Document Id |
Document Title |
AbbottEV1929 |
Anthracnose of the Avocado in Peru |
AbouAzizAB1975 |
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on Yield and Fruit Oil Content of Avocado Trees |
AbouShaaraHF2014 |
The foraging behaviour of honey bees, Apis mellifera: a review |
AcevedoJavier1994 |
Efecto del anillado, doble incision anular e inyeccion de Cultar en ramas de paltos (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass |
AcheampongAtiako2008 |
Genetic Characterization of Ghanaian Avocados Using Microsatellite Markers |
AcostaMartha2011 |
Evaluación y escalamiento del proceso de extracción de aceite de aguacate utilizando tratamiento enzimático |
AdamsAC1942 |
Mexican Avocado Exploration - Searching for an Ideal Avocado |
AdamsCharles1916 |
Experiences with Avocado Varieties |
AdamsCharles1916b |
Necessity of Co-Operation |
AdamsCharles1917 |
Notes on Avocado Varieties for Commercial Orchards |
AdamsCharles1918 |
Summary of Reports on Damage from Frost During the Past Winter |
AdamsCharles1920 |
Report of the Committee on Registration and Classification of Varieties |
AdarGidon1998 |
ABSTRACT: The Annual Production and Utilization of Dry Matter of an Avocado Tree |
AdarGidon1999 |
The Annual Production and Utilization of Dry Matter of an Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Tree |
AdatoI1974 |
Water-deficit Stress, Ethylene Production, and Ripening in Avocado Fruits |
AdatoI1974b |
Postharvest Response of Avocado Fruits of Different Maturity to Delayed Ethylene Treatments |
AdatoI1974c |
The role of ethylene in development maturation and ripening of avocado fruits |
AdatoI1976 |
Relationship Between Changes in Abscisic Acid and Ethylene Production During Ripening of Avocado Fruits |
AdatoI1977 |
Role of Ethylene in Avocado Fruit Development and Ripening |
AdatoI1977b |
Role of Ethylene in Avocado Fruit Development and Ripening. II. Ethylene Production and Respiration by Harvested Fruits. |
AdatoI1988 |
Influence of daily intermittent drip irrigation on avocado (cv. Fuerte) fruit yield and trunk growth |
AdatoI1990 |
Effects of paclobutrazol on avocado (Persea americana Mill.) cv. 'Fuerte' |
AdriazolaCecilia2007 |
Efecto de la carga frutal de árboles de paltos (Persea americana Mill) cv. Hass en alta densidad, sobre la floración y cuaja de la temporada siguiente |
AdriasolaJoaquin2000 |
Estrategia de desarrollo de mercados finacieros sobre commodities de frutas en Chile; caso de las especies Persea americana y Citrus limon |
AffleckMark1979 |
"Fertigation" - Fertilizing through Irrigation |
AffleckMark1986 |
The International Avocado Industry A Global Perspective |
AffleckMark1988 |
A New Produce World |
AffleckMark1992 |
World Avocado Market: A Brief Review |
AffleckMark1992b |
Introduction to the Section |
AffleckMark1992c |
The United States Avocado Market |
AffleckMark1993 |
The Future of the California Avocado Industry |
AffleckMark1996 |
The Political Quid Pro Quo |
AffleckMark1997 |
Looking for the Future: The California Avocado Industry's "Fourth Turning" |
AffleckMark1999 |
Boiling in the "Cauldron of Change" |
AfikOhad2010 |
Selection and Breeding of Honey Bees for Higher or Lower Collection of Avocado Nectar |
AgudeloCesar1993 |
Conservacion de pulpa congelada de palta (Persea Americana) |
AguilarJuan1997 |
Efecto de la fertilizacion organica e inorganica en el crecimiento, produccion y estado nutrimental del aguacate |
AguilarJuan1997b |
Efecto del metodo y dosis de aplicacion de zinc en aguacate |
AguilarJuan1998 |
AguileraJL1991 |
The Avocado Industry in Michoacan, Mexico |
AguileraMaria1994 |
Evaluacion de congelado en palta (Persea americana Mill.) variedad Hass bajo distintas formulaciones |
AguirreC2003 |
Situación del cultivo de palto en el noroeste argentino |
AguirreSalvador2003 |
Experiencias en la transferencia de tecnología con productores de aguacate, en Uruapan, Michoacán, México |
AguirrePaleoS2007 |
Organic Matter and Microorganisms Evaluation on Soils from Avocado (Persea americana Mill) Orchards in Uruapan, Michoacán |
AguirrePaleoS2015 |
Monitoreo de trips en aguacate 'Hass' en el Municipio de Ziracuaretiro Michoacán, México |
AharoniY1984 |
Improved Shelf Life of Avocado Fruits |
AjonGuido1936 |
Report from Italy |
AkamineErnest1973 |
Respiration and Ethylene Production During Ontogeny of Fruit |
AlbertsAJ2009 |
Minute sucking bug complex causing pimples on the skin of avocado fruit in the Soutpansberg district |
AlbertsAJ2010 |
Defining economical action levels for avocado bugs (Miridae) and the use of areawide IPM to warn growers of possible outbreaks |
AlbertsAJ2011 |
Avocado fruit sucking bugs – Development of a forecasting model for an areawide monitoring system |
AlbertsAJ2012 |
Modelling possible avocado bug outbreaks using a practical GIS reporting system |
AlbertsDries2004 |
First report on the identification of possible causes of pimple-like skin protuberances on avocado fruit in the Soutpansberg area |
AlbertsDries2005 |
Heteropterans causing epidermal protuberances on avocado fruit and investigation of possible chemical control methods |
Albright1921 |
Proper Methods of Marketing the Avocado |
AlbroFW1917 |
Chemical Constants of Avocado Oil |
AlcantarRocilloJJ1999 |
Áreas potenciales para cultivo del aguacate (Persea americana cv. Hass) en el estado de Michoacán, México |
AlcantaraMaria2000 |
Efecto de Auxym, Frutaliv, Solubor y agua sobre algunos parametros que inciden en la produccion y calidad del palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass |
AlcarazML2009 |
Selection of potential pollinizers for 'Hass' avocado based on flowering time and male–female overlapping |
AlcarazML2009b |
Biología reproductiva del aguacate (Persea americana Mill.). Implicaciones para la optimización del cuajado |
AlcarazML2013 |
Phenological growth stages of avocado (Persea americana) according to the BBCH scale |
AlcarazML2014 |
Optimization of controlled pollination in avocado (Persea americana Mill., Lauraceae) |
AldrichDaniel1976 |
Feeding a Hungry World |
AldunateGerardo2022 |
Optimal Pruning Strategies to increase Light and enhance Fruit Production |
AlfonsoJose2008 |
Manual técnico del cultive de aguacate Hass (Persea americana L.) |
AlgerEulalia1934 |
Nutritive Value of the Avocado in the Normal Diet |
AlgerEulalia1935 |
Avocado Recipes |
AliShtayehMS1991 |
A Method for Using Commercial ELISA Tests to Detect Zoospores of Phytophthora and Pythium Species in Irrigation Water |
AllamandMiguel2009 |
PRESENTACIÓN: Presentación del seminario: perspectivas de nuestro negocio |
AllanPeter1981 |
Plant Propagation Through Tissue Culture |
AllanPeter1981b |
Sterilization & Pasteurization of Soil Mixes |
AllenA2003 |
Australian Avocados: Marketing and Promotion |
AllenA2009 |
PRESENTATION: State of the Industry: Australia |
AllenA2009b |
PRESENTATION: Retail Price Surveys - What do avocados cost? |
AllenA2009c |
PRESENTATION: Avocado Industry Promotion Program Overview (2008-2009 & 2009-2010) |
AllenRN1980 |
Sensitivity of Transmission Tests for Avocado Sunblotch Viroid and Other Pathogens |
AllenRN1980b |
Fungicidal control in pineapple and avocado of diseases caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi |
AllenRN1981 |
Purified Avocado Sunblotch Viroid Causes Disease in Avocado Seedlings |
AllendeCruzJavier2019 |
PRESENTACIÓN: Uso Inteligente de Atmósfera Controlada para Aguacate var. 'Hass' |
AllendePedro1981 |
Etiología de la marchitez violenta del palto |
AllendeSebastian1995 |
Evaluación técnico económica del palto, variedad Hass |
AllwoodME1994 |
Progress Report: Gas Treatment of 'Fuerte' Avocados to Reduce Cold Damage and Increase Storage Life |
AllwoodME1995 |
Modified Atmosphere Shock Treatment and an Orchard Mulching Trial for Improving Fuerte Fruit Quality |
AlsmeyerLouis1929 |
Observations of Avocado Culture on the Ridge |
AlvarezJose2003 |
Evaluación de un programa de nutrición a base de ácidos carboxílicos sobre la productividad de un huerto de palto {Persea americana Mill) cv. Hass |
AlvarezLA2015 |
Eficacia fungicida en el control de Lasiodiplodia theobromae en plantas de palto (Persea americana) con el uso del bioestimulante a base de algas marinas Fertimar® |
AlvarezBravoA2015 |
Validación de un modelo de predicción del desarrollo floral del aguacate 'Hass' en Michoacán, México |
AlvarezBravoA2021 |
El clima en las regiones productoras de aguacate en América / Climate in Avocado Producing Regions in America |
AlvesDeOliveiraArai1999 |
Propagación vegetativa de aguacate selección 153 (Persea sp.) por acodo en contenedor / Vegetative Propagation of Avocado (Persea sp.) Selection 153 Through Layering in Container |
AmbuulChris2011 |
2011 Award of Honor: Donella Boreham |
AmbuulChris2013 |
An afternoon with Mike Sanders and Bob Lucy, Modern Industry Pioneers |
AmbuulChris2013b |
2013 Award of Honor - Jan DeLyser |
AnagnostopoulosPTh1936 |
Avocado Culture in Greece |
AnativiaLuis1995 |
Situación actual y perspectivas de las exportaciones de palta de Chile |
AncienFrederick1967 |
Philippine Islands Letter |
AndersonGraham2005 |
The Australian Avocado Industry |
AndersonJM2005 |
New Strategies for the Integrated Control of Avocado Fruit Diseases |
AndersonSydney1936 |
Avocado Growing in Santa Barbara County |
AndracaFernando1997 |
Etiologia y control de la tristeza del palto [M-5 y Ridomil] causada por Phytophthora cinnamomi |
AndradeHoyosPetra2015 |
Mecanismos de defensa en portainjertos de aguacate resistentes a Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands |
AndradeHoyosPetra2015b |
Totipotencialidad en plántulas de aguacate y la resistencia a Phytophthora cinnamomi |
AngelMa2003 |
Infuencia de espacios de crecimiento, temperaturas e intensidades de luz en la conservación in vitro de germoplasma de aguacate |
AnguianoCJ2007 |
Soil and Climate Characterization of the Avocado-Producing Area of Michoacán, Mexico |
AnguianoContrerasJ2003 |
Caracterización edáfica y climática del área productora de aguacate Persea americana cv. “Hass” en Michoacán, México |
AnguianoJose2007 |
PRESENTACIÓN: Características ambientales de las regiones productoras de aguacate Persea americana M. en Michoacán |
AnguloAldo1999 |
Efecto del oxígeno ionizado sobre el almacenaje de paltas (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass, en dos estados de madurez |
ApelbaumAkiva1977 |
Prolonging Storage Life of Avocado Fruits by Subatmospheric Pressure |
ApablazaCarlos1981 |
Efecto de C 598 como atrayente de abejas (Apis mellifera L.) en la polinizacion de paltos (Persea americana Mill.) cultivar Fuerte |
ApplemanDavid1941 |
Biochemical Studies of the Fuerte Avocado Fruit - A Preliminary Report |
ArancibiaAlejandro2004 |
Evaluacion de tres largos de poda de ramillas y el efecto de la aplicacion de boro, sobre la induccion floral del palto (Persea americana Mill) Cv. Hass, en Ovalle, Los Andes y Quillota, cuarta-quinta region,Chile |
ArandaPablo2004 |
Trips del palto (Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis Bouche.) - Disposición espacial a nivel de huerto y determinación del número de muestras a utilizar en paltos |
ArataNicolas1983 |
Industrializacion de la palta |
AravenaCristian0000 |
Efecto de la micorrización en plantas de vivero de palto y cítricos bajo diferentes dosis de fertilización. |
ArayaGabriel1996 |
Caracterizacion de la floracion del palto (Persea americana Mill.) en los cultivares Bacon, Edranol, Hass, Negra de la Cruz y Zutano, para la zona de Quillota |
ArellanoGerman1997 |
El "barrenador del fruto del palto" Stenoma catenifer Walsh y su control natural en Chanchamayo y Satipo |
ArellanoPatricio2002 |
Evaluacion de lana de roca y quitosano en propagacion de paltos (Persea americana) en contenedor. Ovalle, cuarta region |
ArenasCynthia1998 |
ArgamanE1983 |
Effect of temperature and pollen source on fertilization |
ArglesGK1945 |
Progress Report on the Planting of Imported Avocado Pear Varieties in Jamaica |
AriasGarciaJuan2021 |
Efecto de la posición cardinal sobre la fenología floral y retención inicial de fruto del aguacate 'Hass' en dos zonas del trópico andino de Caldas, Colombia / Effect of the Cardinal Position on the Floral Phenology and Initial Retention of the Fruit on 'Hass' Avocado in Two Areas of the Andean Tropics of Caldas, Colombia |
AriasGarciaJuan2021b |
Panorama actual del aguacate 'Hass' en Colombia. Retos y oportunidades: una revisión / Current Panorama of the 'Hass' Avocado in Colombia. Challenges and Opportunities: A Review |
ArkinIsrael1967 |
Opportunities for Marketing Israeli Avocados in Western Europe |
ArjonaGirona2015 |
Hongos patógenos aéreos asociados con la muerte regresiva en ramas de aguacate en el sur de España |
ArpaiaMaryLu1987 |
Susceptibility of avocado fruit to mechanical damage as influenced by variety, maturity and stage of ripeness |
ArpaiaMaryLu1987b |
United States' avocado production |
ArpaiaMaryLu1988 |
Avocado Clonal Rootstock Trial |
ArpaiaMaryLu1989 |
Avocado Fruit Quality as Influenced by Preharvest Cultural Practices |
ArpaiaMaryLu1990 |
Avocado Clonal Rootstock Trial |
ArpaiaMaryLu1990b |
The Use of Controlled Atmosphere for Long-Term Storage of 'Hass' Avocados |
ArpaiaMaryLu1990c |
Avocado Fruit Quality As Influenced by Preharvest Cultural Practices |
ArpaiaMaryLu1990d |
Nuevas variedades de portainjertos y puas de paltas para california |
ArpaiaMaryLu1990e |
Fisiología de postcosecha de la palta |
ArpaiaMaryLu1990f |
Cosecha y almacenaje de la palta |
ArpaiaMaryLu1990g |
Estándares para paltas en California |
ArpaiaMaryLu1992 |
Avocado Clonal Rootstock Production Trial |
ArpaiaMaryLu1992b |
The Relationship of Flesh Softening to the Respiratory Climacteric, Ethylene Production and Ammonia Accumulation |
ArpaiaMaryLu1992c |
Protecting the Postharvest Quality of Avocado Fruit |
ArpaiaMaryLu1993 |
Studies in the Postharvest Handling of California Avocados |
ArpaiaMaryLu1993b |
Avocado Clonal Rootstock Production Trial |
ArpaiaMaryLu1995 |
Avocado Clonal Rootstock Production Trial: A View after 8 Years |
ArpaiaMaryLu1995b |
'Hass' Avocado Phenology in California: Preliminary Results |
ArpaiaMaryLu1996 |
The Cashin Creek Nitrogen Fertilizer Trial - What did we learn? |
ArpaiaMaryLu1999 |
Why Do We Need Continued Efforts in Avocado Scion and Rootstock Improvement |
ArpaiaMaryLu2000 |
Avocado Postharvest Quality (Continuing Project; Year 3 of 5) |
ArpaiaMaryLu2000b |
Market Fruit Quality Study (New Project; Year 1 of 1) |
ArpaiaMaryLu2000c |
Enhancement of Avocado Productivity. II. Tree Phenology, Carbohydrate Cycling and Canopy Management (Continuing Project; Year 3 of 5 (of Revision)) |
ArpaiaMaryLu2000d |
Enhancement of Avocado Productivity. I. Plant Improvement - Selection and Evaluation of Improved Varieties and Rootstocks (Continuing Project; Year 3 of 20) |
ArpaiaMaryLu2001 |
Development of a New Method for Measuring Minimum Maturity of Avocados |
ArpaiaMaryLu2001b |
Avocado Flowering Basics |
ArpaiaMaryLu2004 |
Enhancement of Avocado Productivity. Plant Improvement: Selection and Evaluation of Improved Varieties and Rootstocks (Continuing Project: Year 8 of 20) |
ArpaiaMaryLu2004b |
Avocado Postharvest Quality (Continuing Project: Year 5) |
ArpaiaMaryLu2004c |
The Avocado Flower and the Pollination-Fruitset Process: Ideas from a California Perspective |
ArpaiaMaryLu2004d |
Grower Practices will Influence Postharvest Fruit Quality |
ArpaiaMaryLu2004e |
Enhancement of Avocado Productivity. Plant Improvement: Selection and Evaluation of Improved Varieties and Rootstocks |
ArpaiaMaryLu2004f |
Varieties and Rootstocks - The California Perspective (PRESENTATION) |
ArpaiaMaryLu2004g |
Polinización en California (PRESENTACIÓN) |
ArpaiaMaryLu2004h |
Relación entre pre y post cosecha de la palta (PRESENTACIÓN) |
ArpaiaMaryLu2005 |
Enhancement of Avocado Productivity. Plant Improvement: Selection and Evaluation of Improved Varieties and Rootstocks (Continuing Project: Year 9 of 20) |
ArpaiaMaryLu2005b |
Avocado Postharvest Quality (Continuing Project: Year 6) |
ArpaiaMaryLu2005c |
Avocado Postharvest Quality - An Overview |
ArpaiaMaryLu2005d |
The California Cross Pollination Experiment - A Progress Report on the Influence of Pollinizer Variety and Proximity on ‘Hass’ Yield |
ArpaiaMaryLu2006 |
PRESENTATION: Principales aspectos de postcosecha determinantes en la calidad y condición de la palta chilena de exportación (Main determining aspects of postharvest in the quality and condition of avocado for export) |
ArpaiaMaryLu2006b |
PRESENTATION: The road from the grove to the consumer |
ArpaiaMaryLu2006c |
