Proc. of
of Avocado Caused by Soil Fungi in the
J. López-Herrera
Departamento de Protección
Vegetal, D.G.I.E.A. Cortijo de la Cruz s/n, 29140 Churriana (Málaga),
José M. Melero-Vara
Departamento de Protección Vegetal, D.G.I.E.A. Alameda del Obispo, Apdo. 240. 14080
Abstract. Disease surveys were performed in avocado groves on
the Mediterranean coast of
commercial cropping of avocado (Persea
present, the most important diseases of this crop are those caused by soil
fungi. These induce root rots or vascular wilts.
Material and Methods
field surveys were carried out in this area during 1986, 1987, and 1988 to
obtain information on the pathological status of the crop. The symptoms
observed were tree decline (chlorotic
or brown leaves, drop of leaves from the top of the tree or from the lateral
shoot apices) frequently leading to death.
number of symptomatic trees sampled were 62 (1986), 61 (1987) and 29 (1988)
from 28, 33, and 13 different orchards respectively. Isolation of fungi was
carried out from feeder roots (1-3 mm diam.) and from
secondary roots (1-3 cm diam.) on different growth
media: potato dextrose agar acidified with 10 mL of
25% lactic acid per liter) (APDA) and Tsao's medium
(corn meal agar containing antibiotics and PCNB) (Tsao
and Ocana, 1969). The isolates were incubated at 24C
in darkness and afterwards identified. The pathogenicity
of different isolates was tested by means of artificial inoculations of
six-month-old cv. Topa Topa plants grown in a sand, soil and peat substrate
previously fumigated with methyl bromide. The inoculation was made by the
injection of 200 mL of a concentrated fungal
suspension into the soil of each pot (5 kg) , except for Rosellinia
necatrix which was inoculated by transplanting to
a soil infested with wheat seeds colonized by the pathogen for 1 5 days at room
temperature in darkness (Sztejnberg and Madar, 1980).
evaluation was performed sequentially until six months after inoculation, when
a severity degree (0 to 5) was given to each plant.
Results and Discussion
genera of fungi were isolated from a total of 152 sampled trees (from 74
orchards), during the surveys. Their incidences and frequencies of isolation
(%) are shown in Fig. 1.
Rosellinia necatrix, the main agent of white rot in our avocado groves,
showed a high incidence and all isolates tested (13) were highly virulent and
caused plant death within 15 days.
Cylindrocarpon sp. and Fusarium sp. were very frequent from avocado
roots but the isolates tested did not induce above ground symptoms although
they were consistently isolated from necrotic feeder roots. The same was true
for plants inoculated with Rhizoctonia isolates
but the incidence of trees with this fungus was very low. The incidence of Phytophthora root rot was very low (Fig. 1).
However, five out of the six P. cinnamomi isolates
tested were pathogenic with an average disease severity ranging from 1 to 4.6
(Fig. 2).
Armillaria mellea and Verticillum dahliae were isolated occasionally from wilted and dead
trees, and from wilted trees respectively. Other fungi which were isolated in
low frequencies were Macrophomina phaseoli, Oomycetes (Pythium and Phytophthora
spp. other than P. cinnamomi
and common saprophytes.
Cylindrocarpon sp., Fusarium sp. and Rhizoctonia
sp. could predispose trees to infection by other causal agents since they
are able to reduce tree vigor by feeder root lesion.
can conclude that white rot is the most important disease of avocado crops in
the Mediterranean coast of
Literature cited
Farré, J.M. and F. Pliego-Alfaro.
1987. Avocados in
Shachar, Z. 1989. El mercado europeo
Sztejnberg, A. and Z. Madar. 1980. Host range of Dematophora necatrix, the cause of white root rot disease in fruit trees. Plant Disease 64:662-664.
Tsao, P.M. and G. Ocana. 1969. Selective isolation of species of Phytophthora from natural soil on an improved
antibiotic medium. Nature 223:636-638.