Document Id Document Title
NaamaniGabi2008 Developments in the Avocado World
NaimanDario1996 ABSTRACT: Developing methods for prolonged storage of avocado fruits by using modified atmosphere
NapolioneIsabella1985 Results of Micropropagation of Subtropical Trees and Shrubs
NarreaCangoM2015 Distribución poblacional de la arañita roja Oligonychus sp. (Acari: tetranychidae), sobre árboles del palto (Persea americana Miller) en Lima, Perú
NaviaUrrutiaMonica2021 Líneas de investigación enfocadas al desarrollo de estrategias para el manejo integral de la marchitez del laurel en aguacate / Research Lines Focused on the Development of Strategies for the Integral Management of Laurel Wilt in Avocado
NayakRohit2020 A review on role of bumblebee pollination in fruits and vegetables
NcangoD2014 An overview of avocado sunblotch viroid disease in South Africa from 2008 to 2013
NeamanAlexander2007 Comparison of Different Methods for Diagnosis of Iron Deficiency in Avocado
NelDorothea1982 In Vitro Propagation of Persea Indica
NelDorothea1983 In vitro Propagation of Persea indica
NelDorothea1983b Progress in Tissue Culture of Avocado
NelDorothea1984 The Role of Tissue Culture in the Avocado Plant Improvement Scheme
NelE1984 Progress Report: The Effect of Storage on Respiration, Mitochrondrial and Lipoxygenase Activity of Fuerte Avocado Fruits
NelMagda1985 Shoot Tip Grafting of Avocado for Virus and Viroid Elimination
NelsonDarrell0000 Fertility Planning
NelsonRM2000 Evaluation of avocados exported to Europe and the UK during the 1999 season
NelsonRM2001 An overview of the export market situation and fruit quality during the 2000 avocado season
NelsonRM2002 Factors influencing export fruit quality: 2001 season
NelsonRM2003 Report on the quality of fruits exported to Europe during the 2002 export season and comparisons with previous seasons
NelsonRM2005 The 2004 South African Avocado Export Season: Report on the quality of fruit exported to Europe, with special reference to new technologies
NelsonRM2006 Is the quality of South African avocados improving?
NelsonRM2010 Quality challenges facing the South African avocado industry – An overview of the 2009 South African avocado season
NelsonRM2012 Has the quality of South Africa's export avocados deteriorated in recent years? Comparing fruit quality for the 2011 and
NelsonRM2014 Making the grade - are we still exporting good quality avocados?
NeuhausAlan2009 Drying half of the root-zone from mid fruit growth to maturity in 'Hass' avocado (Persea americana Mill.) trees for one season reduced fruit production in two years
NeveuMichelle2004 Evaluacion del comportamiento de diferentes plantones de palto (Persea americana Mill.) con y sin micorrizas (Glomus intraradices) en el valle de Copiapo, tercera region, Chile
NevinJune1987 Demonstration of ammonia accumulation and toxicity in avocado leaves during water-deficit stress
NevinJune1989 Changes in starch and ammonia metabolism during low temperature stress-induced flowering in Haas avocado -A preliminary report
NewettSimon0000 Little Evidence to Support the Use of Foliar Applied Nutrients in Avocado
NewettSimon1997 AVOMAN: A Project to Improve the Management of Avocado Productivity and Quality in Australia
NewettSimon1999 Nutrition Practices in Australia and How the AVOMAN Software Addresses the Issues
NewettSimon1999b Current Status of Canopy Management in Australia
NewettSimon1999c AVOMAN & AVOINFO: Software to Improve the Management of Avocado Productivity and Quality

The Avocado: Botany, Production and Uses / Cultivars and Rootstocks

NewettSimon2009 PRESENTATION: Avocado Tree Growth Cycle
NewettSimon2018 Avocado Plant Nutrition Review
Newman1923 How to Make the Avocado Tree Bear
NewmanCV1930 Growing an Avocado Orchard
NewmanCV1930b Pilgrimage to the Original Fuerte Tree
NewmanCV1931 Comments on Varieties
NewmanCV1931b Pruning the Avocado
NewmanCV1934 Windbreaks
NewmanJohn1949 The Oriental Fruit Fly
NewmanPhilip1952 Grove Management and Practices
NewmanPhilip1971 Current Hedging and Topping Practices for Avocados and Limes in Florida
NewmanPhilip1976 Harvesting and Postharvest Handling of Avocados
NewsomDW1957 Preliminary Studies on Low Temperature Ripening of Avocados for Control of Anthracnose
NgubaneSibonelo2024 Green Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Using Moringa oleifera Leaf Extract and Its Antifungal Effect Against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in Avocado
NiculcarRoberto1999 Efecto de la aplicación de un producto bioestimulante a base de aminoácidos, ácido giberélico y una solución de macro y micro elementos sobre la cuaja y retención de frutos de palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass en la zona de Quillota
NilesLD1921 Avocados in Polk County
NiogretJerome2013 Terpenoid Variations within and among Half-Sibling Avocado Trees, Persea americana Mill. (Lauraceae)
NirodyBS1922 Investigations in Avocado Breeding
NishijimaKate1995 Reduced Heat Shock Period of 'Sharwil' Avocado for Cold Tolerance in Quarantine Cold Treatment
NogeireTheresa2013 Carnivore Use of Avocado Orchards across an Agricultural-Wildland Gradient
NorthCP1952 Lime-Induced Chlorosis in Avocado and a Possible Method of Control
NorthCP1954 Tolerance of Open-Pollinated Dickinson Avocado Seedlings to Lime Soil
NortjeGP2016 Avocado orchard soil surface crusting and PAM
NortjeGP2023 Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) Norms for Avocado Production in South Africa
NothnagelEugene1987 How Avocado Fruits Soften During Ripening
NothnagelEugene1988 Plasma Membrane Changes in Avocado Postharvest Physiology
NottonBrian1992 Contribution of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase to the Carbon Economy of cv. Fuerte Avocado Fruit - Categorization of Photosynthesis and Effects of Simulated Salinity, CO2 Shock and CA-Storage
NottonBrian1992b Contribution of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase to the Carbon Economy of cv. Fuerte Avocado Fruit - Categorization of Photosynthesis and Effects of Simulated Salinity, CO2 Shock and CA-Storage
NoyMichael2006 The Avocado Industry in Israel
NunezCarlos2003 Relación experimental entre tratamientos de riego deficitarios controlado y estres hídrico en palto cv. Hass, en Chile central
NunezMike2012 2012 Oliver Atkins Award of Excellence: Sam McIntyre
NunezRoberto1999 In Situ Soil-water Characteristic Curves for Tropical Fruit Orchards in Trenched Calcareous Soil
NzanzaB2011 Soil health, fruit yield, quality and nutritional value of avocado as influenced by different mulch types: Preliminary results
NzanzaB2012 Soil health, fruit yield, quality and nutritional value of avocado as influenced by different mulch types - Year 2 of 3
NzanzaB2013 Soil health, fruit yield, quality and nutritional value of avocado as influenced by different mulch types - Year 3 of 3
OatmanEarl1985 Biological Control of Two Avocado Pests: Amorbia cuneana and omnivorous looper on avocado can be controlled by parasite
ObandoParedes2015 Efecto del uso de biopelicula sobre la calidad post-cosecha y tiempo de vida util en Persea Americana "palto" var. Hass
ObandoParedes2015b Efecto de atmosfera controlada sobre la calidad post-cosecha y tiempo de vida util de Persea americana "Palto" var. Hass
OberholtzerJohn1924 Avocados
ObregonJoseLuis2009 PRESENTATION: Multi-Country Avocado Promotion Programs in the U.S. Market
OBrienC2015 Somatic Embryo Cryopresevation of multiple avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) Cultivars using two vitrification based techniques
OchoaSalvador2004 Rhizoctonia solani en Aguacate
OConnellNeil1999 Cover Crops, Mulch Lower Night Temperatures in Citrus
ODEPA1998 El mercado de las paltas
ODonnellKerry2012 PRESENTATION: Systematics of Fusaria Associated With Ambrosia Beetles
OeveringEve2002 Natural Enemies Associated with Avocado Thrips in Ventura County Avocado Groves: Results of a pilot study and year one of a three-year survey
OeveringEve2003 Glassy Winged Sharpshooters, Homalodisca Coagulata, in Southern California Avocado Orchards
OeveringEve2005 Time of Avocado Pruning Affects Fruit Set and Avocado Thrips Occurrence in Southern California Groves
OeveringEve2005b Glassy Winged Sharpshooters in Avocado Orchards in Southern California
OeveringEve2005c Natural Enemies Survey in Ventura County Avocado Groves in 2003 and 2004
OeveringPascal2003 Are Glassy-Winged Sharpshooters Significant Pests of Avocado?
OfferRami1986 ABSTRACT: Maturation and ripening of avocado Fruit
OhadReuben1965 More on Avocados in Israel
OhrHoward1976 Redworms don't control, may spread avocado root rot
OhrHoward1976b Black Streak Disease of Avocados
OhrHoward1980 Plants in California Susceptible to Phytophthora cinnamomi
OhrHoward1985 Avocado Black Streak
OhrHoward1987 Blackstreak disease of avocado in California
OhrHoward1990 Chemical Control of Avocado Root Rot (Chemical Injection)
OhrHoward1990b Chemical and Cultural Control of Avocado Root Rot (Chemigation)
OhrHoward1990c Chemical Control of Phytophthora citricola
OhrHoward1992 Phytophthora Root Rot Management and Trunk Injection: History and Methodologies
OKeefeDaniel1989 Cytochrome P-450 from the Mesocarp of Avocado (Persea americana)
OlaetaJose1985 Variacion estacional en el contenido de aceite y su relacion con la palatabilidad, en frutos de palto (Persea americana Mill)
OlaetaJose1987 Effect of cultivar and maturity on the quality of frozen avocado pulp
OlaetaJose1990 Industrialización de paltas
OlaetaJose1999 Ddeterminación de la evolución y caracterización de los aceites en paltas (Persea americana Mill.) cvs. Fuerte y Hass cultivados en Chile
OlaetaJose2003 Caracterización y evaluación en almacenaje refrigerado del cv. de palto Isabel (Persea americana Mill)
OlaetaJose2003b Industrialización del aguacate: estado actual y perspectivas futuras
OlaetaJose2007 Effect of Size and Height of Fruit Within the Tree on Content of Oil in Hass and Fuerte Avocados (Persea Americana Mill.)
OlaetaJose2007b Use of Hass Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Seed as a Processed Product


Evolution of the Content of Oil and Unsaponifiable Compounds in Hass, Fuerte and Isabel Avocados (Persea americana Mill.)

OlallaLeandro1991 Some Environmental Factors and Yield Variabilities of Avocado Trees in a Spanish Commercial Orchard
OlallaLeandro1992 The Response of Avocado Trees in the South of Spain to Different Irrigation Regimes and Wetted Areas
OlallaLeandro2001 Production and Productivity of Elite Avocado Trees in a Commercial Orchard in Spain
OlallaLeandro2001b Variability in Production of Avocado Trees in a Commercial Orchard in Southern Spain
OlallaLeandro2003 Evaluación agronómica de nuevos patrones clonales de aguacate seleccionados por su alta productividad en el sur de España
OlesenTrevor2005 The timing of flush development affects the flowering of avocado (Persea americana) and macadamia (Macadamia integrifolia × tetraphylla)
OlivaHugo2009 Estimulación de la interacción patrón – injerto en plantas de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) en condiciones de altas temperaturas.
OlivaresJose1995 Conservación de pulpa y mitades de palta cosechadas con dos índices de madurez y almacenadas en atmosfera modificada y refrigeración (cvs FUERTE, GWEN Y EDRANOL)
OlivaresLuis1995 Conservacion de pulpa y mitades de palta cosechadas con dos indices de madurez y almacenadas en atmosfera modificada y refrigeracion (cvs Fuerte, Gwen y Edranol)
OlsonEdward1958 Azteca—A Bud-Perpetuated Rootstock Disorder of Some Texas-Grown Avocados
Olszyk, D.M. Relative Sensitivity of Avocado Varieties to Photochemical Smog (Ozone) and Sulfur Dioxide
OmondiWillis2002 Differential Regulation of Genes Encoding Ethylene Biosynthesis Enzymes and Ethylene Response Sensor Ortholog during Ripening and in Response to Wounding in Avocados
OngunAlpaslan1970 The Biosynthesis of Steryl Glucosides in Plants
OosthuyseSA2001 Maximum maturation stage: Factors affecting the post-storage quality of fruits taken from a Fuerte and Hass orchard


Effect of pre-harvest polymer coating on disease incidence, fruit appeal and physiological disorder incidence after harvest or extended cold-storage in 'Fuerte' or 'Ryan' avocados


Effect of placing paper sleeves over 'Fuerte' or 'Ryan' avocados prior to harvest on disease incidence, fruit appeal and physiological disorder incidence at harvest or after extended cold-storage


Increased fruit retention and size and reduced new shoot vigour in mendez avocado resulting from spray application of Paclobutrazol Plus potassium nitrate during flowering


Effect of spray and/or soil application of paclobutrazol, and spray application of potassium nitrate during flowering on new shoot growth and cropping of Mendez avocado


Effect of Paclobutrazol and Potassium Nitrate Sprays at Flowering on New Shoot Development, Leaf Nutrient Element Concentrations, Fruit Drop, Solitary Fruit Weight and Tree Yield in Maluma Hass Avocado


Effect of Uniconazole or Paclobutrazol, Spray Applied with or without KNO3, at or at and after Flowering, on Tree Yield, Solitary Fruit Weight and Spring Flush Length in 'Maluma Hass' Avocado

OpazoGonzalo2000 Caracterización histológica y bioquímica de desórdenes fisiológicos en paltas (Persea americana Mill.) Cv. Hass en almacenaje refrigerado, en dos estados de madurez
OpazoMario2000 Evaluación de dos métodos de aplicación de fosfito potásico en la recuperación de paltos (Persea americana mill) cv. Hass decaídos por Phytophthora cinnamomi rands
OppenheimerChanan1947 The Avocado Industry in Palestine
OppenheimerChanan1947b The Acclimatisation of New Tropical and Subtropical Fruit Trees in Palestine
OrmazabalAlberto0000 Fitomonitoreo y fertirrigacion. Informe de residencia
OrmenoRafael1999 Analisis de metodologias de diseño en riego por goteo y microjet: estudio de caso
OrnelasJ2003 Effects of Prestorage Dry and Humid Hot Air Treatments on the Quality, Triglycerides and Tocopherol Contents in 'Hass' Avocado Fruit
OrtegaJC1971 Summary of Experiments for the Chemicalcontrol of the Avocado Brown Mite Oligonychus punicae (Hirst)
OrtegaMiguel2003 Valor nutrimental de la pulpa fresca de aguacate Hass
OrtizA2003 Obtención de una pasta de aguacate mediante tratamiento térmico
OrtizMorenoA2007 Comparative Study of the Hypolipidemic Effect Induced By Different Monounsaturated Avocado Oils
OscheJJ1931 Fruits and Fruitculture in the Dutch East Indies
OscheJJ1949 Preliminary Report on a Cutting Experiment with Avocado and Mango
OsterJames1985 The Influence of Salinity and Rootstock on Avocado Seedling Growth (Progress Report)
OsterJames1988 Influence of Salinity and Rootstock on Hass Seedling Growth
OsterJames1992 'Hass' Avocado Response to Salinity as Influenced by Clonal Rootstocks
OsterJames1999 Salinity Panel Summary
OsterJames2006 Effects of salinity and applied water on yields of 'Hass' avocado on Mexican seedling rootstock
OsterJames2007 Comments about crop coefficients for Hass Avocado on Mexican Seedling Rootstocks
OsterJames2008 Salinity and Water Effects on 'Hass' Avocado Yields
OsterJames2016 Accounting for potassium and magnesium in irrigation water quality assessment
OstermanJulia2021 Global trends in the number and diversity of managed pollinator species
OsunaGarciaJorge2010 Effect of harvest date and ripening degree on quality and shelf life of Hass avocado in Mexico
OsunaGarciaJorge2011 Relationship between skin color and some fruit quality characteristics of 'Hass' avocado
OudemansPeter1987 Phytophthora citricola - Advances in our Understanding of the Disease
OudemansPeter1988 Phytophthora citricola - Advances in our Understanding of the Disease
OuimetteDave1988 Pathogenicity of Isolates of Phytophthora citricola from Different Hosts on Unripe Fruit of Avocado
OuimetteDave1988b Fungicide Levels in Avocado Roots and Soil Following Treatment with Phosphonate Fungicides
OverathPeter1964 Fat Metabolism in Higher Plants. XXIII. Properties of a Soluble Fatty Acid Synthetase from Avocado Mesocarp.
OverholserEL1925 Cold Storage Behavior of Avocados
OverholserEL1928 Cold Storage, Ripening, and Respiration Studies of the Fuerte Avocado
OverholserEL1929 Cold Storage, Ripening, and Respiration Studies of the Fuerte Avocado
OyanedelEduardo1995 Propagacion in vitro de portainjertos de palto (Persea americana Mill.) resistentes a salinidad, cv. Velvick y Lula
OzelkokSozer1975 Ripening and in Vitro Retention of Respiratory Control by Avocado and Pear Mitochondria
PageRobert1990 Africanized Bee Research
PaineTD2012 PRESENTATION: Detection and Control Methods Currently Available: Symptomatic Trees, Traps, Pesticides, and Biological Control
PaineTD2012b PRESENTATION: How do you control this pest complex in an ecological landscape?
PakHenry2001 Patter of Disease Development in Late Season Fruit
PakHenry2001b Monitoring Rates of Dry Matter Accumulation
PakHenry2001c Early Season Fruit Maturity
PakHenry2001d The Role of Surface Ridging and Protuberances on Avocado Fruit in the Development of Ripe Rots
PakHenry2001e Post-Harvest Treatment with Ozone for the Control of Ripe Rots in Avocado
PakHenry2002 Influence of Water Blasting on Development of Ripe Rots
PakHenry2002b Monitoring Rates of Dry Matter Accumulation
PakHenry2002c Fruit Growth and Size Profiles
PakHenry2003 Influence of Early Season Maturity on Fruit Quality in New Zealand ‘Hass’ Avocados
PakHenry2003b Impact of Rainfall Prior to Harvest on Ripe Fruit Quality of ‘Hass’ Avocados in New Zealand
PakHenry2005 Library Trays – A Valuable Tool for Managing Fruit Quality
PakHenry2009 PRESENTATION: Beyon AvoGreen
PalaciosJohanna2003 "Clorosis férrica" y su relación con el nivel de clorofila y hierro en diferentes órganos en palto (Persea americana Mill.)
PalaciousJorge1965 Avocado Culture in the Argentine Northwest
PalevskyEric2007 Potential Indigenous and Exotic Predators for the Biological Control of the Newly Introduced Persea Mite, Oligonychus perseae in Avocado Orchards of Israel
PalevskyEric2007b Developing an Action Threshold for the Persea Mite on Avocado
PalmaAlejandro1991 Aproximacion al ciclo fenologico del palto (Persea americana Mill.), cultivar Fuerte, Quillota, 5a region, Chile, 1990-1991
PalmaAlejandro2006 Nuevas consideraciones para el riego de paltos en Chile
PalmerDean1932 Description of Spraying Experiments
PalmerDean1932b Avocado Culture Calls for Work and Good Judgment
PalmerDean1934 Dothiorella Rot
PalmerDean1935 Choosing a Location for Avocados
PalmerDean1935b Practical Methods of Disease Control in Avocados
PalmerDean1937 Avocado Fertilization
PalmerDean1941 Register Your Seedling Subtropicals
PalmerDean1943 Report of Subtropical Fruit Committee California Avocado Society
PalmerDean1944 Report of Subtropical Fruit Committee of the California Avocado Society
PalmerDean1945 Report of Subtropical Fruit Committee
PalmerDean1946 Report of Subtropical Fruit Committee
PalmerJohn1997 Apples: Light and Orchard Design for Enhancement of Yield and Fruit Quality
PalmerThomas1983 Avocados and Weather Cycles
PapademetriouMinas1974 A Study of the Viability of Avocado Pollen Under Natural Conditions
PapademetriouMinas1974b Pollen Tube Growth in Avocados (Persea americana Mill)
PapademetriouMinas1976 Percentage Fruit Set In Avocados (Persea Americana Mill.)
PapademetriouMinas1976b Some Aspects of the Flower Behavior, Pollination and Fruit Set of Avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) in Trinidad
ParkerER1929 Investigations at the Citrus Experiment Station in Relation to the Avocado Industry
ParkerER1932 The Transmission of Avocado Sun-Blotch
ParkerER1936 Mottle-Leaf and Sun-Blotch Disease Control
ParkerER1938 The Question of Avocado Fertilization
ParkerER1938b Notes on Avocados in Florida
ParkerER1943 Relationship of Soil Moisture and Drainage Conditions to Tree Decline in Avocado Orchards
ParkerER1944 Avocado Tree Decline in Relation to Soil Moisture and Drainage in Certain California Soils
ParkerER1945 Decline of Avocado Trees as Related to the Theory of Boron Deficiency
ParkinsonLouisa2019 PRESENTATION: Pathogenicity and molecular detection of nectriaceous fungi associated with black root of avocado
ParodiG2007 Correlation of Oil Content, Dry Matter and Pulp Moisture as Harvest Indicators in Hass Avocado Fruits (Persea americana Mill) Grown Under Two Conditions of Orchards in Chincha-Perú
ParraJoana2005 Rendimiento y calidad de pulpa y aceite en nueve selecciones de palto (Persea americana Mill.) en Chile
PartidaGregory1996 Avocado Canopy Management for Greater Yields and Orchard Efficiency
PartridgeCJ1984 Plant Improvement Scheme - Long-Term Planning
PartridgeCJ1985 Identification and Monitoring of Pre-Pack Cull Factors of Avocados During the 1984 Season
PartridgeCJ1986 The Avocado Plant Improvement Scheme
PartridgeCJ1990 Guidelines for cultivars with improved production in mind
PartridgeCJ1995 Foreword
PartridgeCJ1996 Foreword: Walking on the Wild Side
PartridgeCJ1997 Avocado Irrigation: Practical Observations in Determining Water Need, Irrigation Design and Frequency Scheduling
PartridgeCJ2002 An Investigation into the Effects of Pre-Harvest Sprays of Calcium-Containing Formulations in Reducing Post-Harvest Rots in 'Hass' Avocados
PartridgeCJ2009 PRESENTATION: Improved Timing of Phosphonate Injections for PC Control in New Zealand
PascoeFrank1980 A Study of Neoscona oaxacensis (Araneae: araneidae) in Commercial Avocado Orchards in San Diego County, California
PatelPM1976 Salt Tolerance of Huntalas Compared with Other Avocado Rootstocks
PaukerR1992 An Assessment of Processing Potential of Avocado Fruit
PaulusAO1976 Avocado Seed Treatment and Storage Trial
PazSergio1997 Alternate Bearing in the Avocado (Persea Americana Mill.)
PazVegaRamon1989 Mexican Avocados: Threat or Opportunity for California?
PedrerosPaula2001 Analisis comparativo de mercadotecnia en palta convencional versus palta organica
PeggKen1976 Root Rot Control in Tropical Rainforest Soils
PeggKen1985 Control of Phytophthora Root Rot of Avocado With Phosphorous Acid
PeggKen1987 Comparison of phosetyl-Al, phosphorous acid and metalaxyl for the long-term control of Phytophthora root rot of avocado
PeggKen1987b Phytophthora control in Australia
PeggKen1990 Tree Injection Methodology
PeggKen1990b Phosphonic (Phosphorous) Acid Treatments Control Phytophthora Diseases in Avocado and Pineapple
PehrsonJE1955 Handling Your Soil for Avocados
PehrsonJE1957 Observations of Hass Trees in Orange County
PehrsonJE1957b Bringing Home the Bacon
PehrsonJE1957c Ups and Downs with Avocado Trees
PehrsonJE1959 Avocados in Orange County
PehrsonJE1960 The Most Important 5 Cents Purchase You Can Make
PehrsonJE1962 Urbanization and Avocado Growing
PehrsonJE1965 Start Right with Avocado Orchard Sprinklers
PenaJorge1992 Chemical Control of Avocado and Lime Pests
PenaJorge1999 Evaluation of Insecticides and Acaricides for Control of Avocado Pests
PenaJorge2003 Dynamics and Sampling of Mirids (Hemiptera: Miridae) in Avocado in Florida
PenaJorge2003b Pests of Avocado in Florida
PenaJorge2007 Natural Enemies of the Avocado Lace Bug, Pseudacysta perseae (Heteroptera: Tingidae) in Florida, USA
PenaJorge2012 Ambrosia and Bark Beetle Fauna in Avocado Groves: 1983-2009
PenaJuan2018 Effect of Honey Bee (Apis mellifera L.) Density on Pollination and Fruit Set of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) CV. Hass
PenaLorena2004 Alerta para Chile - Aprendan de nuestra experiencia
PenceRoy1950 Orangeworms on Avocados: Orange tortrix feeds on bark, flowers, and buds or on shoots of immature trees
PenceRoy1950b Orangeworms on Avocados
PenceRoy1951 Six-spotted Mite on Avocado: Spray and dust applications of various acaricides tested against pest causing serious defoliation
PendletonJH1918 Notes Added
PenterMG1999 Chemical manipulation as part of a management programme for improved fruit yield and quality in avocado orchards
PenterMG2000 The effect of pre- and postharvest calcium applications on the postharvest quality of Pinkerton avocados
PenterMG2000b The effect of growth inhibitors on fruit production in Hass avocado trees
PenterMG2001 Avocado tree management – a holistic approach: Chemical manipulation
PenterMG2001b The use of calcium for fruit quality improvement in Pinkerton avocados
PeraltaLourdes1977 Ensayos preliminares en almacenaje de palta Fuerte (Persea americana Mills.)
PeraltaLourdes1993 Nuevos registros de especies de eriofitos (Acarina, Eriophyoidea) en higuera (Ficus carica L.) y palto (Persea americana Mill.) en Chile
PeranR2004 Factors affecting maturation of avocado somatic embryos
PerezMIsabel1987 Descripcion de la calidad de chirimoyas (Annona cherimola, Mill), paltas (Persea americana, Mill) y platanos (Musa sp.) comercializados en el Gran Santiago
PerezJimenezRM2003 Podredumbres radiculares del aguacate en el sur de España: revisión y estado actual de la investigación
PerezJimenezRM2003b Selección de portainjertos de aguacate tolerantes a la podredumbre blanca causada por Rosellinia necatrix
PerezJimenezRM2003c Efectos de herbicidas de pre y posemergencia en el crecimiento vegetativo y la susceptibilidad a Rosellinia necatrix en aguacate Hass en vivero
PerezJimenezRM2005 Avocado root rots in Andalucia: A review


