calculated on a fresh weight basis and
multiplied by the total biomass of the component to give total N (fresh weight)
per tree which was converted to kg N (fresh weight) per hectare (table 5). The
'Hass' avocado stores a significant proportion of its nitrogen in the scion
half of the tree. With a 10 to 20% loss in leaves each spring, there is a
considerable loss in nitrogen to the individual tree and to the orchard (1.8 to
3.5 kg N/ha), some of which may be reutilized by the tree as the leaf litter
decomposes. With a harvest of 10 tonnes of fruit per hectare in a given year,
approximately 28 kg N per hectare is removed. If yield is increased from 10
tonnes to 20 tonnes per hectare per year, there will be a total cost of 56 kg N
per hectare in the fruit. At 30 tonnes of fruit per hectare per year, the cost
is 84 kg N per hectare per year. An annual 20 to 30% increase in vegetative
growth costs 14 to 21 kg N per hectare per year.
The time(s) at which nitrogen
is in critical demand by the avocado tree is not known. 'Me period of fruit
set, which is characterized by competition between young developing fruit and the
developing vegetative flush, may be a time when nitrogen is in critical demand.
If soil reserves of nitrogen are readily available or if the nitrogen observed
to accumulate in small branches is available and singly or in combination can
satisfy the tree's requirement for nitrogen at those times that are critical,
the timing of nitrogen fertilizer application is not important. However, on the
sandy well- drained soils found in some avocado-growing areas, yield might be
enhanced by applying nitrogen to the tree at some times but not at others. We
have examined this possibility by determining the effect of supplying an extra
dose of nitrogen to the tree at key times in its phenology to identify nitrogen
fertilization strategies that increase yield. The results thus far from the
on-going field experiment suggest that in an "off" year, but not in
an "on" year, 'Hass' avocado trees benefit from receiving extra
nitrogen in April (table 6). In an "on" year, it appears that extra
nitrogen might be more effective if applied in February. The cumulative yields
thus far suggest that the November application of additional nitrogen may also
be of benefit. While preliminary in nature, the results of this experiment
taken together with the results of the within-tree nitrogen-allocation study
above indicate that the nitrogen demand of 'Hass' avocado trees is different in
"on" and "off" years and suggest that they should be
fertilized accordingly.
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