Avocado Postharvest Quality: Year 7 |
ArpaiaMaryLu2006d |
Enhancement of Avocado Productivity. Plant Improvement: Selection and Evaluation of Improved Varieties and Rootstocks (Continuing Project: Year 10 of 20) |
ArpaiaMaryLu2006e |
PRESENTATION: Enhancement of Avocado Productivity |
ArpaiaMaryLu2006f |
PRESENTATION: Examining the interaction of ethylene and temperature on the postharvest quality of 'Hass' avocado |
ArpaiaMaryLu2007 |
Avocado Postharvest Quality |
ArpaiaMaryLu2007b |
Enhancement of Avocado Productivity. Plant Improvement: Selection and Evaluation of Improved Varieties and Rootstocks |
ArpaiaMaryLu2008 |
The Use of Naphthaleneacetic Acid (NAA) to Control Vegetative Vigor in Avocado Trees |
ArpaiaMaryLu2008b |
PRESENTATION: Enhancement of Avocado Productivity. Plant improvement - selection and evaluation of improved varieties and rootstocks |
ArpaiaMaryLu2008c |
Enhancement of Avocado Productivity. Plant Improvement: Selection and Evaluation of Improved Varieties and Rootstocks |
ArpaiaMaryLu2008d |
Avocado Postharvest Quality |
ArpaiaMaryLu2009 |
PRESENTACIÓN: Bases nutricionales para la construcción de fruta de alta calidad |
ArpaiaMaryLu2009b |
Enhancement of Avocado Productivity. Plant Improvement: Selection and Evaluation of Improved Varieties and Rootstocks |
ArpaiaMaryLu2010 |
Enhancement of Avocado Productivity. Plant improvement - selection and evaluation of improved varieties and rootstocks |
ArpaiaMaryLu2010b |
Implementation of the use of NAA as a tree management tool for the California Avocado Industry |
ArpaiaMaryLu2010c |
Avocado Postharvest Biology: Determinants of Eating Quality |
ArpaiaMaryLu2011 |
The Outcomes of "Avocado Brainstorming 2011" |
ArpaiaMaryLu2012 |
2012 Award of Honor: Gary S. Bender |
ArpaiaMaryLu2013 |
Update from Israel on the Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer and its Fusarium fungal symbiont |
ArpaiaMaryLu2015 |
BULLETIN: Optimización de la Calidad de Palta 'Hass' - Capítulo 5. Procedimientos óptimos para la maduración forzada de paltas |
ArpaiaMaryLu2016 |
Tribute to Avraham D. Ben Ya'acov |
ArpaiaMaryLu2019 |
PRESENTATION: California Avocado Varieties: Past, Present and Future (?) |
ArpaiaMaryLu2022 |
PRESENTATION: Why is water essential to the tree? |
ArthurValter2015 |
Propagation of avocado seedlings of the cultivar "Quintal" by grafts irradiate |
ArzeeTova1970 |
The Anatomy of the Avocado Pedicel and the Localization of Diplodia mycelium |
AschJohn1936 |
Avocados on the French Riviera |
AscencionBetanzosG1999 |
Fluctuación poblacional y daño de trips en aguacate cv. Hass / Population Fluctuacion and Thrips Damage on cv. Hass Avocado |
AshworthVanessa2004 |
Microsatellite markers in avocado (Persea americana Mill.): development of dinucleotide and trinucleotide markers |
AstudilloJorge1995 |
AtkinsOliver1967 |
Report of the Variety Committee |
AtkinsOliver1968 |
Present and Future Outlook for Avocado Nurserymen in California |
AtkinsOliver1968b |
California Avocado Nurserymen's Group Becomes a Reality |
AtkinsOliver1969 |
Report of the Avocado Variety Committee of the California Avocado Society |
AtkinsOliver1969b |
Progress Report - Avocado Nurserymen's Section of the California Avocado Society |
AtkinsOliver1971 |
Report of the President |
AtkinsOliver1976 |
Report From The Variety Committee of the California Avocado Society - 1976 |
AtkinsOliver1977 |
Report from the Variety Committee of the California Avocado Society, 1977 |
AtkinsOliver1978 |
Report of the Variety Committee |
AtkinsOliver1978b |
Addendum to Report of the Variety Committee |
AtkinsOliver1981 |
California Avocado Society Variety Plot South Coast Field Station, Tustin, California |
AtkinsOliver1984 |
Report of the Variety Committee |
AtkinsOliver1985 |
Report of the Variety Committee |
AtkinsOliver1986 |
Report of the Variety Committee |
AtkinsonTom2012 |
PRESENTATION: Ecological analysis of native and exotic ambrosia beetles in the U.S. - Implications for pest management |
AtuchaAmaya2006 |
Efecto del Prohexadione Calcio sobre la Productividad y Desarrollo del Palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass |
AvelingTas1986 |
Infection of Susceptible Avocado by Phytophthora cinnamomi |
AverrettWalter1948 |
When Is the Time to Tree Thin the Avocado Grove? |
AverrettWalter1949 |
Tree Thinning the Avocado Grove by the Block System |
AvilaQuezadaG2003 |
Distribución de la roña y del daño por trips en aguacate |
AvocadosAustralia2013 |
Avocado Industry Advisory Committee Annual Report - 2012/13 |
AvronMordhay1957 |
Metabolic Processes in Cytoplasmic Particles of the Avocado Fruit. III. The Operation of the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle |
AvronMordhay1957b |
Metabolic Processes in Cytoplasmic Particles of the Avocado Fruit. V. Effect of Oxalacetate on the Oxidation of Pyruvate and Succinate |
AwadM1979 |
Postharvest Variation in Cellulase, Polygalacturonase, and Pectinmethylesterase in Avocado (Persea americana MiN, cv. Fuerte) Fruits in Relation to Respiration and Ethylene Production |
AwadM1980 |
Avocado Pectinmethylesterase Activity in Relation to Temperature, Ethylene, and Ripening |
AyalaSilvaT2007 |
Phenotypic Characterization of Commercial and Rootstock Avocado Varieties |
AyersAD1950 |
Salt Tolerance of Avocado Trees Grown in Culture Solutions |
AyersAD1951 |
Sodium and Chloride Injury of Fuerte Avocado Leaves |
AyersAD1951b |
Leaf Burn of Avocado: Sodium or chloride accumulation may cause burning of mature avocado leaves of Fuerte and other varieties |
BaccigaluppiRoger1990 |
You're Growing It. Who Wants It? |
BaezGuillermo1981 |
Efecto de la ultima etapa de la madurez fisiologica y periodo de ablandamiento de paltas, cvs. Bacon, Edranol y Fuerte, sobre su contenido de aceite, su correlacion con el contenido de humedad y la composicion de acidos grasos del aceite |
BaierDwight1958 |
Irrigation of Heavy Soil in Relation to Root Rot |
BaileyJB1979 |
BULLETIN: Omnivorous Looper on Avocados in California |
BaileyJB1980 |
Pesticide Experiments for a California Avocado IPM Program |
BaileyJB1980b |
Seasonal Population Trends of Avocado Worm Pests |
BaileyJB1980c |
BULLETIN: Amorbia: A California Avocado Insect Pest |
BaileyJB1981 |
Field Development of the Sex Pheromone for the Western Avocado Leafroller, Amorbia cuneana |
BaileyJB1985 |
Three Mites Cause Damage To Groves And Nurseries |
BaileyJB1986 |
Amorbia cuneana, A Pest of Avocados in California (Discovery of Sibling Species Through the Use of Pheromone) |
BaileyJB1986b |
Field Development of a Synthetic Sex Pheromone for Omnivorous Looper Sabulodes aegrotata |
BaileyJB1987 |
First Progress Report for a "Monitoring — Early Warning Project" for Amorbia and the O. Looper, Insect Pests of California Avocado and Citrus |
BaileyJB1987b |
Development of an IPM programme for Californian avocados |
BaileyJB1988 |
Second Progress Report for a Monitoring Early Warning Project for Amorbia and the Omnivorous Looper, Insect Pests of California Avocados and Citrus |
BaileyJB1988b |
Field-testing the sex pheromone for Amorbia cuneana in avocados: A simple, effective means of monitoring avocado pests |
BaileyJB1988c |
Possible New Race of Amorbia Cuneana Discovered in Avocado |
BaileyJB1988d |
Blacklight Monitoring of Two Avocado Insect Pests |
BaileyJB1988e |
Toree Avocado Research Projects |
BaileyJB1989 |
Avocado IPM Progress Report |
BaileyJB1990 |
Insect IPM Research Progress Report Amorbia Day Degree Study |
BaileyJB1990b |
Chemical Control of Amorbia, an Insect Pest of Avocado and Citrus |
BaileyJB1992 |
Two Monitoring Techniques for Insect Pests of Avocados |
BaileyJB1992b |
Integrated Pest Management of Insect and Mite Pests of California Avocados |
BaileyRon1994 |
An Overview of the New Zealand Avocado Industry |
BakerDonald1951 |
Rainfall Forecasting |
BakerJames1968 |
Studies on Ultrastructure and Purification of Isolated Plant Mitochondrial |
BakerJames1978 |
Inhibition of Ethylene Production in Fruit Slices by a Rhizobitoxine Analog and Free Radical Scavengers |
BakerJames1982 |
Biosynthesis of Ethylene from Methionine in Aminoethoxyvinylglycine-Resistant Avocado Tissue |
BakerMark2013 |
Chairman's Report 2013 |
BakerMark2015 |
Chairman's Report 2014 |
BhaktaShresthaJagadish2008 |
Honeybees: The Pollinator Sustaining Crop Diversity |
BalderasAlbaAbigail2019 |
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Colonization in Avocado Orchards with Two Different Farm Management Practices |
BaldwinWD1929 |
Baldwin of Haiku Tells What Avocado Varieties Appear Best For Hawaii |
BaldwinWD1931 |
Report for the Third Annual Meeting, 1931, of the Hawaiian Avocado Association, on Varieties at Haiku Farm |
BaldwinWD1932 |
The Avocado in Hawaii |
BalerdiCF1976 |
Plastic and Hay Mulches for Tropical Fruit Crops: Observations and Economics |
BaliKhaled2022 |
PRESENTATION: The Ins and outs of leaching |
BaliKhaled2022b |
PRESENTATION: Water Budgeting: Where to Find the Relevant Information & How it All Works Together |
BaliKhaled2022c |
PRESENTATION: Water Strategies with Limited Water Supplies |
BanksAG1992 |
Fertilising to Maximise Fruit Production |
BanksNigel1997 |
Coating to Enhance Fruit Life |
BarYoel1987 |
Seasonal changes in nitrogen concentration in avocado leaves associated with leaf age and fertilisation regime |
BarYoel1992 |
Produccion y comercializacion de paltas en Israel |
BarYoel1992b |
Reducing Chloride Toxicity in Avocado by Nitrate |
BarYoel1997 |
Relationship Between Chloride and Nitrate and Its Effect on Growth and Mineral Composition of Avocado and Citrus Plants |
BarberTU1916 |
From Seedtime to Harvest |
BarberTU1916b |
Fruiting Habits of Budded Trees of the Different Avocado Varieties |
BarberTU1917 |
Special Report of Directors on Avocado Varieties |
BarberTU1921 |
Notes on the Planting and Culture of Avocado Trees |
BarberTU1931 |
Some Ideas of Avocado Culture |
BarceloMunozA2007 |
Selection Program for Avocado Rootstocks Tolerant to WHite Rot Caused by Rosellinia necatrix in Southern Spain (1995-2007) |
BarcenasAE2003 |
Contenido de macro y microelemenos en hojas flor y fruto de aguacate "Hass" en la region de Uruapan Michoacán |
BarcenasAE2007 |
Diversity of Arbuscular mycorrhizal Fungi on Avocado Orchards from Michoacan |
BardZJ1996 |
Post-harvest Vapour Heat Shock Treatments of Fuerte Avocado Fruit |
BardZJ1997 |
Soil Boron Application for the Control of Boron Deficiency in KwaZulu-Natal Avocado Orchards |
BardZJ1999 |
Soil Boron Application for the Alleviation of Boron Deficiency of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) in the Kwazulu-Natal Midlands |
BardZU1998 |
Soil Boron Application for Control of Boron Deficiency in the Avocado in the Kwa-Zulu-Natal Midlands |
BarJosephM1972 |
Avocado Bark Pitting Associated with the Latania Scale |
BarJosephM1985 |
Application of Synthetic Oligoncleotide Probes for Detection of Avocado Sunblotch Viroid |
BarJosephM1986 |
Recent Experience with the Use of Synthetic DNA Probes for the Detection of Avocado Sunblotch Viroid |
BarJosephM1987 |
Viruses, viroids and diseases of unknown etiology observed in avocado groves in Israel |
BarYoel1987 |
Nitrate nutrition as a tool to reduce chloride toxicity in avocado |
BarmoreCharles1976 |
Avocado Fruit Maturity |
BarmoreCharles1976b |
Pectinesterase Activity in Controlled Atmosphere Stored Avocados |
BarnardRO1988 |
Soil Depth: The Third Dimension |
BarnardRO1988b |
Nutrient Elimination Treatments with Potted Avocado Plants |
BarnardRO1989 |
Cation distribution during soil profile amelioration with lime and gypsum |
BarnardRO1990 |
Nutrient deficiency symptoms in potted avocado plants |
BarnardRO1991 |
Deficiency Symptoms in Avocados |
BarnardRO1991b |
Inorganic Fertilisation of Potted Avocado Plants: Results of Pot Experiments |
BarnardRO1992 |
Pot trial with acid soil ameliorants on avocados under glasshouse conditions |
BarnardSteve1996 |
Brand Credit - Is It Best For The Industry? |
BarnesRC1959 |
Citrus and Avocado Nematodes: Spread by nursery stock, by contaminated implements, and by water from irrigation canals that may drain infested land |
BarnumAllen1988 |
Managing Surpluses by Subsidized Diversion |
BarOnJohai1986 |
ABSTRACT: A Study of Factors and Processes that May be Responsible for the Difference in Productivity of 'Fuerte' Avocado Trees |
BarreraMCristian2007 |
Preliminary Results of Eradication of Avocado Sunblotch Viroid (ASBVd) and Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid (PSTVd) in Avocado |
BarrettCarter1932 |
The Future Profitable Orchard |
BarrettCarter1935 |
Training and Pruning Avocado Trees |
BarrettCarter1938 |
Report of the Variety Committee |
BarrettCarter1938b |
Parent Fuerte Avocado Tree at Atlixco |
BarrettCarter1938c |
The Pilgrimage to Atlixco |
BarrettCarter1938d |
Pruning Practice on the Avocado |
BarrettCarter1939 |
Report of the Variety Committee - 1939 |
BarrettCarter1940 |
Report of the Variety Committee - 1940 |
BarrettCarter1944 |
Report of the Committee on Varieties: California Avocado Society - 1944 |
BarrettCarter1945 |
Report of the Variety Committee on Avocados California Avocado Society - 1945 |
BarrettCarter1946 |
Planting and Pruning Avocado Trees |
BarrettCarter1946b |
Presentation Ceremonies at Antigua, Guatemala |
BarrettCarter1946c |
Report of the Subcommittee on Root-Stocks of the Variety Committee |
BarrettCarter1948 |
Annual Report of the Sub-Committee on Avocado Root-Stocks, June, 1948 |
BarrettCarter1948b |
The 1948 Pilgrimage to Mexico |
BarrettCarter1948c |
Dedicatory Speech in Spanish Delivered at Atlixco, Pue; Mexico on Sunday, April 18, 1948 |
BarrettCarter1949 |
Report of the Sub-Committee on Root Stocks |
BarrientosAbelardo1999 |
Influencia del interinjerto 'Colín V-33' sobre algunos aspectos fisiologicos en aguacatero (Persea americana Mill.) |
BarrientosAlejandrof1986 |
Rooting of Avocado Cuttings (Persea americana Mill.) cvs. Fuerte and Colin V-33 |
BarrientosAlejandrof1987 |
Effect of cv Colin V-33 as interstock on avocado (Persea americana Mill) growth, cv Fuerte |
BarrientosAlejandrof1987b |
Stomatal density and its relationship to growth habit in avocado |
BarrientosAlejandro1992 |
Study of Avocado Germplasm Resources, 1988 -1990. IV. Findings in the Mexican Gulf Region |
BarrientosAlejandro1992b |
Selection of Avocado Dwarfing Rootstocks |
BarrientosAlejandro1994 |
Respuesta de plantas de aguacate cv Hass bajo condiciones de sequía / 'Hass' avocado plants response under drought conditions |
BarrientosAlejandro1995 |
Estudio de la densidad estomatica en el perfil de la plantula de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) |
BarrientosAlejandro1995b |
BarrientosAlejandro1995c |
BarrientosAlejandro1996 |
Anatomía del fruto de aguacate, ¿drupa o baya? / Avocado fruit anatomy, ¿drupe or berry? |
BarrientosAlejandro1998 |
BarrientosAlejandro1999 |
The Importance of the Conservation and Evaluation of Avocado Genetic Resources |
BarrientosAlejandro2001 |
Historia y genetica del aguacate |
BarrientosAlejandro2017 |
Presente y futuro de los portainjertos y variedades de aguacate en el mundo y México |
BarrientosAlejandro2019 |
PRESENTACIÓN: Recursos Genéticos del Aguacate: Perspectivas y Futuro |
BarrientosAlejandro2022 |
PRESENTACIÓN: Nuevas variedades y portainjertos de paltos |
BarrientosFabian2003 |
Evaluacion tecnico-economica de la produccion de palta (Persea americana Mill) var. Hass, bajo un manejo organico en la quinta region de Chile |
BarrientosPerzF1982 |
Height Variability Obtained From a New Dwarf Avocado Tree Population |
BarrientosPerzF1996 |
Correlaciones entre algunas características de plántulas de aguacate de 'Colín V-33' y sus efectos enanizantes como portainjertos / Correlations between cv. Colin V-33 seedlings characteristics and its dwarfing effects as rootstoks |
BarrientosVeronica1993 |
Efecto de distintas concentraciones de gases (CO2 y O2) en la conservacion de palta cv. fuerte |
BarronEJ1961 |
Fat Metabolism in Higher Plants. XV. Enzymic Synthesis of Fatty Acids by an Extract of Avocado Mesocarp. |
BarronEJ1962 |
Preliminary Communication: Evidence for Separate Pathways for the Biosynthesis of Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids by an Avocado Enzyme System |
BarrosRodrigo1992 |
The Chilean Avocado Industry |
BartelmeJohn1985 |
Let's Grow Together in 1985/86 |
BartelmeJohn1986 |
Off To A Good Start |
BartholomewTracy1916 |
Avocado Growing in Porto Rico |
BartlettBlair0000 |
Enemies of Avocado Pests |
BartlettBlair1952 |
Enemies of Avocado Pests: Parasites and predators if protected by sparing use of insecticides will keep avocado pests in check |
