Proceedings of The World Avocado Congress III, 1995 91 - 95               







Fund. Salvador Sánchez Colin,

CICTAMEX,Coatepec Harinas,

Estado de México.C.P.51700.


A.F.Barrientos-Priego Fitotecnia

Universidad Autónoma

Chapingo, Texcoco,

México C.P. 56230.


A.Ben Ya'acov

Volcani Center

Bet-Dagan 6.

Tel-aviv Israel





The different collects of the Persea genus and their wild relatives established in two germplasm banks, in the State of Mexico, were classified to determine its current status. The natural patrimony about genetic diversity preserved is about 180 collections belonging to the Persea and Beilschmiedia genus. Apart the Persea genus in addition to the three races and the local selections considered as hybrids are present the following   species:    Persea steyermarkii, Persea schiedeana, Persea nubigena, Persea lingue, Persea indica, Persea floccosa, Persea cinnerascens, Persea gigantea and others classified as Persea spp. Among other genus regarding to Persea is found Beilschmidia with the following species: Beilschmieidia anay, Beilschmiedia miersii, Beilschmiedia towa, and Beilschmiedia taraire.


Keywords: Persea genus, genetic resources, avocado


1.  Introduction


The reserve of germplasm in special plots, is due the labor of explorers who had traveled for many years trough all the world carrying on the collection of vegetative material than will be used to preserve the source of genetic variation, that could help to preserve species economically important how is happening with the Persea genus and its relative wilds.

In Mexico thanks to the support of Institutions as GIARA, HAIGUD, UACH, The University of Hohenheim of Germany and the Fundación Salvador Sánchez Colin CICTAMEX, S.C., the genetic resources of the Persea genus have been preserving in two germplasm banks whose accesions are found with different degree of development and growth at the moment.

In this way, the scientific community is able to watch with optimism the expansion of the different materials collected in a sustainable way, leaded toward a genetic improvement of rootstocks and varieties, of the genotypes which production will be more efficient and may shows tolerance to stress conditions, and furthermore, those that gather the new requirements of quality of the market. (Brooks and Borton, 1977, Thompson, 1981).

Therefore the aim of this work is to show the current situation of the germplasm banks of avocado preserved in the state of Mexico.



2. Materials and Methods

It is evident that the conservation of the populations in its natural habitat can be one of the most adequate approaches, however, when exist certain limitations as is shown in the present case, is recommended to try to establish collections under similar environmental conditions to its ecological environment. In this way were established the two germplasm banks called high elevation and low elevation.

a) High Elevation: Is located in "El Potrero", Coatepec Harinas, State of Mexico, with 2240 masl, the soil is sandy clay loam, deep, with pH about 6.5. In this place are kept Mexican race and Guatemalan materials and some relative wilds.

b) Low Elevation: is located in "El Salitre", Ixtapan de la Sal, State of Mexico, with 1920 masl, the soil is a little deep with a pH between 7.2 to 7.8, classified as slightly alkaline, the sodium level in the irrigation water is about 375 mg/l, and the electrical conductivity is 761.5 mmhos, In this place have been established materials of the west Indian race and relatives wilds like Beilsmedia anay and Persea schiedeana among.

Within each germplasm bank has been carried out the data record according to the Germplasm Collection IBPGR Directory (1992) and the Avocado Descriptor. (Barrientos et al. 1991).



3. Results

The number of collections is near to 180, in spite of the fact that actually is conserved just a small reservation of diversity, the Persea genus and its relatives wilds requires the continuation of the total rescue of the germplasm of local selections     which continue under the threats of the increase of the performance varieties.

In table 1 is possible watch the materials preserved with different development stages and among them are also presented the wild species whose diversity is astonishing, on the other hand in table 1 is presented the classification according to Persea and Beilschmiedia genus.

The   material   described   is   product   of   several explorations and collections trips around regions and ecological niches from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Chile and New Zealand (Barrientos-Priego, et al.1991;Ben Ya’acov, 1991;López and Ben Ya’acov, 1992, López and Rubi, 1993) some of these subjects are plants very closed to the modern avocado cultivars other plants have not been domesticated yet but are considered descending of those that were used to domesticate cultivars from the three races known (Kopp. 1966).

Respect Bielschmiedia anay this comes from the Veracruz State in Mexico, Beilschmiedia miersii proceeds from Chile, while, Beilschmiedia towa and B. taraire proceed from New Zealand.



4. Conclusion

The genetic material with which is counted in the germplasm banks cited constitute an important reservation for future genetic improvement projects in this genus, same that remains within reach of al researchers.





5. References


Barrientos, P. A.F., A.D.Ben Yalacov, E.De La Cruz T. L. L6pez L., G. Bufler y M.W. Borys. 1991. Descriptores para aguacate. descriptors for avocado. Fundación Salvador Sánchez Colin CICTAMEX S.C. Folleto 1 69p.

Barrientos, P.A.F.,M.W. Borys, A.D.Ben Ya’acov, E.De La Cruz T., L. López L. 1991. El germoplasma de aguacate en Yucatán, México. En: Memoria Fundación Salvador Sánchez Colin CICTAMEX S.C pp 97-104


Ben Ya'acov,A.D. M. Zilberstein and I. Sela. 1991. A study of avocado germplasm resources 1988-1990. VI. The evolution of the collect material for horticultural purposes. Proceedings World Avocado Congress II Calif. USA. p.559.

Brooks,H.J., and D.W. Barton. 1977. A plan for national fruit and nut germplasm repositories. Hort.Science 12:298-300

IBPGR, 1992.Directory of germplasm collection. International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Rome Italy. pp. 19-40.

Kopp, L. 1966. A taxonomic of the genus Persea in the western hemisphere (Persea -Lauracea)      New York Bot Garden pp. 15-20.

López L.L. y A.D. Ben Ya'acov, 1992. Participación del CICTAMEX en la preservación y utilización del germoplasma de aguacate. Primer encuentro de Ciencia   y   Tecnologia    del   Sector Agropecuario y Forestal del  Estado de México. SARH p.98.

López,  L.L. y  Rubi,   A.M.   1993.La biodiversidad del aguacate antillano (Persea americana var. americana) en el estado de Nayarit. En: Memoria Fundación Salvador Sánchez Colin CICTAMEX S.C. Coatepec Harinas, México. pp. 61-70.

Thompson, M.M. 1981. Utilization of fruit and nut germplasm bank. Hort. Science 16(2):    132-135.