USDA Salinity Laboratory home page - George E Brown Jr. Salinity Laboratory

Handbook No.60 Saline and Alkali Soils - Diagnosis and Improvement (Abstract, Full Handbook)

Overview of Salinity effect on crop production - UC ANR publication 8066 by Stephen R. Grattan, UC Davis (Abstract, Full Document  Adobe Acrobat File)

Irrigation water quality - Salinity - Queensland Government (Abstract, Full Document  Adobe Acrobat File)

Rootstock Influences Changes in Ion Concentrations, Growth, and Photosynthesis of  'Hass' Avocado Trees in Response to Salinity - Michael V. Mickelbart and Mary Lu Arpaia -J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 127(4):649-655. 2002.  (Abstract, Full Document  Adobe Acrobat File)

Salt-stress effects on avocado rootstock growth. I. Establishing criteria for determination of shoot growth sensitivity to the stress - Nirit Bernstein, Marina Ioffe & Miriam Zilberstaine - Plant and Soil 233: 1–11, 2001.  (Full Document  Adobe Acrobat File) - The use of saline waters for crop production - FAO irrigation and drainage paper 48 - J.D. Rhoades, A. Kandiah, A.M. Mashali