BatchelorLD1933 |
Fertilizing Avocado Groves |
BatesRP1968 |
The Retardation of Enzymatic Browning in Avocado Puree and Guacamole |
BatraSuzanne0000 |
The Busiest of Bees: Pollen bees outwork honey bees as crop pollinators |
BatraSuzanne1989 |
Japanese Hornfaced Bees, Gentle and Efficient New Pollinators |
BatraSuzanne1993 |
How to Keep Pollen Bees for Better Yields |
BatraSuzanne1993b |
Management of Shaggy Fuzzyfoot Bees for Orchard and Blueberry Pollination |
BatraSuzanne1994 |
Diversify With Pollen Bees |
BattenKeith2009 |
PRESENTATION: Orchard picking platform standards |
BaurAH1971 |
Ethylene Biosynthesis in Fruit Tissues |
BauerleWerner2002 |
Detección de fitoplasma en palto (Persea americana Mill.) mediante la técnica de la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) |
BeachJohn1916 |
The Avocado in Florida |
BeachJohn1919 |
Climatic Limitations on Avocado Growing in Florida |
BeachJohn1920 |
Guatemalan and Mexican Avocados Fruiting in Florida |
BeachJohn1921 |
The Avocado and Mango on the Sand Lands of Palm Beach and St. Lucie Counties |
BeachJohn1923 |
Avocados and Tropical Fruits |
BeanRoss1956 |
Biochemical Reactions of Avocados in Relation to Standards of Maturity |
BeanRoss1958 |
Changes in Sugars During Growth and Storage of Avocados |
BeanRoss1960 |
Changes in Electrical Characteristics of Avocados During Ripening |
BeanRoss1962 |
Avocado Maturity Studies: A Discussion of Possible Applications of Various Physical Measurements to Nondestructive Testing |
BeanRoss1963 |
Carbohydrate Metabolism of Avocado. II. Formation of Sugars During Short Periods of Photosynthesis |
BearFurman1947 |
Facts and Fancies about Fertilizer |
BeardCatherine2015 |
Honeybees (Apis mellifera) on public conservation lands: A Risk Analysis |
BeasleyDR2001 |
Saprophytic microorganisms with potential for biological control of Botrytis cinerea on Geraldton waxflower flowers |
BeckGW1917 |
Avocado Tea Recipe |
BeckWalter1947 |
Quick Propagation of Avocado Nursery |
BeckWalter1952 |
Experiences in Developing an Avocado Grove |
BeckWalter1956 |
Methods of Topworking Avocado Trees |
BeckWalter1958 |
Good Nursery Practice |
BeckWalter1958b |
Report of the Variety Committee |
BeckWalter1960 |
Avocado Harvesting Efficiency |
BeckWalter1971 |
My Experience with the Cherimoya |
BeckerD1991 |
Avocado rooting promoter (ARP) detection in Laurus nobilis L. and Magnifera indica L. based on gas chromatography |
BeckettSH1930 |
Some Problems in the Irrigation of Avocados |
BeckettSH1930b |
Irrigation water requirement studies of citrus and avocado trees in San Diego County, California, 1926 and 1927 |
BedoyaRamirezSara2021 |
Desempeño fotosintético de portainjertos de aguacate criollos de Colombia / Photosynthetic Performance of Creole Avocado Rootstock from Colombia |
BekeyRon1986 |
Pollination of Avocado - Some New Insights with Special Reference to the 'Hass' Variety |
BekeyRon1986b |
Greenhouse Thrips Emerging as Number One Avocado Pest |
BekeyRon1987 |
California Avocado Diseases |
BekeyRon1988 |
An Update on Frost Control Methods |
BekkerTF2005 |
Effects of soluble silicon against Phytophthora cinnamomi root rot of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) nursery plants |
BekkerTF2006 |
In vitro inhibition of several phytopathogenic fungi from avocado by soluble potassium silicate |
BekkerTF2006b |
Efficacy of water soluble silicon against Phytophthora cinnamomi root rot of avocado: A progress report |
BekkerTF2007 |
Accumulation of Total Phenolics Due to Silicon Application in Roots of Avocado Trees Infected with Phytophthora cinnamomi |
BekkerTF2007b |
Inhibition of Phytophthora Root Rot of Avocado with Potassium Silicate Application |
BekkerTF2007c |
The inhibition of Phytophthora root rot of avocado with potassium silicate application under greenhouse conditions |
BekkerTF2007d |
Efficacy of water soluble potassium silicate against Phytophthora root rot of avocado under field conditions |
BekkerTF2007e |
Efficacy of Water Soluble Silicon for Control of Phytophthora cinnamomi Root Rot of Avocado |
BellamoreTom1996 |
A Quest for Grower Value |
BellamoreTom1996b |
Is Brand Credit The Real Issue? |
BellamoreTom1996c |
Ever Vigilant |
BellamoreTom1996d |
Avocados, Agriculture and Trade in the 21st Century |
BellamoreTom2002 |
Mexican Avocados: History ... The Full Story |
BelmarRamon1996 |
BembowerWilliam1946 |
Avocado Improvement Program in Hawaii |
BenderGary0000 |
Avocado Flowering and Pollination |
BenderGary1986 |
Avocado Pests: A Key to the Insects and Damage You May Find in Your Avocados |
BenderGary1988 |
Water Supplies for San Diego's Avocados - Some Thoughts about the Future |
BenderGary1988b |
Avocado Irrigation - How to Deal with High Water Costs |
BenderGary1988c |
Avocado - Farm Advisor Report - San Diego |
BenderGary1989 |
Replanting Avocado in Root Rot - Infested Soil |
BenderGary1989b |
Phytophthora Root Rot |
BenderGary1992 |
Use of Worm-Composted Sludge as a Soil Amendment for Avocados in Phytophthora-infested Soil |
BenderGary1993 |
A New Mite Problem in Avocados |
BenderGary1995 |
Shall We Compost? |
BenderGary1996 |
Root Rot Control Requires Systems Approach |
BenderGary1996b |
Pollinators, Water Help Reduce Fruit Drop |
BenderGary1996c |
Beehives are Essential to Good Pollination |
BenderGary1996d |
Is Well Water An Answer? |
BenderGary2005 |
Recognizing Avocado Lace Bug |
BenderGary2012 |
In Memoriam: Don Gustafson |
BenderGary2023 |
Adventures in Testing New Products. Are they Worthwhile? |
BenoMoualemDelila2000 |
Early Events During Quiescent Infection Development by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in Unripe Avocado Fruits |
BenYaacovAvraham1971 |
Avocado Rootstock-Scion Relationships: A Long-Term Large-Scale Field Research Project |
BenYaacovAvraham1972 |
Avocado Rootstock-Scion Relationships: A Long-Term, Large-Scale Field Research Project. II. Data Collected from Fruit-Bearing Orchards. |
BenYaacovAvraham1973 |
Sensitivity of Avocado Rootstocks to Verticillium Wilt |
BenYaacovAvraham1973b |
Avocado Rootstock-Scion Relationships: A Long-Term, Large-Scale Field Research Project |
BenYaacovAvraham1976 |
Avocado Rootstocks in Use in Israel |
BenYaacovAvraham1976b |
Avocado Rootstock-Scion Relationships: A Long Term, Large-Scale Field Research Project v. Final Report on Some Orchards Planted During the Years 1960-1964 |
BenYaacovAvraham1985 |
Selection of Avocado Rootstocks |
BenYaacovAvraham1987 |
Avocado rootstock-scion relationships |
BenYaacovAvraham1992 |
A Study of Avocado Germplasm Resources, 1988-1990. II. Findings from the Central Part of Mexico |
BenYaacovAvraham1992b |
A Study of the Avocado Germplasm Resources, 1988-90. I. General Description of the International Project and its Findings |
BenYaacovAvraham1992c |
Selection of Clonal Avocado Rootstocks in Israel for High Productivity under Different Soil Conditions |
BenYaacovAvraham1992d |
A Study of Avocado Germplasm Resources, 1988 1990. V. The Evaluation of the Collected Avocado Germplasm Material for Horticultural Purposes |
BenYaacovAvraham1995 |
Avocado Rootstocks |
BenYaacovAvraham1995b |
A Comparison Between Mexican and West Indian Rootstocks for the Ettinger Cultivar at Kvutzat Shiller, Israel |
BenYaacovAvraham1995c |
The New Avocado Germ Plasm Bank in Mexico |
BenYaacovAvraham1995d |
Stionic Combinations and Organic Manure Evaluation In a 'Fuerte' Avocado Orchard at Bnei-Dror, Israel |
BenYaacovAvraham1996 |
Desarrollo de métodos para la selección de portainjertos de aguacate en Israel (Desarrollo de métodos para estudios de investigación en campo a gran-escala en árboles frutales: La selección de portainjertos de aguacate en Israel como caso de estudio) / Development of methods for avocado rootstock selection in Israel |
BenYaacovAvraham1999 |
Clonal Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Rootstocks in Israel |
BenYaacovAvraham1999b |
The Possible Use of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Germplasm Material as Rootstocks for Soil Stress Conditions |
BenYaacovAvraham2003 |
The Mountain Avocado of Costa-Rica. Persea americana var. Costaricensis, a New Sub-Species |
BenYaacovAvraham2003b |
The Israeli Avocado Germplasm Bank: Where and Why the Items Had Been Collected |
BenYaacovAvraham2003c |
The Persea Germplasm Resources Potential as Discovered During an International Collection Project |
BenYaacovAvraham2003d |
The Wild Avocado of Monteverde, Costa Rica |
BenYaacovAvraham2003e |
Experiments with Ettinger Cultivar Grafted on Clonal Avocado Rootstocks, in Israel |
BenYehoshuaS1963 |
Respiration & Internal Atmosphere of Avocado Fruit |
BennettAlan1986 |
Synthesis and Processing of Cellulase from Ripening Avocado Fruit |
BennettAlan1987 |
Regulation of Climacteric Respiration in Ripening Avocado Fruit |
BerdugoCelyJhon2023 |
Pleistocene-dated genomic divergence of avocado trees supports cryptic diversity in the Colombian germplasm |
BergerKay1972 |
Avocado Marketing Problem |
BergerHorst1982 |
Almacenamiento de paltas (Persea americana Mill) cv. Fuerte y Hass en atmosfera controlada, atmosfera modificada y refrigeracion comun |
BergerHorst1984 |
Maduracion programada de paltas |
BerghBob1957 |
Avocado Breeding in California |
BerghBob1958 |
Fuerte Fruit Set as Influenced by Cross-Pollination |
BerghBob1962 |
A Possible Dwarfing Rootstock for Avocados |
BerghBob1964 |
Avocado Yields Increased By Interplanting Different Varieties |
BerghBob1964b |
Character Segregations in Avocado Racial-Hybrid Progenies |
BerghBob1964c |
Avocado Yields Increased by Interplanting Different Varieties |
BerghBob1966 |
The Effect of Adjacent Trees of Other Avocado Varieties on Fuerte Fruit-set |
BerghBob1966b |
Avocado Tree Arrangement and Thinning in Relation to Cross-Pollination |
BerghBob1966c |
A Hass Open-Pollinated Progeny Set |
BerghBob1967 |
Reasons for Low Yields of Avocados |
BerghBob1967b |
Some Late-Maturing Avocado Seedlings of Various Parentage |
BerghBob1968 |
Some Heretical Thoughts Concerning the Ideal Commercial Avocado |
BerghBob1968b |
Cross-Pollination Increases Avocado Set |
BerghBob1972 |
A History of the California Avocado Industry |
BerghBob1973 |
Self-Pollinated Hass Seedlings |
BerghBob1973b |
A Comparison of Leaf Terpenes in Persea Subgenus Persea |
BerghBob1974 |
The Remarkable Avocado Flower |
BerghBob1974b |
Avocado Research in Israel |
BerghBob1975 |
Self-Pollinated Fuerte Seedlings |
BerghBob1976 |
Avocado Breeding and Selection |
BerghBob1976b |
Factors Affecting Avocado Fruitfulness |
BerghBob1982 |
Three New Patented Avocados |
BerghBob1984 |
Avocado Varieties for California |
BerghBob1984b |
The New Gwen and Whitsell Avocados |
BerghBob1984c |
Avocado Breeding Program Results |
BerghBob1986 |
Taxonomy of the Avocado |
BerghBob1986b |
Avocado Breeding - Progress and Prospects |
BerghBob1986c |
Industry Funding of Avocado Research |
BerghBob1987 |
Avocado Breeding in California |
BerghBob1988 |
A Comparison of Hass Selections on Four Rootstocks |
BerghBob1988b |
The Effect of Pretreatments on Avocado Seed Germination |
BerghBob1988c |
The Gwen Avocado |
BerghBob1988d |
Avocado Breeding |
BerghBob1989 |
Determining Maturity in Whole Avocados |
BerghBob1989b |
Avocado Breeding - Progress Report |
BerghBob1990 |
Avocado Breeding - Progress Report |
BerghBob1992 |
The Avocado and Human Nutrition. I. Some Human Health Aspects of the Avocado |
BerghBob1992b |
The Avocado and Human Nutrition. II. Avocados and Your Heart |
BerghBob1992c |
Avocado Breeding Experiences and Prospects |
BerghBob1992d |
Nutritious Value of Avocado |
BerghBob1992e |
The Origin, Nature, and Genetic Improvement of the Avocado |
BernalEstradaJorge2016 |
Estudios ecofisiológicos en aguacate cv. Hass en diferentes ambientes como alternativa productiva en Colombia |
BernalEstradaJorge2021 |
Densidad de plantación, productividad y calidad de fruta en huertos de aguacate cv. Hass en el departamento de Antioquia, Colombia / Planting Density, Productivity and Quality of Fruit in cv. Hass Avocado Orchards in the Department of Antioquia, Colombia |
BernalyDiaz2020 |
Actualización tecnológica y buenas prácticas agrícolas (BPA) en el cultivo de aguacate |
BernalesClaudio1997 |
Implementación de la técnica de etiolación y acodo en la propagación clonal de paltos (Persea Americana Mill.) |
BernauerOlivia2015 |
Colonies of Bumble Bees (Bombus impatiens) Produce Fewer Workers, Less Bee Biomass, and Have Smaller Mother Queens Following Fungicide Exposure |
BernsteinNirit2003 |
Effects of salt-stress on root and shoot growth in avocado |
BernsteinNirit2004 |
Root Growth of Avocado is More Sensitive to Salinity than Shoot Growth |
BernsteinNirit2009 |
השפעת מליחות יל צימוח חצי אבוקדו |
BerriosMarcel1995 |
Efecto del anillado, doble incisión anular y aplicaciones de paclobutrazol (cultar) en paltos (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Negra de la Cruz |
BertlingIsa1986 |
Investigation into Fruitset of Avocado |
BertlingIsa1995 |
BertlingIsa1998 |
Effect of Photo-inhibition on Fruit Growth and Development in Hass Avocado |
BertlingIsa2005 |
Sugars as energy sources – is there a link to avocado fruit quality? |
BertlingIsa2006 |
Avocado sugars during early fruit development |
BertlingIsa2007 |
Antioxidants in 'Hass' avocado |
BertlingIsa2008 |
The search for means to improve the C7 sugar pool in 'Hass' avocado |
BertlingIsa2009 |
Effect of post-harvest application of silicon on 'Hass' avocado fruit |
BertugliaA2003 |
Análisis de rentabilidad de distintos tipos de plantaciones de aguacate en la costa mediterranea española |
BesoainXimena1990 |
Enfermedades del palto |
BesoainXimena1999 |
Pudricion negra en raicillas de palto (Persea american Mill.) por Cylindrocarpon destructans: patogenicidad y aspectos epidemiologicos |
BesoainXimena2005 |
Efecto del periodo de inundacion en el desarrollo de la tristeza del palto (Persea americana), causada por Phytophthora cinnamomi |
BesoainXimena2007 |
Effectiveness of Soil Treatments to Prevent Avocado Replanting Problems |
BesterJM1982 |
Avocados and Temperature Control |
BeutelJames1953 |
Proper Planting and Care is Secret to Profitable Grove of Young Avocado Trees |
BeutelJames1955 |
Increased Production and Profits by Topworking |
BeutelJames1955b |
Double Your Avocado Production and Profits |
BeutelJames1956 |
New Look in Avocado Varieties and Orchards |
BeutelJames1957 |
50,000 Avocado Trees Topworked |
BeutelJames1957b |
Florida avocados in california - why? |
BeutelJames1958 |
Care of Avocado Grafts |
BevacquaRobert1992 |
Avocado Research at South Coast Research and Extension Center |
BevacquaRobert1994 |
Hawaii's Avocado Industry. A Marketing Threat to California Production? Historical Background. |
BezuidenhoutJJ1985 |
Monitoring Phosphorus Compounds in Avocado Tissues |
BezuidenhoutJJ1987 |
Monitoring Phosphorus Compounds in Avocado Tissues |
BezuidenhoutJJ1987b |
Chemical control of Phytophthora cinnamomi |
BezuidenhoutJJ1992 |
Analysis of transit temperature and fruit condition of South African export avocados |
BezuidenhoutJJ1992b |
Temperature Management - The Basis for Successful Export of South African 'Fuerte' Avocados |
BezuidenhoutJJ1995 |
Factors Affecting the Quality of Fuerte Avocados - 1994 Season |
BezuidenhoutJJ2014 |
Oil content of the commercial avocado varieties and the relationship with moisture and ripening pattern |
BezuidenhoutJJ2016 |
Finding the best polliniser for 'Hass' avocado and the effect of honeybees as pollinators |
BezuidenhoutJJ2016b |
Review of 30 years postharvest research |
BezuidenhoutJJ2018 |
The South African Phytophthora trail and the way forward |
BezuidenhoutJJ2018b |
Protocol for ripening avocados on commercial scale |
BezuidenhoutJJ2019 |
Soil health and the soil biota |
BezuidenhoutJJ2020 |
Concise overview of microbes related to soil health |
BezuidenhoutMM2018 |
Finding the best pollinizer for 'Hass' avocado and the effect of bees as pollinators |
BezuidenhoutWJ2020 |
The impact of farm-to-packing facility road condition on avocado qualityw |
BialeJB1941 |
The Climacteric Rise in Respiration Rate of the Fuerte Avocado Fruit |
BialeJB1941b |
The Relationship Between Ripening and Respiration of the Fuerte Avocado |
BialeJB1942 |
Preliminary Studies on Modified Air Storage of the Fuerte Avocado Fruit |
BialeJB1946 |
Effect of Oxygen Concentration on Respiration of the Fuerte Avocado Fruit |
BialeJB1947 |
Control of Vapors in Storage Essential for Prolonging Life of Avocados |
BialeJB1954 |
