An Introduction to Photosynthesis and Its Applications - By Wim Vermaas
Professor, Department of Plant Biology, and Center for the Study of Early Events in Photosynthesis
Arizona State University

Rootstock Influences Changes in Ion Concentrations, Growth, and Photosynthesis of  'Hass' Avocado Trees in Response to Salinity - Michael V. Mickelbart and Mary Lu Arpaia  - J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 127(4):649-655. 2002. 

Etiolation - Kimball Biology Pages

Postulated Physiological Roles of the Seven-carbon Sugars, Mannoheptulose, and Perseitol in Avocado. Xuan Liu, James Sievert, Mary Lu Arpaia, and Monica A. Madore. J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 127(1):108–114. 2002.

Synthesis of seven carbon sugars in avocado - M. Madore et al., UCR

Partitioning of photoassimilates in avocado during flowering and fruit set - Tree Physiology - abstract

Overtree Evaporative Cooling - by Robert G. Evans - Washington State University- Prosser