Proc. of
Use of Worm-Composted Sludge as a Soil Amendment for Avocados in Phytophthora-infested Soil
Cooperative Extension, Building 4,
William L. Casale and Mohamad Rahimian
Department of Plant Pathology,
Abstract. Avocado root rot (caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi) is a devastating disease to
avocados in
VC or composted chicken manure was mixed into the top 30 cm of mounds at a rate of 20 L compost per 20 L soil. 'Hass' on G755 were planted into the mounds one week after mounds were amended. Survival rate of trees after one year was: 5/6 (VC, mound), 4/6 (Aliette foliar spray, mound), 2/6 (mound alone), 1/6 (composted chicken manure, mound), 2/6 (flat ground, Aliette foliar spray), and 2/6 (flat ground). Information on growth rates and tree health will be presented.
Greenhouse trials were conducted to examine the protective effect of VC in nursery mixes. Potting mix (UC-5) was amended with VC to a final volume of 0, 12.5%, 25%, and 50% VC, infested with P. cinnamomi on ground millet (0.1 g/L soil) and transplanted with 8-week-old Persea indica seedlings (16 trees per treatment). The effect of VC was most clearly observed at 6 weeks after transplant; only 2 plants in the 50% VC treatment were dead, whereas all 12 plants in the treatment without VC were dead. After 24 weeks, all plants were dead.
A total of 14 different bacteria and 16 different fungi were isolated from the rhizosphere of surviving plants. Trichoderma was the most common fungus found in the 50% VC treatment with an average population of 7 X 105 colony-forming units per root.