Fruit Respiration and Ethylene Production |
BialeJB1966 |
Protein and Nucleic Acid Metabolism in Fruits: I. Studies of Amino Acid Incorporation During the Climacteric Rise in Respiration of the Avocado |
BijzetZelda1993 |
Avocado Breeding: A Progress Report |
BijzetZelda1994 |
Current Status of the Avocado Breeding Programme |
BijzetZelda1995 |
Breeding Strategy and the Selection of Seed Parents in the ITSC Avocado Breeding Programme |
BijzetZelda1995b |
BijzetZelda1996 |
Avocado Cultivar Breeding - Results and Prospects |
BijzetZelda1996b |
Avocado Rootstock Breeding - New Developments and Intricacies |
BijzetZelda1997 |
Progress with Local Selections in the Quest for a More Tolerant/Resistant Avocado Rootstock than Duke 7 |
BijzetZelda1997b |
Cultivars and Selections in the Phase I Breeding and Selection Programme |
BijzetZelda1998 |
Development of Improved Avocado Cultivars |
BijzetZelda1998b |
Development of Avocado Rootstocks with Improved Resistance/Tolerance to Phytophthora Root rot |
BijzetZelda1999 |
Developing and optimizing techniques to facilitate the development of avocado rootstocks resistant to Phytophthora cinnamomi |
BillM2015 |
New methods of post-harvest disease control: Using thyme oil fumigation |
BillM2016 |
Using plant volatiles in biodegradable sachets and exposure of volatiles under pallet covers to control postharvest decay in avocados |
BillM2018 |
Alternatives to synthetic fungicides to control postharvest diseases of avocados – Commercial trials with thyme oil vapours |
BinghamFrank1955 |
Phytophora Root Rot of Avocado in Relation to Nitrite |
BinghamFrank1957 |
Iron Chlorosis and Chelate Studies in Avocado Orchards |
BinghamFrank1958 |
Effects of Irrigation Treatments and Rates of Nitrogen Fertilization on Young Hass Avocado Trees. III. Changes in Soil Chemical Properties |
BinghamFrank1960 |
Magnesium Deficiency of the Hass Avocado Tree |
BinghamFrank1961 |
Seasonal Trends in Nutrient Composition of Hass Avocado Leaves |
BinghamFrank1966 |
Chloride Injury to Hass Avocado Trees: A Sandculture Experiment |
BingleyPullinZoe2009 |
PRESENTATION: Balancing life and work through nutrition and avocados |
BiranD1979 |
Fruitlet abscission and spring growth retardation - their influence on avocado productivity |
BirnbaumKenneth2003 |
Integrating Gene Flow, Crop Biology, and Farm Management in On-Farm Conservation of Avocado (Persea americana, Lauraceae) |
BiscailuzEW1933 |
Policing Avocado Orchards |
BlackmanEV1903 |
Tropical Fruits Other than Pineapples |
BlackmanEV1909 |
Tropical Fruits - How and Where Grown |
BlackwellWilliam1973 |
An Avocado Planting on Flatwoods Sand with Drip Irrigation |
BlakeyRJ2007 |
The feasibility of a hot water treatment for South African avocados (Persea americana [Mill.] cv Hass) |
BlakeyRJ2008 |
The potential of near-infrared spectroscopy in the avocado industry |
BlakeyRJ2009 |
The importance of maintaining the cold chain for avocado ripening quality |
BlakeyRJ2009b |
Protein and sugar trends during the avocado season |
BlakeyRJ2010 |
Post-harvest avocado physiology |
BlakeyRJ2011b |
Non-destructive measurement of moisture content using handheld NIR |
BlakeyRJ2012 |
Detection of pre-harvest cold damage in avocado fruit using an online near-infrared spectrometer |
BlakeyRJ2013 |
Calibration of handheld NIR to determine avocado maturity – Progress report |
BlakeyRJ2013b |
Comparison between SmartFresh™ and generic 1MCP |
BlakeyRJ2014 |
35 Years of the SAAGA Yearbook: A Review |
BlakeyRJ2014b |
Semi-commercial testing of handheld NIR to determine avocado maturity (Progress report - Year 4) |
BlakeyRJ2014c |
35 Years of SAAGA Yearbooks: A review |
BlakeyRJ2014d |
Reducing environmental stress to increase avocado yield and fruit quality (Progress report - Year 1) |
BlakeyRJ2015 |
Successes and challenges of near-infrared spectroscopy in the avocado value Chain |
BlakeyRJ2015b |
Can glycine betaine be used to improve 'Hass' avocado production? - Progress report - Year 2 |
BlakeyRJ2015c |
Growing avocados under shade netting - Progress report - Year 2 |
BlakeyRJ2016 |
Growing avocados under shadenetting - Year 3 |
BlanchardVincent1932 |
Status of the Avocado Industry in Ventura County |
BlanchardVincent1934 |
Regional Behavior of Avocado Varieties |
BlanchardVincent1935 |
Climatic Influence on Commercial Avocado Production |
BlanchardVincent1936 |
The Avocado Industry in Ventura County |
BlanchardVincent1936b |
Symposium on Pruning Avocados |
BlanchardVincent1940 |
More Regularity of Production Necessary in Avocado Industry |
BlancoAnleuJose2021 |
Establecimiento in vitro de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) variedad criollo / In Vitro Establishment of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Criollo Variety |
BlandenBill1997 |
Generic Promotion of South African Avocados into the United Kingdom |
BlankeMichael1992 |
Photosynthesis of Avocado Fruit |
BlankeMichael1992b |
Use of the ADC LCA 3 in Avocado Fruit Physiology |
BlankeMichael1995 |
BlankeMichael1995b |
BlankeMichael1995c |
BlatherwickNR1940 |
Metabolism of d-mannoheptulose. Excretion of the sugar after eating avocado. |
BlattRedyers1931 |
The Avocado in South Africa |
BlissArt2006 |
Report from the President: Annual Meeting - 2006 |
BlissArt2006b |
2005-2006 Avocado Grower Seminars - Avocado Production in a New Era |
BlissArt2008 |
2007 Award of Honor: Carol Lovatt |
Blomer1979 |
Avocado 'Roots' |
BlowesWM1981 |
The Occurrence of Phytophthora Spp. In the Northern Territory |
BlumbergDaniel1992 |
The Resistance by Encapsulation of the Pyriform Scale Protopulvinaria pyriformis (Cockerell) to Successful Parasitization by the Encrytid Parasitoid Metaphycus Stanleyi Compere |
BlumenfeldA1970 |
Cytokinin Activity in Avocado Seeds during Fruit Development |
BlumenfeldA1970b |
Hormonal systems in avocado fruits |
BlumenfeldA1971 |
The Role of the Seed Coat in Avocado Fruit Development (Growth and Maturation) |
BlumenfeldA1974 |
Development of Seeded and Seedless Avocado Fruits |
BlumenfeldA1992 |
Avocado Fruit Maturation and Criteria for Harvest |
BlumenfeldA1992b |
Evaluation of New Avocado Cultivars |
BoccasB1976 |
Genetical Studies with Interspecific Crosses Between Phytophthora cinnamomi and Phytophthora parasitica |
BodnarukKevin2005 |
Chemical Reviews, Codex, and into the Future with Chemicals for Avocadoes |
BoelemaT1987 |
Long-distance transport of avocados |
BoginE1965 |
Investigations of Processes in Avocado Fruit Ripening |
BolstadNH1952 |
A Retailer's View of the Avocado Industry |
BonalesJ2003 |
Competitiveness of Mexican Avocado Exporting Companies to the United States of America |
BondRM1968 |
Avocados in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands |
BontaAlejandro0000 |
Evolución de la maduración de frutos del cultivar Isabel (Persea americana Mill.), injertados sobre patrón mexicola |
BorroneJames2008 |
Outcrossing in Florida Avocados as Measured Using Microsatellite Markers |
BorstGeorge1972 |
Incidence of Avocado Root Rot in Relation to Exchangeable Soil Sodium in the Vicinity of Fallbrook |
BorstGeorge1974 |
Effect of Soil Erosion on the Susceptibility of Avocados to Root Rot in the Fallbrook and Escondido Areas |
BorstGeorge1974b |
Amelioration of Root Rot Hazards in Granitic Soils |
BorstGeorge1979 |
Weather Conditions Affecting Root Rot Control |
BorstGeorge1981 |
Studies Confirm Root Rot Hazard In Soil |
BorstGeorge1983 |
Soil Is Said To Influence Biological Control Efforts |
BorstGeorge1983b |
Can Mulching Help Control Root Rot In Avocado Groves? |
BorstGeorge1986 |
Observations on a Biological Root Rot Control Trial in the Fallbrook Area |
BorysMaria1990 |
The Use of Avocado in the Restaurants of Puebla, Mexico |
BorysMichael1985 |
Some Root Characteristics of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Seedlings of the West Indian and Guatemalan Races |
BorysMichael1991 |
Formation of Adventitious Roots in Decaying Trunks of Old Persea americana Mill. Mexican Race |
BorysMichael1993 |
An Avocado Relative: Beilschmiedia anay (Blake) Kosterm. A Fruit Source |
BoscheJohn1915 |
Marketing |
BoshoffM1995 |
Effect of Detergent Sanitizers on Post-harvest Diseases of Avocado |
BoshoffM1996 |
Effect of Detergent Sanitizers on Post-harvest Diseases of Avocado |
BoshoffM1996b |
Effect of Staggered Copper Sprays on Pre and Post-harvest Diseases of Avocado in KwaZulu-Natal Midlands |
BosseRonelle2011b |
Pre- and post-harvest treatments on 'Fuerte' avocados to control anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) during ripening |
BosseRonelle2012 |
Systemic resistance inducers applied pre-harvest for anthracnose control in 'Fuerte' avocados |
BostJay2009 |
Edible Plants of the Chinantla, Oaxaca, Mexico with an Emphasis on the Participatory Domestication Prospects of Persea Schiedeana |
BoswellSB1971 |
Chemical Inhibition of Avocado Top Regrowth |
BoswellSB1976 |
Control of Sprouts on Topworked Avocado Stumps with NAA Formulations |
BoswellSB1977 |
Chemical Inhibition of Sprouting of Avocado Stumps |
BoswellSB1979 |
Reduction of Rootstock Sprouts on Young Grafted Avocados with NAA |
BoswellSB1984 |
Reduction of Rootstock Sprouts on Young Grafted Avocados with NAA |
BoswellSB1984b |
Control of Sprouts on Topworked Avocado Stumps with NAA Formulations |
BothaA2003 |
A New Phosphorous Acid Formulation for the Effective Control of Phytophthora Root Rot of Avocado Orchards |
BothaBM2003 |
Supercritical fluid extraction of avocado oil |
BothaBM2004 |
Supercritical fluid extraction of avocado oil |
BothaFA2016 |
The influence of plant volatiles on some indigenous heteropterans in avocados |
BothaT1988 |
Mode of Resistance in Avocados after Treatment with Phosphorous Acid |
BothaT1989 |
An evaluation of in vitro screening techniques for determining tolerance of avocado rootstocks to Phytophthora cinnamomi |
BothaT1989b |
Susceptibility of avocado rootstocks to Phytophthora cinnamomi |
BothaT1989c |
Exudates of avocado rootstocks and their possible role in resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi |
BothaT1992 |
In Vitro Screening of Tolerance to Phytophthora cinnamomi in Avocado Rootstocks |
BoudeguerJean1976 |
Caracteristicas fisicas del suelo relacionadas con el riego en siete huertos de paltos del Piedmont en la zona de Quillota |
BowerJohn1977 |
Incoming Solar Radiation and Internal Water Status as Stress Factors in Avocado, Persea americana (Mill.) cv Edranol |
BowerJohn1978 |
The Effects of Shade and Water Relations in the Avocado cv Edranol |
BowerJohn1978b |
ABSTRACT: Ecophysiological Studies of Three cvs of Persea americana (Mill.) Emphasising Photosynthesis and Internal Water Relations |
BowerJohn1979 |
Water Relations of Phytophthora Infected Fuerte Trees and Their Influence on Management |
BowerJohn1981 |
Avocado (Persea americana) (Mill.) Stock-Scion Interactions as Evidenced by Peroxidase Activity and Stem Growth |
BowerJohn1982 |
The Influence of Fuerte Fruit Water Potential on Ripening |
BowerJohn1984 |
Effect of Fruit Water Stress and Irrigation Regime in the Ripening of Stored Avocado Fruit, Cultivar; Fuerte |
BowerJohn1985 |
The Calcium Accumulation Pattern in Avocado Fruit as Influenced by Long-Term Irrigation Regime |
BowerJohn1985b |
Some Aspects of Water Relations on Avocado Persea americana (Mill.) Tree and Fruit Physiology |
BowerJohn1986 |
The Effect of Longterm Irrigation Regime on Avocado Fruit Polyphenol Oxidase Browning Potential |
BowerJohn1986b |
Long-Term Irrigation as Influencing Avocado Abscisic Acid Content and Fruit Quality |
BowerJohn1987 |
Some factors affecting post-harvest quality in avocado fruit |
BowerJohn1988 |
Avocado Fruit Development and Ripening Physiology |
BowerJohn1988b |
Pre- and Postharvest Measures for Long-Term Storage of Avocados |
BowerJohn1989 |
Modified atmosphere storage and transport of avocados what does it mean? |
BowerJohn2000 |
Progress in identifying the primary causes of mesocarp discoloration in cv Pinkerton |
BowerJohn2003 |
Effect of fruit coating and packaging on external and internal quality |
BowerJohn2003b |
Progress in the development of avocado products |
BowerJohn2004 |
Alternative avocado products |
BowerJohn2004b |
Effect of coatings and packaging on external and internal quality with emphasis on "cold injury" |
BowerJohn2005 |
Resolving Long Distance Shipping Disorders in 'Hass' Avocados |
BowerJohn2005b |
A process to prevent browning of frozen avocado halves and chunks |
BowerJohn2005c |
The effect of coatings and packaging |
BowerJohn2006 |
Effect of fruit coatings and packaging on chilling injury of ‘Hass’ avocados |
BowerJohn2008 |
Effect of carton wrapping on fruit cooling |
BowerJohn2015 |
BULLETIN: Optimización de la Calidad de Palta 'Hass' - Capítulo 2. Factores de manejo agronómico que afectan la postcosecha de la palta ‘Hass’ |
BowkerGeorge1968 |
Report of the Avocado Research Committee of the California Avocado Society |
BowmanKim1992 |
The Necessity of Avocado Germplasm Resources |
BoyceAM1946 |
Pests of the Avocado |
BoyceAM1956 |
Listing and Description of Avocado Projects at University of California Citrus Experiment Station |
BoyceAM1957 |
The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Citrus Experiment Station |
BozakKristin1992 |
Expression of a Ripening-Related Avocado (Persea americana) Cytochrome P450 in Yeast |
BozzoloEduardo1993 |
Aproximacion a la determinacion de los coeficientes de cultivo (Kc) en palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass para la zona de Quillota, Quinta region |
BrambilaMichelAngel2021 |
Cálculo de lámina de riego y monitoreo de humedad en suelo para el cultivo de aguacate / Irrigation Level Calculation and Monitoring Soil Moisture for the Avocado Crop |
BransonRoy1971 |
Irrigation Water - A Major Salt Contributor to Avocado Orchards |
BravoOmar1997 |
Efecto de la época de cosecha y la temperatura de almacenaje en la calidad de frutos de palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Gwen |
BrayardH1936 |
The Avocado in Morocco |
BredellGS1983 |
Voorwoord: Message from Dr G.S. Bredell |
BrendlerRA1950 |
What is in Your Irrigation Water |
BrettHomer1916 |
The Avocado in Venezuela |
BinghamFrank1971 |
The Effects of Sodium on Mature Avocado Trees |
BrichetJ1936 |
The Avocado in Algeria |
BringhurstRS1951 |
Influence of Glasshouse Conditions on Flower Behavior of Hass and Anaheim Avocados |
BringhurstRS1952 |
Sexual Reproduction in the Avocado |
BringhurstRS1954 |
Interspecific Hybridization in and Chromosome Numbers in Persea |
BringhurstRS1956 |
Breeding Tetraploid Avocados |
BrinkT1997 |
Artificial Exposure of Different Avocado Cultivars to Fruit Flies |
BrinsmeadR1915 |
Some Interesting Articles |
BritoMarcela2005 |
Efecto de diferentes coberturas [Primafresh 31 K y Britex 701] sobre el comportamiento en almacenaje refrigerado de paltas (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass en distintos niveles de madurez |
BroadbentPatricia1974 |
Behaviour of Phytophthora cinnamomi in soils suppressive and conducive to root rot |
BrockAA1926 |
Vacuum Fumigation of Avocado Nursery Trees |
BrodkeyJoseph1928 |
Report on Avocado Varieties from the Market Standpoint |
BrogdonJames1955 |
Insects and Mites of Mangos and Avocados |
BrokawWH1969 |
Irrigation of Newly Planted Trees |
BrokawWH1972 |
Registered Avocado Trees: A Short History of the Program and List of Trees |
BrokawWH1982 |
Clonal Rootstocks: Personal Observations and a Peek into the Future |
BrokawWH1985 |
Report of the Policy Committee |
BrokawWH1985b |
A Word About Plant Patents |
BrokawWH1986 |
Selecting rootstocks |
BrokawWH1987 |
The World Avocado Congress: What We Learned |
BrokawWH1987b |
Field experiences with clonal rootstocks |
BrookbanksPA2002 |
The Distribution of Greenhouse Thrips and Leafroller Caterpillars in Avocado Orchards |
BrownJB1931 |
Irrigation = Drainage, the Soil as a Reservoir for Water |
BrowneMichael1992 |
World Avocado Society Planning Session |
BrowneMichael1994 |
Avocados of the Americas ... Caution: Merging Traffic Ahead |
BrauntonErnest1921 |
Thirty Years' Observation of Tropical Fruits |
BroadbentPatricia1989 |
Effect of Soil Management on Avocados in a Krasnozem Soil |
BrodrickHT1971 |
Advances in Aerial Photography: Detecting Avocado Phytophthora Root Rot The Use of Multispectral Photographical Techniques |
BrodrickHT1976 |
Comparison of Various Methods for the Isolation of Phytophthora cinnamoni from Avocado Soils |
BrokawHank2002 |
BrokawWH1989 |
Introducing New Cultivars: Needs vs. Risks |
BrookbanksPA2003 |
