Proc. of
Gallo Llobet
Dept. of
Plant Pathology, Centro Investigacion y Tecnologia Agrarias, Apartado 60, La Laguna 38080
Abstract. West Indian avocado rootstocks from various sources
were tested for root rot resistance/tolerance: Local (
Canary Islands Archipelago is located off the northwestern coast of
Phytophthora root rot
is present throughout both areas and constitutes the main threat to present and
future trees. Studies to determine disease extent and etiology began in 1978
(Gallo Llobet et al., 1978; Gallo Llobet et al., 1987a). The goal of the present work
is to find tolerant/resistant rootstocks, centering the search on West Indian
material which is well-adapted to local conditions and thus the rootstock
preferred by nurserymen and growers, particularly in coastal groves where
salinity is further aggravated (Zentmyer, 1961;
Coffey, 1987; Gallo Llobet et al., 1987b;
Gallo Llobet, 1990a).
Materials and Methods
were done using 4 sources of seedlings: local (
Nutrient solution tank trials. This trial followed the method developed by Zentmyer and Mircetich (1965). Each test lasted up to 2 months, as symptoms only begin to appear some 20 days after inoculation. Ten P. cinnamomi cultures were used: PC302, 304, 305, 306, 312, 314, 319, 325, 330, and 331; the first 6 were typified as A2. Isolations were made using the avocado cv. Fuerte as fruit-trap; mediums were CMA + A, PARH, and P10VP + T (Tsao and Ocana, 1969), culturing at 23C during 3 to 5 days in total darkness. Twelve different inoculations were done throughout the trial, which ran from 1986 to 1990.
Greenhouse experiments in "Natural Infested
Soil" (
experiment was divided into 7 trials (labelled A
though G) all of which used a 1:1 ratio of
Trial A: Begun July, 1987; 19 seedlings (WIL and WIM).
Trial B: Begun July, 1987; 112 WIL and 14 P. indica; 16 pots were planted with seven WIL each and 2 pots with 7 P. indica each.
Trial C: Begun July, 1988; 1 26 WIL and 6 P. indica; 7 pots were planted with 6 WIL seedlings in each, with treatments 1:1, one-half and one-third; 1 pot with 6 P. indica seedlings. Controls were 42 WIL and 6 P. indica.
Trial D: Begun November, 1988; 126 WIL and 6 P. indica; 18 pots were planted with 7 WIL seedlings each, and 1 with 6 P. indica. Controls were 1 2 WIL and 6 P. indica.
Trial E: Begun August, 1989; 54 WIL seedlings and 54 P. indica; 9 pots were planted with 6 WIL seedlings each and 9 with 6 P. indica seedlings each. Controls were 12 WIL and 12 P. indica seedlings.
Trial F: Begun November, 1989; 7 pots were planted with 7 WIL seedlings for each of the treatments 1:1, one-half and one-third. Control was 28 WIL seedlings.
Trial G: Begun April, 1990; 42 WIL seedlings, 42 WIC seedlings, and 42 P. indica. Seven pots were planted with 6 seedlings (2 WIL, 2 WIC, 2 P. indica) for each of the treatments 1:1, one-half and one-third. Controls were 14 WIL, 14 WIC, and 14 P. indica.
The nutrient solution tank trial results are given in Table 1, showing that of the 214 WIL seedlings, 64 survived inoculation, and one of these is currently under clonal propagation using both the etiolation technique (Frolich and Platt, 1971; Fernandez Galvan and Galan Sauco, 1986) and in vitro culture (Lopez Encina and Pliego Alfaro, 1986). Of the 47 WUM, 12 survived. The only Cuban seedling tested (WIC) also passed the trial. All 13 West Indian x Guatemalan hybrids, the Mexican plant material (4 ‘Mexicola’ and 12 'Topa Topa') and the 10 'Orotava' seedlings died.
Persea indica, of
the 63 seedlings tested, 12 passed. This shows a higher tolerance/resistance
compared to Mexican and Guatemalan plants. This species is indigenous to the
of the
3 gives a summary of all data analyzed. The percentages given are for the West
Indian race globally, rather than separately for each of the 3 types studied.
Trials A, B, D, and E (1:1
The percentage of tolerance/resistance to P. cinnamomi for West Indian seedlings was 29.3% in the nutrient solution tank trials and 28.76% in the natural infested soil trials.
the total number of Persea indica seedlings tested was less than the total of West
Indian seedlings tested, the percentages obtained in both experiments; 19.04%
in the nutrient solution and 19.09% in the natural infested soil; indicated
that P. indica should not continue to be
considered as a highly susceptible species, based on collections from
indigenous trees in the Canary Islands. One West Indian seedling from the
nutrient solution tank experiment is currently being propagated, using in
vitro culture and etiolation, for further work.