Thermal and Hydric Behaviour in Mexican Variety Avocado (Persea SPP) Flowering in the Coastal North-Center Region of Venezuela

PerezMA2003 Aspectos energéticos de la floración y productividad del aguacate Hass
PesisEdna1978 Starch Content and Amylase Activity in Avocado Fruit Pulp
PesisEdna1978b Cellulase Activity and Fruit Softening in Avocado
PesisEdna1994 Prestorage Low-oxygen Atmosphere Treatment Reduces Chilling Injury Symptoms in 'Fuerte' Avocado Fruit
PesisEdna1998 Postharvest effects of acetaldehyde vapour on ripening-related enzyme activity in avocado fruit
PesisEdna1999 The Role of Ethylene in Browning of Avocado Pulp During Cold Storage
PesisEdna2002 Ethylene involvement in chilling injury symptoms of avocado during cold storage
PetersenJessica2013 Pollination Services Provided by Bees in Pumpkin Fields Supplemented with Either Apis mellifera or Bombus impatiens or Not Supplemented
PetersonAdeltha1930 The Nutritional Value of Calavos - A Summary of Dietetic Research to October, 1930
PetersonAdeltha1931 The Pioneers in the Avocado Industry
PetersonPeter1955 Avocado Flower Pollination and Fruit Set
PetersonPeter1955b Dual Cycle of Avocado Flowers: Study of the continuous dual opening cycle of the avocado flower shows need of large flying insects for pollination
PetersonPeter1956 Flowering Types in the Avocado with Relation to Fruit Production
PetersonRA1978 Susceptibility of Fuerte avocado fruit at various stages of growth, to infection by anthracnose and stem end rot fungi
PetersonRalph1988 Promotions and Supply Management
PetitCharles1936 Saving the Soil
PhillipsPhil0000 POSTER: Some Important Diseases of Avocados / Algunas enfermedades importantes que afectan a los aguacates
PhillipsPhil0000a POSTER: Insect and Mite Pests of Avocados / Plagas que afectan a los aguacates, incluyendo los insectos y los ácaros (las arañitas)
PhillipsPhil0000b POSTER: Caterpillar Pests of Avocados / Los gusanos nocivos que atacan a los aguacates
PhillipsPhil0000c POSTER: Some Natural Enemies Found in Avocados / Algunos enemigos naturales que se encuentran en los aguacates


POSTER: Some Natural Enemies Found in Avocados II / Algunos enemigos naturales que se encuentran en los aguacates II

PhillipsPhil1992 An Effective Strategy for the Management of Greenhouse Thrips in 'Hass' Avocado Orchards
PhillipsPhil1995 Persea Mite Spray Trial
PhillipsPhil2004 Biology and Management of Avocado Thrips Avocado Thrips Management in Ventura County (Continuing Project: Year 2)
PiangGumbay1936 The Avocado in the Philippines
PicconeMarie2005 Fresh Change: A Fresh Dimension in Data Analysis and Retail Strategy
PidduckKurt1987 A Visit to Chile
PierceHorace1959 The Nutritional Value of the Avocado
PieterseZelda2003 Avocados (monounsaturated fatty acids), weight loss and serum lipids
PillsburyArthur1940 Portable Undertree Sprinkler Systems
PillsburyArthur1944 Drainage of Avocado Orchards on Terrace and Upland Soils
PinelNicolas2021 Construcción de inventarios ecológicos para la gestión sostenible de los agroecosistemas de aguacate cv. Hass en clima altoandino colombiano / Construction of Ecological Inventories for Sustainable Management of Avocado Agro-Ecosystems cv. Hass in Colombian High-Andean Climate
PinkasYaakov1992 Elucidation of Resistant Response to Phytophthora Root Rot in a Susceptible Avocado Rootstock
PinkertonRalph1962 California Avocado Advisory Board
PinkertonRalph1967 Research Directed Advertising for California Avocados
PinkertonRalph1974 Forecasting Probable Avocado Volume is a Valuable Marketing Tool
PinkertonRalph1981 The End of the Tunnel
PinkertonRalph1981b The California Avocado Commission - A Profile
PinkertonRalph1982 Marketing the 1982-83 California Avocado Crop
PinkertonRalph1983 Avocado Grower Recovery Act
PintoDeTorresAdriana1985 Decaimiento del palto causado por phytophthora cinnamomi
PintoDeTorresAdriana1986 Recuperacion de paltos enfermos con pudricion de raicillas (Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands), con pulverizaciones foliares [Aliette]
PintoDeTorresAdriana1986b Pudricion de frutos y cancros en ramas de palto, causados por Dothiorella sp., en la quinta region de Chile
PiperRB1943 Comparative Seasonal Development of Avocado Fruits and Seeds
PlattKathryn1980 Ultrastructure of Mature and Ripening Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Fruit Mesocarp; Scanning, Transmission and Freeze Fracture Electron Microscopy
PlattKathryn1983 Ultrastructural Study of the Development of Oil Cells in the Mesocarp of Avocado Fruit
PlattKathryn1992 Ultrastructure of Avocados: Ripening, Chilling Injury, and Isolation of Idioblast Oil Cells
PlattKathryn1992b Idioblast Oil Cells of Avocado: Distribution, Isolation, Ultrastructure, Histochemistry, and Biochemistry
PlattRobert1959 550 Miles of Avocados
PlattRobert1960 More Avocados Have New Tops
PlattRobert1969 Treatment of Cold-Injured Avocado Trees
PlattRobert1969b Avocado Root Rot Survey
PlattRobert1971 Patented Avocado Varieties
PlattRobert1972 Some Troubles of Avocado Fruit
PlattRobert1973 Some Do's and Don'ts to Prevent the Spread of Avocado Root Rot
PlattRobert1974 Climatic Zones of Avocado Maturity in California
PlattRobert1974b Treatment of Freeze-Damaged Citrus and Avocado Trees
PlattRobert1976 Tree Spacing and Control of Avocado Tree Growth
PlattRobert1976b Current Techniques of Avocado Propagation
PlattRobert1976c Gophers vs. Avocado Trees - Gophers Win
PlattRobert1976d Avocado Varieties Recently Registered with the California Avocado Society
PlattRobert1982 Avocado Varieties Registered with the California Avocado Society in 1981-82
PlattRobert1982b A Look At Cross-Pollenation In The Flower Of The Avocado
PlattRobert1983 Report of the President
PlattRobert1984 Report of the President
PliegoFernando1987 Possible Rejuvenation of Adult Avocado by Graftage onto Juvenile Rootstocks in Vitro
PliegoFernando1987b Propagation of avocado rootstocks by tissue culture
PliegoFernando1999 La micropropagación en la mejora de patrones de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.): problemas y limitaciones
PliegoFernando2007 Biotechnology and Avocado Improvement
PliegoFernando2008 Biotechnology and Avocado Improvement
PliegoPrietoC2007 Green Fluorescent Protein Applied to the Study of Colonization and Infection of Avocado Tree Roots by Rosellinia necatrix
PloetzRandy1987 Recovery of Phytophthora cinnamomi from Avocado Soils of South Florida
PloetzRandy1987b Effects of Flooding and Phytophthora Root Rot on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Avocado
PloetzRandy1989 Performance of Clonal Avocado Rootstocks in Dade County, Florida
PloetzRandy1991 Shoot and Root Growth Cycles of Avocado in South Florida
PloetzRandy1992 Effects of Flooding and Phytophthora Root Rot on Net Gas Exchange of Avocado in Dade County, Florida
PloetzRandy1992b Shoot and Root Growth Phenology of Grafted Avocado
PloetzRandy1992c So You Have Root Rot Under Control, is Black Streak, Bacterial Canker, or Some Other Disease Reducing Yield? How are these Diseases Managed in the Various Avocado-Growing Countries?
PloetzRandy2009 PRESENTATION: Status, Impact and Management of the Major Diseases of Avocado
PloetzRandy2009b PRESENTATION: Laurel Wilt: A Global Threat to Avocado Production
PloetzRandy2012 PRESENTATION: Uncommon but significant phytopathogenicity is exhibited by some ambrosia beetle symbionts
PloetzRandy2012b PRESENTATION: Where do we go from here? Interdiction, management and prediction
PlumbCharles1989 You Had to Be There...
PobleteEcheverriaCarlos2024 Advanced Techniques for Assessing Phytophthora Root Rot (PRR) Severity in Avocado Orchards: Proximal and Remote Sensing Approaches
PodilaGopi1993 Chemical Signals from Avocado Surface Wax Trigger Germination and Appressorium Formation in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
PomeroyCS1937 Bibliography of Avocado Fruit Illustrations
PooleDwight1967 From Pigs to Riches
PopenoeFO1915 Varieties of the Avocado
PopenoeFO1916 Growing an Avocado Tree
PopenoeFO1917 Symposium on Heat Injury
PopenoeFO1918 Charles Silent - An Appreciation
PopenoeFO1926 Our Association
PopenoeFO1927b San Diego County Avocado History
PopenoeFW1911 The Development of the Avocado Industry
PopenoeFW1911b The Avocado in Southern California
PopenoeJohn1961 Leaf Analysis Survey of Avocado Groves in Florida
PopenoeJohn1962 Summer Avocado Varieties
PopenoeJohn1963 Nitrogen Nutrition of the Avocado in South America
PopenoeWilson1915 The Avocado in Florida and Other Lands
PopenoeWilson1917 Exploring Guatemala for Desirable New Avocados
PopenoeWilson1918 The Avocados of Mexico: A Preliminary Report
PopenoeWilson1919 Avocados, Particularly Guatemalans
PopenoeWilson1920 Atlixco
PopenoeWilson1921 Letter from Ecuador
PopenoeWilson1922 Avocados of the Chota Valley, Ecuador
PopenoeWilson1922b Avocado Explorations in Tropical America
PopenoeWilson1926 An Early Account of the Avocado
PopenoeWilson1927 Wild Avocado
PopenoeWilson1932 History: Hunting Avocados
PopenoeWilson1933 United Fruit Company - Research Department
PopenoeWilson1933b Padre Cobo on the Avocado
PopenoeWilson1934 Early History of the Avocado
PopenoeWilson1934b The Avocado
PopenoeWilson1935 Origin of the Cultivated Races of Avocados
PopenoeWilson1936 Looking Back
PopenoeWilson1939 Looking Forward
PopenoeWilson1941 Origin of the Name "Fuerte"
PopenoeWilson1941b The Avocado - A Horticultural Problem
PopenoeWilson1942 Aguacates De China
PopenoeWilson1943 Doctor Franceschi on the Avocado
PopenoeWilson1945 Avocado Decline in Central America
PopenoeWilson1946 The Future of the Aguacate in Colombia
PopenoeWilson1947 The Expedition to Mexico of October 1947
PopenoeWilson1947b Reflections, Reminiscences, and Observations
PopenoeWilson1948 Mexican Explorations of 1948
PopenoeWilson1949 Races and Racial Origins
PopenoeWilson1949b An Experiment with Vinyl Film for the Preservation of Avocado Budwood
PopenoeWilson1950 Report from Honduras
PopenoeWilson1951 Notes from Honduras
PopenoeWilson1952 Mostly About Spain
PopenoeWilson1959 Avocados in Spain - And Elsewhere
PopenoeWilson1964 A New Avocado of the Mexican Race
PopenoeWilson1971 The Cherimoya: A Bit of Background, and Something About Spain
PopenoeWilson1997 The Avocado Has Many Names
PopenoeWilson1997b Early History of the Avocado
PorrasRaul0000 La Palta
PostStephen1985 Irrigation Scheduling, An Art And A Science
PottsSimon2015 Status and Trends of European Pollinators: Key Findings from the STEP Project
PottsSimon2016 Safeguarding pollinators and their values to human well-being
PowellAWG21988 Shrink-Wrap of Avocados in Combination with Waxing and Fungicide
PradoOlivia1987 Estudio preliminar del estado nutricional del palto (Persea americana Mill) cv. Fuerte y Hass en la quinta region
PrangeRobert2002 Oxygen concentration affects chlorophyll fluorescence in chlorophyll-containing fruit
PrattHarlan1944 Relation of the Production of an Active Emanation to Respiration in the Avocado Fruit
PrattHarlan1948 The Identification of Ethylene as a Volatile Product of Ripening Avocados
PrestonTE1962 CADO - The Avocado Handlers Association
PretoriusWJ1971 South Africa's Avocado Industry - The Present Position
PriceRO1916 The Avocado in Mexico
PrietoD2007 Canned Avocado a New Concept for a New Market
PriyatelenkoVYa2013 A Ukrainian hive which allows the bees to build a nest as they would in a hollow tree
ProvosteAlejandra1995 Efecto del uso de una formulación de N,O-Carboximetil Quitosan, Nutri Save, sobre el comportamiento en el almacenaje refrigerado de paltas (Persea americana Mill). cv - Hass, Edranol y Gwen cosechadas con dos indices de madurez
PruskyDov1992 Regulation of Natural Resistance of Avocado Fruit for the Control of Postharvest Disease
PruskyDov2001 Local Modulation of Host pH by Colletotrichum Species as a Mechanism to Increase Virulence
PruskyDov2007 Mechanisms Modulating Fungal Attack to Avocado Fruits by Postharvest Pathogens and New Approaches for Their Control
PruskyDov2007b Mechanism of Induced Susceptibility to Postharvest Disease (C. gloeosporioides) Through 1-MCP Treatments
PsarrosNickos1981 The Small Avocado Industry in Greece
PuelmaAndres2001 Análisis estratégico de la producción y comercialización de palta orgánica versus la de palta convencional
PufferRE1959 Avocado Situation in San Bernardino County
QuayleHJ1931 Control of Latania Scale - (Aspidiotus Lataniae Sign)
QuayleHJ1932 The Trend of Avocado Pests and Their Control
QuayleHJ1932b Progress Report on Avocado Insect Pest Investigations
QuayleHJ1932c Control of Avocado Scale
QuezadaDiana2005 Efecto de la atmósfera controlada y manejo de temperatura en la calidad de palta Hass
QuinteroMC1971 A Mycosphaerella Leaf Spot Disease on Avocado and Its Control
QuirosSylvia1998 COMPORTAMIENTO ESTACIONAL DE CHANCHITO BLANCO (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) Y DE SUS PARASITIDES EN PALTO (Persea americana Mill)
QuirozRodrigo2021 Calidad floral del aguacate cv. Edranol sometido a ajuste de carga e inhibición del crecimiento con el uso de Uniconazol-p / CV. Edranol Avocado Floral Quality Subjected to Load Adjustment and Inhibition of Growth with the Use of Uniconazol-p
RaabeRobert1955 Susceptibility of Avocados to Demataphora Root Rot
RabagliaRobert2006 Review of American Xyleborina (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) Occurring North of Mexico, with an Illustrated Key
RabagliaRobert2012 PRESENTATION: Ambrosia Beetle Systematics: Non-Natives in the US
RackhamRobert1968 San Bernardino County Avocado Industry
RadzilaniT2013 Trap crop management strategies to control stink bug in avocado orchards with emphasis on Pseudotheraptus wayi brown (Hemiptera: coreidae)
RaharjoSimon2003 Genetic transformation of avocado
RaharjoSimon2003b Rescue of genetically transformed avocado by micrografting
RahimianMohamad1992 Evaluation of Phytophthora Root Rot-Suppressive Soils from California Avocado Groves
RaimundoCharlin0000 Tecnicas de muestreo (monitoreo) de las principales plagas del palto (Persea americana: Lauracea) e identificacion y control para un manejo integrado de la produccion frutal (MIPF), 2a Parte
RaisonJohn1970 The Influence of Mitochondrial Concentration and Storage on the Respiratory Control of Isolated Plant Mitochondria
RamadasanA1980 Gas Exchange in the Avocado Leaves Under Water Stress and Recovery
RamathokaJT1978 Effect of Injury on Storage of Avocados
RamirezAdriana1987 Control de malezas en citricos y paltos
RamirezPablo1990 Mercado nacional y perspectivas
RamseySamuel2019 Varroa destructor feeds primarily on honey bee fat body tissue and not hemolymph
RanneyClifford1991 Relationship Between Physiological Maturity and Percent Dry Matter of Avocados
RanneyClifford1992 Physiological Maturity and Percent Dry Matter of California Avocado
RavivM1975 Mode of Leaf Shedding from Avocado Cuttings and the Effect of its Delay on Rooting
RavivM1984 Mode of Leaf Shedding from Avocado Cuttings and the Effect of its Delay on Rooting
RavivM1984b Endogenous Content of a Leaf Substance(s) Associated with Rooting Ability of Avocado Cuttings
RazDanial1958 Airwrap Rooting of Carob Cuttings
RazetoBruno1983 Induccion de partenocarpia en palto (Persea americana Mill.) mediante aspersiones de acido giberelico en la floracion
RazetoBruno1986 Efectos del anillado de tronco y del Paclobutrazol en palto cv. Negra de la Cruz
RazetoBruno1987 Floracion y cuaja en el palto
RazetoBruno1992 Close Planting of Avocado
RazetoBruno1998 Diferencias en sensibilidad al exceso de cloruro en plantas de palto en invernadero / Differences in Susceptibility to Chloride Excess in Avocado Plants in Greenhouse
RazetoBruno1999 Diferencias en sensibilidad al exceso de cloruro en plantas de palto en invernadero / Differences in Susceptibility to Chloride Excess in Avocado Plants in Greenhouse
RazetoBruno2000 El Palto: un arbol magnifico pero de discreta produccion
RazetoBruno2001 Hacia la universalizacion de la palta
RazetoBruno2002 Influencia de algunas propiedades organolepticas en la aceptabilidad del
RazetoBruno2003 Análisis de diferentes tejidos como indicadores del nivel de boro en el árbol de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.)
RazetoBruno2004 The Inflorescence and Fruit Peduncle as Indicators of Nitrogen Status of the Avocado Tree
RazetoBruno2005 Efecto de la clorosis ferrica en el tamaño y la concentracion de aceite en el fruto del palto (Persea americana Mill.)
RazetoBruno2007 Fruit Analysis as an Alternative to Leaf Analysis for Diagnosing Iron Status of Avocado Tree
RazetoPedro1976 Estudio de la toxicidad de cloruros y sodio en palto (Persea Americana Miller) de la provincia de Quillota
ReasonerEN1902 Tropical Fruits, Other Than Pineapples
ReasonerNA1930 Avocado Varieties of the West Coast
ReecePhilip1939 The Floral Anatomy of the Avocado
ReedAD1976 Bee Industry Economic Analysis for California
ReekstingBJ2014 Flooding and Phytophthora cinnamomi: Effects on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence in shoots of non-grafted Persea americana (Mill.) rootstocks differing in tolerance to Phytophthora root rot
ReesePhilip1942 Differentiation of Avocado Blossom Buds in Florida
ReederWilliam1970 Storage of Lula Avocados in Controlled Atmosphere 1970 Test
RegevYitzhak2005 'Lavi' - A New Avocado Cultivar
RegevYitzhak2009 'בר': זן אבוקדו חדש ומפרה פויטנציאלי ל'האס' / 'Bar' – A new avocado cultivar. A potential pollinator to cv. 'Hass'
RegevYitzhak2009b 'נאור': זן אבוקדו חדש דמוי 'האס' / Naor: A new Hass-like avocado cultivar
RegevYitzhak2009c מוטי: זן אבוקדו ירוק לשלהי העונה / 'Moti' – A new avocado cultivar
ReginatoG2007 Evaluation of Soil Treatments to Prevent the Problem of Replanting in Avocado Trees
ReimPhyllis1942 The Guava in South Africa
ReintsJulie2020 Dealing with Water Scarcity and Salinity: Adoption of Water Efficient Technologies and Management Practices by California Avocado Growers
RendigVV1964 Steric Specificity in Synthesis of Heptuloses by Plants
RendonSolisD2015 Implementación de sistema electrostático de aplicaciín para helicópteros en paltos (informe técnico)
RengrudkijPhanuphong2003 The Effects of Humic Acid and Phosphoric Acid on Grafted Hass Avocado on Mexican Seedling Rootstocks
RensburgEvan1985 The Effect of Calcium Salts on the Components Causing Browning of Avocado Fruit
RenterMG1998 The Effect of Growth Inhibitors on Vegetative Growth, Fruit Size and Fruit Set in Hass Avocado Trees: A Preliminary Report
RequejoC2006 PRESENTATION: A collaborative study to examine avocado oil in California varieties
RequejoLC1999 Seasonal Changes in Lipid Content and Fatty Acid Composition of 'Hass' Avocados
RequejoLC1999b International Trends in Fresh Avocado and Avocado Oil Production and Seasonal Variation of Fatty Acids in New Zealand-Grown cv. Hass
RestrepoFrancisco2019 PRESENTACIÓN: Efecto del silicio en el desarrollo de plántulas de aguacate nativo / PRESENTATION: Effect of Silicon on the Development of Native Avocado Seedlings
RetamalJuan0000 Estudio de caso, costos de certificación en la producción y exportación de paltas cv. Hass
RetamalesJulio2014 Bases para efectos de las hormonas y reguladores de crecimiento en el cultivo del palto
ReutherWalter1956 The Florida Avocado Industry
ReuveniO1980 Importance of Leaf Retention to Rooting of Avocado Cuttings
ReyesAlemanJC2015 Fenología del aguacate Hass, una herramienta para la planificacion del cultivo en el estado de México
ReyesAlemanJC2015b Caracterización morfológica y molecular de germoplasma de aguacate en el centro de México
ReyesAlemanJC2021 Manejo técnico del cultivo de aguacate, basado en su fenología / Technical Management of Avocado Cultivation, Based on Its Phenology
ReyesHerreraPaula2020 Inheritance of Rootstock Effects in Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass
ReyesIsabel2002 Xylem conductivity and vulnerability in cultivars and races of avocado
ReyesJuan1995 Manejo organico en el cultivo de aguacate
ReyesJuan1996 Aplicacion de productos alternativos para el control de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides en frutos de aguacate 'Rincoatl'
ReyesJuan1997 Ecologia y utilizacion de la micorriza arbuscular en portainjertos de aguacate en vivero
ReyesJuan1997b Uso de coberteras en el cultivo de aguacate (Persea americana Mill): efectos en nutricion y fitosanidad
ReyesJuan1997c Aspectos relacionados sobre el uso de la endomicorriza arbuscular en aguacate (Persea americana Mill)
ReyesJuan2001 Aplicación de vermicomposta y hongos micorrízicos en la produccion de planta de aguacate en vivero
ReyesJuan2001b Endomicorriza-arbuscular, bacterias y vermicomposta en plantulas de aguacate en vivero (Resultados preliminares) / Arbuscular Mycorrhizae, Bacteriae and Earth-Worms Compost on Avocado Seedlings at Nursery (Preliminaries Results)
ReyesJuan2001c Simbiosis micorrízica y vermicomposta en el desarrollo de portainjertos de aguacate crecidos en sustratos agrícola y forestall / Mycorrhizal Symbiosis and Earthworm Compost on Avocado Rootstock Development Grown on Agricultural and Forest Soil
ReyesAmadoC2007 Determinación de la temperatura óptima de desarrollo in vitro de Phytophthora parasitica Dastur. en aguacate "Hass", en la zona aguacatera de Michoacan, Mexico