Distribution of Six-Spotted Mite, Greenhouse Thrips and Brownheaded Leafroller in Avocado Orchards |
BrooksCharles1929 |
Avocados |
BrooksJR1946 |
Hurricane Damage to Commercial Fruit Trees in Dade County |
BrooksNP1971 |
Production and Marketing of Avocados and Limes, Dade County Style |
BrownGordon1971 |
The Federal-State Inspection Service and Its Role in the Florida Avocado and Lime Industries |
BrownJB1934 |
Side Hill Irrigation, Its Efficiency, Its Cost and Its Dangers |
BrownPatrick2023 |
PRESENTATION: Biostimulants in Agriculture |
BrownTW1916 |
The Avocado in Egypt |
BrunnetFelipe2001 |
BruscaJoseph1955 |
Chromium Effects on Avocado Trees |
BruscaJoseph1955b |
Effect of Molybdenum on Avocado Trees |
BruscaJoseph1959 |
Zinc Effect on Citrus, Avocado: Large concentrations of zinc added to sand or soil cultures corrected mottle-leaf, increased leaf size and tree growth |
BruscaJoseph1960 |
Magnesium required by avocado trees but excessive amounts may be toxic |
BruwerAT2003 |
Flowering of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) as Influenced by Gibberellic Acid Treatments |
BruwerAT2005 |
Evaluation of the Hass-like avocado cultivars Harvest, Gem and Grace at Westfalia Technological Services |
BruwerAT2006 |
Evaluation of the Hass-like avocado cultivars Harvest, Gem and Grace |
BruwerAT2007 |
Evaluation of the Hass-like avocado cultivars Harvest, Gem and Grace |
BruwerAT2015 |
30 Years of cultivar research at Westfalia technological services |
BruwerIJ2001 |
Geïntegreerde beheer van suigbesies (Hemiptera) in avokadoboorde |
BruwerIJ2002 |
Eko-vriendelike insekdoders vir die beheer van suigbesies (Hemiptera) in avokadoboorde |
BruwerIJ2003 |
Kalibrasie van spuitmasjiene en bespuitingstipes deur gebruik te maak van .n spuitfaktor op avokado |
BruwerIJ2003b |
Eko-vriendelike insekdoders vir die beheer van suigbesies in avokadoboorde |
BruwerIJ2004 |
Eko-vriendelike insekdoders vir die beheer van suigbesies in avokadoboorde |
BruwerIJ2005 |
Flowering of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) As Influenced by Gibberellic Acid Treatments |
BruwerIJ2005b |
"Sagte" insekdoders vir die beheer van suigbesies gedurende middel tot laat somer – voorlopige verslag |
BruwerIJ2006 |
"Sagte" insekdoders vir die beheer van suigbesies gedurende die middel tot laat somer – finale verslag |
BruwerT2007 |
Performance and Market Acceptibility of the Hass-Like Cultivars Gem and Harvest in South Africa |
BryantRichard2007 |
Redbay Ambrosia Beetle-Laurel Wilt Pathogen: A Potential Major Problem for the Florida Avocado Industry |
BuchholzA1986 |
Carbohydrate partitioning between fruitlets and young vegetative growth as a possible factor involved with fruitlet abscission in avocado |
BuchmannStephen0000 |
Beekeeping Without Honey Bees: Attracting Other Bees to Your Garden |
BucklewLL1940 |
Mango Trials |
BucklewLL1956 |
The Mango in California |
BuckleyEd1999 |
A Steady Hand, a Long Term View: Development of the California Avocado Marketing Profile |
BuflerGebhard1992 |
A Study of Avocado Germplasm Resources, 1988-1990. III. Ribosomal DNA Repeat Unit Polymorphism in Avocado |
BullSD1994 |
Synthesis of the Avocado Antifungal, (Z,Z)-2-Hydroxy-4- oxohenicosa-12,15-dien-1-yl Acetate |
BurdonJ2005 |
Mode of Action of Water Loss on Fruit Quality of 'Hass' Avocados |
BurdonJ2007 |
Preliminary Studies of Physiological and Morphological Indicators of Potential Poor Quality in Late Season New Zealand 'Hass' Avocados |
BurdonJ2007b |
Carbohydrate Status of Late Season 'Hass' Avocado Fruit |
BurdonJ2008 |
Dynamic Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Avocados: Technology for Managing Exports? |
BurdonJ2009 |
PRESENTATION: Dynamic CA storage of avocados. Technology for managing exports? |
BurelliGG1982 |
Quality and Oil Content of Early Season Fuerte Avocado Originating from the Levubu Region |
BurelliNino1983 |
A Step Forward in SAAGA's Extension Service |
BurgerWP1985 |
Guidelines for an Avocado Improvement Programme |
BurgisDS1945 |
Do avocado roots develop root-hairs? |
BurgisDS1946 |
Do Avocado Roots Develop Root-Hairs? |
BurkeHenry1950 |
The Avocado in Spain, North Africa, Sicily and Italy |
BurkeHenry1957 |
The Avocado Industry of Southern Africa, 1956 |
BurmesterEduardo1982 |
Efectos de la incision anular o anillado en la produccion de paltos (Persea americana Miller) cv. Fuerte |
BurnsRobert1960 |
Correlation of Soil Series and Avocado Root Rot Damage in the Fallbrook Area |
BurnsRobert1962 |
Avocado Root Rot Soil Survey |
BurnsRobert1963 |
Poor Drainage and Excess Soil Moisture Encourage Spread of Avocado Root Rot |
BurnsRobert1964 |
Ventura County Survey Finds Little Avocado Root Rot |
BurnsRobert1964b |
Avocado Inarch Grafting Trials with Root Rot Resistant Varieties |
BurnsRobert1965 |
Avocado Soil and Root Rot Survey of Dade County, Florida |
BurnsRobert1965b |
Florida Avocados - By a Californian |
BurnsRobert1966 |
Gibberellin Increases Size of Duke Avocado Seedlings |
BurnsRobert1968 |
Testing Duke Avocado Seed Source Trees for Sunblotch |
BurnsRobert1969 |
Plastic Containers for Avocado Nursery Trees |
BurnsRobert1969b |
Resistance to Sun Blotch Virus in Seed Source Trees of Duke Avocado |
BuseEdward1993 |
Ethylene-Mediated Posttranscriptional Regulation in Ripening Avocado (Persea americana) Mesocarp Discs |
BushGuy1957 |
Some Notes on the Susceptibility of Avocados in Mexico to Attack by the Mexican Fruit Fly |
BusckAugust1929 |
Pathology and Entomology a New Avocado Moth (Lepidoptera, Fm. Tortricidae) |
ButlerCW1903 |
The Avocado Pear |
ButtonEC1931 |
Association History |
ButtroseMS1978 |
Promotion of Floral Initiation in 'Fuerte' Avocado by Low Temperature and Short Daylength |
BuzgoMatyas2007 |
Floral Developmental Morphology of Persea americana (Avocado, Lauraceae): The Oddities of Male Organ Identity |
ByrneFrank2009 |
Evaluation of Systemic Chemicals for the Management of Avocado Pests |
ByrneFrank2010 |
Evaluation of Systemic Chemicals for the Management of Avocado Pests |
CaballeroPickmannCarlos2019 |
PRESENTACIÓN: Efecto del 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP) sobre la vida y calidad postcosecha de palta 'Hass' en escala pre-comercial de exportación a India |
CabezasC2003 |
Anomalías morfológicas y fisiológicas del ciclo floral del aguacate en la costa de Almería |
CabezasC2003b |
Identificación y descripción de los estados fenológicos-tipo del aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) |
CabezasC2007 |
Avocado Pollinators in Southeast Spain |
CabezonAndres1965 |
Avocado Culture in the Canary Islands |
CadmanR1977 |
Avocado Plantings in Sunraysia, Australia |
CaitlinWilliam1961 |
President's Report for 1961 |
CaitlinWilliam1967 |
Fruit Quality Improvement Committee |
CaitlinWilliam1968 |
Report of Fruit Quality Improvement Committee |
CaitlinWilliam1969 |
Report of the Fruit Quality Improvement Committee |
CajusteJacques2001 |
Caracterización fisicoquìmica de tres cultivares introducidos de zarzamora erecta (Rubus sp.) |
CajusteJacques2001b |
Evaluacion de la calidad mediante atributos de apariencia de frutos de aguacate de las selecciones Aries y Ariete / Fruit Quality Evolution of Two Avocado Selections (Aries and Ariete) Through Their Physical Attributes |
CajusteJacques2001c |
Efecto del estado de madurez a la cosecha y ubicacion de huertos en la calidad de consumo de frutos de aguacate cv Hass / Maturity Stage at Harvest, and Orchard Location on Fruit Quality Consumption of Avocado 'Hass' |
CalabreseF1995 |
CalatravaJavier1987 |
Methodology for the analysis of low-consumption markets with a view to promotion: Application to avocados in Spain |
CalatravaJavier1987b |
The European avocado market: short (1990) and long-term (1995-2000) forecasts |
CalatravaJavier1987c |
The relationship between producer price and cost of the Spanish avocado as a parameter to forecast future supplies |
CalatravaJavier1992 |
The European avocado market: short (1990) and long-term (1995-2000) forecasts |
CalatravaJavier1992b |
The Structure of the Spanish Domestic Market for Avocados: Comments from a Consumer Survey |
CalatravaJavier2003 |
Returns to Scale of the Spanish Avocado Industry: The Dynamics of the Productive Structures |
CalkinsGR1932 |
Top-Grafting the Avocado Tree |
CalkinsWillis1934 |
Advantages of Low Grafting |
CalvertEdmund1993 |
Aproximacion al ciclo fenologico del palto (Persea americana Mill), cultivar Fuerte, para la zona de Quillota. V region |
CalvertKen2000 |
Hass Avocado Promotion, Research and Information Act of 2000 |
CalvinoEva1938 |
Floral Biology of the Persea Drymifolia (Mexican Avocado) Cultivated in San Remo, Italy |
CamberoCamposOctavio2009 |
Thrips fitófagos en huertas de aguacate cv. Hass en Nayarit, México |
CamberoCamposOctavio2009b |
Thrips depredadores en la region aguacatera de Nayarit, México |
CamberoCamposOctavio2010 |
Thrips (Thysanoptera) del aguacate (Persea americana) en Nayarit, México / Thrips (Thysanoptera) of avocado (Persea americana) in Nayarit, Mexico |
CameroJose2009 |
Aguacate Hass en Colombia |
CameronSH1937 |
Effect of Fertilization, Ringing, Blossoming and Fruiting on the Nitrogen Content of Avocado Leaves |
CameronSH1938 |
Starch in the Avocado Tree |
CameronSH1952 |
Nutrient Composition and Seasonal Losses of Avocado Trees |
CameronSH1955 |
Propagation of Avocado Rootstocks |
CampbellAllan1981 |
"The Flying Fox" - A Device to Assist the Movement of Fruit Safely on Steep Hillsides |
CampbellAllan1981b |
The Avocado Industry in Australia |
CampbellAllan1981c |
The Australian Avocado Industry: A Report From a Director at Large |
CampbellAM2003 |
Conversion from Conventional to Organic Avocado Production |
CampbellCW1958 |
Report of the Subtropical Fruit Variety Committee, 1958 |
CampbellCW1959 |
Chilling Injury in Pollock Avocados During Cold Storage |
CampbellCW1962 |
Adaptation Trials of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits on Sandy Soils in Broward County, Florida |
CampbellCW1976 |
A Survey of Avocado Cultivars |
CapmbellJodie2009 |
PRESENTATION: Improving the avocado supply chain |
CampisiPintoS2015 |
Application of sequential statistical data-mining methods to determine tissue nutrient concentrations related to yield of the 'Hass' avocado |
CampisiPintoS2017 |
Optimal Nutrient Concentration Ranges of 'Hass' Avocado Cauliflower Stage Inflorescences—Potential Diagnostic Tool to Optimize Tree Nutrient Status and Increase Yield |
CamponovoFelipe1996 |
Efecto del almacenamiento en atmosfera controlada, sobre la calidad y composición de azucares de frutos de palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Gwen |
CamposEduardo1997 |
Mejoramiento genetico del aguacate por seleccion e hibridacion |
CamposGDavid2019 |
PRESENTACIÓN: Metabolitos secundarios: compuestos fenólicos totales, tocoferoles y fitosteroles de la palta (Persea americana) var. Hass sometida a condiciones de atmósfera contralada |
CamposolCares2019 |
PRESENTACIÓN: Estándares nutrimentales por edad de la hoja del aguacate 'Hass' en la costa norte de Perú |
CanasGloria2018 |
Estudio de diversidad genética e identificación racial de ecotipos de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) donadores de semilla para portainjertos en el Departamento de Antioquia. |
CanasGloria2019 |
Microsatellites revealed genetic diversity and population structure in Colombian avocado (Persea americana Mill.) germplasm collection and its natural populations |
CanasGloria2019b |
Diversity of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) cultivars from Antioquia (Northeast |
CanasGloria2022 |
Inheritance of Yield Components and Morphological Traits in Avocado cv. Hass From “Criollo” “Elite Trees” via Half-Sib Seedling Rootstocks |
CancinoCristian2007 |
Efecto del uso de dos coberturas en la reducción de daños por frío en palta cv. Hass |
CanessaPietro0000 |
Efecto del quiebre de temperatura en almacenaje refrigerado sobre la conservación y calidad organoléptica de paltas (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass, en tres tiempos de almacenaje y en dos estados de madurez. |
CanoGallegoLucas2021 |
Crecimiento del árbol de aguacate cv. Hass en diferentes densidades de plantación en Antioquia, Colombia / CV. Hass Avocado Tree Growth in Different Planting Densities in Antioquia, Colombia |
CantuTrevinoKaren2021 |
Lasiodiplodia spp., agente causal de muerte regresiva en árboles de aguacate en sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo León, México / Lasiodiplodia spp., Causal Agent of Regressive Death on Avocado Trees at Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo León, Mexico |
CantuTrevinoKaren2021b |
Sensibilidad in vitro a fungicidas de Lasiodiplodia spp., agente causal de muerte regresiva del aguacatero en Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo León, México / In Vitro Sensitivity to Fungicides of Lasiodiplodia spp., Causal Agent of Regressive Death of Avocado in Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo León, Mexico |
CanturiasTatiana1993 |
CanturiasTatiana1995 |
Efecto del metodo de calculo de la temperatura media del aire en las estimaciones de la evapotranspiracion potencial (ETo) |
CanturiasTatiana1995b |
CanturiasTatiana2019 |
PRESENTATION: Plant growth regulators to increase production and control vegetative vigor in rain fed avocado orchards in tropical environments / PRESENTACIÓN: Reguladores de crecimiento vegetal para aumentar la producción y controlar el vigor vegetativo en huertos de aguacateros de secano en ambientes tropicales |
CarabalíBangueroDiana2018 |
Dípteros asociados a la floración del aguacate Persea americana Mill cv. Hass en Cauca, Colombia / Dipterans associated to the flowering of the avocado Persea americana Mill cv. Hass in Cauca, Colombia |
CarabaliMunozArturo2017 |
Insectos polinizadores del aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass en Colombia |
CarabaliMunozArturo2021 |
Guía para el reconocimiento y manejo de las principales plagas de aguacate cv. Hass en Colombia |
CarrBridie2019 |
PRESENTATION: Improved understanding of irregular bearing in 'Shepard' avocado of North Queensland, Australia |
CarranzaRojasY2015 |
Aislamiento, identificación y patogenicidad de hongos asociados a la tristeza del aguacatero en Michoacán, México |
CardemilGustavo1999 |
CardemilGustavo2003 |
La industria mundial de la palta y Nueva Zelanda. Una revisión foránea desde la perspectiva de la industria Neozelandesa del kiwi. |
CarilloD2012 |
PRESENTATION: Ambrosia beetles that breed in laurel wilt‐affected trees can carry Raffaelea lauricola and transmit it to healthy avocado and redbay trees |
CarrilloGisela1995 |
Efecto de la carga frutal sobre la induccion floral de yemas terminales de palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass, provenientes de distintos flash vegetativos |
CarilloGallegosG2015 |
Diez años de experiencia en el manejo de altas densidades en Michoacan, México |
CarltonRA1930 |
Costs in Avocado Production |
CarmanRaymond1998 |
A Further Synthesis of an Analogue of the Antifungal/Antiherbivore Lipid from Avocado |
CarmanRaymond2000 |
2-Hydroxy-4-oxohenicosan-1-yl Acetate. Its Presence in Avocado and its Simple Chemistry |
CaroNelson1998 |
CarpenterCW1931 |
Diseases of the Avocado |
CarrilloClaudio1991 |
Almacenaje de frutos de palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv Fuerte en atmosfera controlada |
CarvalhoCP2015 |
Porcentaje mínimo de materia seca para una cosecha adecuada del aguacate cv. 'Hass' en Colombia |
CarvalloMaria1983 |
Formulacion de un producto untable de palta |
CasaleWilliam1990 |
Analysis of Suppressive Soils and Development of Biological Control Methods for Phytophthora Root Rot of Avocado |
CasaleWilliam1993 |
Beneficial Microorganisms for Biocontrol of Phytophthora Root Rot |
CastanedaAlvaro1998 |
CastanedaGonzalezEL2003 |
Control químico de trips en aguacate cv. Hass en Coatepec Harinas, Estado de México |
CastanedaGonzalezEL2003b |
Trips en diferentes cultivares de aguacate y en maleza asociada al cv. Hass en Coatepec Harinas, Estado de México |
CastanedaAntonioD2015 |
Caracterización oxidativa de aceite de aguacate hass y aceites de aguacate criollo (P. Americana Mill. Var. Drymifolia) |
CastanedaVildozolaA1999 |
Insectos polinizadores del aguacatero en los estados de México y Michoacán |
CastexSergio1980 |
Efecto del deficit hidrico y de aireacion en el crecimiento de plantulas de palto (Persea americana Mill) en condiciones restrictivas de expansion radicular |
CastilloAna1996 |
Fluctuacion anual de carbohidratos en aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) cv Colin V-33 |
