Proc. of Second World Avocado Congress 1992 p. 497
Preharvest Biological Control of Avocado Postharvest Diseases
Lise Korsten and Jan M. Kotze
Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, Republic of South Africa
Abstract. In South
Africa biological control is a new approach
to avocado postharvest disease control. In this
report, the biological approach is evaluated against pre-harvest applications
of copper oxychloride. Antagonists Bacillus lichineformis and B. subtilis
effectively reduced stem-end rot, anthracnose, and the Dothiorella/Colletrotrichum
fruit rot complex when applied as preharvest
sprays. Integrated control using copper oxychloride
followed by a B. subtilis spray later in the
season was also effective in reducing postharvest
disorders. A B. subtilis spray applied four
times at 108 cells/ml was the most
effective treatment in controlling all three postharvest
diseases and could even give sustained protection throughout the harvesting
season. Reevaluating the same treatments the following year, without repeating
the biological and integrated spray programs, the four-time B. subtilis treatment gave control comparable to the
copper oxychloride treatment, which was repeated.