Proc. of
The Relationship of Flowering Time to Harvest Time
Jose de la Luz Sanchez and Patricia Palomares
Campo Experimental Forestal y Agropecuario Uruapan, SARH-INIFAP, Apdo.
Postal 28,
Abstract. In order to
more efficiently determine the time of maturation for avocados under commercial
cultivation, a study was done to determine the relationship between flowering
time, fruit maturity, and harvest time. Elapsed time was measured in weeks and
heat unit accumulation recorded. Phenological
observations were recorded from blossoming to the fruit set stage (fruit
diameter up to 2.86 cm) at branches on the northeast (NE), southeast (SE),
southwest (SW), and northwest (NW) sides of the tree. Flowers appeared first on
the southeast side and lastly on the southwest side nine weeks later. The
northeast side flowered before the northwest side. Thus, the eastern hemisphere
of the tree was earlier than the western hemisphere. When the fruit reached
maturity nine months later, four fruit from each quadrant were picked and
tested for mean fruit weight and dry matter percentage (% d.m.). The results were as follows: SE, 214 g and 21.27% d.m.; NE, 197.5 g and 20.73% d.m.;
NW, 180.5 g and 20.48% d.m.; and SW, 171 g and 23.43%
d.m. The direct correlation between flowering time
and fruit weight was as expected, but the high percent dry matter of the fruit
from the SW quadrant was a surprise.