Literature Cited
Coffey, M.D. 1987. Phytophthora root
rot of avocado: an integrated approach to control in
Fernandez Galvan, D. and V. Galan Sauco. 1986. Adaptabilidad de distintos patrones de aguacates (Persea
americana Mill.) a la proagacion clonal. Actas, II
Congress Nac. Soc. Espanola de Ciencias Horticolas VI:51-58.
Frolich, E.D. and R.G. Platt. 1971. Use of the etiolation
technique in rooting avocado cuttings.
Gallo Llobet, L. 1990a.
Search for resistance to Phytophthora root
rot in West Indian avocado rootstocks in the
Gallo Llobet, L. 1990b. Tolerance/resistance of Persea indica (L.) K. Sprang ("vinatigo")
to Phytophthora cinnamomi
Gallo Llobet,
L., J. Hernandez Hernandez, and M.C. Jaizme Vega. 1987a. Podredumbre de
raiz en aguacate causada por Phytophthora cinnamomi
Gallo Llobet,
L., M.C. Jaizme Vega, and J. Hernandez Hernandez. 1987b. Resistance of West Indian avocado rootstocks to Phytophthora cinnamomi.
Proceedings 7th Congress, Mediterranean Phytopathological
Gallo Llobet, L., F. Miralles
Ciscar, and F.J. Alvarez de la Pena. 1978. La podredumbre de las raices
Lopez Encina,
G. and F. Pliego Alfaro. 1986. Seleccion de patrones de aguacate. Uso de alt
tecnica de doble fase para multiplicacion in vitro del material
seleccionado. II Congreso Nac. Soc. Espanola de Ciencias Horticolas. Resumenes. Cordoba.
Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentacion. 1988. Anuario de Estadistica Agraria, Ano 1988:337.
Tsao, P.H. and G. Ocana. 1969. Selective isolation of species of Phytophthora from natural soils on an improved antibiotic medium. Nature 223:636-638.
Zentmyer, G.A. 1961. Collections for Phytophthora
root rot resistance in
Zentmyer, G.A. 1980. Phytophthora
cinnamomi and the diseases it causes. Phytopathological Monograph 10, Am. Phytopathol.
Zentmyer, G.A. and S.M. Mircetich. 1965. Testing for resistance of avocado to Phytophthora in nutrient solution. Phytopathology, 55:487-489.
Zentmyer, G.A. and H.D. Ohr. 1978. Avocado root rot.
Table 1. Tolerance/resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi of avocado rootstocks of several horticultural races. Based on tests in tanks with nutrient solution 22-24C, pH 6.5. |
Horticultural race |
Rootstock selection |
# of seedlings tested |
# of
plants plants currently growing |
West Indian |
Local |
214 |
64 |
'Maoz' |
47 |
12 |
Cuban |
1 |
1 |
Mexican |
'Mexicola' |
4 |
0 |
Topa Topa' |
12 |
0 |
Guatemalan |
'Orotava' |
10 |
0 |
West Indian x Guatemalan hybrid |
'Gema' |
13 |
0 |
Persea indica (control) |
63 |
12 |
Table 2. Tolerance/resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi of a West Indian race avocado and Persea indica planted in naturally infested soil. |
Trial |
Race |
# of seedlings tested |
# of seedlings passed |
Control: uninfested soil |
A (07/87) |
10 |
- 3 |
3 |
B |
WIL P. indica |
112 |
6 - |
14 7 |
C |
WIL WIM P. indica |
120 |
47 |
28 14 |
D |
WIL P. indica |
126 |
6 |
12 |
E |
WIL WIM P. indica |
42 |
7 |
12 2 |
F |
147 |
86 |
28 |
G |
WIL WIC P. indica |
42 |
15 |
14 14 |
z WIL = West Indian from
local population; WIM = West Indian
from WIC = West Indian from |
Table 3. Results of tolerance/resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi tests and percentage of West Indian race avocado and Persea indica seedlings which passed tests. |
Test |
# of
seedlings tested |
# of
seedlings passed test |
% of seedlings passed test |
Nutrient solution |
West Indian |
262 |
77 |
29.38 |
Persea indica |
63 |
12 |
19.04 |
Natural infected soil |
West Indian |
657 |
189 |
28.76 |
Persea indica |
110 |
21 |
19.09 |