CastilloAna1996b |
Variacion anual de boro en aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Colin V-33 |
CastilloAna1998 |
Variación estacional de carbohidratos en hojas e inflorescencias de aguacatero (Persea americana Mill.) / Seasonal Carbohydrate Variation in Leaves and Inflorescences of the Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) |
CastilloAna1998b |
Variación estacional de boro en aguacatero (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Colín V-33 / Seasonal Variation of Boron in Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Colin V-33 |
CastilloMinanoAlicia2021 |
Producción in vivo de nematodos entomopatógenos y su uso en el control de plagas rizófagas en el cultivo de aguacate / In vivo Production of Entomopathogen Nematode and Their Use in the Control of Rhizophagous Pests in Avocado Crops |
CastilloSergio2002 |
CastorenaManuel1948 |
Highlights of the Society Tour through Mexico in 1948 |
CastroM1990 |
Propagación, portainjertos y reinjertación de palto |
CastroM1995 |
CastroM2003 |
Desarrollo de técnicas para la copia de árboles de palto sobresalientes en Chile |
CastroM2003b |
Determinación de rangos de variabilidad en los niveles de producción de palto cv Hass sobre portainjertos de semilla de raza mexicana en Chile |
CastroM2005 |
Production variability among Hass avocado trees grafted onto Mexican rootstocks |
CastroM2007 |
Agronomic Evaluation and Propagation of New Rootstocks and Avocado Varieties in Different Agro-Climatic Zones of Chile |
CastroM2007b |
Historical Characterization of Xylem Vessel on Stems and Cavitation Vulnerability in Avocado Rootstocks (Persea americana Mill) and Hass Variety in Nursery Plants |
CastroM2015 |
Innovación, desarrollo y transferencia de tecnología de plantines clonales de palto en Chile |
CastroM2021 |
Efecto del tamaño de la semilla nodriza en el enraizamiento de paltos clonales / Size Effect of the Nurse Seed on the Rooting of Clonal Avocados |
CastroMaria2004 |
Concentracion de boro en diferentes tejidos de palto (Persea americana Mill.) como respuesta a la aplicacion de borax al suelo |
CastroRosa2011 |
Preferencia alimentaria de Pagiocerus frontalis en variedades de maíz en el distrito de Coya - Provincia de Calca |
CastroXimena2000 |
Evaluación del comportamiento que presenta la conducción en seto de árboles de palto cv. Hass, en alta densidad |
CatanoUsecheCarolina2021 |
Caracterización de microorganismos asociados con el daño de la lenticela del fruto de aguacate cv. Hass en plantaciones colombianas / Characterization of Microorganisms Associated with the Lenticelle Damage of the cv. Hass Avocado Fruit in Colombian Plantations |
CautinRicardo1988 |
Evaluacion tecnica y economica del comportamiento del palto (Persea americana Mill) cv. Fuerte asociado con los cv. Bacon, Edranol y Negra la Cruz |
CavalettoGiovanni1999 |
The second Year of Mexican Hass Exports to the United States |
CavalettoGiovanni2002 |
Notes from Spain: A Summary of the V World Avocado Congress |
CavalettoGiovanni2015 |
The avocado market in the United States |
CavalettoGiovanni2019 |
PRESENTACIÓN: Todos somos afectados por la qualidad. |
CazorlaFrancisco2006 |
Biocontrol of Avocado Dematophora Root Rot by Antagonistic Pseudomonas fluorescens PCL1606 Correlates With the Production of 2-Hexyl 5-Propyl Resorcinol |
CeballosSergio1977 |
Preservacion de palta (Persea americana Mill.) variedad Fuerte, mediante el uso de aditivos químicos y bajas temperaturas |
CeledonJose2012 |
Sensitivity and Variability of Two Plant Water Stress Indicators: Exploring Criteria for Choosing a Plant Monitoring Method for Avocado Irrigation Management |
CeledonLuis2005 |
Estudio del efecto de tres coberturas de ceras naturales, sobre la prolongacion de la vida de almacenaje refrigerado de palta (Persea Americana Mill.) cv. fuerte en dos estados de madurez |
CelisV2015 |
Cambios en la fisiología del palto y en las características químicas del suelo en repuesta a aplicaciones de ácido sulfúrico y ácido húmico de vermicompost en suelo arcilloso |
CentenoGabriela2004 |
Perfil de Mercado de Aguacate Convencional y Orgánico |
CerdaLoreto2004 |
Evaluacion de impacto ambiental sobre las componentes bioticas flora y fauna en el establecimiento de un huerto de Persea americana Mill. En el distrito cerrano en la comuna de Quillota |
CerdaRoberto2005 |
Problemas de asfixia en plantas de vivero de palto (Persea americana Mill.), y ensayo de diferentes sustratos |
CerdaVillalobosLA2017 |
Monitoreo de trips en aguacate 'Hass' en el municipio de Taretan, Michoacán, México |
CeroniBruno2004 |
Reversibilidad del efecto del producto 1-MCP en palta Hass |
CervantesFrancisco1998 |
CerveraM2007 |
Evaluation of Calcium Phosphite; Magnesium Phosphite and Potassium Phosphite in the Control of Phytophthora cinnamomi in Hass Avocado Trees (Persea americana Mill) Grown in Container |
CespedRicardo2003 |
Response of 'Hass' avocado (Persea americana Mill.) grafted on Mexican and West Indian clonal rootstocks to saline conditions |
ChaceEM1920 |
Maturity Work on Avocados |
ChaceEM1922 |
Some Notes on the Enzymes of the Avocado |
ChaconJorge1995 |
Efecto de diferentes concentraciones de gases sobre la conservacion y calidad de pulpa y trozos de palta (Persea americana Mill), envasados al vacio y almacenados en refrigeracion (cv. Hass, Bacon) |
ChahuanJuan1996 |
Efecto del anillado, doble incisión anular y paclobutrazol (cultar) en la producción de paltos (Persea americana Mill.), cvs. "Hass" y "Negra de la Cruz" |
ChalhubRicardo1998 |
Efecto del acido giberelico en la fenologia de la inflorescencia del palto (Persea americana Mill.) en los cultivares Bacon y Edranol |
ChambeesJB1956 |
Avocado Varieties for Commercial Trial in the Rio Grande Valley |
ChandlerLuther1955 |
Avocados and Limes in Florida |
ChandlerLuther1958 |
Suggested Trends in the Avocado and Lime Industries |
ChangTsuLiang2003 |
Genetic Diversity Analysis of Taiwan Avocado Accessions |
ChaoChihCheng1999 |
Plant Breeding and Genetics Panel Summary |
ChaoChihCheng2000 |
Host-Parasite Interactions between Avocado Rootstocks and Phytophthora cinnamomi (New Project; Year 1 of 1) |
ChaplinGrantley1980 |
Association of Calcium in Chilling Injury Susceptibility of Stored Avocados |
ChaplinGrantley1981 |
Extending the Postharvest Life of Unrefrigerated Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Fruit by Storage in Polyethylene Bags |
ChaplinGrantley1981b |
Fruit injury and residues resulting from methyl bromide fumigation of avocados |
ChaplinGrantley1982 |
Objective Measurement of Chilling Injury in the Mesocarp of Stored Avocados |
ChaplinGrantley1983 |
Induction of Chilling Injury in Stored Avocados with Exogenous Ethylene |
ChapmanHD1950 |
"Organics" in the Soil Management Program |
ChapmanRobert1931 |
Picking and Boxing Calavos for the Packing House |
ChapmanSharon2009 |
PRESENTATION: Computer systems to deliver product and profits |
ChapotHenri1967 |
Avocado Culture in Turkey |
CharlesJ2002 |
Dose-Mortality Response of "Susceptible" Eotetranychus sexmaculatus (Sixspotted Mite) to Avid and Malathion. A Pre-Emptive Strategy for Detecting Future Resistance. |
CharlesJ2002b |
Catalogue of the exotic armoured scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Diaspididae) in New Zealand |
CharlinRaimundo0000 |
Tecnicas de muestreo (monitoreo) de las principales plagas del palto (Persea americana Lauracea) e identificacion y control para un manejo integrado de la produccion frutal (MIPF) |
CharlinRaimundo0000B |
Técnicas de Muestreo (Monitoreo) de las Principales Plagas del Palto (Persea americana: Lauracea) e Identificación y Control para un Manejo Integrado de la Producción Frutal (MIPF): 2a Parte |
CharlinRaimundo0000c |
Técnicas de Muestreo (Monitoreo) de las Principales Plagas del Palto (Persea americana: Lauracea) e Identificación y Control para un Manejo Integrado de la Producción Frutal (MIPF): 3a Parte |
ChartzoulakisK2002 |
Water stress affects leaf anatomy, gas exchange, water relations and growth of two avocado cultivars |
ChaseEM1926 |
Analyses of Avocado |
ChaseEM1927 |
Analyses of Avocado |
ChauhanTamana2021 |
Review on Honeybee: Miracle Agent of Pollination |
ChavanierGeorges1965 |
Avocado Growing in Morocco |
ChavanierGeorges1967 |
New Observations on Avocado Growing in Morocco |
ChenChingCheng1998 |
Tolerance of tropical fruits and a flower to carbonyl sulfide fumigation |
ChenHaofeng2007 |
Quantitative Genetic Analysis of Growth Rate in Avocado |
ChenHaofeng2008 |
Nucleotide Diversity and Linkage Disequilibrium in Wild Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) |
ChenHaofeng2008b |
Tracing the Geographic Origins of Major Avocado Cultivars |
ChenNancy2009 |
Variation in 'Sharwil' Avocado Maturity during the Harvest Season and Resistance to Fruit Fly Infestation |
ChengJie2009 |
An efficient synthesis of d-mannoheptulose via oxidation of an olefinated sugar with potassium permanganate in aqueous acetone |
ChenIouZen2003 |
Flowering Behaviors of Taiwan Avocado Cultivars |
ChenowethAR1942 |
Paying Tricks in Picking Avocados |
ChenuDavid2009 |
Australian Avocados Food Service Marketing Program |
ChernysJacqueline2000 |
Characterization of the 9-Cis-Epoxycarotenoid Dioxygenase Gene Family and the Regulation of Abscisic Acid Biosynthesis in Avocado |
ChirachintWannachan1988 |
Shade Reduces the Foliar Symptoms of 'Fuerte' Avocado Affected by Salt, without Significantly Changing the Concentration of Na, K or CI in the Leaves |
ChristieAW1937 |
Using the Refractometer to Quickly Determine the Percentage of Oil in Avocados |
ChristieAW1939 |
The Importance of Maturity in Avocados |
ChristieAW1945 |
Some Fundamentals of Picking, Packing, and Marketing |
ChristieAW1948 |
The Aims and Accomplishments of the California Avocado Society |
ChristieAW1959 |
Nursery Tree Certification Insurance Against Root-Rot |
ChurchCS1922 |
A Comparison of the Composition of Standard Varieties of Avocados Grown in the Same Orchard |
ChurchCG1922 |
Further Work on the Maturity of Avocados |
CifuentesIgnacio2004 |
El mercado europeo de la palta Hass desde la perspectiva chilena |
CintronRafael1947 |
Fruit Setting and Fruit Development of Avocados in Texas |
CintronRafael1950 |
Observations of the Freeze Damage to Some Sub-Tropical Fruit |
ClarkCJ2003 |
Dry matter determination in 'Hass' avocado by NIR spectroscopy |
ClarkOrange1923 |
Avocado Pollination and Bees |
ClarkOrange1924 |
Avocado Pollination Tests |
ClarkOrange1925 |
Cherimoya Investigations at Point Loma Homestead |
ClarkOrange1926 |
Results of Pollination and Other Experiments on Avocados at the Orchards of the Point Loma Homestead |
ClarkOrange1926b |
Pollination of Feijoas |
ClarkOrange1927 |
Mexican and Guatemalan Avocados at Point Loma |
ClarkRB1961 |
Dark CO2 Fixation in Avocado Roots, Leaves, and Fruit |
ClearwaterMike2009 |
PRESENTATION: Transpiration during avocado flowering: How much water do the flowers use? |
CleggMichael1989 |
Molecular Genetics of Avocado |
CleggMichael1990 |
Molecular Genetics of Avocado |
CleggMichael1992 |
The Development of Molecular Markers in Avocado |
CleggMichael1993 |
Inferring plant evolutionary history from molecular data |
CleggMichael1996 |
Correlation Between Cross-Pollination by Zutano and Hass Fruit Yield |
CleggMichael1999 |
The Use of Molecular Markers in the Management and Improvement of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) |
CleggMichael2000 |
Development of Molecular Markers, Microsatellite (Continuing Project; Year 2 of 2) |
CleggMichael2004 |
Application of Molecular Markers to Avocado Improvement (Ongoing Project) |
CleggMichael2005 |
Assessing the Genetic Determination of Valuable Avocado Traits Using Microsatellite (SSR) Markers and Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) Analysis (Ongoing Project: Year 4 of 8) |
CleggMichael2006 |
Assessing the Genetic Determination of Valuable Avocado Traits UsingMicrosatellite (SSR) Markers and Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) Analysis: Year 5 of 8 |
CleggMichael2006b |
PRESENTATION: Assessing the Genetic Determination of Valuable Avocado Traits Using Microsatellite (SSR) Markers and Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) Analysis |
CleggMichael2007 |
Assessing the Genetic Determination of Valuable Avocado Traits Using Microsatellite (SSR) Markers and Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) Analysis |
CleggMichael2008 |
PRESENTATION: Linking Candidate Genes to Biochemical Phenotypes in Avocado |
CleggMichael2009 |
Linking Candidate Genes to Biochemical Phenotypes in Avocado |
CleggMichael2010 |
Linking Candidate Genes to Biochemical Phenotypes in Avocado |
CoatesLindy1993 |
The use of a benomyl-resistant mutant to demonstrate latency of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in avocado fruit |
CodlingGarry2017 |
Neonicotinoid insecticides in pollen, honey and adult bees in colonies of the European honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) in Egypt |
CoetzeeC2018 |
Bacterial dynamics and the prevalence of foodborne pathogens associated with avocado fruit Persea americana Mill. |
CoetzerLou1987 |
Pollination biology of Persea americana Fuerte |
CoetzerLou1993 |
The Role of Boron in Avocados: Theory, Practice and Reality |
CoetzerLou1994 |
Uptake and Transport of Boron in Avocado Seedlings |
CoffeyMike0000 |
An Introduction to Avocado Root Rot and Research on Integrated Approach to its Control |
CoffeyMike1984 |
An Integrated Approach to the Control of Avocado Root Rot |
CoffeyMike1984b |
Crown and Collar Rot of Avocado: A Need for More Research |
CoffeyMike1985 |
Progress in Rootstock Research in California |
CoffeyMike1985b |
Chemical Control of Avocado Root Rot in California |
CoffeyMike1987 |
Profiles of UCR Clonal Rootstocks |
CoffeyMike1987b |
Avocado Rootstocks |
CoffeyMike1987c |
Phytophthora Root Rot of Avocado — An Integrated Approach to Control in California |
CoffeyMike1988 |
Persea schiedeana and Martin Grande the Period from 1920 to 1975 |
CoffeyMike1988b |
Phytophthora citricola: another Cause of Avocado Decline |
CoffeyMike1988c |
Avocado Rootstocks with Resistance or Tolerance to P. cinnamomi |
CoffeyMike1988d |
Root Rot and Rootstock Facts |
CoffeyMike1988e |
Chemical Control of Avocado Root Rot |
CoffeyMike1988f |
Cultural and Biological Control of Phytophthora Root Rot |
CoffeyMike1989 |
Phytophthora citricola |
CoffeyMike1992 |
Integrated Control of Phytophthora Root Rot using Strain TW of Myrothecium roridum |
CoffeyMike1992b |
Phytophthora citricola and its Control |
CoffeyMike1992c |
Integrated Control of Phytophthora Root Rot in Cal |
CoffeyMike1992d |
Evaluation of Germplasm from Guatemala for Resistance to Phytophthora (1982-1990) |
CogginsCharles1984 |
Fruit Quality for Consumer Satisfaction |
CogginsCharles1984b |
Feasibility of Using Fruit Size and Percentage Dry Weight to Predict Maturity |
CoitJEliot1921 |
The Effect of Girdling the Avocado |
CoitJEliot1923 |
How to Make the Avocado Tree Bear |
CoitJEliot1925 |
Presidents Address |
CoitJEliot1926 |
Report of the Variety Committee |
CoitJEliot1926b |
Avocado Planting Methods |
CoitJEliot1927 |
The Setting of Avocado Fruits as Affected by Weather Conditions |
CoitJEliot1927b |
CoitJEliot1928 |
Avocado Culture: A New Horticultural Industry |
CoitJEliot1929 |
Thrips and Their Control |
CoitJEliot1931 |
Remarks on Picking Avocados |
CoitJEliot1931b |
The Home Garden What to Plant, How to Care for it |
CoitJEliot1932 |
Avocado Varieties |
CoitJEliot1932b |
Varieties in Florida |
CoitJEliot1932c |
In Retrospect |
CoitJEliot1934 |
Note on Re-Grafting Avocado Stumps |
CoitJEliot1935 |
Avocados in Coachella Valley |
CoitJEliot1935b |
Plant Patents as Applied to Avocados |
CoitJEliot1935c |
Marketability of Avocado Varieties |
CoitJEliot1935d |
Effect of Vacuum Fumigation on Avocado Scions |
CoitJEliot1937 |
Louisiana Now Grows Avocados |
CoitJEliot1937b |
Variety Tests at Vista |
CoitJEliot1937c |
Effects of the Freeze on the Avocado |
CoitJEliot1940 |
Avocado Tree Root Development |
CoitJEliot1941 |
Orphan Subtropical Fruits |
CoitJEliot1942 |
An Avocado Venture in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas |
CoitJEliot1943 |
Avocado Leaves Dangerous Food For Livestock |
CoitJEliot1943b |
Avocado Thrips |
CoitJEliot1944 |
Preliminary Report on Toxicity of Avocado Leaves |
CoitJEliot1945 |
High Quality Avocado Nursery Trees |
CoitJEliot1945b |
The Ubiquitous Guava |
CoitJEliot1945c |
Standardization of Avocado Nursery Trees |