Determinación de la temperatura óptima de desarrollo in vitro de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz. en aguacate "Hass", en la zona aguacatera de Michoacán, México


PRESENTATION: Inheritance of rootstock effects in avocado cv. Hass

ReynoldsBob1999 Keynote Address to California Avocado Society Annual Meeting 1999
ReznikAmi2020 Could Recycled Urban Wastewater Provide Irrigation for Agriculture? The Case of the Escondido Region of California
ReznikAmi2021 Can Managed Aquifer Recharge Mitigate Drought Impacts on California's Irrigated Agriculture? The Role for Institutions and Policies
RhodesAM1971 A Numerical Taxonomic Study of the Avocado (Persea americana Mill.)
RibeiroOK1975 Comparative Effects of Monochromatic Radiation on the Germination of Oospores of Three Phytophthora spp.
RichardsRoss1994 Report from Australia
RichardsRoss1996 Report from Australia
RichardsRoss1997 Director's Update on the Australian Avocado Industry
RichardsSJ1950 Soil Moisture Conditions in Avocado Groves
RichardsSJ1955 Avocado Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertilization Plots at the Citrus Experiment Station
RichardsSJ1958 Effects of Irrigation Treatments and Rates of Nitrogen Fertilization on Young Hass Avocado Trees. I. Growth Response to Irrigation
RichardsSJ1958b Avocado Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertilization Plots at the Citrus Experiment Station
RichardsSJ1960 Irrigation of Avocados
RichardsSJ1962 Avocado Tree Growth Response to Irrigation
RichingsEW2000 Regulation of isoprenoid metabolism and Hass avocado fruit: An overview
RichtmyerNelson1970 The isolation of volemitol and other polyhydric alcohols from avocado seeds
RichtmyerNelson1970b The isolation of perseitol and volemitol from Sedum, and some other observations on Sedum constituents
RiegaC2021 Efecto de la aplicación de ácido glutámico (aminolom enzimático 30 % - grupo iñesta) sobre el amarre, cuajado, rendimiento y calidad de frutos de palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass en la zona alta del Valle de Ica, Perú / Effect of the Application of Glutamic Acid (Enzymatic Aminolom 30% - Iñesta Group) on the Grinding, Setting, Yield and Quality of Avocado Fruits (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass in the Upper Area of the Ica Valley, Peru
RigginsJJ2010 First Occurrence of Laurel Wilt Disease Caused by Raffaelea lauricola on Redbay Trees in Mississippi
RigginsJJ2010b ABSTRACT: First Occurrence of Laurel Wilt Disease Caused by Raffaelea lauricola on Redbay Trees in Mississippi
RiosCastanoD2003 Variedades de aguacate para el trópico: Caso Colombia
RipaRenato2007 PRESENTACIÓN: Manejo de las principales plagas del palto
RipaRenato2008 Manejo de plagas en paltos y cítricos
RitenourMA1997 Ethanol effects on the ripening of climacteric fruit
RiveraNorka1989 Estudio de una nueva plaga Protopulvinaria pyriformis (Cockerell), (Homoptera: Coccidae) del palto (Persea americana Mill) en la localidad de quillota, quinta region [Chile]
RiversEB1915 Marketing
RobbertsePJ1991 The Influence of Solubor Leaf Spray on Fruit Production in Avocado
RobbertsePJ1992 Boron: Uptake by Avocado Leaves and Influence on Fruit Production
RobbertsePJ1994 Pollen/Stigma Intercompatibility Between Different Avocado Cultivars
RobbertsePJ1995 Effect of Pollen Parent on Pollen Tube Growth in Hass Avocado
RobbertsePJ1996 Hass Yield and Fruit Size as Influenced by Pollination and Pollen Donor - a Joint Progress Report
RobbertsePJ1997 Pollination Studies in Hass Avocado in Relation to the Small Fruit Problem
RobbertsePJ1998 Pollination of Hass Avocados
RobbertsePJ1999 Reaction of avocado wood on injections into the trunk
RobinsonTR1926 Avocados for Florida
RobinsonTR1931 Some Aberrant Forms of Flower Mechanism in the Avocado
RobinsonTR1933 Pollination and Other Factors Influencing the Production of Avocados
RochaArroyoJose2010 Irreversible Determination to Flowering for 'Hass' Avocado in Michoacán / Determinación irreversible a la floración del aguacate 'Hass' en Michoacán
RochaArroyoJose2011 Phenology of 'Hass' Avocado in Michoacán / Fenología del aguacate 'Hass' en Michoacán
RocheHarry1937 Regulations for Marketing Avocados in California
RockRobert1968 Economic Trends in the California Avocado Industry
RockRobert1971 A Projection of California Avocado Acreage and Production to 1977
RockRobert1973 Expansion in the California Avocado Industry
RockRobert1973b Economic Trends in the California Avocado Industry
RockRobert1974 Expansion in the California Avocado Industry
RodriguesJ1960 The Influence of Season and Temperature on Carbohydrates in Avocado Shoots
RodriguesJ1960b Some Factors Influencing Grafting Success with Avocados
RodriguezAlvaro2003 Implementacion de las tecnicas de etiolacion y acodo y microclonacion en paltos (Persea americana Mill.)
RodriguezJudith2019 PRESENTATION: Avocado and the Health of the Latino Population
RodriguezNN1997 Cultivo in vitro de embriones maduros e inmaduros de aguacatero (Persea americana Mill.)
RodriguezNN1999 Cultivo in vitro del aguacatero (Persea americana Mill.)
RodriguezNN2003 Catálogo de cultivares de aguacatero (Persea americana Mill.) en Cuba
RodriguezNN2003b Caracterización morfológica, bioquímica y molecular de cultivares de aguacatero (Persea americana Mill.) en Cuba
RodriguezNN2007 Comparative Study of Polymorphism Level, Discrimination Capacity and Informativeness of AFLP, ISTR, SSR and Isoenzymes Markers and Agro-Morphological Traits in Avocado
RodriguezPolancoE2015 Desarrollo de un protocolo de infección en raiz para cuantificación de resistencia genética a Phytophthora cinnamomi, en aguacate
RoeD2007 Intellectual Property Rights Applicable to Fruit Trees and the Likely Effects on Regional and Global Avocado Industries
RoeDJ1995 Progress with Rootstock Research at Merensky Technological Services
RoeDJ1995b Simulated Shipping of the Avocado Cultivars Gwen and Pinkerton at Different Temperature Regimes
RoeDJ1996 A Progress Report of Avocado Rootstock Research at Merensky Technological Services
RoeDJ1996b Root Pruning and Hedgerowing of Avocado Trees at Westfalia Estate: What Have We Learnt?
RoeDJ1997 Avocado Rootstock and Cultivar Evaluation at Merensky Technological Services: A Progress Report
RoeDJ1999 Performance of new avocado rootstocks at Westfalia Estate
RoeDJ1999b Flower pruning of Hass avocado when going into an "on" year in an attempt to decrease alternate bearing and increase fruit size
RoeDJ1999c Performance of Commercially Grown 'Hass' Avocado on Clonal Rootstocks at Westfalia Estate, South Africa
RoeDJ2000 Hass avocado yields as affected by dwarfing rootstocks and flower pruning
RoeDU1998 Commercial Avocado Rootstock Evaluation at Merensky Technological Services: Further Progress in 1997
RoeDenis2009 PRESENTATION: Performance of Avocado Clonal Rootstocks in South Africa
RoeDenis2023 PRESENTATION: Flood Mitigation in Subtropical Avocado Orchards
RoeJoseph1936 The utilization of d-mannoheptulose (d-mannoketoheptose) by adult rabbits
RoetsNJR2006 Possible causes and measures to prevent excessive leaf abscission in the avocado (Persea americana Mill.) cultivar Ryan


Occurrence of excessive leaf abscission of the avocado cultivar Ryan: Possible causes and prevention


Excessive leaf abscission in the avocado cultivar 'Ryan'


Evaluation of different atmospheric conditioning treatments to synchronize the ripening of SmartFresh(SM) 'Hass' avocado fruit


Calibrating avocado irrigation through xylem water potential measurements


Calibrating avocado irrigation through the use of continuous soil moisture monitoring and plant physiological parameters


Calibrating avocado irrigation through the use of continuous soil moisture monitoring and plant physiological parameters


Calibrating soil-based irrigation norms of avocado using plant indicators


Irrigation of avocado in South Africa: A review

RogelIgnacio1999 Mejoramiento genético del aguacate en la fundación Salvador Sánchez Colín-Cictamex S.C.
RogelIgnacio2000 Propagación de aguacatero por acodo utilizando etiolación, ácido indolbutírico, y obstrucción de savia / Avocado Layering Propagation Using Etiolation, Indolbutiric Acid, and Sap Obstruction
RojasIvanna2004 Estudio de la interaccion entre tristeza del palto (Phytophthora cinnamoni) y cancrosis de ramillas (Fusicoccum aesculi) en plantas de palto var. Hass
RojasMaria1985 Efecto del estado de madurez sobre el congelado de pulpa de palta (pasta y rodelas) cvs. Bacon, Edranol, Fuerte, Hass y Zutano
RojasSergio1981 La arañita del palto y chirimoyo. Problemas de la 5. region
RoldanEstradaA1999 Rescate de ecotipos criollos y silvestres de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) en Tacámbaro, Michoacán, México / Rescue of “Crillo” Ecotypes and Wild Avocados (Persea americana Mill.) in Tacambaro, Michoacán, México
RollerOtto1992 Planting Time and Sunlight Protection of Avocado Maiden Trees in Orchard Installation
RollinOrianne2018 Impacts of honeybee density on crop yield: A meta- analysis
RomanSamuel2000 Metabolic Processes in Cytoplasmic Particles of the Avocado Fruit. IV. Ripening and the Supernatant Fraction
RomaniRoger1957 Metabolic Processes in Cytoplasmic Particles of the Avocado Fruit. IV. Ripening and the Supernatant Fraction
RomeroFabiola2003 Caracterizacion de quince selecciones de palto (Persea american Mill.)
RomeroLuis1973 Reproduccion vegetativa o asexual del aguacate
RomeroMaria1996 Influencia de distintos cultivares de palto (Persea americana Mill.), como polinizantes del cultivar Hass en cinco zonas de Chile
RoncaglioloMaria2001 Efecto de dos sistems de riego presurizado, goteo y microchorro, sobre el lavado de sales, crecimiento vegetativo y reproductivo del palto (Persea americana Mill) cv. Hass, en la zona de Mallarauco
RonenReuven1991 Xylanase and Xylosidase Activities in Avocado Fruit
RosalesJJ2003 Evaluación del ciclo fenológico del palto (Persea americana Mill) cv. Hass para la zona de la irrigacion Santa Rosa, Perú
RoseLarry1988 200 Varieties ... and Counting
RoseLarry1990 Engineering for Productivity
RoseLarry1991 The California Avocado Nursery Situation
RoseLarry1992 Report from the Programs Committee
RoseLarry2003 Horticultural Characteristics of Hass Avocado on Commercial Clonal and Seedling Rootstocks in California


Optimizing the Replanting of Orchards Infested with Phytophthora cinnamomi

RoseMike1984 Previously imported parasite may control invading whitefly
RosedaleDonald0000 Orchard Operations for Avocados and Citrus in Southern California
RosenbergGregorio1990 Fertilización del palto en Chile
RosenbergGregorio1990b La industria del palto en Chile - producción y perspectivas
RossGordon1965 Notes on Avocados in the Soconusco Area of Chiapas, Mexico
RossouwT2000 Effect of gibberellic acid treatments on flowering of avocado
RossouwT2001 Effect of gibberellic acid treatments on flower development of avocado
RossouwT2002 Sunburn control on ‘Hass’ fruit
RoundsMB1931 Avocado Orchard Fertilization
RoundsMB1932 Status of the Avocado in Los Angeles County
RoundsMB1933 Avocado Fertilization in Los Angeles County
RoundsMB1934 Planning and Planting the Avocado Orchard in Los Angeles County
RoundsMB1934b Avocado Tree Pruning in Los Angeles County
RoundsMB1934c Topworking Avocado Trees in Los Angeles County
RoundsMB1936 Avocados in Los Angeles County
RoundsMB1936b Observations of Avocado Production in Florida
RoundsMB1936c Normal Production Costs
RoundsMB1938 Making Plans For An Efficient Orchard
RoundsMB1938b Discussion of Cost of Production Studies
RoundsMB1939 Avocado Tree Decline
RoundsMB1939b Notes on Avocado Growing in Northern California
RoundsMB1940 Planting Distances For Avocados
RoundsMB1941 Observations on the Avocado Variety Situation
RoundsMB1942 Environmental Adaptability of Avocado Varieties
RoundsMB1942b Handling Avocado Orchard Soils
RoundsMB1943 1943 Observations of Avocado Varieties
RoundsMB1943b The Avocado Insect Situation
RoundsMB1945 Weeds in Relation to Decline
RoundsMB1946 The Fuerte Avocado
RoundsMB1947 Starting an Avocado Orchard
RoundsMB1948 Report of the Avocado Variety Committee of the California Avocado Society, June 5, 1948
RoundsMB1948b Avocado Industry Research Committee
RoundsMB1949 Report of the Avocado Variety Committee of the California Avocado Society
RoundsMB1949b Non-Tillage of Avocado Orchards
RoundsMB1950 Report of the Avocado Variety Committee
RoundsMB1951 Report of the Avocado Variety Committee: Recommended Varieties for Commercial Plantings
RoundsMB1953 Report of the Avocado Variety Committee - June 6, 1953
RoundsMB1953b Report of the Avocado Variety Committee - 1954
RoundsMB1955 Moisture Control in Relation to Aeration of Soil
RoundsMB1955b Report of the Avocado Variety Committee Annual Meeting 1955
RoundsMB1956 Protection of Newly Planted Avocado Trees
RouseAH1974 Changes in Pectic Substances During Ripening of AvocadosR
RouseRobert1991 Evaluation and Observations of Avocado Cultivars for Subtropical Climates
RousseauGG1981 Artificial Ripening of Avocado Fruit
RowellA1978 Analysis of Internal and External Culling Factors on Exported Avocados
RowellA1979 Avocado Soil Moisture Studies
RowellA1979b An Investigation into the Causes of Carapace Spot
RowellA1981 A Comparison of Various Calcium Sources on Soil Effects
RowellA1983 Post-Harvest Disease Control in Avocados Using Prochloras
RowellA1986 A Comparison of Hand Guns and Mist Blowers for the Application of Fungicides
RowellA1988 Effectiveness of Various Zinc Sources Injected with Alette Ca
RowellA1988b Shrink-Wrap of Avocados in Combination with Waxing and Fungicide
RowellA1988c Cold Storage Capacity of Avocados from Different Geographic Regions
RowellWG1982 Avocado Fruit Quality Studies in the Nelspruit Area from 1977 - 1981
RowlandsDaniel1994 Efecto del anillado, doble incision anular y aplicaciones de cultivar en ramas de palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass
RoydenTom2011 VII World Avocado Congress 2011 Report
RuanoRosaD2003 Estudio de temperaturas de crecimiento in vitro en aislados de Trichoderma sp. y de Rosellinia necatrix. Evaluación del antagonismo mediante cultivos duales.
RuanoRosaD2003b Ensayos de control biológico de la podredumbre blanca del aguacate
RuanoRosaD2015 Adecuación de la dosis mínima efectiva del fungicida Fluazinam para su uso combinado con Trichoderma atroviride en el control de la podredumbre blanca del aguacate
RubiMartin1995 Avance en el estudio de pretratamientos quimicos para promover el enraizamiento de acodos del cultivar de aguacate Colin V-33
RubiMartin1995b Mejoramiento genetico del aguacate mediante mutagenesis radioinducida
RuehleGeorge1939 Experiments for the Control of Fruit Spots of the Avocado
RuehleGeorge1940 Spraying Experiments for Control of Avocado Anthracnose
RuehleGeorge1940b Zinc Deficiency of the Avocado
RuehleGeorge1940c Copper Sulfate as a Corrective for Dieback, a New Disease of the Avocado
RuehleGeorge1946 Report of the Avocado Variety Committee
RuehleGeorge1948 A Rapid Method of Propagating The Guava
RuehleGeorge1962 Ferbam as a Control for Avocado Scab
RuizGabriel1912 Explotación del Aguacate
RuizRafael2006 Manejo del suelo y nutrición en suelos con problemas de aireación
RuizPJC2011 Colombia: "Eldorado" del aguacate
RuizPJC2015 Estado-empresa-universidad: exitosa relación en torno al aguacate "Hass" en Antioquia-Colombia
RuizPJC2017 PRESENTACIÓN: Presente y futuro de la industría del aguacate Hass en Colombia
RuizPJC2021 Samuel Salazar García - El "Salomón de los Aguacates"
RuizRosadoM1992 Assessments on the Resistance of Avocado Rootstocks to Phytophthora cinnamomi in Puerto Rico
RunningCatherine1996 Detection of Avocado Sunblotch Viroid and Estimation of Infection Among Accessions in the National Germplasm Collection for Avocado
RussellP2015 Development of a nucleic acid based membrane hybridization test for the detection of ASBVD
RutherfordDM1939 Avocadoists Make a Tour
RutherfordDM1939b The Kidnapping of "Aristocrats"
RyanHarold1937 Avocado Standardization Since the Freeze
RyersonKnowles1913 Imported Varieties of the Avocado for California
RyersonKnowles1922 Possible Fertilizer Tests for the Avocado
RyersonKnowles1923 How to Make the Avocado Tree Bear
RyersonKnowles1923b The Recovery of the Avocado Tree after the 1922 Freeze
RyersonKnowles1929 Avocado Notes from Foreign Countries Haiti and Palestine
RyersonKnowles1943 Avocado Reminiscences: Some Egotistical Notes by a Tropical Tramp
SaavedraFreddy2000 Ensayo de riego deficitario controlado en palto (Persea americana Mill), cv. Hass en la localidad de Quillota
SaavedraSandra1995 Evolución de Parámetros Físico-Químicos y Sensoriales en Paltas Cultivares Hass, Gwen y Whitsell
SabateJ2015 Post-ingestive effects of avocados in meals on satiety and gastric hormone blood levels
SacherJoseph1969 Comparative Studies of Effect of Auxin and Ethylene and Synthesis of RNA and Protein on Permeability
SacherJoseph1975 Acid Phosphatase Development during Ripening of Avocado
SageeO1992 Involvement of rooting factors and free IAA in the rootability of citrus species stem cuttings
SahagunAlberto1992 Original Technique for Liquid Injection in Tree Trunks
SaharN1984 In Vitro Germination of Avocado Pollen
SaiegDaniela0000 Evaluación del comportamiento reproductivo y vegetativo del palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass, en función de la carga frutal presente.
SakovichNick2007 Rehabilitation of Freeze-Damaged Citrus and Avocado Trees
SalamaSB1965 Storage Trials with Limes, Avocados, and Lemons in Modified Atmospheres
SalasMariano1990 Influencia de epocas de cosecha y manejo de postcosecha [Ethysorb] en la calidad final en almacenaje de frutos de palto cv. Fuerte
SalasLopezL2015 Aguacate simbolo de juventud, belleza y salud
SalazarArriageHC1999 Guía de inocuidad alimentaria y sus implicaciones para la producción y distribución del aguacate 'Hass' mexicano
SalazarSamuel1983 Clonal Propagation of the Avocado Through "Franqueamiento"
SalazarSamuel1983b Multi-Sprouts in Avocado Seeds (Persea americana Mill.)
SalazarSamuel1985 Effect of Progressive Soil Salinity on the Leaf Water Potential and Stomatal Conductance in Avocado (Persea americana Mill.)
SalazarSamuel1986 Root Distribution of Mature Avocado Trees Growing in Soils of Different Texture
SalazarSamuel1988 Leaf Scorch and Mineral Nutrition of Avocado Trees Irrigated with Saline Water
SalazarSamuel1992 Damage Caused by Avocado Branch Weevil (Copturus aguacate Kiss.) in 'Fuerte' Avocado Trees in Atlixco, Puebla, Mexico
SalazarSamuel1997 Use of Gibberellic Acid to Manipulate Flowering in the 'Hass' Avocado: A Preliminary Report
SalazarSamuel1998 Inflorescence and Flower Development of the 'Hass' Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) during "On" and "Off" Crop Years
SalazarSamuel1998b GA3 Application Alters Flowering Phenology of 'Hass' Avocado
SalazarSamuel1999 Inflorescence Development of the 'Hass' Avocado: Commitment to Flowering
SalazarSamuel1999b Iron Nutrition and Deficiency: A Review with Emphasis in Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) / Nutrición y deficiencia de hierro, una revisión con énfasis en aguacatero (Persea americana Mill.)
SalazarSamuel1999c Diagnostico nutrimental del aguacate 'Hass' bajo condiciones de temporal
SalazarSamuel2000 Use of GA3 to Manipulate Flowering and Yield of 'Hass' Avocado
SalazarSamuel2003 La fertilizacion en “sitio especifico” incrementa los rendimientos y el tamaño de la fruta del aguacate en Mexico
SalazarSamuel2005 Actualización sobre la Industria del Aguacate en Michoacán, México
SalazarSamuel2005b Update on the Avocado Industry of Michoacán, México
SalazarSamuel2006 Crop Load Affects Vegetative Growth Flushes and Shoot Age Influences Irreversible Commitment to Flowering of 'Hass' Avocado
SalazarSamuel2007 Desarrollo floral del aguacate 'Hass' en clima semicálido. Parte I. Influencia de la carga de fruto y edad de los brotes.
SalazarSamuel2007b Desarrollo floral del aguacate 'Hass' en clima semicálido. Parte II. Generación y validación de modelos de predicción del desarrollo floral.`
SalazarSamuel2007c Reciclamiento de nutrimentos por las hojas de aguacate 'Hass'
SalazarSamuel2007d Foliar-applied GA3 Advances Fruit Maturity and Allows Off-season Harvest of 'Hass' Avocado
SalazarSamuel2008 Desarrollo floral de los aguacates 'Choquettes' y 'Booth-8' en clima cálido. Parte II / Floral Development of 'Choquette' and 'Booth-8' Avocados Under Warm Climate. Part II
SalazarSamuel2008b Corrección de la deficiencia crónica de zinc en aguacate 'Hass' / Chronic Zinc Deficiency Correction in 'Hass' Avocado
SalazarSamuel2009 La fertilización de sitio específico mejoró la productividad del aguacate 'Hass' en huertos sin riego / Site Specific Fertilization Increased Productivity of 'Hass' Avocado in Rainfed Orchards
SalazarSamuel2009b Validación de modelos de predicción del desarrollo floral del aguacate 'Hass' desarrollados para Nayarit, en varios climas de Michoacán / Validation of Floral Development Prediction Models Developed in Nayarit for 'Hass' Avocado from Several Climates of Michoacán
SalazarSamuel2011 Iinfluence of Climate, Soil Moisture, and Flowering Phenology on Biomass and Nutrient Composition of 'Hass' Avocado Fruit in Michoacán, Mexico / Influencia del clima, humedad del suelo y época de floración sobre la biomasa y composición nutrimental de frutos de aguacate 'HASS' en Michoacán, México
SalazarSamuel2015 Fenología de la raíz del aguacate 'Hass' en varios climas de Michoacán
SalazarSamuel2018 Fenología del aguacate 'Méndez' en el sur de Jalisco, México / Phenology of 'Méndez' Avocado in Southern Jalisco, México
SalazarSamuel2018b Prediction models of the floral development of the'‛Mendez' avocado
SalazarSamuel2018c Modelos de predicción del desarrollo floral del aguacate 'Méndez'
SalazarSamuel2019 Accumulation of nutrients during the development of 'Méndez' avocado fruit / Acumulación de nutrimentos durante el desarrollo del fruto de aguacate 'Méndez'
SalcedoIzquierdoSandra2021 Influencia de tres sistemas y metodologías de fertirriego en la optimización del consumo hídrico en el cultivo de palto 'Hass' en la costa norte de Perú / Influence of Three Systems and Methodologies of Fertirrigation in the Optimization of Water Consumption in the Cultivation Of Avocado 'Hass' in the Northern Coast of Peru
SalePR1978 Orchard Shelter Belts
SalePR1980 The New Zealand Avocado Industry
SalgadoEduardo1990 Manejo del riego
SalgadoEduardo1995 Manejo del riego
SalgadoEduardo1997 Coeficiente del cultivo (Kc) para paltos (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass, en Quillota, Chile
SalgadoIgnacio2005 Comportamiento espacio-temporal (1986-2003) de plantaciones frutales en laderas de la Provincia de Quillota mediante imaginería satelital y SIG.
SalgadoJorge2002 Analisis mineral del pedunculo y la flor para el diagnostico del estado nutricional en palto (Persea americana Mill)
SalgadoMartha1996 Deteccion de materiales del genero persea spp tolerantes a Phytophthora cinnamomi mediante conductividad electrica
SalinasCarlos2004 Comportamiento de frutos de palto (Persea americana Mill.) var. Fuerte y Hass en atmosfera modificada
SallmonWilliam1918 The California Avocado Association: Its History and Progress
SallmonWilliam1920 President's Address
SallmonWilliam1920b Opening Address
SallmonWilliam1924 Marketing Avocados
SalvoJE2007 Characterization of ‘Hass’ Avocado Proleptic and Sylleptic Shoot Proportion in Valparaiso Region, Chile
SalvoJaime1998 Manual de produccion de palto
SamaniegoJA1999 Crecimiento y produccion de cuatro cultivares de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.), en el sur de Sonora, Mexico
SamishRM1937 Contribution to the Knowledge of Plant Phenolases
SamishRM1962 Experiments with Budding Avocado
SancesFrank1982 Radioactive Measurement of Brown Mite Injury on Avocados
SancesFrank1982b Impact of Certain Pesticides on Avocado
SanclementeMariaAngelica2014 Pruning after flooding hastens recovery of flood-stressed avocado (Persea americana Mill.) trees
SanchesJ2003 Diagnosis of Mechanical Injuries in Avocados by Magnetic Resonance Imaging
SanchezGonzalezEnrique2019 Screening Progenies of Mexican Race Avocado Genotypes for Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands
SanchezPerezJose1992 The Relationship of Flowering Time to Harvest Time
SanchezPerezJose1999 Recursos genéticos de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) y especies afines en México
SanchezPerezJose2007 Identificación de marcadores asociados a la resistencia del aguacate raza mexicana (Persea americana Mill. var. Drymifolia) al oomiceto Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands
SanchezRomeroC2003 Efecto de la desecación parcial sobre la germinación de embriones zigóticos inmaduros de aguacate
SanchezSalvador1987 Current Status of Avocado Growing in Mexico


