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Please note that:
The Aztec
'AHUACATL' is called 'AVOCADO' in English, German and Italian. The fruit 'AGUACATE' and the tree 'AGUACATERO' is used in Spanish North America and northern South America, the fruit 'PALTA' and the tree 'PALTO' in Chile, Ecuador and Peru, 'AVOCAT' in French and 'ABACATE' in Portuguese.

Documents 1 to 10 of 500 or more matching your query.

1. Fertilizer Calculator
Hofshi, Reuben, Hofshi, Shanti
Fertilizer Calculator. V1. English Units . V2. Metric Units . Calculate. Primary Nutrient:. Nutrient Information. Amount of Primary Nutrient:. Fertilizer:. Fertilizer Information and MSDS. Price of Fertilizer:. Fertilizer Formula:. Amount of Fertilizer:. Price of Primary Nutrient:. Secondary Nutrient:. Amount of Secondary Nutrient:. Price of Secondary Nutrient:. Using the Fertilizer Calculator. Chart of the Effect of Soil pH on Nutrient Availability. Sources of Fertilizer Calculator.
size 37,997 bytes - 9/18/2022 11:55:52 PM GMT
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2. Total Fruit Nutrient Removal Calculator for Hass Avocado in California
Hofshi, Reuben, Hofshi, Shanti
Total Fruit Nutrient Removal Calculator for Hass Avocado in California. Calculate the amount of nutrients that are removed when you harvest your crop. Enter your production below. No commas or periods please!Production Volume:. Arsenic:. Nitrogen:. Barium:. Phosphorus:. Cadmium:. P2O5:. Chromium:. Potassium:. Cobalt:. K2O:. Lead:. Iron:. Lithium:. Manganese:. Mercury:. Zinc:. Nickel:. Copper:. Selenium:. Boron:. Silicon:. Calcium:. Silver:. Created by Reuben Hofshi and Shanti Hofshi.
size 9,908 bytes - 4/7/2012 8:30:21 PM GMT
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3. Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on Yield and Fruit Oil Content of Avocado Trees
Abou Aziz, A.B., Desouki, I., El-Tanahy, M.M.
AbouAzizAB1975. Scientia Horticulturae, 3 (1975) 89-94 Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam -Printed in The Netherlands EFFECT OF NITROGEN FERTILIZATION ON YIELD AND FRUIT OIL CONTENT OF AVOCADO TREES A.B. ABOU AZIZ, I. DESOUKI and M.M. EL-TANAHY National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo (Egypt) (Received May 27th, 1974) ABSTRACT Abou Aziz, A.B. Desouki, I. and E1-Tanahy, M.M. 1975. Effect of nitrogen fertilization on yield and fruit oil content of avocado trees. Scientia Hort aziz.pdf
size 422,108 bytes - 6/19/2005 1:00:00 PM GMT
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4. The foraging behaviour of honey bees, Apis mellifera: a review
Abou-Shaara, H.F.
AbouShaaraHF2014. Veterinarni Medicina, 59, 2014 (1) 1–10 Review Article1 he foraging behaviour of honey bees, Apis mellifera: a review H.F. Abou-Shaara Faculty of Agriculture, Damanhour University, Damanhour, Egypt ABSTRACT: Foraging behaviour is one of the distinctive behaviours of honey bees, Apis mellifera. This behavioou is the link between the honey bee colony and the ambient environment. Therefore, various in-colony and out-colony factors have an impact on this behaviour, and many
size 235,279 bytes - 12/7/2022 5:05:57 AM GMT
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5. Efecto del anillado, doble incision anular e inyeccion de Cultar en ramas de paltos (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass
Acevedo, Javier
AcevedoJavier1994 ; ASDT_THESIS ; ASCC_CHL ; ASSU_CROPMANAGEMENT. 1. INTRODUCCIÓN La fruticultura se ha desarrollado fuertemente en la ú1tima década producto de la necesidad de satisfacer la demanda de los mercados extranjeros. Esto ha llevado a tener un cambio en nuestra mentalidad productiva, buscando una estrategia más intensiva en la producción y comercialización. Así, se han ido incorporando tecnologías para la obtención de mayores rendimientos, con densidades de plantación mayores
size 1,720,386 bytes - 9/4/2006 7:45:00 PM GMT
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6. The Annual Production and Utilization of Dry Matter of an Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Tree
Adar, Gidon
AdarGidon1999. 1 1999. Revista Chapingo Serie Horticultura 5:89-94. THE ANNUAL PRODUCTION AND UTILIZATION OF DRY MATTER OF AN AVOCADO (Persea americana Mill. TREE G. Adar Gaaton, 25130 Israel. Fax. 972-4-9858413. E-mail: SUMMARY This work, which was a part of the M.Sc. studies in the Faculty of Agriculture in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, was carried out under the supervision of Prof. E.E. Goldschmidt. Two basic processes which take place concurrently i
size 39,359 bytes - 1/10/2010 2:18:00 PM GMT
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7. Effects of paclobutrazol on avocado (Persea americana Mill.) cv. 'Fuerte'
Adato, I.