CoitJEliot1946 |
Methods of Top-Working the Avocado |
CoitJEliot1947 |
CoitJEliot1947b |
Experiments with Avocados in Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas |
CoitJEliot1948 |
Mexican Explorations of 1948 |
CoitJEliot1948b |
Olive Scale on Avocados |
CoitJEliot1949 |
Is the Taft variety a hidden carrier of sunblotch? |
CoitJEliot1950 |
The Carob |
CoitJEliot1957 |
Avocado Varieties |
CoitJEliot1957b |
Abstracts |
CoitJEliot1957c |
Black Polyethylene Plastic for Mulching Newly Planted Trees |
CoitJEliot1960 |
Carob Investigations; Report of Progress |
CoitJEliot1968 |
The Importance of the Fuerte Variety |
CoitJEliot1971 |
Preservation of the Fuerte Variety |
CoitJEliot1974 |
Birthday Pains of a Co-Op |
CokeJEarl1951 |
What We Can Do |
ColeFR1931 |
How the Whittier Laboratory Can Be of Service to the Avocado Industry |
ColemanRobert1996 |
The Oliver Atkins Award for Excellence and Service: Earle W. "Bill" Frey |
ColemanTom2012 |
PRESENTATION: What do we do about infested material? |
ColemanTom2012b |
PRESENTATION: Forest Health Protection's response to the invasion of the tea shot hole borer |
ColinasMaria1981 |
The Cell Wall in Ripening Avocados |
CollaoYarela1998 |
CollinsGN1905 |
The Avocado. A salad fruit from the Tropics |
ComptonCecil1936 |
Irrigation |
ConditIJ1915 |
ConditIJ1915b |
New Items of Interest |
ConditIJ1915c |
New Items of Interest |
ConditIJ1916 |
History of the Avocado and its Varieties in California with a Check List of All Named Varieties |
ConditIJ1917 |
Additions to the Check List of Varieties |
ConditIJ1917b |
The Avocado in Central and Northern California |
ConditIJ1918 |
Proper Maturing of Avocados |
ConditIJ1931 |
Varieties - Check List of Avocado Varieties |
ConditIJ1935 |
The Avocado in the Orient |
ConditIJ1937 |
A Book On The Avocado |
ConditIJ1942 |
Avocado Literature |
ConditIJ1958 |
The William T. Horne Memorial Avocado Library |
ConnorDavid2009 |
Yield determination in olive hedgerow orchards. II. Analysis of radiation and fruiting profiles |
ConoverRobert1948 |
Phytophtora Seedling Blight, A New Disease of Florida Avocados |
ConradieW1994 |
Evaluation of New Avocado Scion and Rootstock Cultivars |
ConroyWL1967 |
Territory of Papua & New Guinea |
ContadorF2007 |
Eficacia de diferentes tratamientos y métodos de aplicación en el control de la conchuela negra del olivo (Saissetia oleae (Oliver)) en paltos |
ContadorGuillermo1998 |
Caracterización del status hídrico del palto (Persea americana Mill.), en función de la humedad disponible en el suelo, en dos tipos de suelo y dos sistemas de riego |
ContrerasJoseMaria1999 |
La competitividad de las exportaciones mexicanas de aguacate: un análisis cuantitativo |
CookGlynnis1991 |
Investigation of the Occurrence of Viruses and Virusassociated Nucleic Acids in Avocado |
CookGlynnis1992 |
Characterisation of dsRNA in avocados |
CookRoberta2003 |
The Avocado Market: A growth market in a mature food industry |
CoolidgeDW1921 |
Seven Truths About the Avocado |
CoonyJoe1949 |
Planning to install a sprinkler system? |
CoonyJoe1949b |
Irrigating Avocados |
CoonyJoe1952 |
Judgement and Avocado Tree Nutrition |
CoonyJoe1953 |
Economics of Root Rot |
CooperWilliam1936 |
Cooper Ranch Inn, Hauula, Hawaii |
CooperWilliam1945 |
The Chinchona Veneer-Graft Method of Propagating Subtropical Fruit Trees |
CooperWilliam1948 |
The Texas Avocado Society |
CooperWilliam1956 |
The Search for Avocado Varieties Adapted to the Rio Grande Valley |
CooperWilliam1957 |
Salt-Tolerance and Cold-Hardiness Tests on Avocado Trees |
CooperWilliam1969 |
Ethylene Evolution Stimulated by Chilling in Citrus and Persea Sp. |
CoriaAvalosVM1999 |
Ciclo de vida, fluctuacion poblacional y control del barrenador de la semilla del aguacate (Conotrachelus perseae Barber, C. aguacatae B.) (Coleóptera: Curculiónidae) en Ziracuaretiro, Michoacan, Mexico |
CoriaAvalosVM2003 |
Efecto de nutrición y riego sobre la población y daño por trips (varias especies) en frutos de aguacate Persea americana cv. “Hass” para dos regiones agroecologicas de Michoacán, Mexico |
CoriaAvalosVM2007 |
Aautoecología del barrenador de ramas Copturus aguacatae Kissinger (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) del aguacate en Michoacán, México |
CoriaAvalosVM2007b |
Contribución al conocimiento del gusano telarañero o enrrollador de la hoja Amorbia emigratella Busck (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) en huertos de aguacate en Michoacán, México |
CorpFomProd1973 |
Proyecto: industrializacion de la palta |
CorralesGarciaJ1999 |
Daños por frío y producción de etanol en aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass |
CorreaPaulo1995 |
Ensayos no destructivos para la evaluacion de la madurez post-recoleccion de aguacate |
CosioCristian1997 |
Aproximación a los requerimientos hídricos de portainjertos de paltos (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Mexícola |
CossioVargasLE2007 |
Algunos aspectos reproductivos del aguacate 'Hass' en clima semicálido |
CossioVargasLE2007b |
Modelos de predicción de la determinación irreversible a la floración en los aguacates 'Choquette' y 'Booth-8' |
CossioVargasLE2008 |
Desarrollo floral de los aguacates 'Choquettes' y 'Booth-8' en clima cálido. Parte I / Floral Development of 'Choquette' and 'Booth-8' Avocados Under Warm Climate. Part I |
CossioVargasLE2008b |
Fenología del aguacate 'Hass' en el clima semicálido de Nayarit, México / Phenology of the 'Hass' Avocado in the Semiwarm Climate of Nayarit, Mexico |
CostaVeronica2003 |
Extracción enzimatica y caracterización del aceite de palta (Persea americana Mill.) |
CotoO2007 |
Aplicación de biotecnologias al mejoramiento del aguacatero en Cuba |
CovarrubiasEnrique1996 |
La palta, evaluación como producto fresco e industrializable |
CovarrubiasJI2007 |
Characterization of Maturity Parameters in Esther Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Fruits During Postharvest Cold Storage |
CovarrubiasJI2007b |
Incidence of Cold Storage of Esther Avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) Fruit on the Occurrence of Postharvest Physiological Disorders |
CowanAKeith1997 |
Metabolic Control of Avocado Fruit Crowth |
CowanAKeith1997b |
Defining the Hass Small Fruit Syndrome |
CowanAKeith1997c |
Why are Small Hass Fruit Small? |
CowanAKeith1998 |
Metabolic Control of Hass Avocado Fruit Growth |
CowanAKeith1999 |
Regulation of abscisic acid metabolism: towards a metabolic basis for abscisic acid–cytokinin antagonism |
CowanWilliam1940 |
The Outlook for Avocados |
CowanWilliam1945 |
The Avocado Outlook |
CowanWilliam1957 |
Variety Improvement from a Market Standpoint as a Result of Elimination of Poor Varieties |
CoxLarry1989 |
The Fantastic Future of Fresh |
CraigVHJr1955 |
Getting Started in Avocados on the Limoneira |
CrandallBowen1948 |
Phytophthora Cinnamomi Root Rot of Avocados under Tropical Conditions |
CraneAvi1988 |
California Avocado Industry Looks to European Market in Wake of 1988 Israeli Crop Disaster |
CraneAvi1989 |
Field Notes from Abroad - Israel |
CraneAvi1989b |
Field Notes from Abroad - Spain |
CraneAvi1990 |
Chile 1990 |
CraneAvi1992 |
North American Free Trade Agreement |
CraneAvi1992b |
Estimating California Avocado Production |
CraneAvi1995 |
CraneAvi1996 |
Technical and Economic Aspects of the Harvesting, Packing, and Transporting of Avocados in the United States of America |
CraneJonathan1992 |
Rejuvenation of a Mature, Non-Productive 'Lula' and 'Booth 8' Avocado Grove by Topping and Tree Removal |
CraneJonathan1993 |
Effect of Hurricane Andrew on Tropical Fruit Trees |
CraneJonathan2007 |
Effect of Foliarly-Applied Acids and Ferrous Sulfate on Iron Nutrition of Avocado Trees |
CraneJonathan2007b |
A Review of the Florida Avocado Industry |
CraneJonathan2008 |
Redbay Ambrosia Beetle-Laurel Wilt Pathogen: A Potential Major Problem for the Florida Avocado Industry |
CraneJonathan2009 |
Issues concerning the Control of the Redbay Ambrosia Beetle (Xyleborus glabratus) and Spread of the Laurel Wilt Pathogen (Raffaelea lauricola) |
CraneJonathan2010 |
Homeowner Handout: Homeowner Detection of and Recommendations for Mitigating Redbay Ambrosia Beetle – Laurel Wilt Disease on Redbay and Avocado Trees in the Home Landscape |
CraneJonathan2010b |
Laurel Wilt and the Redbay Ambrosia Beetle Threat to trees in the Laurel Family |
CraneJonathan2010c |
PRESENTATION: Laurel Wilt / Redbay Ambrosia Beetle Working Group Update |
CraneJonathan2011 |
Homeowner Detection of and Recommendations for Mitigating Laurel Wilt on Redbay and Avocado Trees in the Home Landscape |
CraneJonathan2011b |
PRESENTATION: Proposed strategies for RAB and LW |
CraneJonathan2011c |
Proposed strategies for decreasing the threat of laurel wilt (LW) and its vector, the redbay ambrosia beetle (RAB) to commercial avocado groves in Miami-Dade County |
CraneJonathan2011d |
Updated Guidance for Extension Agents and Master Gardeners on the Detection and Recommendations for Mitigation of Laurel Wilt Disease on Native Trees in Urban and Natural Areas and Avocado Trees in the Home Landscape |
CraneJonathan2012 |
PRESENTATION: Lessons Learned from the Laurel Wilt - Redbay Ambrosia Beetle Situation in the Florida Avocado Industry |
CraneJonathan2014 |
PRESENTATION: Current industry LW survey update and control strategy |
CraneJonathan2014b |
Redbay ambrosia beetle - Laurel wilt pathogen control |
CraneJonathan2015 |
Current status and control recommendations for Laurel wilt and the ambrosia beetle vectors in commercial avocado (Persea americana L.) Orchards in South Florida |
CraneJonathan2015b |
The potential for laurel wilt to threaten avocado production is real |
CrippsRyan1999 |
The Hass small fruit syndrome: solving a 50 million rand per season problem |
CrippsRyan2000 |
Sucrose movement and metabolism in small Hass avocado fruit |
CrippsRyan2001 |
ABSTRACT: Post-Phloem Transport and Metabolism of Sucrose in Avocado |
CristoffaniniLuis1996 |
Caracterizacion de la floracion en paltos (Persea Americana Mill.) cvs. Fuerte, Gwen, Whitsell y Esther |
CrosbyLeigh1934 |
Marketing of Avocados |
CrowleyDavid1993 |
Zinc Nutrition of Avocado |
CrowleyDavid1994 |
Zinc Nutrition of Avocado |
CrowleyDavid1995 |
Soil Factors Associated with Zinc Deficiency in Avocado |
CrowleyDavid1996 |
Zinc Fertilization of Avocado Trees |
CrowleyDavid1999 |
Rootstock Selections for Improved Salinity |
CrowleyDavid2000 |
Rootstock Selections for Improved Salinity Tolerance of Avocado (Continuing Project; Year 4 of 6) |
CrowleyDavid2001 |
Trace Metal Nutrition of Avocado |
CrowleyDavid2001b |
Salinity Tolerance in Avocado (Continuing Project: Year 7) |
CrowleyDavid2006 |
Rootstock Screening and Salinity Management in Avocado: Year 1 |
CrowleyDavid2006b |
PRESENTATION: Rootstock Screening and Salinity Management in Avocado |
CrowleyDavid2008 |
PRESENTATION: Water Quality and Avocado Production |
CrowleyDavid2008b |
Managing Soils for Avocado Production and Root Health |
CrowleyDavid2008c |
Salinity Chloride Interactions and their Influence on Avocado Yields |
CrowleyDavid2008d |
Salinity Management in Avocado Orchards |
CrowleyDavid2009 |
Salinity Management in Avocado Orchards |
CrowleyDavid2009b |
PRESENTATION: Cutting Edge Technologies for Avocado Production |
CrowleyDavid2010 |
Salinity-Chloride Interactions Effects on Yield |
CrowleyDavid2011 |
PRESENTATION: Fertilizers Programs for Avocado Production |
CrowleyDavid2011b |
Salinity-Chloride Interactions - Effects on Yield |
CrowleyDavid2012 |
Biochar as a Soil Amendment for Avocado Production |
CrowleyDavid2013 |
PRESENTATION: Irrigation and Salinity Management of Avocado |
CrowleyDavid2013b |
Optimizing Avocado Irrigation Practices Through Soil Water Monitoring |
CrowleyDavid2022 |
PRESENTATION: Fertilizer Management for Avocado Production |
CruessWV1916 |
Avocado By-Products |
CruessWV1927 |
Investigations on the Utilization of Cull Avocados |
CruzCastilloJG2007 |
Características morfológicas y bioquímicas de frutos de chinene (Persea schiedeana Nees.) |
CruzLuisa2019 |
PRESENTATION: Fungal symbiotic associations of the ambrosia beetle Euwallacea nr. fornicatus |
CruzMargarito1998 |
CruzatCarlos1993 |
Efecto de aplicaciones de boro al follaje y al suelo en palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass, Quillota, quinta region, Chile |
CuevasGabriel1938 |
Official Proclamation by Mayor of Atlixco, Mexico, Posted Throughout That City, on March 14, 1938 |
CuevasJ2007 |
Floral Organs Removal in Avocado: Opening And Closing Control |
CuevasMdeJs2007 |
Non-Destructive Methods and Optimum Harvesting Time of 'Semil 34' Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) in the Dominican Republic |
CuevasMdeJs2007b |
Influence from Management and Soil and Weather Conditions on 'Semil 34' Avocado (Persea americana Mill) Fruit Quality in the Dominican Republic |
CuevasMdeJs2007c |
Influencia del manejo y condiciones edafoclimáticas sobre la calidad del aguacate (Persea americana Mill) cv. 'Semil 34' en República Dominicana |
CulpanSteve2009 |
PRESENTATION: Why Don't G.P's Tell their Patients to Eat Avocados? |
CummingsKatharine1942 |
Anatomy of the Avocado Fruit |
CurrieAthol2018 |
Chairman's Report 2018 |
CurrieAthol2019 |
Chairman's Report 2019 |
CurrierWarren1980 |
Stargazing: Some Thoughts On The Future Of The California Avocado Industry |
CurrierWarren1985 |
New Variety Introduction: What is the Grower Role? |
CurrierWarren1988 |
Excellence: The Road to Profitability |
CurrierWarren1992 |
New Variety Introduction Under U.S. Conditions |
CurtisDenzel1949 |
Further Investigations on Avocado Decline: Effect of oxygen supply in nutrient solution on avocado and citrus seedlings studied in greenhouse tests |
CurtisDenzel1949b |
Resume of Investigations Concerning the Oxygen Requirements of Avocado Seedlings Including a Study of Interrelations to Nitrite and Phytophthora cinnamomi |
CurtisDenzel1949c |
Effect of Oxygen Supply on Phytophthora Root Rot of Avocado in Nutrient Solution |
CurzelV2015 |
Estudio de la fenología del palto (Persea americana) cv. 'Hass' en los valles templados de la provincia de Jujuy, Argentina |
CuthbertsonAndrew2006 |
Vital pollinators: honey bees in apple orchards |
CuttingJonathan1984 |
Optimization, Validation and Application of Radioimmunoassays for Plant Growth Substances in Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Fruits |
CuttingJonathan1984b |
ABSTRACT: Optimization, Validation and Application of Radioimmunoassays for Plant Growth Substances in Avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) Fruits |
CuttingJonathan1986 |
Stress, Delayed Harvest and Fruit Quality in Fuerte Avocado Fruit |
CuttingJonathan1987 |
Effect of harvest date and applied abscisic acid on browning potential of avocado fruit |
CuttingJonathan1988 |
Rooting Leafy Non-Etiolated Avocado Cuttings from Gibberellin-Injected Trees |
CuttingJonathan1989 |
The active control of calcium allocation in avocado trees (Progress report) |
CuttingJonathan1989b |
Effect of abscisic acid on abscisic acid metabolism, PPO activity, phenolics and quality in ripening avocado (Persea americana Mill) fruit |
CuttingJonathan1989c |
The Relationship Between Basipetal Auxin Transport and Calcium Allocation in Vegetative and Reproductive Flushes in Avocado |
CuttingJonathan1990 |
Spring vegetative flush removal: The effect on yield, size, fruit mineral composition and quality |
CuttingJonathan1991 |
Maturity Effects on Avocado Postharvest Physiology in Fruits Produced Under Cool Environmental Conditions |
CuttingJonathan1991b |
Difference in Fruit Ripening and Quality from Trees with Different Yield |
CuttingJonathan1992 |
Increasing relative maturity alters the base mineral composition and phenolic concentration in avocado (Persea americana Mill) fruit |
CuttingJonathan1992b |
The Effect of Vegetative Pruning on Fruit Mineral Composition and Postharvest Quality in 'Hass' Avocado |
CuttingJonathan1992c |
Maturity Effects on Avocado Postharvest Physiology in Fruit Produced under Cool Environmental Conditions |
CuttingJonathan1992d |
Predicting Fruit Quality after Storage, is it Possible and Practical with our Current Knowledge? |
CuttingJonathan1993 |
The Cytokinin Complex as Related to Small Fruit in 'Hass' Avocado |
CuttingJonathan1994 |
Time and type of pruning cut affect shoot growth in avocado (Persea americana) Mill. |
CuttingJonathan1999 |
Nutrient Balance and Nutrient Availability as Management Tools to Achieve Large Fruit Size and Heavy Cropping in Mature 'Hass' Orchards |
CuttingJonathan2003 |