Avocado production and breeding in Mexico

SanchezSalvador1988 The Importance of the California Avocado Society - An Appraisal from Mexico
SanchezSalvador1989 Mexico... A Report from a Director-at-Large: CICTAMEX, Its Origin and Perspectives
SanchezSalvador1992 Selection of Dwarf Avocado Trees Within a Population of Seedlings of cv. Colin V-33
SanchezSalvador1992b The Avocado Breeding and Selection Program at CICTAMEX
SanchezSalvador1994 Situación Actual del Cultivo del Aguacate en México
SanchezSalvador1994b The Current State of Avocado Cultivation in Mexico
SanchezSalvador1997 Aguilar y Encinos: dos nuevas selecciones de aguacate
SanchezSalvador1997b Produccion nacional de aguacate y su comercializacion
SanchezSalvador2001 Historia del aguacate en México
SanchezTiendaJ1999 Uso consuntivo del cultivo aguacate: metodología Blaney y Criddle modificada relacionando enologia y precipitación
SanclementeMaria2013 Leaf removal before flooding influences recovery of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) trees from flooding stress
SandersGina1996 Comparison of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Isolates from Various Avocado Producing Areas
SandersGina1997 Market Survey of Stem-end Rot and Anthracnose on Fuerte Avocados and Comparison of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Isolates from Different Avocado Producing areas
SandersGina1999 Survey of fungicide resistance of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides from different avocado production areas
SandovalEny2021 Monitoreo de trampas de esporas de Lasiodiplodia sp. en huertos comerciales de palto ‘Hass’ en Perú / Monitoring of Spore Traps of Lasiodiplodia sp. in Commercial Orchards of Avocado ‘Hass’ in Peru
SandrockChristoph2014 Impact of Chronic Neonicotinoid Exposure on Honeybee Colony Performance and Queen Supersedure
SaneesFV1981 Avocado Brown Mite Feeding Injury on Avocado
SanMartinSolange1996 Propagacion in vitro de portainjertos de palto (Persea americana Mill.) cvs. "Lula" y "Velvick", resistentes a salinidad: Enraizamiento y aclimatacion
SantiagoTania2019 PRESENTATION: Gibberellin and cytokinin effect on fruit size and yield of 'Hass' avocado in the north of Peru
SantiagoTania2021 Efecto de reguladores de crecimiento en el incremento de amarre de fruto y producción en palto 'Hass' en el sur de Perú / Effect of Growth Regulators on the Increase of Fruit Set and Production in Avocado 'Hass' in Southern Peru
SantiagoTania2021b Deposición de polen en el cultivo de palto 'Hass' en condiciones de P00erú / Pollen Deposition in the Avocado 'Hass' Crop Under Peru Conditions
SanxterSuzanne1994 Heat-treating 'Sharwil' Avocado for Cold Tolerance in Quarantine Cold Treatments
SarasolaLuis1960 Cherimoya Culture in Spain
SaucedoHernandezL2005 Aplicaciones foliares de nitrato de calcio en la maduración y daños por frío en aguacate 'Fuerte'
SaucedoVelozC1992 Effect of Conditioning Temperatures, Intermittent Warming and High CO2 on Ripening and Chilling Injury Control in 'Hass' Avocado
SaulsJulian1976 Proceedings of the First International Tropical Fruit Short Course: The Avocado (Preface)
SayadiS2003 Análisis de factores de adopción de innovaciones que favorecen la sustentabilidad ambiental en explotaciones de aguacate del litoral mediterraneo español
SchaefferTerry1988 Frost Protection Using Microsprinklers
SchaefferTerry2011 Reflections from an Old School Frost Forecaster
SchafferBruce1986 Sample Size Estimates for Avocado Yield Experiments
SchafferBruce1987 Effect of Fruit Removal on Net Gas Exchange of Avocado Leaves
SchafferBruce1989 Net Gas Exchange as a Damage Indicator for Phytophthora Root Rot of Flooded and Nonflooded Avocado
SchafferBruce1991 Effects of leaf age on gas exchange characteristics of avocado (Persea americana Mill.)


The Avocado: Botany, Production and Uses / Environmental Physiology

SchafferBruce2003 Environmental Regulation of Photosynthesis in Avocado Trees – A Mini-Review
SchafferBruce2006 Effects of Soil Oxygen Deficiency on Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Trees
SchafferBruce2006b Responses of Subtropical and Tropical Fruit Trees to Flooding in Calcareous Soil
SchieberEugenio1972 Collecting Perseas in Central America and Mexico
SchieberEugenio1973 Collecting Perseas in the Highlands of Guatemala
SchieberEugenio1973b Collecting "Matul-Oj" Types of Persea in Guatemala
SchieberEugenio1974 Exploring for Persea in Ecuador
SchieberEugenio1974b Collecting Persea in the Republic of El Salvador
SchieberEugenio1976 Exploring for Persea in Latin America
SchieberEugenio1976b Exploring for Persea in Chiapas, Mexico
SchieberEugenio1976c Exploring for Persea in Matagalpa, Nicaragua
SchieberEugenio1977 Collecting Persea schiedeana in Guatemala
SchieberEugenio1979 Exploring for Persea in Northern Guatemala
SchieberEugenio1979b The Quetzal and the Persea
SchieberEugenio1980 Exploring for Persea in Orizaba, Mexico
SchieberEugenio1980b The "Guatemalan Criollos"
SchieberEugenio1981 Exploring for "Aguacate de Mico" in Central America
SchieberEugenio1981b Exploring for Persea on Volcano Quetzaltepeque, Guatemala
SchieberEugenio1983 Persea Exploration in Middle America: An Interview and Discussion
SchieberEugenio1983b Variability in Mexican Avocados (Matuloj) in Guatemala
SchieberEugenio1984 Collecting Persea schiedeana in the Baja and Alta Verapáz, Guatemala
SchieberEugenio1987 Persea zentmyerii: A New Species from Guatemala
SchieberEugenio1987b Exploring for sources of resistance among Persea americana variety Guatemalensis and Persea schiedeana in Middle America
SchieberEugenio1990 Exploring the Miramundo Cloud Forest in Guatemala
SchieberEugenio1992 Exploring for Persea in the Cuchumatanes, Guatemala
SchieberEugenio1992b Archeology of the Avocado in Latin America
SchieberEugenio1992c Ancestors of the Guatemalan "Criollo" (Persea americana var. guatemalensis) as Studied in the Guatemalan Highlands
SchmidtMax1965 Avocado Growing in Chile
SchmidtMax1971 Cherimoya Growing in Chile
SchmidtIlicMaxJose1990 Efecto de la fuente de fierro (Sequestrene 138 Fe y Sulfato Ferroso) y de la dosis sobre el grado de avance de los sintomas de deficiencia ferrica en paltos (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass
SchnackenbergRobert1951 The Economic Feasibility of Planting Tip Grafted Avocado Trees
SchnackenbergRobert1992 A Study of How Time and Greenhouse Thrips (Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis Bouché) Populations Affect Quality of 'Hass' Avocado
SchnellRaymond1997 Application of RT-PCR for Indexing Avocado Sunblotch Viroid
SchnellRaymond2003 Evaluation of Avocado Germplasm Using Microsatellite Markers
SchnellRaymond2009 Outcrossing between 'Bacon' Pollinizers and Adjacent 'Hass' Avocado Trees and the Description of Two New Lethal Mutants
SchoemanMH1998 Control of Colletotrichum Speckle of Hass Avocado
SchoemanMH2000 Report on the epidemiology of pepper spot on Hass avocado
SchoemanMH2001 Further work on the Epidemiology of Pepper Spot
SchoemanMH2002 An evaluation of spray programs for the control of Colletotrichum spots of Hass and Pinkerton avocado
SchoemanMH2018 Cercospora spot on avocado – A preliminary report on the relook at the epidemiology of the pathogen
SchoemanMH2019 Validating spray timing for Cercospora spot
SchoemanMH2020 Cercospora spot of avocado - Validation of spray timing: Final results
SchoemanPS2008 Control of the false codling moth with the Isomate mating disruption technology
SchoemanPS2009 Control of the false codling moth with the Isomate mating disruption technology
SchoemanPS2011 Prediction of coconut bug damage on avocados
SchoemanPS2013 Management of the coconut bug in avocados
SchoemanPS2014 Monitoring and damage of stink bugs on avocados
SchoemanPS2015 Stink bugs on avocado - Progress report
SchoemanPS2018 Integrated management of avocado pests with special reference to the coconut bug Pseudotheraptus wayi (Hemiptera: Coreidae)
SchoemanSP2016 Stink bug control in avocados: The past, the present and the future
SchoemanSP2019 Quantifying and controlling thrips and scales in avocado
SchoemanSchalk2010 Integrated control of the coconut bug Pseudotheraptus wayi (Hemiptera: Coreidae) on avocado in South Africa
ScholefieldPB1980 Some Environmental Effects on Photosynthesis and Water Relations of Avocado Leaves
ScholefieldPB1982 A Scanning Electron Microscope Study of Flowers of Avocado, Litchi, Macadamia and Mango
ScholefieldPB1985 Carbohydrate Cycling in Relation to Shoot Growth, Floral Initiation and Development and Yield in the Avocado
SchoonoverWarren1933 The Interrelation of Soil Management Practices
SchoonoverWarren1934 Fertilization of Subtropical Fruits
SchoonoverWarren1936 Fertilizer and Irrigation Problems
SchoonoverWarren1937 Protecting Avocados by Heating
SchoonoverWarren1950 Some Suggestions on Soil Management
SchoonoverWarren1952 Why Cultivate an Orchard?
SchreuderD1994 The Role of PPECB in Export Avocados
SchroederCA0000 Some Aspects of Pollination and Fertilization in Subtropical Fruit Species
SchroederCA1935 Effects of Sun-Blotch on the Anatomy of the Avocado Stem
SchroederCA1940 Floral Abnormality in the Avocado
SchroederCA1941 Hand Pollination Effects in the Cheyrimoya (Annona cherimola)
SchroederCA1942 Pollen Germination in the Avocado
SchroederCA1942b Woody Avocado Fruits
SchroederCA1943 The Ontogeny, Floral Anatomy and Embryology of the Avocado, Persea americana Miller
SchroederCA1944 The Cattlcy (Commonly known as the strawberry guava)
SchroederCA1944b The Avocado Inflorescence
SchroederCA1944c Multiple Embryos in the Avocado
SchroederCA1945 The Nomenclature of Certain Subtropical Fruits
SchroederCA1947 The Expedition to Mexico of May 1947
SchroederCA1947b Hand Pollination of Cherimoya Improves Fruit Set
SchroederCA1947c The Kei Apple
SchroederCA1948 Report of the Committee on Subtropical Fruit Varieties
SchroederCA1948b Progress Report on Avocado Breeding
SchroederCA1949 Report of the Subtropical Fruit Variety Committee
SchroederCA1950 The Structure of the Skin or Rind of the Avocado
SchroederCA1950b Avocado Trees of Unusual Size
SchroederCA1950c Report of the Committee on Minor Subtropical Fruit Varieties
SchroederCA1951 Flower Bud Development in the Avocado
SchroederCA1951b Avocado Materials for Horticultural Research
SchroederCA1952 Avocado Exploration in Mexico- May, 1952
SchroederCA1952b Floral Development, Sporogenesis, and Embryology in the Avocado, Persea americana
SchroederCA1953 Growth and Development of the Fuerte Avocado Fruit
SchroederCA1953b Continued Search for Avocado Rootstock and Breeding Materials-1953
SchroederCA1953c Report of the Subtropical Fruit Varieties Committee - June 6, 1953
SchroederCA1954 Some Aspects of Pollination in the Avocado
SchroederCA1954b Report of the Subtropical Fruit Varieties Committee 1954
SchroederCA1954c Abnormal Fruit Types in the Avocado
SchroederCA1954d A Useful Hand Nutcracker for Macadamia Nuts
SchroederCA1955 Pollen Production in Avocado
SchroederCA1955b New Avocado Research Materials from Mexico - 1954
SchroederCA1955c Report of the Subtropical Fruit Varieties Committee
SchroederCA1955d Avocado Rootstock-Scion Studies: Compatibility between avocado and new rootstocks suitable to California is object of plant program
SchroederCA1956 Diurnal Fluctuation in Size in Various Parts of the Avocado Tree and Fruit
SchroederCA1956b Report of Subtropical Fruit Varieties Committee
SchroederCA1956c Growth of Avocado Fruit Tissue on Artificial Media
SchroederCA1958 Sunblotch in Avocado Introductions from Texas
SchroederCA1958b Avocado Materials and Observations in Costa Rica, Ecuador and Peru
SchroederCA1958c Growth and Development of the Avocado Fruit


The Origin, Spread, & Improvement of the Avocado, Sapodilla and Papaya

SchroederCA1959 Fruit Graft in Avocado
SchroederCA1959b Morphological Aspects of the So-Called Woody Avocado
SchroederCA1960 Fruit Growth in the Oriental Persimmon
SchroederCA1960b Progress Report on the Avocado Breeding Program at UCLA
SchroederCA1965 Avocado and Other Subtropical Fruits of New Zealand
SchroederCA1965b "By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them" - Avocado Leaf Wine
SchroederCA1966 Cytology of the Avocado Pericarp Cell
SchroederCA1967 The Stem Parasite Cassytha filiformis - A Botanical Relative of Avocado
SchroederCA1968 Prehistoric Avocados in California
SchroederCA1968b The Longevity of Avocado Tissue in Vitro
SchroederCA1969 Fossil Avocado Leaf
SchroederCA1971 The Response of Avocado Pericarp Tissue to Temperature and Light in Vitro
SchroederCA1971b Fruits of the Annonas
SchroederCA1971c Pollination of Cherimoya
Schroeder1971d The Cherimoya in South Africa
SchroederCA1972 Apical and Other Responses of Tissues of Avocado in Aseptic Culture
SchroederCA1973 Persea Schiedeana, the Coyo, a Possible Rootstock for Avocado in South Africa
SchroederCA1974 Response of Avocado Flower Buds and Floral Parts Cultured in Vitro
SchroederCA1976 An Historical Document in California Avocado History
SchroederCA1976b Responses of Avocado Stem Pieces in Tissue Culture
SchroederCA1976c Some Useful Plants of the Botanical Family Lauraceae
SchroederCA1976d Daily Size Changes in Avocado Related to Temperature
SchroederCA1977 No Yas - A Threat to the Avocado
SchroederCA1977b The Persea Tree of Egypt
SchroederCA1977c Longevity of Plant Tissue Cultures
SchroederCA1977d The Avocado Tree as a Living Fence Post
SchroederCA1979 Dampier's Early Account of the Avocado
SchroederCA1979b Etiolation and Avocado Bud Elongation in Vitro
SchroederCA1979c An Avocado Relative from China
SchroederCA1980 Avocado Place Names
SchroederCA1980b Diurnal Changes in Leaf Thickness of Avocado
SchroederCA1980c Avocado Tissue in vitro
SchroederCA1981 Sclerocarpelosis in Avocado Fruit
SchroederCA1982 The Avocado in Sri Lanka
SchroederCA1982b Progress Report on Study of Sclereid Formation in Avocado Fruit Pericarp
SchroederCA1982c Avocado Materials in Southeast Asia
SchroederCA1982d Some Historical Aspects of the Avocado in Australia
SchroederCA1983 A Possible Association of Stony Fruit of Avocado and Phytophthora citricola
SchroederCA1985 Aberrant Fruit Development in Avocado
SchroederCA1985b Physiological Gradient in Avocado Fruit
SchroederCA1985c Avocados on Easter Island
SchroederCA1987 Physiological gradients in fleshy pericarp of avocado
SchroederCA1987b An Unusual Case of Parasitism in Avocado
SchroederCA1987c Fluorescence of Tissues in Avocado Fruit
SchroederCA1992 Response of Avocado Pericarp Tissue to Mechanical Injury
Schroeder1988 Avocados in Australia
SchroederCA1989 The Laurel or Bay Forests of the Canary Islands
SchroederCA1990 Useful Fruits of Avocado Relatives
SchroederCA1992 Recollections of Avocado History at U.C.L.A.
SchroederCA1992b Occurrence of Stone Cells in Avocado Fruit Pericarp in Response to Mechanical Injury
SchroederCA1993 Aberrant Avocado Leaf Forms
SchroederCA1995 Electrostatic Effects with Avocado Pollen
SchroederCA1995b Botanical Relatives of tAvocado in Australia
SchuchUrsula1992 Properties of Persea indica, an Ornamental for Southern California
SchusterJack2021 Descripción de una guía para la determinación y manejo de 12 especies de insectos coleoptera y lepidoptera asociadas al aguacate (Persea americana: Lauraceae), en Guatemala / Description of a Guide for the Determination and Management of 12 Species of Insects Coleoptera and Lepidoptera Associated with Avocado (Persea americana: Lauraceae), in Guatemala
SchutteGC1988 Distribution of Phosphite in Avocado Trees after Trunk Injection with Phosphorous Acid and Its Possible Response to Phytophthora cinnamomi
SchwartzM2003 Estabilidad del aguacate osmodeshidratado durante el almacenamiento


New Products of Avocado (Persea americana Mill): Paste and Pieces Obtained by Osmotic Drying


Obtaining and Storing Powder Avocado


Indicadores de competitividad de la industria exportadora chilena de palta (aguacate)


Mejoramiento del rendimiento de extracción del aceite de palta (aguacate)

