Proc. of
Improved Method to Evaluate Avocado Rootstocks for Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi
Marius De V. van der Merwe
Microbiology and Plant Pathology,
Abstract. A detached root technique for evaluation of
resistance in avocado root-stocks makes use of zoospores of Phytophthora
rot caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi
Mycelium of P. cinnamomi have been shown to infect plants (Rodger, 1972; Weste, 1974), and the aim of this study was to compare mycelium fragments and zoospores as sources of inoculum for use in the detached root technique.
Materials and Methods
from 12- to 14-month-old seedlings of P.
Zoospores were obtained as described by Botha et al. (1989). For the mycelium inoculum, 20 5 mm 2 potato dextrose agar discs (PDA) previously colonized by P. cinnamomi were inoculated into 100 mL pea broth prepared as described by Chen and Zentmyer (1970). After incubation at 25C for four days, the fungal mats were homogenized for 30 s with an ultra turrax to produce a mycelial fragment suspension.
Excised root tips (ca. 40 mm in length) from each of the different rootstocks were placed perpendicularly onto two parallel glass rods in petri dishes, containing 1 5 mL water agar in each as described by Botha et al. (1989). Each root tip was inoculated at the region of elongation with either 10 jjL of zoospore suspension containing 7.9 x 103 per ml motile zoospores or 10 /jL of mycelium ho-mogenate. The root tips were then incubated in the dark at 25C.
was determined by measuring lesion length after 24 and 48 hours as well as by
aseptically cutting the root tips in 4 mm segments after surface disinfecting
for 5 s in 70 per cent ethanol. The root segments were then plated out
sequentially on a PARPH-medium. After incubation at 25C for three days, the
segments from which P. cinnamomi developed
were counted and multiplied by four to give the total length of root
Lesion length after 24 and 48 hours are shown in Tables 1 and 3. Lesion length in the Edranol roots after 24 h was significantly longer than that of Duke 7 and G755 when mycelium was used as inoculum.
significant differences were detected
between the different root-stocks after 24 h when zoospores were used as inoculum. After 48 h the lesion length of Edranol and Duke 7 was significantly longer than that of
G755 when mycelium or zoospores were used as inoculum.
Tissue colonization is shown in Tables 2 and 4. The same tendency was found in
tissue colonization as in lesion length. However, tissue colonization in Duke 7
was greater than in Edranol and G755 after 24 and 48
hours when zoospores were used as inoculum source.
The same tendency was obtained between lesion length and tissue colonization when they were used as parameters for determining resistance.
in resistance between the various rootstocks were more obvious after 48 h than
after 24 h. Linear colonization of Duke 7 was generally higher than in Edranol and compared well with the findings of Kellam and Coffey (1985), namely that Duke 7 could possibly
support higher populations of P. cinnamomi than
the susceptible Topa Topa
(in this case the susceptible Edranol). Mycelium and
zoospores compared well as sources of inoculum, as
G755 was significantly less susceptible than Duke 7 and Edranol
in both instances. Both types of inoculum also
reflected known field resistance of the different rootstocks. Mycelium can
therefore be used as a source of inoculum instead of
zoospores in the detached root technique.
Literature cited
Botha, T., F.C. Wehner, and J.M. Kotze. 1989. An evaluation of in vitro screening techniques for determining tolerance of avocado rootstocks to Phytophthora cinnamomi. S. A. Avocado Growers' Assn. Yrbk. 12:60-63.
Chen, D.W. and G.A. Zentmyer.
1970. Production of sporangia by Phytophthora
cinnamomi in axenic
culture. Mycologia 62:397-402.
Coffey, M.D. 1987. A look at current avocado
Dolan, T.E. and M.D. Coffey. 1986. Laboratory screening technique for assessing resistance of four avocado rootstocks to Phytophthora cinnamomi. Plant Disease 70:115-118.
Frolich, E.F. and R.G. Platt. 1971. Use of the etiolation
technique in rooting avocado cuttings.
Gisi, U., G.A. Zentmyer, and L.J. Klure. 1980. Production of sporangia by Phytophthora cinnamomi and P. palmivora in soils at different matric potentials. Phytopathology 70:301-306.
Kellam, M.K. and M.D. Coffey. 1985. Quantitative comparison of the resistance to Phytophthora root rot in three avocado rootstocks. Phytopathology 75:230-234.
Podger, F.D. 1972. Phytophthora
cinnamomi, a cause of lethal disease in
indigenous plant communities in
Snyman, A.J., C.P. Snyman, and J.M Kotzg. 1984. Pathogenicity of avocado root rot fungi to Edranol seedlings and Duke 7 rooted cuttings. S. A. Avocado Growers' Assn. Yrbk. 7:80-81.
Weste, G., 1974. Phytophthora
cinnamomi - The cause of severe disease in
certain native communities in
Zentmyer, G.A. 1984. Avocado Diseases.
Table 1. Lesion length on excised
root tips of three avocado rootstocks inoculated with P. cinnamomi after 24 hours. |
Rootstock |
Lesion length after 24 h (mm) |
Inoculum type |
Mycelium suspension |
Zoospore suspension |
Edranol |
5.8 az |
2.6 abc |
Duke 7 |
1.6 bc |
1.8 bc |
G755 |
0.0 c |
0.0 c |
z Each value is the mean of five replicates. Values
in horizontal and vertical columns not followed by the same letter differ
significantly according to |
Table 2. Linear
colonization of excised root tips of three avocado rootstocks inoculated with
P. cinnamomi
after 24 hours. |
Rootstock |
Linear colonization after 24 h (mm) |
Inoculum type |
Mycelium suspension |
Zoospore suspension |
Edranol |
4.0 bcdz |
4.8 bcd |
Duke 7 |
7.2 abc |
12.0 a |
G755 |
1.6 cd |
0.0 cd |
z Each value is the mean of five replicates. Values
in horizontal and vertical columns not followed by the same letter differ
significantly according to |
Table 3. Lesion length on
excised root tips of three avocado rootstocks inoculated with P. cinnamomi
after 48 hours. |
Rootstock |
Lesion length after 48 h (mm) |
Inoculum type |
Mycelium suspension |
Zoospore suspension |
Edranol |
15.6 abz |
17.0 ab |
Duke 7 |
13.4 b |
12.0 b |
G755 |
0.8 c |
0.2 c |
z Each value is the mean of five replicates. Values
in horizontal and vertical columns not followed by the same letter differ significantly
according to |
Table 4. Linear
colonization of excised root tips of three avocado rootstocks inoculated with
P. cinnamomi
after 48 hours. |
Rootstock |
Linear colonization after 48 h (mm) |
Inoculum type |
Mycelium suspension |
Zoospore suspension |
Edranol |
21.6 z |
19.2 ab |
Duke 7 |
21.6 a |
30.4 a |
G755 |
6.4 bc |
0.0 c |
z Each value is the mean of five replicates. Values in
horizontal and vertical columns not followed by the same letter differ
significantly according to |