AdatoI1990. Scientia Horticulturae, 45 (1990) 105-115 105 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Amsterdam Effects of paclobutrazol on avocado (Persea americana Mill. ) cv. 'Fuerte' I. Adato Department of Fruit Trees, Institute of Horticulture, Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Centre, P.O.B. 6, Bet Dagan 50250 (Israel) (Accepted for publication 26 March 1990) ABSTRACT Adato, I. 1990. Effects of paclobutrazol on avocado (Persea americana Mill. ) cv. 'Fuerte' Scientia Hortic.
size 737,000 bytes - 6/19/2005 4:26:00 PM GMT
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8. Efecto de la fertilizacion organica e inorganica en el crecimiento, produccion y estado nutrimental del aguacate
Aguilar-Melchor, Juan J., López-Jimenez, Alfredo, Cortés Flores, José Isabel, Samano Guevara, René A., Martínez Garza, Angel
AguilarJuan1997. 32 EFECTO DE LA FERTILIZACION ORGANICA E INORGANICA EN EL CRECIMIENTO, PRODUCCION Y ESTADO NUTRIMENTAL DEL AGUACATE EFFECT OF FERTILITATION ORGANIC AND INORGANIC IN THE GROWTH, PRODUCTION AND NUTRIMENTAL STATE OF AVOCADO Juan José Aguilar Melchor1, Alfredo López Jiménez2, José Isabel Cortés Flores3, René A. Samano Guevara4 y Angel Martínez Garza5 RESUMEN En un huerto adulto localizado en Coatepec Harinas, Edo. de México se evaluó durante tres años, el efecto de la fertil
size 35,215 bytes - 12/12/2003 2:34:00 PM GMT
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9. ABSTRACT: Increase in the Production and Fruit Size of Avocado cv Hass in Response to Fertigation in Tancitaro Michoacán, Mexico
Aguilera V, Maria Jose, Tapia Vargas, L.M., Castellanos R., J.Z., Alcántar-Rocillo, J.J., Coria-Ávalos, V.M., Morales García, José Luciano, Vidales, F.A., Anguiano-Contreras, J.
281 World Avocado Congress V. 2003. Abstracts. A-115 pg. 280-281. A-115 INCREASE IN THE PRODUCTION AND FRUIT SIZE OF AVOCADO CV HASS IN RESPONSE TO FERTIGATION, IN TANCITARO MICHOACÁN. MEXICO Aguilera M.J.L. Tapia, V.M. Castellanos, Z.J. Alcántar, R.J. Coria, A.V. Morales, G.L. Vidales, F.A. Anguiano, C.J. Campo Experimental Uruapan. CIRPAC.INIFAP. Av. Latinoamericana 1101. Col. Revolución. C.P. 60150. Uruapan, Mich. Méx. Tel: (452)523-73-92. Email. México contributes wit
size 16,762 bytes - 2/14/2004 7:51:00 PM GMT
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10. The Avocado Industry in Michoacan, Mexico
Aguilera-Montañez, J.L., Salazar-García, Samuel
AguileraJL1991. South African Avocado Growers’ Association Yearbook 1991. 14:94-97 THE AVOCADO INDUSTRY IN MICHOACAN, MEXICO J L Aguilera-Montañez INIFAP, Campo Experimental Uruapan. Apdo. Post. 128, Uruapan, Mich. 60000, México S Salazar-Garcia INIFAP, Campo Experimental Santiago Ixcuintla. Apdo. Post. 139, Tépic, Nay. 63000, México ABSTRACT Avocado is grown in a narrow geographical belt that crosses Michoacan state from west to east. This belt is located at 1 300 to 2 300 m above sea
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