ScoraPeter1999 Phytochemistry of Nectandra umbrosa Berries, Cloudforest Food of the Resplendent Quetzal
ScoraRainer1992 Origin of and Taxonomic Relationships within the Genus Persea
ScoraRainer2002 The Avocado: Botany, Production and Uses / Taxonomy and Botany
ScorzaR1975 Evaluation of Avocado Cold Hardiness
ScorzaR1976 Measurement of Avocado Cold Hardiness
ScottFlora1963 Persea americana, Mesocarp Cell Structure, Light and Electron Microscope Study
ScottLB1916 Avocado Performance Records
ScottLB1917 Comparative Merits of the California Avocado Varieties
ScottLB1920 Work of the California Nurserymen's Bud Selection Association
ScowKate2024 CV: Kate Scow
SeamountDaniel1967 Mechanizing Avocado Picking
SeamountDaniel1967b Increasing the Efficiency of Avocado Harvesting
SebringHO1921 Some Observations on Avocados in Custard Apple Muck
SedgleyMargaret1977 Reduced Pollen Tube Growth and the Presence of Callose in the Pistil of the Male Floral Stage of the Avocado
SedgleyMargaret1978 Structure of the Stigma and Style of the Avocado
SedgleyMargaret1981 Flowering and Fruit-Set Response to Temperature in the Avocado Cultivar 'Hass'
SedgleyMargaret1983 Avocado Breeding Research in Australia
SedgleyMargaret1983b Effect of Low Temperatures During Flowering on Floral Cycle and Pollen Tube Growth in Nine Avocado Cultivars
SedgleyMargaret1983c Developmental Anatomy of the Avocado Stigma Papilla Cells and Their Secretion
SedgleyMargaret1985 Inhibition of Flowering of Mexican- and Guatemalan-Type Avocados Under Tropical Conditions
SedgleyMargaret1985b Some Effects of Daylength and Flower Manipulation on the Floral Cycle of Two Cultivars of Avocado (Persea americana Mill., Lauraceae), A Species showing Protogynous Dichogamy
SedgleyMargaret1987 Flowering, pollination and fruit-set of avocado
SegoviaDesiderio1968 A Letter Regarding Avocado Culture in Paraguay
SelfGK1994 Ultrasonic evaluation of ripening avocado flesh
SephtonHugo1966 The Isolation of D-erythro-L-galacto-Nonulose from the Avocado, Together with its Synthesis and Proof of Structure Through Reduction to D-arabino-D-manno-Nonitol and D-arabino-D-gluco-Nonitol
SepulvedaGonzalo1991 Ovalle, un buen clima para paltos [cvs. Bacon, Edranol y Hass]
SepulvedaNorma1992 Production and Demand for Chilean Avocados: Domestic and Export Markets
SerfonteinJJ2013 Evaluation of alternative methods to stem injections to apply phosphonate to avocado trees for Phytophthora control, i.e. bark and soil penetrants to enhance phosphonate uptake – Preliminary report
SerfonteinJJ2014 Evaluation of alternative methods to stem injections to apply phosphonate to avocado trees for Phytophthora control, i.e. bark and soil penetrants to enhance phosphonate uptake (Preliminary report)
SerpaDiego1968 Avocado Culture in Venezuela
SextonJoseph1916 The Avocado in Southern California
ShacharZwi1969 Meet Your Directors-At-Large
ShacharZwi1982 The Avocado in Israel
ShafrirM1969 A New Approach to Rooting of Difficult-to-Root Avocado Cuttings
ShalhevetJoseph1999 Salinity and Water Management in Avocado
ShalhevetJoseph2003 Avocado sensitivity to salinity revisited – Akko Experiment 1984 – 1992
ShamelAD1915 Individual Tree Records
ShamelAD1920 Avocado Performance Records
ShamelAD1936 The Parent Fuerte Avocado Tree
ShamelAD1936b Bud Selection in Avocado Varieties
ShamelAD1938 Avocado Studies in Mexico in 1938
SharonDror1998 Association between DNA Markers and Loci Controlling Avocado Traits
SharonYehoshua1999 Aspects of the water economy of Hass avocado trees (Persea americana, cv. Hass). I. Plant water status and gas exchange
SharonYehoshua2001 Aspects of the water economy of avocado trees (Persea Americana, cv. Hass)
SharpPaul1950 The Experiment Station and the Avocado Industry
SharpeFV1950 The Avocado in Australia
SharplessBH1917 History of the Sharpless and the Monroe Avocados, and My Observations and Experiences in Propagating the Same
SharplessBH1918 When is an avocado ripe? How to tell a ripe fruit
SharplessBH1941 Tying, Propping and Pruning Avocado Trees
ShavitOfrit2009 Competition between honeybees (Apis mellifera) and native solitary bees in the Mediterranean region of Israel - Implications for conservation
SheddenTH1916 "The Hotel and the Avocado"
SheddenTH1917 How shall we eliminate the misnomer, "alligator pear"?
SheddenTH1917b Presidential Address by Thomas H. Shedden, Monrovia
SheddenTH1918 This Association
SheddenTH1918b Opening Address
SheltonRR1981 Marketing: SAAGA European Committee's Report
SheltonRR1983 South African Avocados - 1982
ShephardStanley1962 An Avocado Field Day in Australia
ShephardStanley1971 Avocado Culture in Australia and New Zealand
ShepherdJack1942 Avocado Men Go A-Visiting
ShepherdJack1946 Avocado Marketing
ShepherdJack1949 Market Acceptance of New Varieties
ShepherdJack1949b Avocados and the "Freeze" - Marketing Problems and Effects
ShepherdJack1952 Through the Looking Glass
ShepherdJack1954 Research
ShepherdJack1962 One Strong from Many Weak
ShepherdJack1964 The Views of Janus
ShepherdJack1968 Report of the President
ShepherdJack1977 The Most Important Thing
ShepherdJack1988 The Ever-Whirling Wheel of Change...or Time Turned Topsy-Turvy
ShepherdJack1990 Water, Water, Every...Where?
ShepherdJack1990b Recognition of the 75th Anniversary: Commemoration and Commitment
ShepherdJack1992 Janus Looks at the World Avocado Industry
ShepherdJack1992b Janus Looks Again
ShepherdJohn1984 Average Weights of Selected Avocado Cultivar
ShepherdJohn1985 Production Research: New Direction
ShepherdJohn2001 A History of the Avocado Industry in California
SherDavid2005 An Innovative System to Achieve Early Precocity in Avocado under the Marginal Growing Environment in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
SherSA1955 Nematodes and the Avocado
SherSA1959 Nematodes in Avocados
SherlockWP1927 Thinning Avocados
SherwoodHorace1941 "Do’s" and "Don'ts" in Mango Budding
ShmulevichI2003 Comparison Between Acoustic Response and Low Mass Impact Measurement Techniques to Assess Avocado Firmness
ShohamUlan1992 The Current State of the Israeli Avocado Industry
ShooterCC1922 A Hardy Mexican Avocado
ShorChanan2023 השפעת מלחמת חרבות ברזל על גידול האבוקדו בעוטף עזה / The effect of the Iron Swords War on avocado cultivation in the Gaza Envelope
ShovalS1987 Pollination rate and pollen tube growth of avocado, in relation to yield
SilberAvner2015 Actually close the avocado stomata during a daytime?
SilvaCarlos1994 Composicion y evolucion de los componentes quimicos de la palta (Persea americana Mill) durante su maduracion
SilvaCarlos1995 ABSTRACT: Composicion y evolucion de los componentes quimicos de la palta(Persea americana Mill) durante su maduracion
SilvaOscar1995 Desarrollo y biología del complejo de escamas blancas en paltos, en la provincia de Quillota, V Región
SilvaPamela1992 Efecto del cultar (Placlobutrazol) en arboles recortados de paltos (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass sobre el crecimiento vegetativo y entrada en produccion
SilveiraSV2003 Elementos minerales y carbohidratos en plantones de aguacate ‘Carmen’ inoculados con micorrizas arbusculares
SimmondsEdward1921 Behavior of the Guatemalan Avocado and the Chinese Mango in South Florida
SinghG1982 Methyl bromide and inorganic bromide residues in avocados after fumigation and storage
SinkovichTony2005 Marketing New Zealand Avocados in the United Kingdom and Europe
SippelAD1992 Growth rates of Pinkerton avocado fruit
SippelAD1993 Analysis of 'Pinkerton' Avocado Fruit Growth
SippelAD1994 The Current Status of Avocado Phase II Evaluations at the ITSC
SippelAD1994b Avocado Fruit Maturity (cv. Pinkerton) as Affected by Fruitset Period
SippelAD1995 Progress with the Phase-II Avocado Evaluation Programme and its Value to the Industry
SippelAD1995b Manipulation of Fruit Set Period of The Pinkerton Avocado and its Effect on Fruit and Tree Characteristics
SippelAD1996 Early Results from the Phase-II Avocado Rootstock Selections
SippelAD1996b Early Results from the Phase-II Avocado Cultivar Selections
SippelAD1998 Cultivar and Selection Performance in the Avocado Phase II valuation Programme: 1997
SippelAD1998b Performance of Rootstock Cultivars in the Avocado Phase II Evaluation Programme: 1997
SitritYaron1986 Regulation of Ethylene Biosynthesis in Avocado Fruit during Ripening
SitritYaron1988 Interference of Phenolic Compounds with the 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylic Acid Assay
SivasithamparamK1982 Chemical Control of Phytophthora Root Rot of Newly Planted Avocados in Western Australia
SlabbertMJ1981 Flower and Fruit Drop
SlabbertMJ1984 The Influence of Modified Atmosphere Storage on the Quality of Fuerte Avocado Fruit
SlabbertMJ1987 A comparison of irrigation scheduling by tensiometer versus evaporation pan
SlabbertMJ1994 Review of Agricultural Research on Avocados in Natal - Research Priorities and Needs
SlorEphraim1971 Selection of Avocado Varieties in Israel
SlowikK1979 Influence of Rootstocks, Soil Oxygen, and Soil Moisture on the Uptake and Translocation of Nutrients in Young Avocado
SmakelHarry1929 Pruning By Pinching and Disbudding
SmillieRobert1992 Calvin cycle activity in fruit and the effect of heat stress
SmithCO1926 Blast of Avocados - A Bacterial Disease
SmithDG1992 Production potential of Fuerte on seedling rootstocks
SmithDG1993 Horticultural Performance of Imported Cultivars and Rootstocks in the North-Eastern Transvaal
SmithDG1993b Progress with the Single Tree Management Concept
SmithDuncan2012 Chairman's Report 2011
SmithDuncan2013 Chairman's Report 2012
SmithElize1987 Occurrence and control of avocado sooty blotch
SmithH1981 Avocado oil, the Cinderella of the avocado industry?
SmithH1981b The Annual Incidence of Avocado Cull Factors in the Letaba District
SmithHarley2019 PRESENTATION: Irregular Bearing, Crop Load Management and Production / PRESENTACIÓN: Periodos fértiles irregulares, gestión de carga de cultivos y producción
SmithJ1996 Microbes Associated with the Avocado Flower and Fruit: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
SmithJHE1984 Storage Temperature Studies
SmithJared1932 Hawaii Yearns for Mainland Markets
SmithLA2011 Field assessment of avocado rootstock selections for resistance to Phytophthora root rot
SmithLloyd1971 Research on Avocado Processing at the University of California, Davis
SmithPhilip1978 A Cooperative Marketing Organization Looks at the Record Crop
SmithRalph1929 Thrips Injury to Avocados
SmithRL1954 Preliminary Studies of Some Physiological Root Characteristics in Citrus and Avocado
SmithRoy1962 Progress Report on Fruit Picking Machine
SmithTimothy1997 Improving Boron Nutrition Improves 'Hass' Avocado Fruit Size and Quality
SmithTobias2018 The Australian Bee Genera: An Annotated, User-Friendly Key
SmitterWessel1949 The Mysterious Avocado
SmoyerKenneth1940 Avocado Tree Decline
SmoyerKenneth1941 Avocados and Oak Root Fungus
SmoyerKenneth1945 Fertilization of Avocados
SmoyerKenneth1947 Avocado Tree Nutrition
SmoyerKenneth1948 Can We Afford to Grow Avocados?
SnijderB1995 Strategies for Renewal of Unproductive Older Avocado Orchards with Severe Encroachment Problems
SnijderB1997 Can More Intensive Plantings of Avocado Orchards be Maintained?
SnijderB1998 Manipulation of Avocado Trees to Control Tree Size a Four Year Progress Report
SnijderB1999 Training and manipulation of young avocado trees
SnijderB1999b Pruning mature and encroached avocado trees to restimulate and maintain production and fruit quality
SnijderB2000 Macro nutrient accumulation and requirement of Hass avocado trees
SnijderB2000b Results with pruning of existing avocado orchards
SnijderB2000c Pruning and managing existing avocado orchards
SnijderB2000d Planning and managing new avocado orchards
SnijderB2002 Further refinement of 'Pinkerton' export parameters
SnijderB2003 Development of Fruit Maturity and Mineral Content Norms for Export Avocado Cultivars from Different South African Avocado Growing Regions
SnijderB2003b Development of fruit maturity and mineral content norms for export avocado cultivars from different South African avocado growing regions
SnijderB2015 Fertilizer needs for Maluma - a case study
SnirElnatan1971 Flowering, Pollination and Fruit set in Avocado
SnyderRichard0000 Frost Protection: When to Thrn Sprinklers On and Off
SnymanAJ1984 Pathogenicity of Avocado Root Rot Fungi to Edranol Seedlings and Duke 7 Rooted Cuttings
SnymanCP1983 Efficacy of Systemic Fungicides Applied as a Trunk Paint and a Sponge Band for the Control of Root Rot on Five Year Old Avocado Trees
SnymanCP1983b Pathogenicity of Avocado Root Isolates to Edranol Seedlings and Duke 7 Rooted Cuttings
SnymanCP1983c Evaluation of Application Techniques of Four Fungicides for the Control of Phytophthora Root Rot on Avocado Seedlings
SnymanCP1984 The Evaluation of New Application Methods of Fungicides for the Control of Avocado Root Rot
SnymanCP1984b Loss of Control of Avocado Root Rot by Metalaxyl
SnymanCP1984c Efficacy of Fungicide Applications for the Control of Phytophthora Cinnamomi Root Rot on Avocado Seedlings in the Glasshouse
SociedadChilena2002 ABSTRACT: Recientes avances en fitopatologia. 3: Principales trabajos relacionados con citricos, paltos y otros frutales no tradicionales
SolaresEdwin2022 Insights into the domestication of avocado and potential genetic contributors to heterodichogamy
SolisJJ1998 Aplicaciones foliares de nitrato de calcio, su efecto en el contenido nutrimental de hoja y mesocarpio en aguacatero (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass / Foliar Sprays of Calcium Nitrate, Effect in the Mineral Content of Leaf and Mesocarp in cv. Hass Avocado (Persea americana Mill.)
SolomosThophanes1974 Similarities between the Actions of Ethylene and Cyanide in Initiating the Climacteric and Ripening of Avocados
SolorzanoDiana1989 Propagation In Vitro of Rootstocks of Avocado
SotoAntonio1995 Evaluación del comportamiento y calidad del puré y trozos de pulpa de palta (Persea americana mill.) En los cvs. Negra de la Cruz. Bacon y Hass, cosechadas con dos índices de madurez, conservadas en almacenaje refrigerado y con atmosfera modificada
SotoCarlos2001 Evaluacion del efecto de la aplicacion de MYR Ca-B (5%-1%), MYR Zn-Mn (3%-2%), Auxym, y estres hidrico en ramas anilladas y no anilladas, despues de una poda de rebaje severa, por el control de Phytophthora cinnamomi, sobre la floracion y fructificacion en palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass, Quillota, quinta region, Chile
SotoClaudia2004 Evaluacion de portainjertos de palto de raza Antillana, Mexicana y Guatemalteca bajo condiciones de estres por hipoxia
SotoE2007 Evaluation of Creole Cultivars of Avocado (Persea spp) from the Collection of INIA-CENIAP in Venezuela
SotoJuan2004 Diagnostico de la situacion de las plantaciones frutales en laderas de cerros y caracterizacion de la sensibilidad ambiental de areas de laderas no intervenidas, en la comuna de Quillota
SotoSylvana2015 BULLETIN: Optimización de la Calidad de Palta 'Hass' - Capítulo 4. Enfermedades de postcosecha de palta
SotomayorCarlos1996 El palto (I)
SotomayorCarlos1996b El palto (II)
SotomayorCarlos1996c El palto (III y última parte)
SottaEduardo1995 Seleccion de ecotipos de palta chilena
SouleMortimer1955 Relation of Maturity of Florida Avocados to Physical Characters
SowkaSlawomir1998 Identification and Cloning of Prs a 1, a 32-kDa Endochitinase and Major Allergen of Avocado, and Its Expression in the Yeast Pichia pastoris
SpaldingDonald1972 Quality of 'Booth 8' And 'Lula' Avocados Stored in a Controlled Atmosphere
SpaldingDonald1974 Current Status of Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Four Tropical Fruits
SpaldingDonald1976 Storage of Avocados
SpaldingDonald1976b Low Pressure (Hypobaric) Storage of Avocados
SpaldingDonald1981 Injury to Avocados by Insufficient Oxygen and Excessive Carbon Dioxide During Transit
SpeirsJ1991 Modification of Gene Expression in Ripening Fruit
SpezzanoRichard1986 Growers/Packers/Retailers - Partners in Progress
SpinksWilliam1920 Some Things We Have Learned
StaffordHelen1980 Procyanidins (Condensed Tannins) in Green Cell Suspension Cultures of Douglas Fir Compared with Those in Strawberry and Avocado Leaves by Means of C18-Reversed-phase Chromatography
StahlAL1931 Composition of Florida Avocados
StahlAL1933 Avocado Maturity Studies
StahlAL1942 Pliofilm in the Preservation of Florida Avocados
StahlerN1941 Psyllid Galls On Avocado
StarrettDavid1991 Involvement of Wound and Climacteric Ethylene in Ripening Avocado Discs
StarrettDavid1991b The Effect of Ethylene and Propylene Pulses on Respiration, Ripening Advancement, Ethylene-Forming Enzyme, and 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic Acid Synthase Activity in Avocado Fruit
StarrettDavid1993 Ethylene and Wound-lnduced Gene Expression in the Preclimacteric Phase of Ripening Avocado Fruit and Mesocarp Discs
StassenPiet1995b Principles Involved in Tree Management of Higher Density Avocado Orchards
StassenPiet1996 Manipulation of Hass Avocado Trees - Pruning
StassenPiet199b Manipulation of Hass Avocado Trees Fruit Induction and Thinning
StassenPiet1997 Preliminary Studies on Macro-Element Utilization by Hass Avocado Trees
StassenPiet1999 Planning and Managing More Intensive Avocado Orchards
StassenPiet1999b Revitalizing Avocado Jungles
StassenPiet1999c Canopy Management Panel Summary
StassenPiet1999d Results Obtained by Pruning Overcrowded Avocado Orchards
StassenPiet1999e Results with Spacing, Tree Training and Orchard Maintenance in Young Avocado Orchards
SteffaniCharles1954 History of Horticulture in Dade County
SteinschneiderKarl1936 Avocado Culture in Palestine
SteinwedenJohn1955 The Mexican Fruit Fly - A Threat to California
StephensThomas1957 Preparation of a Frozen Avocado Mixture for Guacamole
StephensThomas1958 The Effect of Thickening Agents in Reducing the Watery Separation of Frozen and Thawed Guacamole Products
StephensThomas1967 The Description and Operation of a Machine for Peeling Avocados
StephensWilliam1911 Promise of Enlarged Horticultural Possibilities
SternRaphael2022 PRESENTATION: Bumblebees improve 'Hass' avocado pollination and increase yield
SterneRE1976 The Effect of Osmotic Potential and Specific Ions on Growth of Phytophthora cinnamomi
SterneRE1977 The Influence of Matric Potential. Soil Texture. and Soil Amendment on Root Disease Caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi
StevenD2003 Novel Chemicals to Control Six-Spotted Mite, Eotetranychus sexmaculatus
StevenD2004 Control of Six-Spotted Mite, Eotetranychus sexmaculatus
StevensHE1920 Some Diseases of the Avocado and Other Subtropical Fruits
StevensHE1921 Spraying for Avocado Diseases
StevensHE1931 Diseases of Sub-Tropical Fruits
StevensHE1934 Disease Control of Avocados and Mangos
StevensHE1941 Avocado Sun-Blotch in Florida
StevensPhilippa1997 Avo-Green: An Option for Reducing Pesticide Use
StevensPhilippa1999 The Impact of New Pests on New Zealand Avocado Production
StevensPhilippa1999b Effects of Greenhouse Thrips (Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis) Life-Stage, Density and Feeding Duration on Damage to Avocado Fruit
StevensPhilippa2001 Field Testing Insecticides for Control of Greenhouse Thrips in Avocados
StevensPhilippa2001b Comparative Toxicity of Pesticides to the Sixspotted Mite Eotetranychus sexmaculatus (Riley) (Acari: Tetranychidae) on Avocados
StevensPhilippa2002 Evaluating the Suitability of Sixspotted Mites as Prey for Commercially Available Mite Predators
StevensPhilippa2002b Effects of adult feeding on longevity and fecundity of Ctenopseustis obliquana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
StewartCAF1933 The Avocado Pear or Alligator Pear in Jamaica
StewartMargaret1917 My Experience in Growing Avocados
StewartWMS1948 Progress Report on Effects of Plant Growth Regulator Sprays on Avocados
StewartWMS1951 Effects of Growth-Regulating Sprays on Fruit Set of Avocado
SteynEMA1993 Cryptically Female Flowers in ‘Fuerte’: Fact or Falacy?
SteynEMA1993b Cuke Development in Consistently Low Producing Trees of the 'Fuerte' Avocado with Special Reference to Seed Abortion
SteynEMA1994 Ovules of 'Fuerte' Flowers with Reduced Male Function
SteynWP1993 Effect of Insect Growth Regulator, CGA 211446, on the Third Instar of the Heart-Shaped Scale on Avocados
SteynWP1993b Natural Enemies of Thrips on Avocado
SteynWP1994 Effect of Insect Growth Regulator, CGA 211446, on the Third Instar of the Heart-Shaped Scale on Avocados
SteynWP2015 Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) for the control of false codling moth Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in avocado orchards in South Africa
SteynWP2016 Progress on entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) for the control of false codling moth Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in avocado orchards in South Africa
SteynWP2018 Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) – Update of research on avocados and the way forward
SteynWP2019 Controlling the false codling moth, Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Meyrick) with entomopathogenic nematodes
StirlingAM1992 Evaluation of the Biological Control Potential of Bacteria Isolated From a Soil Suppressive to Phytophthora Cinnamomi
StirlingAM1995 Isolation and selection of bacteria and yeasts antagonistic to preharvest infection of avocado by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
StirlingAM1999 Effect of copper fungicide on Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and other microorganisms on avocado leaves and fruit
StirlingAM2001 Interaction of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, epiphytic microorganisms and nutrients on avocado leaves and fruit
StolzyLH1967 Oxygen Diffusion, Water, and Phytophthora cinnamomi in Root Decay and Nutrition of Avocados
StonebrookHB1926 Discussion of the Florida Avocado Situation
StonerAllan2007 19th and 20th Century Plant Hunters
StonesW2015 The relationship between the farmer, researcher and the extension advisor / La relación entre el agricultor, el investigador y el asesor de extensión
StonesW2019 PRESENTATION: Growing Avocados under shadenet - a few observations
StoreyWilliam1954 The Macadamia Nut Industry in Hawaii
StoreyWilliam1955 Subtropical Fruits for California
StoreyWilliam1955b Evaluation of Avocado Varieties and Rootstocks
StoreyWilliam1956 The Lychee - With Remarks Concerning its Status in California
StoreyWilliam1958 Subtropical Fruits in Southern California
StoreyWilliam1959 Avocado Variety Trials at Riverside and Greenspot
StoreyWilliam1959b Progress Report on the Macadamia
StoreyWilliam1960 The Avocado in Australia
StoreyWilliam1968 The Avocado in Trinidad and Tobago
StoreyWilliam1968b End Spotting and Corking of Avocado Fruits
StoreyWilliam1972 The Lychee
StoreyWilliam1973 Factors Affecting the Marketability of Avocado Fruit
StoreyWilliam1973b What kind of fruit is the avocado?
StoreyWilliam1984 Observations on a Second-Generation Progeny of a Mexican x West Indian Cross
StoreyWilliam1986 The Origin, Indigenous Range, and Dissemination of the Avocado
StoutAB1923 A Study in Cross-Pollination of Avocados in Southern California
StoutAB1923b How to Make the Avocado Tree Bear
StoutAB1925 The Flower Behavior of Avocados with Special Reference to Interplanting
StoutAB1932 Sex in Avocados and Pollination
StoutAB1933 The Pollination of Avocados
StouthamerRichard2009 Determination of the Likelihood that Scale Insects, Originating from Imported Fruit, Establish on Avocado Trees in California
StouthamerRichard2009b PRESENTATION: Armored Scale Blythe Border Station Sampling / Dispersal Studies
StouthamerRichard2010 Survey of Scale Insects Found on Imported Avocado and Dispersal of Scale Insects from Fruit to Host Plants
StouthamerRichard2012 PRESENTATION: Summary of Scientific Meeting
StouthamerRichard2012b PRESENTATION: What is the problem?
StrasserJrJO1932 How to Buy Avocados
StrombergEO1940 Care of Avocado Grafts
StuckyCarl2008 2007 Oliver Atkins Award of Excellence: The Abbott Family
StuckyCarl2011 2007 Oliver Atkins Award of Excellence: The Abbott Family
StuckyCarl2011b 2011 Special Award Of Merit, For Excellence In Marketing - APEAM: Asociación de Productores y Empacadores
StumpfPK1957 Fat Metabolism in Higher Plants. IX. Enzymic Synthesis of Long Chain Fatty Acids by Avocado Particles.
StylesStuart2022 PRESENTATION: Troubleshooting Drip/Micro For Avocados
SuarezRossana1993 Efecto del uso de un ester de sacarosa en dos estados de madurez de palta (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Edranol, durante el almacenaje refrigerado
SullivanWallace1942 Avocado Production Cost and Efficiency Analysis For 1941
SutherlandTG1925 The Problem of Avocado Thievery
SuthersGary1967 South Coast Field Station - An Important Avocado Research Facility
SuttonNorman1956 Some Observations on Lime and Avocado Grove Cultural and Maintenance Practices in Dade County
SwartsDH1984 Post-Harvest Problems of Avocados - Let's Talk the Same Language
SymonsPRR1989 Responses of potted Hass avocado plants to paclobutrazol drenches
SymonsPRR1990 Field trial using paclobutrazol foliar sprays on Hass avocado trees
SymonsPRR1991 ABSTRACT: Manipulation of Vegetative-Reproductive Growth in 'Hass' Avocado with Paclobutrazol
TaahKJ2003 Molecular Approaches for the Characterisation of Ghanaian Avocado Pear (Persea americana Mill.) Germplasm
TadeySharon2021 Aplicación de thiabendazole, hymexazol y fludioxonil para el control preventivo de Lasiodiplodia sp. en palto 'Hass' / Application of Thiabendazole, Hymexazol and Fludioxonil for the Preventive Control of Lasiodiplodia sp. in 'Hass' Avocado
TaftCP1915 Things to be Expected
TaftCP1916 Market Value of the Avocado
TaftCP1917 The Taft Avocado and Its History
TaftCP1918 Discussion of Mr. Murrieta's Paper
TaibR1978 Anatomical aspects of avocado fruit abscission
TaitoMonica1993 Efecto del uso de N,O-caboximetil-quitosan, nutri save, en el comportamiento durante el almacenaje refrigerado de paltas (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass
TakeleEtaferahu1982 The Economics of a Monorail System
TakeleEtaferahu1988 Economic Trend Analysis of Avocados
TakeleEtaferahu1990 Irrigation and Fertilization Management of Avocados Economic Analysis Progress Report
TakeleEtaferahu1992 Irrigation and Fertilization Management of Avocados: Economic Analysis Progress Report
TakeleEtaferahu1996 Economic Analysis of Irrigation and Fertilization Management of Avocados
TakeleEtaferahu2001 Avocado Sample Establishment and Production Costs and Profitability Analysis for Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties
TakeleEtaferahu2011 Avocado Sample Establishment and Production Costs and Profitability Analysis for San Diego and Riverside Counties, 2011 - Conventional Production Practices
TakeleEtaferahu2011b Avocado Sample Establishment and Production Costs and Profitability Analysis for Ventura, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo Counties, 2011 - Conventional Production Practices
TakeleEtaferahu2011c Avocado Sample Establishment and Production Costs and Profitability Analysis for San Diego and Riverside Counties, 2011 - Organic Production Practices
TakeleEtaferahu2011d Avocado Sample Establishment and Production Costs and Profitability Analysis, Venture, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo Counties, 2011 - Organic Production Practices
TalAlon2022 Seeking Sustainability: Israel's Evolving Water Management Strategy
TalaveraCM2003 Reconsideraciones tecnicas al ciclo biologico del barrenador de ramas del aguacate (Copturus aguacatae, Kissinger)
TamayoVelezAlvaro2019 PRESENTACIÓN: Composición y remoción nutrientes por la cosecha de aguacate cv. Hass en Antioquia
TapiaLM2003 Indices de referencia nutrimental N, P y K en aguacate (Persea americana, Mill) var. “Hass” bajo fertirriego en Michoacán, Mexico
TapiaPatricio1993 Aproximacion al ciclo fenologico del palto (Persea americana Mill.), cultivar Hass para la zona de Quillota, quinta Region
TapiaS2007 Control of Harmful Thysanoptera on Hass Avocado Crop (Persea americana Mill.), in Jujuy Province, Argentina
TapiaVargasLM2007 Nitrate Leaching in Two Nutritional and Water Management Systems of Avocado in Michoacan


