Proceedings of The World Avocado Congress III, 1995 96 - 99               





Alejandro F. Barrientos-Priego

Academia de Fruticultura, Departamento de Fitotecnia 

Universidad Autónoma Chapingo

Chapingo C.P. 56230,

Edo. de México, MÉXlCO


Michal 1W. Borys

Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla.

21 Sur 1103 col. Santiago, 

Puebla C.P. 62160,

Edo. de Puebla. MÉXICO


Avraham D. Ben-Ya'acov

Agricultural Research Organization,

Institute of Horticulture,

The Volcani Center

Bet-Dagan 50250. ISRAEL


Luis López-López, Martin Rubí-Arriaga

Fundación Salvador Sánchez Colin-

CICTANfEX. S.C., Ignacio Zaragoza Nº 6,

Coatepelc Harinas C.P. 51700

Edo. de México. MÉXICO


Gebhard Bufler

Institut für Obst-, Gemüse- und Weintau

Universitat Hohenheim, 7000

Stuttgar 70 GERMANY


Abraham Solis

Molina Dirección de Investigaciones,

Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería,

Apartado 10094






Explorations have been carried out in search for specimens of the genera Persea in the states of Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Puebla, Tabasco, Yucatán, Oaxaca and Chiapas. They have been collected genotypes of the Mexican race (Persea americana var. drymifolia), Guatemalan race (P. americana var. guatemalensis), West Indian race (P. americana var. americana), and hybrids among these races, in addition the species P. nubigena, P. donnell-smithii, P. borbonia, F schiedeana, P. steyermarkii, P. vesticula, Beilschmiedia anay and other 3 kinds of Persea. They have been located two places where items of the Mexican race are growing under wild condition; Tula-Ocampo, Tamaulipas and Tantima, Veracruz, and for the case of the Westlndian race a possible wild individual in Tantima, Veracruz. Of the Guatemalan race we have not found wild subjects, however, in motozintla, Chiapas, we have collected a type of Persea of the subgenera Persea that grows wild iv the low parts of the hillsides together with pines, that its fruit seems like a primitive type of the Guatemalan race, but its leaves are different and with so much brown pubescence even n the shoots, bat we think that is a new species of Persea.


1. Introduction


Wild and semi-wild gene pools of avocado are vital to locate desired genes for resistance to diseases and pests, as other characteristics that are apparently absent in the domesticated gene pool. Some examples are the root rot caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi where collections of the late Dr. Eugenio Schieber in Guatemala showed high resistance to the fungal pathogen (Zentmyer, 1993), and the case of studies carried out in Israel of different rootstocks under contrasting stress conditions, where some items like 'Orizaba 3' showed a more universal adaptation b different stress conditions as rootstocks, or like 'Antigua' and 'Galvan' that were outstanding under Phytophthora cinnamomi conditions (Ben-Ya'acov et al., 1992b).

Deforestation has accelerated dramatically in the tropics. At current rates, developing countries will have lost close to 40 percent of their forest :over between 1978 and the turn of the century (Westoby, 1989), During the last two or three decades, the native and semi-wild avocado material has been disappearing rapidly. This avocado genetic erosion is probably even faster that we could imagine previously (Ben-Ya'acov et al., 1992a). It is urgent to Conserve as many native avocado items for future use before it is lost forever. The general aim of the "Study on the avocado genetic resources" is to contribute to the exploration, collection and conservation of the germplasm of the avocado and related species.


2. Materials and methods


    Exploration work was carried out in what we call "Mexican Gulf Region", that includes the Mexican States of Tamaulipas, Veracruz, North of Puebla, Tabasco, Yucatdn, Oaxaca and Chiapas. The visited sites were planned according to the literature, herbarium specimens information and personal communication with agronomists, botanists and village people. Collection of vegetative material was based on budwood, seed and seedlings and were made in field as well as local markets. The collected materials were taken to the nursery and after established at the high and low elevation germplasm banks located in the State of Mexico of the Fundación Salvador Sánchez Colin-CICTAMEX, S.C. (López et al., 1994).


3. Results and discussion

Until now 39 visits to different places have been made (table 1, 2 and figure 1), with 143 items collected (table 1 and 2). Some of the interesting collections made are the ones growing under wild conditions in Motozintla, that we think is a new species belonging to the subgenera Persea and could be one of the direct ancestors of the Guatemalan race. One of the main characteristic of distinction, of this species, is the dense brown pubescense in the abaxial part of the leaf and on the young stems, the fruit is like a primitive Guatemalan but with very few flesh. Near the same place in a backyard collection, we located seedlings of the Mexican race that had flowers and fruit set after some months of sowing (less than a year).

A vast variability has been found in the 3 races of avocado, with special characteristics under their natural conditions, like tolerance to high hme content of the soil (West Indian race in Yucatán), drought conditions (Guatemalan race in Chiapas), good fruit quality (Guatemalan race in Chiapas), tree longevity (Mexican race in Veracruz), fruit peel thickness of 0.5 cm (Guatemalan race in Chiapas), high oil content (Mexican race in Veracruz), two productions a year (West Indian race in Yucatán), resistance to moth borer (West Indian race in Tamaulipas), production of adventitious roots on the trunk (Persea steyermarkii in Chiapas), among others. All of the characteristics of each item must be checked to determinate its possible use for horticultural purpose. The collected species related to avocado are Persea steyermarkii, Persea nubigena, Persea donnell- smithii, P. borbonia, P. schiedeana, P. vesticula, Bedschmiedia anay and other 3 kinds of Persea. We think that Persea steyermarkii and Persea nubigena from Chiapas have been confused by botanists with Persea floccosa because these species show some pubescence in very young shoots, which is common in Persea floccosa, the identification of the two species has been confirmed by Ing Edgar Martinez from Guatemala and by the botanist Luis Poveda from Costa Rica.

Due to the forests and jungles destruction in Mexico, in several cases upon returning to visit the original trees where a collection was made, we have found that they have been cut-back, therefore it is urgent to try to keep the germplasm that still can be located and that could serve for breeding programs in the future, before they disappear for ever.




Ben-Ya'acov, A., Bufler, G., Barrientos-Priego, A. F., de la Cruz-Torres, E., and López-López, L., 1992a. A study of avocado germplasm resources, 1988-1990. 1. General  description of the international project and its findings. Proc. of Second World Avocado Congress Vol. II: 535-554.

Ben-Ya'acov, A., Zilberstaine, M., and Sela, L, 1992b. A study of avocado germplasm, resources, 1988- 1990. V. The evaluation of collected avocado germplasm material for horticultural purposes. Proc. of Second World Avocado Congress Vol. II: 559-562.

López López, L., Rubi Arriaga, M., Ben-Ya'acov, A. D., and Barrientos Priego, A. F., 1994. Panorama y potencial de los recursos genéticos del género Persea, preservados en el estado de México. Memoria de la fundación Salvador Sánchez Colin-CICTAMEX, S.C. 1994.  Coatepec Harinas.  México. pp. 83-88.

Westoboy, J., 1989.  Introduction to World Forestry.  Basil Blackwell.  Oxford, England.

Zentmyer, G. A., 1983.  Eugenio Schieber.  Calif. Avocado Soc. Ybk.  77:  53-56.