Efecto del clima y manejo de agua en el rendimiento y componentes del fruto de aguacate en Michoacan


Evaluacion de fuentes de potasio en aguacate en Tancitaro, Mich



ThacherES1916 Has the mexican type of avocado a permanent place in the industry?
TaylorNicolette2000 The role of cytokinin, auxin and abscisic acid metabolism in the control of Hass avocado fruit size
TaylorNicolette2002 ABSTRACT: Plant Hormone Homeostasis and the Control of 'Hass' Avocado Fruit Size
TaylorNicolette2021 Water User of Avocado Orchards - Year 4
TaylorOC1957 Smog Reduces Seedling Growth: Zutano avocado seedling growth affected by synthetic smog of ozone and hexene vapor in fumigation chamber experiment
TaylorOC1958 Effect of Air-Borne Reaction Products of Ozone and 1-N-Hexene Vapor (Synthetic Smog) on Growth of Avocado Seedlings
TaylorPJ2011 Bats as potential biocontrol agents in an agricultural landscape, Levubu Valley: Diet, activity and species composition of bats in macadamia orchards and neighbouring natural habitats
TelizDanie1992 Integrated Management of Phytophthora Root Rot of Avocado in Atlixco, Puebla, Mexico
TelizDaniel2003 Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Anthracnose on Avocado (Persea americana Mill)
TelizDaniel2003b Logarithmic Sistems for Measuring Severity of Anthracnose and Scab in Avocado Fruits
TelloCarlos1991 Efectos de volumenes diferenciados de riego en el desarrollo vegetativo, produccion y calidad de frutos en palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass
TepperPaola1996 Transferencia de masa durante la deshidratacion osmótica de palta cv Fuerte
TerrazaMaria2021 Diagnóstico de salud de suelo en el cultivo de aguacate / Soil Health Diagnosis in Avocado Crop
TerryL2007 Suppression of Avocado Ripening with New Palladiumpromoted Ethylene Scavenger
TerryRobert1993 Impact of Hurricane "Andrew" on Tropical Fruit Acreage in Dade County
TesfaySZ2009 Volatiles of 'Hass' avocado - Key to fruit quality and maturity determination?
TesfaySZ2011 Volatiles of 'Hass' avocado - Key to fruit quality and maturity determination?
TesfaySZ2012 The quest for the function of 'Hass' avocado carbohydrates: clues from fruit and seed development as well as seed germination
TesfaySZ2016 The efficacy of combined application of edible coating and moringa extract in enhancing fruit quality in avocado (Persea americana Mill)
TesfaySZ2018 The combined effect of edible coating and ozonated cold storage in avocado (Persea americana Mill.) fruit quality
ThemaM2020 Preharvest application elicitors as an alternative to prochloraz
TheologisAthanasios1978 Respiratory Contribution of the Alternate Path during Various Stages of Ripening in Avocado and Banana Fruits
TheologisAthanasios1982 Potentiating Effect of Pure Oxygen on the Enhancement of Respiration by Ethylene in Plant Storage Organs: A Comparative Study
TheologisAthanasios1982b Membrane Lipid Breakdown in Relation to the Wound-induced and Cyanide-resistant Respiration in Tissue Slices: A Comparative Study
TheronElizabeth1981 Akaropeltopsis: The Cause of Sooty Blotch of Avocados
ThierryBarraganLuis2015 Producción de aguacate Hass para exportación
ThilleAJ1940 Displaying and Selling Avocados in Eastern Markets
ThilleJN1955 Report of the Research Station Committee
ThomasDana1990 Comercio internacional de paltas
ThomasEE1932 Effects of Chlorides in the Soil on Avocado Trees
ThomasGraeme1997 Rootstock Influence on Yield of 'Hass' Avocado
ThompsonNeal1980 Glyphosate Residues on Avocado
ThomsonWW1979 Avocado Sunblotch - a Viroid Disease?
ThornAlan2009 PRESENTATION: NZ Industry Status - Retrospect & Future Viewpoints
ThornWilliam1952 Hosts of Phytophthora Cinnamomi Rands, The Causal Organism of Avocado Root Rot
ThornWilliam1959 Irrigation Water Tests to Isolate the Avocado Root Rot Fungus
ThorpGrant1992 Shoot Growth and Tree Architecture in a Range of Avocado Cultivars
ThorpGrant1992b A Study of Modular Growth in Avocado (Persea americana Mill.)
ThorpGrant1992c Shoot Growth and Tree Architecture in a Range of Avocado Cultivars
ThorpGrant1993 Architectural analysis of tree form in a range of avocado cultivars
ThorpGrant1993b Manipulation of shoot growth patterns in relation to early fruit set in 'Hass' avocado (Persea americana Mill.)
ThorpGrant1995c CICLOS DE CRECIMIENTO DEL PALTO – UN MODELO CUANTITATIVO (Traducido por Enrique Espinoza Pavez)
ThorpGrant1997 Avocado Canopies: Maintaining Production from Smaller Trees
ThorpGrant1997b Survey of fruit mineral concentrations and postharvest quality of New Zealand-grown 'Hass' avocado {Persea americana Mill.)
ThorpGrant1999 High-density planting systems - the debate continues?
ThorpGrant1999b Searching for "Paradise" in the Avocado Germplasm
ThorpGrant2001 Pruning Height and Selective Limb Removal Affect Yield of Large ‘Hass’ Avocado Trees
ThorpGrant2009 PRESENTATION: Alternate bearing in 'Hass' avocado: possible role of carbohydrates and boron
ThunerKathleen1989 Avocados...Minor Crop...Major Problems
TichoRobert1936 The Effect of Ringing on the Carbohydrate and Nitrogen Content of Mexican Avocado Seedlings
TichoRobert1965 The Avocado in Israel
TichoRobert1971 Girdling, A Means to Increase Avocado Fruit Production
TingwaPeter1974 The Effect of Calcium on the Ripening of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Fruits
TingwaPeter1974b The Effect of Tonicity and Metabolic Inhibitors on Respiration and Ripening of Avocado Fruit Slices
TingwaPeter1975 Studies on the Inhibition of Ripening in Attached Avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) Fruits
TingwaPeter1975b The Effect of Indole-3-acetic Acid and Other Growth Regulators on the Ripening of Avocado Fruits
TinyanePP2015 Influence of photo-selective shade nettings to improve fruit quality at harvest and during postharvest storage
TinyanePP2016 Influence of photo-selective shade netting to improve fruit quality at harvest and during postharvest storage
TinyanePP2018 Influence of photo-selective shade nettings to improve fruit quality at harvest and during postharvest storage
ToddGlenn1961 Photosynthesis & Respiration in Developing Fruits. II. Comparative Rates at Various Stages of Development
ToddLois1985 Report of the President
ToddTed1966 The Avocado Variety Situation Today
ToddTed1968 Report of the Library Committee
ToddTed1976 The Avocado Variety Situation Today
ToerienJan1977 The Effect of the Absence of Pedicels on Post Harvest Diseases of Avocados
ToerienJan1977b Production of Avocado Trees in the Nursery
ToerienJan1979 An Investigation into the Treatment of Avocado Graftwood with Anti Transpirant Prior to Grafting
ToerienJan1979b An Investigation into the Effect of Ringbarking and IBA on Rooting of Etiolated Duke Seedlings
ToerienJan1979c An Investigation into Thinning of an Avocado Orchard
ToerienJan1979d Seasonal Incidence of Ring-Neck on Avocados and Possible Causes
ToerienJan1979e An Investigation into the Successful Grafting of Avocados after the Commencement of Flower Bud Differentiation
ToerienJan1981 Interpretation of Avocado Quality and Condition in the Marketing Context
ToerienJan1984 The Economics of Avocado Production in the Tzaneen Area
ToerienJan1986 Temperature Control of Avocados for Sea Export
ToerienJan1987 The South African Avocado Industry
ToerienJan1988 Report on Overseas Tour
ToerienJan1989 Aspects of the economy of avocado production in South Africa
ToerienJan1992 The economy of avocado production in South Africa
ToerienJan1992b An Overview of the South African Avocado Industry
ToerienJan1994 The South African Avocado Industry Looking Towards Year 2000
ToerienJan1994b Saaga Chairman's Report 1993
ToerienJan1994c Challenges to the Avocado Producer
ToerienJan1997 Foreword
ToerienJan1997b Does Avocado Research Pay?
ToerienJan1999 Integrated Management of Avocados
ToerienJan1999b Postharvest Research Funding


Joe Darvas - An Appreciation of his Contributions to the Avocado Industry


The Phytophthora Challenge


The History of Commercial Avocado Ripening

ToledoJuan1996 Aproximación a los requerimientos hidricos en vivero de portainjertos de palto (Persea americana Mill) cv. Mexicola
TomerE1978 Abnormalities in Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Ovule Development
TomerE1979 The effect of girdling on flowering, fruit setting and abscission in avocado trees
TomerE1979b Early Stages in Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Fruit Development: Anatomical Aspects
TomerE1980 Seedless Fruit in 'Fuerte' and 'Ettinger' Avocado
TomkinsAR2002 Sustainable Management of Sixspotted Spider Mite (Eotetranychus sexmaculatus (Riley)) on Avocados
TommasiniL2009 Towards a Program of Marker-Assisted Selection on Valuable Avocado Traits
ToniCH2018 Western Honey Bee Management for Crop Pollination
ToroMilena1995 Efecto del metodo de riego en la distribucion espacial del sistema radical de paltos (Persea americana Mill) cv. Hass en dos tipos de suelos
TorresAndrew1980 Fruit and Leaf Isozymes as Genetic Markers in Avocado
TomerE1976 Defective Ovules in Avocado Cultivars
TomerE1978 Abnormalities in Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Ovule Development


Enzyme Polymorphisms as Genetic Markers in the Avocado

TorresMD2003 Nutrición B, Zn y Cu del aguacate. Comparación de métodos de fertilización.
ToumeyJim1980 Bees Vital to Fruit Set; Keep Your Beekeeper Smiling
ToumeyJim1982 Bio Control Scientist Battles Brown Mite With Mexican Predators
ToumeyJim1983 Isolation Is Key Word In This Root Rot Survey
TowsenE1995 The Importance of Monitoring Antagonists Survival for Efficient Biocontrol
ToyLeonard1931 Avocado Varieties - Selections for Planting
ToyLeonard1933 The Search for New and Promising Varieties of Avocados
TrabuccoElio1968 Marketing of Florida Avocados and Limes
TracyJonathan1983 Manganese Toxicity in Avocado (Persea americana Mill.)
TracyJonathan1985 A Preliminary Report on Phosphorus Deficiency of Hass Avocado
TraskElwood1933 Avocado Topworking
TraskElwood1947 Report of Subtropical Fruit Committee
TraskElwood1948 Observations on the Avocado Industry in Mexico
TraskElwood1950 How long should you run your sprinklers?
TraskElwood1951 A Soil Map for Better Soil Management
TraskElwood1951b Report of the Research Committee
TraskElwood1956 Appraising an Avocado Grove
TraskElwood1958 Bibliography of Articles in the California Avocado Society Yearbooks on Irrigation of Avocados in California
TraskElwood1959 Avocado Irrigation
TraskElwood1960 Protecting Newly Grafted Avocado Stumps and Scions from Sunburn
TraskElwood1960b Some Factors Affecting the Accumulation of Chlorides in Avocado Soils
TraubHamilton1933 Propagation Experiments with Avocado, Mango, and Papaya
TraubHamilton1934 Avocado Fractional Embryo Graftage
TraubHamilton1937 Improvement of Subtropical Fruit Other than Citrus
TraubHamilton1938 The Sulphuric Acid Oil Digestion Method for Avocados
TraubHamilton1938b Improvement of the Avocado
TraubHamilton1939 Effect of Various Degrees of Heading Back on Subsequent Growth of Avocado Trees
TraynorJoe1980 Ideas in Soil and Plant Nutrition
TrejoAugusto1992 Inactivation in situ of Polyphenol Oxidase in Ripe Avocado Fruit
TrochouliasT1976 Girdling of 'Fuerte' Avocado in Subtropical Australia
TruscottMichele1992 Application of the isozyme technique for identification of avocado cultivars
TruterAB1987 Controlled and modified atmospheres to extend storage life of avocados
TruterAB1991 Effect of Modified Atmospheres on Internal Physiological Browning of Fuerte Avocados
TruterAB1992 Effect of Atmosphere Modification on Internal Physiological Browning of 'Fuerte' Avocados
TsaoPM1992 Susceptibility to Phytophthora citricola of Certain Avocado Rootstock Cultivars Known to be Tolerant to P. cinnamomi
TubbsDW1935 "Highlights of Avocado Growing in Florida and Cuba"
TuckerMark1984 Interrelationship of Gene Expression, Polysome Prevalence, and Respiration during Ripening of Ethylene and/or Cyanide-Treated Avocado Fruit
TuckerMark1991 Sequence Analysis and Comparison of Avocado Fruit and Bean Abscission Cellulases
TurneyJerrold1994 Mulching to Control Root Disease in Avocado and Citrus
TuruTakashi1968 The Aguacate in Mexico
TuruTakashi1969 Avocados South of the Border
TuttleEdward1942 "Parity" and "Comparable" Prices on Avocados
TylerRH1972 Avocados in Santa Cruz County
UgarteMarcelo1996 Efecto del método de riego sobre el crecimiento y distribución de raices en palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass en un suelo franco arcilloso
UndurragaGabriel1995 Calidad de frutos de palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Edranol, almacenados en atmosfera controlada
UndurragaPedro1987 Seasonal changes on chemical and physical parameters in six avocado (Persea americana Mill) cultivars grown in Chile
UndurragaPedro2003 Caracterización histológica y bioquímica de desórdenes fisiológicos en paltas (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass en almacenaje refrigerado, en dos estados de madurez
UndurragaPedro2007 Effect of Temperature Break in the Behavior of Avocados (Persea americana Mill.) Hass cv. During Refrigerated Storage
UndurragaPedro2007b Efect of Cold Break During Refrigerated Storage on Conservation and Quality of Hass Avocados (Persea Americana Mill.)


Evaluation of Using 2 Coatings and 3 Periods of Refrigerated Storage in Isabel Avocado (Persea americana Mill.)


Effect of Two Coatings and Two Refrigerated Storage Periods on Postharvest Behaviour of Hass Avocados


Effect of Ripeness and Refrigerated Storage Temperatures on the Conservation of Isabel Avocado


Maturity Evolution of Isabel Avocado Fruits (Persea Americana Mill.), Grafted on Mexicola Stock


Effect of Three Calcium Applications in Pre-Harvest on the Behavior of Fuerte Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Under Refrigerated Storage


Evaluation of Three Kinds of Packaging Material in Edranol Avocados (Persea americana Mill.) as Fresh-Cut Products

UretaAndres1985 Simulacion de exportaciones de paltas (Persea americana Mill.) y efecto en el mercado interno
UriasLopezMA2007 Identificación y fluctuación poblacional de especies de trips (Thysanoptera) en aguacate 'Hass' en Nayarit, México
UriasLopezMA2007b Especies de trips (Thysanoptera) y su fluctuación poblacional en aguacate 'Hass' en Nayarit, México
UriasLopezMA2008 Poblaciones de gusano telarañero y barrenador de ramas en huertos de aguacate 'Hass' de Nayarit, México / Avocado Leafroller and Avocado Stem Weevil Populations in 'Hass' Avocado Orchards in Nayarit, Mexico
UrieliEitan1965 ABSTRACT: Investigation of the physiological processes in the avocado tree and fruit and their adequacy as a measurement for irrigation control
UrreaLópezRafael2017 Induccción de floración por biotecnología para el mejoramiento genético acelerado de árboles de aguacate
UttCE1916 What about the avocado?
UrbinaClaudio1994 Aplicacion de CPPU en paltos (Persea americana Mill.) Hass, Fuerte y Edranol para favorecer la retencion de frutos y produccion de los arboles
UzquianoMiguel1974 An Alternative to the Method Presently Used When Grafting Young Avocado Trees
VakisNJ1985 Maturity and Picking Dates of Avocados Under Cyprus Conditions
VaissiereBernard2011 Protocol to Detect and Assess Pollination Deficits in Crops: A Handbook for Its Use
ValdebenitoJuan1981 Variaión estacional del contenido de aceite, humedad y principales ácidos grasos en paltas (Persea americana Mill.)cv. Hass
ValdesAlberto1984 Fertilizacion del palto
ValdesCarolina2002 Evaluación de la actividad de Apis Mellifera L. y otros
ValdiviesoJose1987 Efecto del encerado y acido giberelico sobre el comportamiento en almacenaje refrigerado de paltas con distinto estado de madurez cv. Edranol y Hass
ValenciaAL2015 Conditions detected in avocado orchards to develop canker dieback caused by Botryosphaeriaceae species in Chile
ValenciaGabriel1935 Root Pruning May Increase Production
ValenzuelaRosa1996 Evaluación de congelado en palta (Persea americana Mill), en los cultivares Fuerte, Hass, Edranol y Bacon bajo distintas formulaciones
ValleDeLaPazAR2003 Trips (Thysanoptera) en huertos de aguacate (Persea americana Miller) cv. Hass en Michoacán, México
ValleDeLaPazM2003 Efectividad biológica de productos no convencionales contra trips en el cultivo de aguacate (Persea americana Mill. cv. Hass) en Nuevo San Juan Parangaricutiro, Michoacán, México
VallejosIsabel2002 Evaluacion de productos bioestimulantes aplicado en floracion sobre la cuaja y la retencion de fruta en palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass
ValorasN1964 The Oxygen Requirements for Root Growth of Three Avocado Varieties
VanDenBergMA1998 Studies on Hemiptera
VanDenBergNoelani2024 South African Avocado Orchards Face Threat from White Root Rot Pathogen
VanDerDoolB1983 Further Studies on Avocado Fruit Growth and Maturity in Inland Natal
VanDerMerweMarius1990 Evaluation of field trees for resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi by means of the detached root technique
VanDerMerweMarius1990b An improved method to evaluate avocado rootstocks for resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi
VanDerMerweMarius1991 Phomopsis perseae The Cause of Trunk Canker of Martin Grande Avocado Rootstocks in South Africa
VanDerMerweMarius1992 Effect of phosphite in avocado roots on the zoospores of Phytophthora cinnamomi
VanDerMerweMarius1992b Biological control of Phytophthora root rot in vitro and in vivo
VanDerMerweMarius1992c Evaluation of Field Trees for Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi by Means of the Detached Root Technique
VanDerMerweMarius1992d An Improved Method to Evaluate Avocado Rootstocks for Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi
VanDerMerweMarius1993 The Effect of Phosphite in Rooted Cuttings of Duke 7 Avocado on Phytophthora cinnamomi
VanDerMerweMarius1994 Fungicidal Action of Phosphite in Avocado Root Tips on Phytophthora cinnamomi
VanDerSluijsJeroen2013 Neonicotinoids, bee disorders and the sustainability of pollinator services
VanDerWaltMartie1993 Carbohydrate and Other Studies on Alternate Bearing Fuerte and Hass Avocado Trees
VanDriescheRG2007 Control de Plagas y Malezas por Enemigos Naturales
VanDykK1997 Alternative Control of Avocado Post-Harvest Diseases
VanDykK1997b Determination of Possible Infection and Alternative Control Application Sites in Avocado Packhouses
VanEedenM2003 Determining appropriate parameters for an integrated disease control system for biological predictive modelling
VanEedenM2004 Effect of additives and copper fungicide on Bacillus subtilis to control avocado ( Persea Americana Mill.) fruit diseases
VanEedenM2006 A predictive model for biological control of cercospora spot: Effect of nutrient availability
VangelosAllen1990 Destination Prosperity: Freeways and Roadblocks
VangelosAllen1992 Will Processed Products Overtake the Fresh Market as the Major Profit Maker?
VanHeerdenI1995 Citrus Waste Compost for Control of Root-infecting Phytophthora Species
VanLelyveldLJ1978 Physiological and Biochemical Factors Associated with the Fuerte Avocado Fruit Development
VanLelyveldLJ1983 Enzyme Activities and the Appearance of Pulpspot in Avocado Fruit
VanLelyveldLJ1984 Summary of a Report on an Investigation into Physiological Disorders of Avocados
VanNiekerkJM2012 Evaluation of ultra-low volume fungicide applications for the control of diseases on avocado fruit - Results from the 2010/11 season
VanNiekerkW1999 Mulching and Potassium Relationships in Hass Avocados to Increase Yield and Fruit Size
VanNiekerkW2011 Evaluation of ultra-low volume (ULV) fungicide applications for the control of diseases on avocado fruit – Results from the 2009/10 season
VanNiekerkW2013 Ultra-low volume fungicide applications for the control of diseases on avocado – A three year review
VanRooyenZ2001 Mesocarp discoloration in the Pinkerton cultivar
VanRooyenZ2002 Tackling the Pinkerton problem
VanRooyenZ2003 The role of fruit mineral composition, phenolic concentration and polyphenol oxidase activity on mesocarp discolouration in 'Pinkerton'
VanRooyenZ2005 Factors Affecting Mesocarp Discolouration Severity in 'Pinkerton' Avocados (Persea americana Mill.)
VanRooyenZ2007 Postharvest Treatments Used to Reduce External Chilling Injury in 'Pinkerton' Avocado (Persea americana Mill.)
VanRooyenZ2009 PRESENTACIÓN: Desórdenes y enfermedades de Postcosecha de Paltas en Sudáfrica
VanRooyenZ2009b Semi-commercial trials to determine the risk of shipping 'Hass' at 1ºC for 30 days
VanRooyenZ2010 Semi-commercial trials to determine the risk of shipping South African 'Hass' at 1ºC
VanRooyenZ2015 An overview of Westfalia technological services' research – roots, shoots and fruit
VanRooyenZ2019 PRESENTATION: Phytophthora cinnamonmi resistant rootstocks for South Africa
VanVuurenJanse1997 Sink Demand for Starch Reserves in Avocado Trees
VanZylJohan1988 Institutional Aspects of a Marketing Strategy for Avocados
VanZylJohan1988b A Survey of Urban Black Consumer Preferences with Regard to Avocados in the Pretoria / Johannesburg Area
VanZylJohan1988c Factors that Influence the Domestic Demand for Avocados in South Africa with Special Reference to Urban Black Consumer Preferences
VanZylJohan1990 Effects of exchange rate variability on the production cost and profitability of avocados
VanZylJohan1995 An Overview of the Avocado Industry in South Africa
VanZylRM1986 The South African Export Market for Avocados and the Exchange Rate: Effects on Profitability


PRESENTACIÓN: Prevención y recuperación del daño causado por heladas en paltos


PRESENTACIÓN: Control biológico de escamas


Estudio preliminar del efecto de diferentes volumenes de riego sobre el crecimiento y el rendimiento del palto var. Hass, bajo condiciones salinas, Perú

VaughanGT1987 The Occurrence and Metabolism of the 1',4'-Diols of Abscisic Acid
VelasquezTuestaA2015 La industria de la palta en la sierra del Perú: generando valor en los Andes
VelazquezGurrolaA2015 Beneficios de microorganismos solubilizadores de P y K en la recuperación y mantenmiento de suelos agrícolas
VelazquezMartinezGuadalupe2021 Factores abióticos que afectan las capturas de Stenoma catenifer Walsingham (Lepidoptera: Depressariidae) en huertos de aguacate 'Hass' en Colima, México / Abiotic Factors Affecting Catches of Stenoma catenifer Walsingham (Lepidoptera: Depressariidae) in 'Hass' Avocado Orchards in Colima, Mexico
VelázquezValeria2017 Caracterización genética de portainjertos de aguacate cv. Hass en los Andes noroccidentales de Colombia
VenegasArroyoMaria2021 Evaluación in vitro del antagonismo de Trichoderma spp. sobre Cylindrocarpon sp. agente causal de la pudrición de la raíz en aguacate / In vitro Assessment of the Antagonism of Trichoderma spp. to Cylindrocarpon sp. Causal Agent of Root Rot in Avocado
VenegasCesar2000 Fertirriego en huertos de palto (Aguacate) de alta produccion en Mexico [Ultrasol]
VenemanAnn1992 Remarks of the Honorable Ann M. Veneman
VenningFrank1958 Developmental Morphology of the Vegetative Axis of Avocado (Persea Americana L.) and its Significance to Spacing, Pruning Practices, and Yields of the Grove
VeraSantiago1994 Estudios preliminares sobre la arañita roja del palto Oligonychus yothersi McGregor (Acarina: Tetranychidae) y sus depredadores Stethorus histrio Chazeau (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) y Oligota pygmaea Solier (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)
VergaraLuis2003 Fitomonitoreo en huertos frutales
VerloopRobert1998 Database Marketing: Creating Targeted Promotions and a Learning Relationship with the Consumer
VicenteDiego2003 Validacion de un modelo economñetrico para evaluar gestión comercial de intermediarios de palta para mercado nacional
VicunaA2019 PRESENTACIÓN: Identificación de hongos de madera de las principales zonas productoras de palto Hass del Perú
VidalMT1992 Mycorrhizal Inoculation Enhances Growth and Development of Micropropagated Plants of Avocado
VidalesJose1992 Distribution and Incidence of Scab (Sphaceloma persea) in Avocado (Persea americana) and its Relation to Thrips in The 'Hass' Cultivar in the State of Michoacán, Mexico
VidalesJose2003 Efecto del fertirriego en la incidencia de Sphaceloma perseae J. en el cultivo de Persea americana M. en Michoacán, México
VidalesFernandezI2003 Embriogénesis somática de aguacate (Persea americana Mill. cv. Hass)
VidalesFernandezJA1999 Acción de la solarización y de la materia orgánica en el control de la tristeza Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands del aguacate Persea americana L / The Action of Solarization and Organic Matter on the Control of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Root-Rot (Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands)
VidelaGuillermo1993 Comportamiento de frutos de palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Gwen almacenados a diferentes concentrados de CO2 y O2
VidelaGuillermo1993 Comportamiento de frutos de palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Gwen almacenados a diferentes concentrados de CO2 y O2
VieraWilliam2017 Germoplasma local de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) tipo 'Criollo' para la producción de portainjertos en el Ecuador
VilchesAriel1998 Evaluación de épocas tardías de plantación de palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass, suplementadas con aplicación de bioestimulantes en base a aminoácidos de síntesis
ViljoenF2019 Microbial biomes of South African avocado fruit
VillablancaIvan1994 Estudio comparativo de la distribucion y densidad de raices absorbentes en palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass en funcion a los patrones de distribucion uso - consumo del agua en el suelo evaluados bajo dos sistemas de riego presurizado (goteo y micr
VillafanK2007 Estrategias de exportación de aguacate orgánico michoacano al mercado francés


Competitividad y reconversión productiva del aguacate michoacano convencional a orgánico, 2004-2006


Cluster aguacatero en el estado de Michoacán, México


PRESENTACIÓN: En búsqueda de eficiencia y calidad

VillanuevaM2007 Book: Avocado: Mexican Green Gold, Michoacan's Pride
VillanuevaPatricia1998 Distribución espacial de raíces en palto (Persea americana Mill cv. Hass) en dos suelos bajo do sistemas de riego
VianaBlandina2014 Stingless Bees Further Improve Apple Pollination and Production
VioliHelen2007 Chaetomium elatum (Kunze: Chaetomiaceae) as a Root-Colonizing Fungus in Avocado: Is It aMutualist, Cheater, Commensalistic Associate, or Pathogen?
ViruelMarian2007 PRESENTACIÓN: Desarrollo de un mapa genético con marcadores SSRs y AFLPs en aguacate
VithanageV1990 The role of the European honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) in avocado pollination
VolcaniZafrira1959 Bacterial Soft Rot of Avocado Fruit - II
VolkerMatias2003 Evaluacion del uso del Uniconazole-P [Sunny (R)] sobre la productividad y desarrollo del palto cv. Hass
VonBachHelmke1994 Intensification of Avocado Trade in the European Community
VorsterLL1987 A storage temperature regime for South African export avocados
VorsterLL1988 Does zinc play a role in reducing pulp spot?
VorsterLL1988b The Influence of the Time Temperature Interaction on the Shelf-Life and Internal Quality of Avocados
VorsterLL1989 Factors involved in fruit quality
VorsterLL1990 Temperature management of avocados - an integrated approach
VorsterLL1997 Director's Update on the South African Avocado Industry
VorsterLL2001 Avocado Production in South Africa
VorsterLL2001b The Principles of Temperature Management — Commercial Results
VorsterLL2005 The Avocado Industry in South Africa
VorsterLL2005b South African Avocado Industry Update
VorsterLL2009 PRESENTATION: Avocado Exports - The South African Story
VosburyED1917 Avocado Varieties in Florida
VosburyED1919 Avocado Varieties
VrecenarMichelle1984 Independent Assortment of Four Isozyme Loci in the 'Bacon' Avocado (Persea americana Mill.)
VrecenarMichelle1985 The Effect of Planting Design on Out-Crossing Rate and Yield in the 'Hass' Avocado
VuthapanichS1995 Effects of Irrigation and Foliar Cultar® on Fruit Yield and Quality of 'Hass' Avocado Fruit
WagerVincent1931 Diseases of Plants in South Africa Due to Members of the Pythiaceae
WagerVincent1940 The Dying Back of Avocado Trees in Southern California
WagerVincent1942 Phytophthora Cinnamomi and Wet Soil in Relation to the Dying-Back of Avocado Trees
WagnerCharles1917 The Wagner, Lambert and Surprise Avocados
WahlbergBrent1964 Report of California Avocado Development Organization
WahlbergHarold1931 Essentials in Avocado Culture
WahlbergHarold1931b Mexican Exploration
WahlbergHarold1932 Cultural Avocado Cost and Efficiency Study in Orange County for 1931
WahlbergHarold1933 Avocado Growers Compare Production Costs
WahlbergHarold1936 Orange County Avocado Notes 1936
WahlbergHarold1936b Do Windbreaks Pay?
WahlbergHarold1936c Six Year Avocado Analysis and Outlook Presented
WahlbergHarold1938 Avocado Growers Study Cultural and Economic Factors - Hold Annual Field Tour
WahlbergHarold1939 New Windbreak Plan Devised for Inner Orchard
WahlbergHarold1940 Size of Avocado Orchard - Income Factor
WahlbergHarold1949 What Size Avocado Orchard to Support Family
WahlbergHarold1950 Family Avocado Orchards - size depends upon yield, costs of production, returns, and family income needed
WahlbergHarold1952 What We Have Learned from the 23 Year Avocado Cost Study in Orange County
WahlbergHarold1956 Avocados in Thailand
WaissbluthR2007 Determination of the Minimum Percentage of Dry Matter to Authorize the Harvest of Hass Avocado Pears for Export


Campañas de promocion de paltas cv. Hass en el mercado chileno

WaiteGK2003 Differential Susceptibility of Avocado Cultivars to Fruitspotting Bugs, Amblypelta Spp. (Hemiptera:Coreidae)
WaiteGK2005 Managing Avocado Pests with Romance, Intrigue and War – Integrating Pheromones, Assassins and Weapons of Mass Destruction
WalgamaSampath2012 PRESENTATION: Shot Hole Borer of Tea - The Situation in Sri Lanka
WalkerCharles1976 Japan as a Potential Market for Avocados
WalkerCharles1976b Marketing Orders
WalkerHugh1962 The Avocado Advisory Board
WallaceA1953 Lime-Induced Chlorosis: Chelating agents a possible means of control in citrus, avocado, and other subtropicals
WallaceA1955 Glasshouse Studies on the Salt Tolerance and Growth of Persea floccosa as a Rootstock
WallaceA1957 Iron Chelates for Chlorotic Avocado Trees
WallaceA1957b The Scott Avocado
WallaceJM1950 Prevention of Sun-Blotch Disease of Avocados in New Plantings
WallaceJM1956 Albinism and Abnormal Development of Avocado Seedlings
WallaceJM1958 The Sun-Blotch Disease of Avocado
WallaceJM1962 Seed Transmission of Avocado Sun Blotch
WallaceJM1967 Infected Symptomless Avocado Trees and their Possible Use in Avoiding Sunblotch Disease
WallaceJM1971 Report on the Program for Production of Avocado Nursery Trees Free of Sunblotch
WalkerCharles1974 Lime and Avocado Federal Marketing Orders: What They Mean to the Consumer
WalkerHugh1960 Report of the Avocado Research Committee, I960
WalkerTJ1923 How to Make the Avocado Tree Bear
WallihanEF1958 Zinc Deficiency in the Avocado: Application of zinc chelates to soils may solve the zinc problem in trees on land too steep for spray rig operation
WallihanEF1966 Low Levels of Manganese in Avocado Trees
WallihanEF1968 Leaf Symptoms of Manganese Deficiency in Avocado Trees
WallihanEF1968b Identifying Manganese Deficiency in Avocado Trees
WallihanEF1968c Iron Chlorosis in Relation to Irrigation Practices
WallihanEF1976 The Iron-Chlorophyll Relateonship in Young Hass Avocado Leaves
WardWF1928 Avocados From the Growers' Standpoint
WardWF1933 Practical Hints to Commercial Avocado Growers
WardWF1939 The Avocado Industry of Central Florida
WardWF1940 Observations on Protection of Avocados from Cold Injury
WardWF1941 Observations on Protection of Avocados From Cold Injury
WardWF1949 Progress of the Avocado and Lime Industry in the Ridge Section of Florida
WardlawClaude1934 Preliminary Observations on the Storage of Avocado Pears
WarnekeJE1971 Avocado Irrigation Management
WarnekeJE1971b Effect of Rootstock Propagation, Nitrogen Fertilization, and Top Pruning on Bacon Avocados
WaserNickolas2000 Enhancement of Avocado Pollination and Fruit Yield (New Project; Year 1 of 2)
WatkinsChristopher2008 Overview of 1-Methylcyclopropene Trials and Uses for Edible Horticultural Crops
WatsonJR1931 The Pests of Sub-Tropical Fruits
WeatherbyLeroy1930 Vitamins C, D, and E
WeatherbyLeroy1934 Composition of Avocado Seed
WeatherbyLeroy1935 The Dietetic Value of Calavos in the Prevention or Cure of Anemia
WebbJohn1944 Avocados on the West Coast of Mexico
WebberHJ1915 Station Work for the Avocado
WebberHJ1916 The Classification and Registration of Varieties
WebberHJ1916b The Avocado Industry and the Avocado Association
WebberHJ1916c Planting Plans for an Avocado Orchard
WebberHJ1917 Cold Resistance of the Avocado
WebberHJ1917b Circular on Varieties
WebberHJ1920 The Influence of the Character of the Stock on Tree Growth in Citrus Propagation
WebberHJ1923 How to Make the Avocado Tree Bear
WebberHJ1926 The Avocado Stock Problem
WebberHJ1926b Avocado Observations
WebberHJ1936 An Early Illustration of the Avocado
WebberHJ1938 Honoring the Parent Tree of the Fuerte Avocado
WebberHJ1944 The Guava and Its Propagation
WeddingBrett2009 PRESENTATION: NIRS Technology for determining maturity in avocados
WedinRob2012 In Memoriam: Alva Snider
WehnerFC1981 Fungitoxic Chemical Substances in Avocados
WehnerFC1982 Sensitivity of Fungal Pathogens to Chemical Substances in Avocado Trees
WehnerFC1985 Soil Solarisation: A Brief Introduction
WeinertMP2015 Optimizing phosphonate uptake in shepard avocado
WeirDarren2009 PRESENTATION: Australian Avocados
WellerPL1997 Post-Harvest Vapour Heat Treatment of Hass and Fuerte Avocado
WellerPL1998 Post-Harvest Vapour Heat Treatment of Hass and Fuerte Avocado for the 1997 Season
WellerPL1998b ABSTRACT: Vapour Heat Treatment of 'Hass' and 'Fuerte' Avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) Fruit for Extending Storage Life
WesselsH1996 In Vitro Clonal Propagation of Avocado Rootstocks
WesterPJ1916 Avocado Culture in the Philippine Islands
WhalenEmily2004 Miocene Munch: The Avocado’s Evolutionary Journey through a Prehistoric Gut
WhedonJT1918 Six Years Experience with Budded Avocados
WhedonJT1916 Four Years' Experience with Budded Avocado Trees
WhileyAnthony1984 The Investigation of Nutrition, pH, and Ridomil® on Suppression of Phytophthora Root-Rot in Avocado (a progress report)
WhileyAnthony1986 The control of Phytophthora root rot of avocado with fungicides and the effect of this disease on water relations, yield and ring neck
WhileyAnthony1987 Influence of Phytophthora root rot on mineral nutrient concentrations in avocado leaves
WhileyAnthony1987b The Australian Avocado Industry
WhileyAnthony1987c Effect of temperature at flowering on varietal productivity in some avocado-growing areas in Australia
WhileyAnthony1988 Water loss by floral structures of avocado (Persea americana cv. Fuerte) during flowering
WhileyAnthony1990 Future prospects with new avocado cultivars and elite rootstocks
WhileyAnthony1990b CO2 assimilation of developing fruiting shoots of cv Hass avocado (Persea americana Mill)
WhileyAnthony1990c Carbohydrate management in avocado trees for increased production
WhileyAnthony1990d Nutrición - una herramienta estratégica para lograr una alta productividad y calidad en el cultivo del palto
WhileyAnthony1990e Interpretación de la fenologia y fisiología del palto para obtener mayores producciones
WhileyAnthony1990f La industria del palto en Australia - producción y perspectivas
WhileyAnthony1990g Manejo integrado de la pudrícion de raices causada por phytophthora en paltos
WhileyAnthony1991 Correction of zinc and boron deficiencies and control of phytophthora root rot of avocardo by trunk injection
WhileyAnthony1992 Effect of Paclobutrazol Bloom Sprays on Fruit Yield and Quality of cv. Hass Avocado Growing in Subtropical Climates
WhileyAnthony1992b Effect of Time of Harvest on Fruit Size, Yield and Trunk Starch Concentrations of 'Fuerte' Avocados
WhileyAnthony1992c Effect of Paclobutrazol Bloom Sprays on Fruit Yield and Quality of cv. Hass Avocado Growing in Subtropical Climates
WhileyAnthony1992d Timing of Phosphonate Trunk Injections for Phytophthora Root Rot Control in Avocado Trees
WhileyAnthony1992e Timing of Phosphonate Trunk Injections for Phytophthora Root Rot Control in Avocado Trees
WhileyAnthony1992f Understanding Growth in the Avocado Tree for Improved Management Decisions
WhileyAnthony1992g Carbon dioxide exchange of developing avocado (Persea americana Mill.) fruit
WhileyAnthony1993 14C-Photosynthate Partitioning in Avocado Trees as Influenced by Shoot Development
WhileyAnthony1994 Ecophysiological Studies and Tree Manipulation for Maximisation of Yield Potential in Avocado (Persea Americana Mill.)
WhileyAnthony1995 Changing sink strengths influence translocation of phosphonate in avocado (Persea americana Mill.) trees
WhileyAnthony1996 Boron Nutrition of Avocados
WhileyAnthony1996b Delayed harvest effects on yield, fruit size and starch cycling in avocado ( Persea americana Mill.) in subtropical environments. I. the early-maturing cv. Fuerte
WhileyAnthony1996c Delayed harvest effects on yield, fruit size and starch cycling in avocado ( Persea americana Mill.) in subtropical late-maturing environments. II. The cv. Hass
WhileyAnthony1997 From Seed to Tray Some Field Practices to Improve Avocado Fruit Quality
WhileyAnthony1999 Cool Orchard Temperatures or Growing Trees in Containers Can Inhibit Leaf Gas Exchange of Avocado and Mango
WhileyAnthony2002 Study Tour of South Africa, New Zealand, the UK and the USA (also incorporating Chile)
WhileyAnthony2005 Rootstock Improvement for the Australian Avocado Industry - A Preliminary Report
WhileyAnthony2007 Preliminary Results from Avocado Rootstock Research in Australia
WhileyAnthony2009 PRESENTATION: Australian Rootstock Program - Update 09
WhileyAnthony2009b PRESENTATION: Avocado IP Management - Varieties and Rootstocks
WhitcombCarl1985 Solving the Iron Chlorosis Problem
WhiteAnne1997 The Electronic Firmometer
WhiteAnne1999 Fruit Ripening
WhiteAnne1999b Measuring Avocado Firmness: Assessment of Various Methods
WhiteArnold1948 Steps in the Solution of Avocado Problems
WhiteFA1948 Cooperative Test Plots
WhiteFA1949 The Care and Protection of Young Avocado Trees
WhiteFA1951 Avocado Practices in Santa Barbara County
WhiteFA1954 The Care and Protection of Young Avocado Trees
WhiteJohn2001 The Avocado Industry in New Zealand
WhiteJohn2005 New Zealand Avocado Industry Update
WhitsellRH1952 Sun-Blotch Disease of Avocados
WhitsellRH1974 Some Girdling Tools
WhitsellRH1989 Propagating Avocados: Principles and Techniques of Nursery and Field Grafting
WiesmanZ1995 Rootstock and nitrate involvement in 'Ettinger' avocado response to chloride stress
WilhelmyCarlos1995a Efecto del anillado y de la doble incisión anular sobre la floración de paltos (Persea americana Mill) rebajados, cv. Hass
WilhelmyCarlos1995b Efecto del anillado, doble incisión y paclobutrazol sobre la cuaja y producción de paltos rebajados (Persea americana Mili) cv. Hass
WilhelmyCarlos1998 Evaluación económica del cultivo del palto
WilhelmyCarlos1998 Evaluación económica del cultivo del palto
WilkieJohn2008 Regulation of floral initiation in horticultural trees
WilkinsWeldon1965 Asexual Propagation in Mexico
WilliamsLouis1976 The Botany of the Avocado and its Relatives
WilliamsNeal2024 PRESENTATION: Pollinators in agriculture, alternatives to European honey bee, habitat enhancement
WilliamsPD1984 Thoughts from Abroad
WilliamsPD1984b Opening Address - SAAGA Research Symposium 1983
WilliamsRussell1987 Who Will Pick Your Fruit Next Year?
WillinghamSonia2001 DISEASE NOTES OR NEW RECORDS: Pepper spot: A new preharvest Colletotrichum disease of avocado cv. Hass
WillinghamSonia2001b Rootstock influences postharvest anthracnose development in 'Hass' avocado
WillinghamSonia2004 Tree vigour influences disease susceptibility of 'Hass' avocado fruits
WillinkE2007 Evaluation of Quarantine Risk of Introduction of Ceratitis capitata in Hass Avocados from Argentina
WillisA2003 Evaluation of Alternative Fungicides for Control of Cercospora Spot on ‘Fuerte’
WillisA2003b Progress report on evaluation of alternative fungicides for control of Cercospora spot
WillisA2004 Alternative control of Cercospora spot on Fuerte
WillisA2005 Alternative control of Cercospora spot on Fuerte - progress report
WillisA2006 Alternative control of Cercospora spot on 'Fuerte' – progress report
WillisA2007 Evaluation of Alternative Fungicides for Control of Cercospora Spot on 'Fuerte'


Alternative control of Cercospora spot on 'Fuerte' - progress report


Alternative control of Cercospora spot on 'Fuerte' – progress report

WillsRBH1982 Inhibition of Ripening of Avocados with Calcium
WillsRBH1988 Evaluation of postharvest infiltration of calcium to delay the ripening of avocados
WillsRBH2001 Ripening of climacteric fruits initiated at low ethylene levels
WillsRBH2004 Efficacy of Potassium Permanganate Impregnated into Alumina Beads to Reduce Atmospheric Ethylene
WillowsRD1994 Endogenous Biosynthetic Precursors of (+)-Abscisic Acid. I. Incorporation of Isotopes From 2H2O, 18O2 and [5-18O]Mevalonic Acid
WilsonPaul1939 Importance of Standardization of Grades and Maturity
WiltbankWJ1977 Mango and Avocado Cultivars in Brazil
WinerLeo1984 Partial Purification and Characterization of Arginine Decarboxylase from Avocado Fruit, A Thermostable Enzyme
WinerLeo2003 Comparison of Optimal and Deficient Irrigation of Avocado by Phytomonitoring
WinerLeo2007 Effect of High Density Avocado Orchard and Root Restriction on Yield
WinerLeo2010 השפעת החיגור באבוקדו בעידן של מעכבי צמיחה. השקיה במים מושבים וכנות מערב הודיות / The effect of girdling avocado in times of using growth retardants, irrigating with recycled water and West Indian rootstock
WinerLeo2022 Performance of a tetraploid avocado rootstock 'Canacado VC-320'
WinerLeo2022b The effects of nitrification inhibition and phosphonate on 'Hass' avocado yield and Botryosphaeria susceptibility
WinslowMM1949 Guavas at the Citrus Experiment Station
WinslowMM1951 Avocado Variety Trials at Riverside
WinslowMM1952 Avocados in Brazil
WinslowMM1953 Avocado Variety Trials
WiskichJT1964 Metabolic Processes in Cytoplasmic Particles of the Avocado Fruit VI. Controlled Oxidations and Coupled Phosphorylations
Witjaksono1998 Biotechnology Strategies for Improving Avocado
WinberryLK1974 S-Acyl Glutathione Thioesterase of Plant Tissue
WinerLeo2007 Avocado Fruit Growth during Winter: The Importance of Irrigation Between Rains
WinerLeo2007b Daily Trunk Contraction in Relation to a Base Line as an Improved Criterion for Irrigation in Avocado
WinslowMM1952 Avocado Variety Trials: Progress report describes tree and fruit characteristics of four most promising varieties in test at Riverside
WinslowMM1953 Avocados at Mentone
WinslowMM1955 Flowering Behavior and Yields of Some Avocado Varieties at Riverside
WinslowMM1955b Observation on Topworking Avocados
WinslowMM1955c Topworking Avocado Varieties: Evaluation of more satisfactory varieties at Riverside obtained sooner by topworking than by planting new trees
WinslowMM1955d Avocado Variety Investigations: Suitability of avocado varieties to climatic conditions of Riverside under long-term tests in experimental orchard
WinterKimberly2006 Importation of Non-Native Bumble Bees into North America: Potential Consequences of Using Bombus terrestris and Other Non-Native Bumble Bees for Greenhouse Crop Pollination in Canada, Mexico, and the United States
WitherellPeter1982 Tolerance of Florida Avocado Cultivars to Methyl Bromide Fumigation Treatments Effective Against Fruit Flies
WitneyGuy1986 Calcium Accumulation in Avocado Fruits: Effect of Cultivar and Tree Vigour
WitneyGuy1990 Mineral distribution in avocado trees with reference to calcium cycling and fruit quality
WitneyGuy1990b Effect of cultivar, tree vigour and fruit position on calcium accumulation in avocado fruits
WitneyGuy1991 Tree Recovery After the December 1990 Freeze
WitneyGuy1992 Water Conservation Strategies for California Groves
WitneyGuy2001 Canopy Management as a Strategy to Increase Returns
WitneyGuy2001b A New Grower Resource
WitneyGuy2002 An Overview of the South African Avocado Industry
WitneyGuy2002b Planting Trees on Clonal Rootstocks
WitneyGuy2004 The Long Road to Section 18 Registration
WitneyGuy2005 Avocado Germplasm Preservation and Breeding Program in California
WitneyGuy2005b California Avocado Industry
WitneyGuy2006 Irrigation and Iron Chlorosis in Orchards
WitneyGuy2009 Low Volutility Adjuvants as Possible Replacements for Narrow Range 415 Oil for Control of Avocado Thrips
WitneyGuy2023 ABSTRACT: How innovation and technology are being used to develop new avocado groves in South Africa
WitneyGuy2023b PRESENTATION: How innovation and technology are being used to develop new avocado groves in South Africa
WolfeHS1937 Fifty Years of Tropical Fruit Culture
WolfeHS1938 Some New Avocado Varieties
WolfeHS1940 Fertilizer Studies with Avocados
WolfenbargerDO1948 Heilipus Squamosus Lec., A New Enemy of the Avocado
WolfenbargerDO1966 Recent Observations on Some Avocado Pests in Mexico and El Salvador
WolfenbargerDO1971 Updating of Changes in Pests, Pesticides and Other Factors Affecting Subtropical Insect Pest Control
WolfenbargerDO1972 Cedar Waxwing, Bombycilla cedrorum, Feeds on Avocado Flowers
WolfenbargerDO1979 The Stenoma Catenifer, A Serious Avocado Pest
WolffKL1926 Circular Distributed to Dealers in Los Angeles County
WolffKL1926b Enforcing the Avocado Standardization Act
WolflinGL1968 Some History of Earlier Automated Irrigation
WolkCh2003 California Avocados: Competing, and Winning, the White-Hot Marketing Game
WolstenholmeBN1979 Prospects for Integrated and Biological Control of Avocado Root Rot - Some Overseas Impressions
WolstenholmeBN1981 Root, shoot or fruit?
WolstenholmeBN1985 Theoretical and Practical Implications of Plant Growth Substance Trends in Developing 'Fuerte' Avocado Fruits
WolstenholmeBN1987 Some aspects of avocado research world-wide


Theoretical and applied aspects of avocado yield as affected by energy budgets and carbon partitioning

WolstenholmeBN1988 Paclobutrazol Trials in Avocado Orchards: Initial Results from Queensland and Natal
WolstenholmeBN1989 Carbohydrate and phenological cycling as management tools for avocado orchards
WolstenholmeBN1990 Prospects for vegetative-reproductive growth manipulation in avocado trees
WolstenholmeBN1990b Manipulating Vegetative: Reproductive Growth in Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) with Paclobutrazol Foliar Sprays
WolstenholmeBN1991 Yield Potential of Intensively Managed Avocados in the Natal Midlands - The Early Bearing Years
WolstenholmeBN1996 Some Pros and Cons of Mulching Avocado Orchards
WolstenholmeBN1997 What do Carbohydrate Reserves Tell us about Avocado Orchard Management?
WolstenholmeBN1997b Orchard Mulching Effects on Avocado Fruiting
WolstenholmeBN1998 Mulching of Avocado Orchards: Quo Vadis?
WolstenholmeBN1999 Aspects of Avocado Nutrition with Emphasis on Boron and Organic Mulching
WolstenholmeBN1999b Some Ecophysiological Aspects of Canopy Management
WolstenholmeBN1999c Ecophysiology of the Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Tree as a Basis for Pre-Harvest Management

The Avocado: Botany, Production and Uses / Ecology: Climate and the Edaphic Environment

WolstenholmeBN2004 Nitrogen – the manipulator element: Managing inputs and outputs in different environments
WolstenholmeBN2009 PRESENTATION: Alternate Bearing in Avocado: An Overview
WolstenholmeBN2009b PRESENTATION: Alternate Bearing in Avocado: Nutrition
WolstenholmeBN2009c A Better Understanding of Alternate Bearing Through Revised Growth Model Charts
WolstenholmeNigel1992 Requirements for Improved Fruiting Efficiency in the Avocado Tree
WolstenholmeNigel2003 Avocado rootstocks: What do we know; are we doing enough research?
WolstenholmeNigel2010 Alternate bearing in avocado: an overview
WoodDorothy1996 Research Is Important to the Avocado Industry
WoodR1981 Results Obtained in 1980 from Avocado Root Rot Field Trials
WoodR1987 Injectable formulations of phosetyl-Al developed for root rot control in avocado trees in South Africa
WoodWM1984 Avocado Cultivars
WoolfAB1995 Reducing External Chilling Injury in Stored 'Hass' Avocados with Dry Heat Treatments
WoolfAB1996 Post-harvest Responses of Hass Avocados to High Temperature Treatments - An Overview from New Zealand.
WoolfAB1996b Avocado Fruit Skin Fluorescence following Hot Water Treatments and Pretreatments
WoolfAB1997 Pretreatments at 38 °C of 'Hass' Avocado Confer Thermotolerance to 50 °C Hot Water Treatments
WoolfAB1997b Reduction of Chilling Injury in Stored 'Hass' Avocado Fruit by 38ºC Water Treatments
WoolfAB1997c Ethylene Ripening Protocols for Local and Export Market Avocados
WoolfAB1999 Preharvest exposure to the sun influences postharvest responses of 'Hass' avocado fruit
WoolfAB1999b Summary of New Zealand and Californian Experience with "Snap" Picking
WoolfAB1999c Impact of Sun Exposure on Harvest Quality of 'Hass' Avocado Fruit
WoolfAllan2000 Direct Sunlight Influences Postharvest Temperature Responses and Ripening of Five Avocado Cultivars
WoolfAllan2001 Postharvest responses to high fruit temperatures in the field
WoolfAllan2003 Low temperature conditioning treatments reduce external chilling injury of 'Hass' avocados
WoolfAllan2003b Measuring avocado maturity; ongoing developments
WoolfAllan2005 1-MCP reduces physiological storage disorders of 'Hass' avocados
WrightBartlett1997 The Other Pollinators
WuH2007 Genetic Relationship Estimation of Taiwan Avocado Cultivars by Volatile Constituents of Leaves
WutscherHeinz1969 The Effect of Sub-freezing Temperatures on Fruit Quality and Seed Viability of ‘Lula’ Avocado
WutscherHeinz1975 Seasonal Changes in 12 Leaf Nutrients of 'Lula' Avocado with Drip and Flood Irrigation
WysokiManes0000 Avocado History and Uses in Israel
WysokiManes1974 The Giant Looper "Boarmia (Ascotis) Selenaría" Schiff (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), a New Pest in Avocado Plantations in Israel
WysokiManes1976 The Carnation Leaf-Roller Cacoecimorpha (Cacoecia) Pronubana Huebner (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) on Avocado Trees in Israel
WysokiManes1992 IPM System in Avocado Plantations in Israel
WysokiManes1999 Influence of SPINOSAD on Natural Enemies of Avocado and Other Pests
WysokiManes1999b Overview of Avocado Pest Control in Israel
XocaOrozcoL2015 Análisis del transcriptoma de aguacate Hass (Persea americana Mill.) en el sistema de interacción fruto- quitosano-Colletotrichum
YaggyAF1920 Marketing Avocados
YaggyAF1926 Digest of Remarks by Director A. F. Yaggy Apropos of His Recent Trip Through the Eastern Markets in the Interest of the Avocado Exchange
YahiaElhadi1993 Responses of Avocado Fruit to Insecticidal O2 and CO2 Atmospheres
YahiaElhadi1998 Use of Passive and Semi-active Atmospheres to Prolong the Postharvest Life of Avocado Fruit
YakobyNir2000 Development of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Restriction Enzyme- Mediated Integration Mutants as Biocontrol Agents Against Anthracnose Disease in Avocado Fruits
YakobyNir2000b Expression of Pectate Lyase from Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in C. magna Promotes Pathogenicity
YakobyNir2001 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides pelB Is an Important Virulence Factor in Avocado Fruit–Fungus Interaction
YakobyNir2002 The Analysis of Fruit Protection Mechanisms Provided by Reduced-Pathogenicity Mutants of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Obtained by Restriction Enzyme Mediated Integration
YaleJohn1951 The Occurrence and Effects of Cephalothecium Roseum on Avocado
YalinDavid2013 המצון-חיזור וריכוזי חמצון בבית השורשים של עצי אבוקדו / Soil redox and oxygen and their influence on Avocado trees irrigated with treated wastewater in a heavy soil
YalinDavid2017 Insights from "The Hidden Half": The impact of root-zone oxygen and redox dynamics on the response of avocado to long-term irrigation with treated wastewater in clayey soil
YalinDavid2020 Soil oxygen and water dynamics underlying hypoxic conditions in the root-zone of avocado irrigated with treated wastewater in clay soil
YalinDavid2022 ABSTRACT: An Israeli perspective on Irrigation with treated wastewater, and why an avocado grower should care
YalinDavid2022b PRESENTATION: An Israeli perspective on Irrigation with treated wastewater, and why an avocado grower should care
YangCH2001 16S rDNA fingerprinting of rhizosphere bacterial communities associated with healthy and Phytophthora infected avocado roots
YarickBurnett1951 Care of Little Trees
YaritaYulissa2005 Ciclo biológico y algunos aspectos del comportamiento de Dagbertus sp. (HEM. :Miridae)en cultivo de palto en el fundo Frusol, Virú La Libertad, agosto 2004 a marzo 2005
YaritaYulissa2008 Caracterización de los estados florales del palto Persea americana Mill. var. Hass, Zutano y Edranol, en las condiciones de Chao, La Libertad, Perú
YaritaYulissa2014 Uso de cultivares complementarios en palto Persea americana Miller var. "Hass" en Chao, La Libertad
YatesMarylynn1992 Using Less Fertilizer More Often Can Reduce Nitrate Leaching
YatesMarylynn1992b Irrigation and Fertilizer Management to Minimize Nitrate Leaching in Avocado Production
YearsleyCW2001 Symptoms of Controlled Atmosphere Damage in Avocados
YearsleyCW2002 Effects of Prepacking Holding Temperatures on Shelf Life Quality of Hass Avocados
YearsleyCW2002b Effects of Airflows During Storage or Shipping on Shelf Life Quality of Hass Avocados
YearsleyCW2003 Can dynamic controlled atmosphere storage be used for ‘Hass’ avocados?
YearsleyCW2003b Novel Postharvest Treatments for Amelioration of Rots in 'Hass' Avocado
YeeWee1999 Further Progress on Avocado Thrips Biology and Management
YeeWee1999b Control of Avocado Thrips Using Aerial Applications of Insecticides
YeeWee2000 Avocado Thrips Subproject 2: Agri-Mek and Success Evaluations and Phenology in the Field
YeeWee2003 Comparison of Scirtothrips perseae (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) Infestation Levels on Avocado Fruit and Leaves
YipWingKin1988 Cyanide Metabolism in Relation to Ethylene Production in Plant Tissues
YoultonCristian2005 Cuantificación de la erosión en camellones a favor de pendiente para el cultivo frutal de laderas en el valle de Quillota, V Región, Chile
YoungChaffey1953b Report of the Avocado Research Committee - June 6, 1953
YoungFloyd1937 Lessons From the 1937 Freeze
YoungHerbert1992 Fosetyl-AI, A Management Tool for Control of Phytophthora Root Rot
YoungLCT1956 The Reduction and Oxidation of Glutathione by Plant Mitochondria
YoungMJ1983 Avocado Callus and Bud Culture
YoungPeter1992 Inherent Influence of Rootstock Race on Avocado Fruit Maturity
YoungRoy1962 Carbon Dioxide Effects on Fruit Respiration. II. Response of Avocados, Bananas, & Lemons
YoungRoy1967 Phosphorylation in Avocado Fruit Slices in Relation to the Respiratory Climacteric
YoungRoy1976 Low Temperature Storage of Ripe Avocado Fruit
YoungRoy1978 Avocado Fruit Maturity
YoungRoy1979 Ripening Avocado Fruit
YoungTW1954 Parasitic Nematodes on Avocados - A Preliminary Report
YoungTW1955 Burrowing and Meadow Nematodes on Avocados and Mangos
YoungTW1969 Response of Iron Chlorotic Avocado Trees on Rockdale Soil to Certain Iron Treatments
YoungTW1976 Mineral Composition of Avocado Leaves in Florida
YoungTW1977 Influence of Soil and Cultivar on Mineral Composition of Avocado Leaves in Florida
YoungworthLeo1925 Our Job
YuenCMC1994 Effect of calcium infiltration on ripening of avocados of different maturities
YusofIbrahim1969 The Response of Avocado and Mango to Soil Temperature
ZabarasDimitrios2009 PRESENTATION: Lipid-soluble bioactive substances in Australian avocados
ZaccariaDaniele2022 PRESENTATION: Methods and Tools for Scheduling Irrigation in Avocado
ZaccariaDaniele2022b PRESENTATION: Using Forecast ETo for Prospective Irrigation Scheduling
ZachariahGerald1965 Evaluation of Some Physical Methods for Determining Avocado Maturity
ZaigerD1964 Phytophthora Canker of Cacao in the Caroline Islands
ZalkZeev1976 ABSTRACT: The role of ethylene in the phenomenon of uneven ripening and fruit drop in avocado
ZamenesNikos1967 Avocados in Ancient Greece
ZametDN1990 The Effect of Minimum Temperature on Avocado Yields
ZametDN1992 On Avocado Fruit Size I. Parthenocarpic Fruit
ZametDN1992b On Avocado Fruit Size II. Fruit Size Grading
ZametDN1993 On Avocado Yields
ZametDN1996 On Avocado Fruit Size I. Parthenocarpic Fruit
ZametDN1997 Winter Flooding Effects on Avocado Tree Growth and Yield
ZamoraMagdalenoMaT1999 Efecto de los daños mecanicos sobre el comportamiento postcosecha de fruto de aguacate
ZamoranoJose1994 Effect of low temperature storage and ethylene removal on ripening and gene expression changes in avocado fruit
ZapataMontesNery2021 Xylella fastidiosa no es causante del moteado clorótico de la hoja en aguacate / Xylella fastidiosa Does Not Cause Chlorotic Leaf Mottle in Avocado
ZarazuaEscobarJA2005 Frigoconservación y atmósferas modificadas en frutos de aguacate mínimamente procesado
ZaubermanGiora1972 Respiration of Whole Fruit and Seed of Avocado at Various Stages of Development
ZaubermanGiora1972b Pectin Methylesterase and Polygalacturonase in Avocado Fruit at Various Stages of Development
ZaubermanGiora1973 Susceptibility to Chilling Injury of Three Avocado Cultivars at Various Stages of Ripening
ZaubermanGiora1973b Ripening Processes in Avocados Stored in Ethylene Atmosphere in Cold Storage
ZaubermanGiora1977 The Response of Avocado Fruits to Different Storage Temperatures
ZaubermanGiora1981 Effect of Wounding on 'Fuerte' Avocado Ripening
ZaubermanGiora1985 Peroxidase Activity in Avocado Fruit Stored at Chilling Temperatures
ZaubermanGiora1988 Response of Mature Avocado Fruit to Postharvest Ethylene Treatment Applied Immediately after Harvest
ZaubermanGiora1995 Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) quality changes in response to low-temperature storage
ZayasBarbosaML2015 La construcción de productos de comunicacion en el tipo de oferta "Commodities"
ZeevaartJan1989 Evidence for a Universal Pathway of Abscisic Acid Biosynthesis in Higher Plants from 18-O Incorporation Patterns
ZentmyerGeorge1946 Diseases of the Avocado
ZentmyerGeorge1947 The Cinnamon Fungus and Avocado Decline
ZentmyerGeorge1948 Avocado Root Rot - two phase series of experiments to determine control methods
ZentmyerGeorge1948b Replanting Avocado Root Rot Soil
ZentmyerGeorge1948c Verticillium Wilt of Avocado
ZentmyerGeorge1948d Avocado Root Rot - Two-Phase Series of Experiments to Determine Control Methods
ZentmyerGeorge1949 Avocado Root Rot Studies: Preliminary tests indicate soil fumigation permit replanting
ZentmyerGeorge1950 5,000 Times Enlarged
ZentmyerGeorge1950b Avocado Root Rot Reproduced in the Field
ZentmyerGeorge1950c Avocado Root Rot
ZentmyerGeorge1951 Avocado Diseases
ZentmyerGeorge1951b Avocado Diseases in Mexico and Costa Rica
ZentmyerGeorge1951c Phytophthora Cinnamomi on Avocado in Honduras
ZentmyerGeorge1951d Resistance of Subtropical Plants to Phytophthora Cinnamomi
ZentmyerGeorge1951e Research on Rootstocks Resistant to Avocado Root Rot
ZentmyerGeorge1952 Collecting Avocados in Central America for Disease Resistance Tests
ZentmyerGeorge1952b Research on Avocado Root Rot
ZentmyerGeorge1952c Spread of Avocado Root Rot Fungus in Nursery Stock
ZentmyerGeorge1953 Diseases of the Avocado
ZentmyerGeorge1953b 1953 Collections in Central America and Mexico for Resistance to Avocado Root Rot
ZentmyerGeorge1954 Tests of Persea Species for Resistance to Phytophthora Cinnamomi
ZentmyerGeorge1955 Diseases of the Avocado
ZentmyerGeorge1955b Further Evidence of Resistance to Phytophthora Root Rot of Avocado
ZentmyerGeorge1956 Resistance of the Duke Variety of Avocado to Phytophthora Root Rot
ZentmyerGeorge1957 The Search for Resistant Rootstocks in Latin America
ZentmyerGeorge1957b Prevention of Phytophthora Root Rot Development in New Plantings, and Other Phases of Root Rot Research
ZentmyerGeorge1958 Resistance of Species of Persea to Avocado Root Rot
ZentmyerGeorge1958b Hot-Water Treatment of Avocado Seed
ZentmyerGeorge1959 Spore Stages of the Avocado Root Rot Fungus, Phytophthora cinnamomi
ZentmyerGeorge1960 Results with New Method of Testing for Resistance to Phytophthora Root Rot of Avocado
ZentmyerGeorge1961 Resistance to Phytophthora Root Rot of Avocado
ZentmyerGeorge1962 Field Trials for Resistance to Phytophthora Root Rot
ZentmyerGeorge1964 Progress on Chemical Control of Phytophthora Root Rot
ZentmyerGeorge1965 Avocado Culture and Avocado Diseases in Australia and the South Pacific
ZentmyerGeorge1966 Research on Avocado Root Rot
ZentmyerGeorge1967 Ventura County Avocado Root Rot Resistance Plot
ZentmyerGeorge1967b Hosts of Phytophthora cinnamomi
ZentmyerGeorge1968 Saponins in Relation to the Control of Avocado Root Rot with Alfalfa Meal
ZentmyerGeorge1969 Production of Sporangia by Phytophthora Cinnamomi in Pure Culture
ZentmyerGeorge1971 Soil Fumigants for Control of Phytophthora Root Rot
ZentmyerGeorge1971b Avocado Root Rot
ZentmyerGeorge1971c Root Rot Resistance Field Plots
ZentmyerGeorge1971d Expansion of Avocado Root Rot Resistance Program
ZentmyerGeorge1972 Avocado Root Rot Research Program
ZentmyerGeorge1972b Another Species of Phytophthora on Avocado in California
ZentmyerGeorge1973 Avocado Root Rot Investigations
ZentmyerGeorge1974 Avocado Root Rot Research Program
ZentmyerGeorge1974b Phytophthora Canker of Avocado Trees in Guatemala
ZentmyerGeorge1974c Studies of Phytophthora citricola, Isolated from Persea americana
ZentmyerGeorge1976 Soil-Borne Pathogens of Avocado
ZentmyerGeorge1976b Exploring for Persea in Costa Rica
ZentmyerGeorge1976c Origin of Phytophthora cinnamomi
ZentmyerGeorge1976d Avocado Rootstocks Resistant to Phytophthora cinnamomi
ZentmyerGeorge1976e Trunk Canker of Avocado Caused by Phytophthora heveae
ZentmyerGeorge1976f Avocado Root Rot Research
ZentmyerGeorge1976g Distribution of the A1 Mating Type of Phytophthora cinnamomi
ZentmyerGeorge1977 Studies of Phytophthora cinnamomi
ZentmyerGeorge1977b Resistance to Phytophthora Root Rot
ZentmyerGeorge1977c New Fungicides for Control of Phytophthora cinnamomi
ZentmyerGeorge1977d Taxonomic Variants in the Phytophthora palmivora Complex
ZentmyerGeorge1977e The Effect of Visible and Near-Visible Radiation on Sporangium Production by Phytophthora cinnamomi
ZentmyerGeorge1978 Avocado Root Rot
ZentmyerGeorge1978b Origin of Root Rot Resistant Rootstocks
ZentmyerGeorge1978c The search for resistance to Phytophthora root rot in Latin America
ZentmyerGeorge1979 Report on Phytophthora Root Rot of Avocado in South Africa
ZentmyerGeorge1980 Pathogenicity of Different California Isolates of Phytophthora cinnamomi to Avocado
ZentmyerGeorge1982 Persea Explorations in Honduras
ZentmyerGeorge1982b Fungicides For Control Of Avocado Root Rot
ZentmyerGeorge1984 5,000 Times Enlarged
ZentmyerGeorge1985 Origin and Distribution of Phytophthora cinnamomi
ZentmyerGeorge1985b Report of the Research Committee
ZentmyerGeorge1987 Avocados Around The World
ZentmyerGeorge1987b Early history of the avocado during the time of the Conquistadores
ZentmyerGeorge1988 History of the Martin Grande Rootstock
ZentmyerGeorge1988b The Origin of the G6 Rootstock
ZentmyerGeorge1989 Aguacate de Mico
ZentmyerGeorge1990 Persea indica
ZentmyerGeorge1991 The Genus Persea
ZentmyerGeorge1992 Persea and Phytophthora in Latin America
ZentmyerGeorge1992b A Unique Trunk Canker of Avocado in Guatemala Caused by Phytophthora heveae
ZentmyerGeorge1992c Early Persea Collections-Beginning of a 40-Year Saga
ZentmyerGeorge1993 Eugenio Schieber
ZentmyerGeorge1994 Plant Pathology: A 55-Year Retrospective
ZentmyerGeorge1996 Quetzals and Avocados
ZentmyerGeorge1997 Annals of the Avocado
ZervudachiLaky1965 Avocado Prospects in Egypt
ZilberstaineMiriam1992 Potassium Uptake by Avocado Roots
ZilberstaineMiriam1998 Review of Avocado Root Rot in Israel and Strategies to Manage the Disease
ZilberstaineMiriam1999 Review of Avocado Root Rot in Israel and Strategies to Manage the Disease
ZilberstaineMiriam1999b Integration of Strategies for Controling Root-Rot in Avocado in Israel
ZilberstaineMiriam2000 Evaluation of Selected Israeli Rootstocks for Productivity and Dwarfness Under Various Stress Conditions
ZilberstaineMiriam2003 The influence of avocado rootstocks on the tree resistance to salinity


The Use of "Environment Friendly" Pesticides in Dealing with Avocado Mites (Oligonychus perseae) in Israel


Wilting Disease of Young Avocado Trees Caused by Neonectria radicicola in Israel

ZilkahShmuel1987 Translocation of Foliar-applied Urea 15N to Reproductive and Vegetative Sinks of Avocado and Its Effect on Initial Fruit Set
ZilkahShmuel1987b Growth Kinetics and Determination of Shape and Size of Small and Large Avocado Fruits Cultivar 'Hass' on the Tree
ZilkahShmuel1995 Brown Spots Disorders on 'Fuerte' Avocado Peel Skin
ZilkahShmuel1996 Folk applied urea improves freezing protection to avocado and peach
ZoffoliJuan0000 1- Metilciclopropeno: [Smartfresh] una herramienta efectiva para controlar la maduracion de palta y relacionarla con la madurez de cosecha
ZoffoliJuan2004 Reversibilidad del efecto del producto 1-MCP [1- Metilciclopropeno, Smartfresh] en palta Hass
ZunigaJorge1998 Caracterización morfológica y organoléptica de un nuevo clon de palto (Persea americana Mill)
ZurBenjamin1999 Controlled Irrigation Amounts with Feedback