Country Report - New Zealand |
CuttingJonathan2003b |
Quality plays a part in the "building demand with value" equation. |
CuttingJonathan2003c |
Research Note: Impact of Spring and Summer Flush Type on Flowering Intensity in 'Hass' Avocado |
CuttingJonathan2004 |
What has happened to avocado yields? |
CuttingJonathan2004b |
So What's New! |
CuttingJonathan2004c |
Customer is King! What does it really mean? |
CuttingJonathan2004d |
Update on New Zealand with a Focus on Fruit Quality |
CuttingJonathan2004e |
New Zealand Avocados Quality and technical issues (PRESENTATION) |
CuttingJonathan2004f |
Why We Need to Learn Spanish |
CuttingJonathan2005 |
Can’t see the wood for the trees? |
CuttingJonathan2005b |
It's Conference Time |
CuttingJonathan2005c |
Industry Strategic Planning - Hot Air or Real Value? |
CuttingJonathan2005d |
Farewell |
DafniAmots2010 |
Bombus terrestris, pollinator, invasive and pest:An assessment of problems associated with its widespread introductions for commercial purposes |
DagArnon2003 |
Honey bee (Apis mellifera) strains differ in avocado (Persea americana) nectar foraging preference |
DagArnon2022 |
PRESENTATION: Honey bee behavior and how they forage in avocado |
DagArnon2024 |
PRESENTATION: Avocado pollination and pollinizers |
DaGracaJV1978 |
Avocado Sunblotch Research in South Africa (1978) |
DaGracaJV1979 |
Avocado Sunblotch |
DaGracaJV1981 |
Rapid Testing for Avocado Sunblotch |
DaGracaJV1981b |
Host Range Studies on Avocado Sunblotch |
DaGracaJV1982 |
Preliminary Report on Avocado Sunblotch Field Indexing |
DaGracaJV1983 |
Effect of Avocado Sunblotch Disease on Fruit Yield |
DaGracaJV1983b |
Field Indexing for Avocado Sunblotch Disease |
DaGracaJV1984 |
Avocado Sunblotch Indexing |
DaGracaJV1985 |
Evidence of ds RNA in South African Avocados |
DaGracaJV198b |
Sunblotch-Associated Reduction in Fruit Yield in Both Symptomatic and Symptomless Carrier Trees |
DaGracaJV198c |
Problems with Page Indexing for Avocado Sunblotch |
DaGracaJV1989 |
Project to characterise avocado viruses |
DaileyCharles1934 |
The Multiple-Graft Method of Top-Working Large Trees |
DaleJL1979 |
Avocado Affected by Sunblotch Disease Contains Low Molecular Weight Ribonucleic Acid |
DallmanThomas1988 |
Postharvest Density Changes in Membranes from Ripening Avocado Fruits |
DallmanThomas1992 |
Cellulase Localization and Membrane Changes during Ripening in Avocado Fruit |
DandersonM1986 |
Omega (Prochloraz), A Fungicide for Post-Harvest Control of Anthracnose, the Dothiorella/Colletotrichum Complex and Stem-End Rot in Avocados |
DaneelMS2016 |
A look into the variability of prochloraz residues in the vocado industry |
DaneelMS2019 |
Packhouse misting of prochloraz: Concentrations and other influencing factors |
DannLiz2009 |
PRESENTATION: Impacts of fruit disease management on quality |
DannLiz2009b |
PRESENTATION: Managing Phytophthora cinnamomi |
DannLiz2009c |
PRESENTATION: Phellinus noxius: Brown root rot of avocado |
DannLiz2016 |
Avocado rootstock assessment and improvement -Interim |
DanthanarayanaW1968 |
The Distribution and Host-Range of the Shot-Hole Borer (Xyleborus fornicatus Eichh.) of Tea |
DarleyEllis1957 |
Oak Root Fungus on Avocados |
DarlingKaren1987 |
Foreign "Friends" and "Foes" |
DarrouyNicole2000 |
Desarrollo de una crianza masiva de Stethorus histrio Chazeau, biocontrolador de la arañita roja del palto (Oligonychus yothersi McGregor) |
DarvasJM1977 |
Control of Post-Harvest Diseases on Avocado Fruit by Fungicides with Special Emphasis on Tecto and Benlate |
DarvasJM1977b |
Fungi Associated with Post-Harvest Diseases of Avocados |
DarvasJM1977c |
Soil Effects on Phytophthora Root Rot of Avocados |
DarvasJM1977d |
Cercospora Spot |
DarvasJM1978 |
Common Root Pathogens from Avocados |
DarvasJM1978b |
Chemical Control of Phytophthora Root Rot on Fully Grown Avocado Trees |
DarvasJM1978c |
Preliminary Results on Chemical Control of Phytophthora Root Rot in Avocados |
DarvasJM1978d |
Cercospora Spot |
DarvasJM1978e |
Control of Post-Harvest Diseases on Avocados |
DarvasJM1978f |
Stem-End Rot and Other Postharvest Diseases |
DarvasJM1979 |
Stem-End Rot and Other Post-Harvest Diseases |
DarvasJM1979b |
Cercospora Spot of Avocados |
DarvasJM1979c |
Lupine Bait Technique for the Semiquantitative Analysis of Phytophthora cinnamomi and Other Root Pathogens in Avocado Soils |
DarvasJM1979d |
Chemical Control of Phytophthora Root Rot on Fully Grown Avocado Trees |
DarvasJM1979e |
Control of Phytophthora Root Rot on Young Replanted Avocado Trees |
DarvasJM1979f |
Ecology of Avocado Root Pathogens |
DarvasJM1981 |
Control of Cercospora Spot |
DarvasJM1981b |
Pre-Harvest Chemical Control of Postharvest Avocado Diseases |
DarvasJM1981c |
Post-Harvest Diseases of Avocados |
DarvasJM1982 |
Pre-Harvest Chemical Control of the Post-Harvest Diseases of Fuerte Avocados |
DarvasJM1982b |
Chemical Control of Cercospora Spot Disease of Avocados |
DarvasJM1982c |
Chemical Control of Phytophthora Root Rot on Young Replanted Avocado Trees |
DarvasJM1982d |
Disease Potential and Recovery of Phytophthora cinnamomi in Relation to the Severity of Avocado Root Rot |
DarvasJM1982e |
Chemical Control of Phytophthora Root Rot on Fully Grown Avocado Trees |
DarvasJM1982f |
Etiology and Control of Some Fruit Diseases of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) at Westfalia Estate |
DarvasJM1983 |
Preharvest Chemical Control of Postharvest Avocado Diseases in the 1981/82 Season |
DarvasJM1983b |
Control of Cercospora Spot in the 1981/82 Season |
DarvasJM1983c |
Systemic Fungicides Applied as Trunk Paint Against Root Rot of Avocados |
DarvasJM1983d |
Five Years of Continued Chemical Control of Phytophthora Root Rot of Avocados |
DarvasJM1983e |
Injection of Established Avocado Trees for the Effective Control of Phytophthora Root Rot |
DarvasJM1983f |
Injection of Established Avocado Trees for the Effective Control of Phytophthora Root Rot |
DarvasJM1983g |
Injection of Established Avocado Trees for the Effective Control of Phytophthora Root Rot |
DarvasJM1984 |
The Control of Post-Harvest Avocado Diseases with Prochloraz |
DarvasJM1984b |
Failure to Control Phytophthora cinnamomi and Pythium splendens with Metalaxyl after its Prolonged Use |
DarvasJM1984c |
Zinc Supplemented to Avocado Trees in Conjunction with Root Rot Control Injections |
DarvasJM1985 |
ULV Application of Systemics Fungicides for the Control of Post-Harvest Avocado Diseases |
DarvasJM1985b |
The Relationship Between Avocado Tree Condition and Dose Rates of fosetyl-Al Injections for Root Rot Control |
DarvasJM1987 |
Control of Phytophthora root rot of avocados by trunk injection |
DarvasJM1987b |
Avocado fruit diseases and their control in South Africa |
DattaAsoke1961 |
Mechanism of Action of Transketolase. I. Properties of the Crystalline Yeast Enzyme. |
DaughertyMatt2012 |
PRESENTATION: Invasion biology of vector‐borne diseases: factors that drive outbreaks |
DaunyPaul2003 |
1-Methylcyclopropene influx and efflux in 'Cox' apple and 'Hass' avocado fruit |
DavenportJB1959 |
Chemical Changes During Growth and Storage of the Avocado Fruit |
DavenportThomas1982 |
Avocado Growth and Development |
DavenportThomas1982b |
Nucellar Senescence and Ethylene Production as they Relate to Avocado Fruitlet Abscission |
DavenportThomas1986 |
Avocado Flowering |
DavenportThomas1989 |
Pollen Deposition on Avocado Stigmas in Southern Florida |
DavenportThomas1992 |
Pollination Habit of Avocado Cultivars in South Florida |
DavenportThomas1993 |
Is a Pollinator Required to Maximize Avocado Production? |
DavenportThomas1994 |
Evidence and Significance of Self-pollination of Avocados in Florida |
DavenportThomas1999 |
A View from Florida on Avocado Pollination |
DavenportThomas2003 |
Evidence for Wind-Mediated, Self and Cross Pollination of ‘Hass’ Avocado Trees Growing in Mediterranean Environments |
DavenportThomas2004 |
Use of Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) to Determine Incidence and Effectiveness of Self- and Cross-pollinated Avocado Fruit in Southern California (Year 1 of 3 - End of Year Report) |
DavenportThomas2005 |
Use of Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) to Determine Incidence and Effectiveness of Self and Cross-pollinated Avocado Fruit in Southern California (Continuing Project: Year 2 of 3) |
DavenportThomas2006 |
Use of Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) to Determine Incidence and Effectiveness of Self and Cross-pollinated Avocado Fruit in Southern California: Year 3 of 3 |
DavenportThomas2006b |
Pollen Transfer in Two 'Hass' Orchards is Mediated by Wind |
DavenportThomas2007 |
Use of Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) to Determine Incidence and Effectiveness of Self- and Cross-pollinated Avocado Fruit in Southern California |
DavenportThomas2007b |
2007 Final Report Provided to BARD Project No. US-3345-02R |
DavieSJ1994 |
Is Biennial Bearing of Avocados Inevitable? |
DavieSJ1995 |
Girdling Avocado Trees for Improved Production |
DavieSJ1995b |
DavieSJ1995c |
DavieSJ1996 |
The Influence of Tree and Fruit Manipulation on Avocado Tree Physiology Preliminary Results |
DavieSJ1997 |
Avocado Tree Girdling and Fruit Thinn |
DavisJim1999 |
Development of Biological Control Agents for Avocado Thrips |
DavisSam1939 |
Avocado Growing in the Redland District |
DawsonDelphine1942 |
The Place of Avocados in the National Nutrition Program |
DayBoysie1956 |
Weed Control in Avocado Orchards |
DayBoysie1959 |
Weed Control Methods for Use in Avocado Culture |
DayBoysie1969 |
Summary of Avocado Research |
DebardAS1938 |
How Should Avocado Trees Be Irrigated? |
DebardAS1941 |
Permanent Cover versus Cultivation |
DebardAS1943 |
Avocado Tree Decline |
DebenhamML1984 |
Australian and New Guinea Species of the Forcipomyia Subgenus Euprojoannisia (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) |
DebneyHarry1977 |
The Australian Avocado Industry |
DecourtyeaAxel2011 |
Why Enhancement of Floral Resources in Agro-Ecosystems Benefit Honeybees and Beekeepers? |
DeedesPG1940 |
A Letter From Africa |
DefilippiBruno2015 |
Optimización de la Calidad de Palta 'Hass' |
DefilippiBruno2015b |
BULLETIN: Optimización de la Calidad de Palta 'Hass' - Capítulo 3. Tecnologías de postcosecha |
DeganiChemda1984 |
Selfed and Crossed Proportions of Avocado Progenies Produced by Caged Pairs of Complementary Cultivars |
DeganiChemda1986 |
Genetic Selection During the Abscission of Avocado Fruitlets |
DeganiChemda1989 |
Pollen Parent Effect on Outcrossing Rate in 'Hass' and |
DeganiChemda1990 |
Pollen Parent Effect on Outcrossing Rate, Yield, and Fruit Characteristics of 'Fuerte' Avocado |
DeganiChemda1997 |
Outcrossing Rate, Yield, and Selective Fruit Abscission in 'Ettinger' and 'Ardith' Avocado Plots |
DeganiChemda2003 |
Caging Single Avocado Trees with a Beehive Does Not Guarantee Exclusive Formation of Selfed Progeny |
DegnerRobert1977 |
Economic Trends in the Florida Avocado Industry |
DeJagerIlse1994 |
Steam Pasteurisation as an Alternative to Fumigation for Desinfecting Container Media |
DeLaTorre1999 |
An Open Letter to Avocado Producers |
DeIrmayHernando1942 |
Present State of Cultivation of Avocados in the Argentine Republic |
DeIrmayHernando1942b |
The Cherimoya in Argentina |
DeLaCruzEulogio1995 |
Determinacion de componentes de varianza genetica y heredabilidad en caracteres de interes en aguacate |
DeLaCruzEulogio1995b |
Efecto de la radiacion gamma sobre el desarrollo vegetativo y reproductivo de aguacate cv. Hass |
DeLaCruzEulogio1995c |
DeLaCruzEulogio1995d |
DeLaCruzEulogio1996 |
Morfologia y fructificacion en aguacate cv. Hass sometido a radiacion gamma de 60Co |
DeLaCruzEulogio1997 |
Variabilidad en arquitectura en aguacate cv. Hass, sometido a radiación gamma de 60Co |
DeLaCruzEulogio1997b |
Estimacion de componentes de varianza genetica y heredabilidad en caracteres de interes agronomico en aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) |
DeLaCruzEulogio1998 |
DeLaCruzEulogio1999 |
Evaluación de productividad y calidad de fruta en aguacate 'Hass' de árboles derivados de exposición a radiación gamma |
DeLaCruzJaime1984 |
Determination of Consumer Awareness of the Uses of Avocados in the Fresno Metropolitan Area |
DeLaCuadraInfanteS1999 |
Importancia del manejo y calidad de las colmenas de abejas (Apis mellifera L.) en la polinización del palto (Persea americana Mill.) |
DeLaCuadraInfanteS2007 |
Determination of the Pollination Activity of Honeybees (Apis mellifera) in the Avocado Tree Pollination in the Central Zone in Chile |
DelaplaneKeth2013 |
Standard methods for pollination research with Apis mellifera |
DeLaSottaEduardo1995 |
Seleccion de ecotipos de palta chilena |
DelaneyTerrence1994 |
A Central Role of Salicylic Acid in Plant Disease Resistance |
DelgadoGerardo1997 |
Contenido de carbohidratos en hojas e inflorescencias de tres cultivares de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) |
DelgadoGerardo1999 |
Contenido de azúcares solubles en hojas e inflorescencias de tres cultivares de aguacatero (Persea americana Mill.) / Soluble Sugar Content in Leaves and Inflorescences of Three Cultivars of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) |
DelpheyCalvin1951 |
The Avocado Picture in Ventura County |
DelpheyCalvin1955 |
Avocado Development in Ventura County |
DelpheyCalvin1956 |
Avocado Prospects in Ventura County |
DelpheyCalvin1957 |
Fuller Rose Beetle a Pest of Avocados |
DelpheyCalvin1959 |
The Avocado Situation in Ventura County |
DelpheyCalvin1960 |
Hybrid Avocado Trees Being Tested in Ventura County |
DeLyserJan2003 |
The US Avocado Consumer |
DeLyserJan2008 |
Avocado Pricing at Retail |
DeMeijerAH1989 |
Susceptibility of Avocado Cultivars to the Pyriform Scale, Protopulvinaria pyriformis (Cockerell) (Homoptera: Coccidae) |
DemirkolA1995 |
DeNelDorothea1982 |
Tissue Culture of Avocado |
DenneMP1963 |
Fruit Development and Some Tree Factors Affecting It |
DennerFDN1986 |
Chemical Control of Postharvest Diseases of Avocados |
DennerFDN1986b |
The Effect of Temperature on Spore Germination, Growth and Appressorium Formation of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Dothiorella aromatica |
DennillGB1991 |
A Packhouse Survey of Insect Damage to Avocados in the Nelspruit/Hazyview Area During 1990 |
DennillGB1992 |
An ecological study of the damage done to avocado fruit by Hemiptera in the Hazyview region, South Africa |
DennillGB1992b |
Orius thripoborus (Anthocoridae), a potential biocontrol agent of Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis and Selenothrips rubrocinctus (Thripidae) on avocado fruit in the Eastern Transvaal* |
DennillGB1992c |
Basis for a practical technique for monitoring thrips in avocado orchards |
DesjardinsPaul1958 |
Callus Tissue Growth on Avocado Stem Segments Cultured on Artificial Media |
DesjardinsPaul1977 |
Multiflagellate zoospores of Phytophthora palmivora |
DesjardinsPaul1979 |
Pollen Transmission of Avocado Sunblotch Virus Experimentally Demonstrated |
DesjardinsPaul1987 |
Chemical Inactivation of Avocado Sunblotch Viroid on Pruning and Propagation Tools |
DeslogesRJ1937 |
Avocados in the Mediterranean |
DeVilliersEA1987 |
Avocado insects of South Africa |
DeVilliersAI2015 |
Avocado rotstock research: principals and practises |
DeVilliersA2007 |
Practical Value of the Allesbeste Micro Cloning Technique |
DeVilliersFourie2018 |
The dissemination of fungal pathogens on avocado trees in South Africa with reference to vector potential of insect pests |
DevillersJames2002 |
Honey Bees: Estimating the Environmental Impact of Chemicals |
DeWetTH1985 |
Choice of Chemicals for Disease Control |
DGdeSV2014 |
Ficha Técnica - Marchitez del laurel Laurel wilt disease (X. glabratus - R. lauricola) |
DGdeSV2014b |
Ficha Técnica - Euwallacea sp. |
DiazRodrigo1994 |
Efecto de la aplicacion al follaje de cuatro dosis de paclobutrazol (cultar), Sobre el rendimiento, crecimiento vegetativo y caracteristicas de los frutos de palto (Persea americana Mill.) cvs. Fuerte y Edranol |
DiazMVeronica1990 |
Control de malezas de palto |
DiazRobledoJulian1992 |
An Update of the Spanish Avocado Industry |
DixonJonathan2001 |
Development of Fruit Quality Disorders in New Zealand Avocados at Outturn in the USA for the 2000-2001 and 2001-2002 Seasons |
DixonJonathan2002 |
Analysis of Packhouse Library Tray Data from 2001/2002 Season |
DixonJonathan2002b |
Pollination of Avocados |
DixonJonathan2003 |
Fruit Age Management: The Key to Successful Long Distance Export of New Zealand Avocados |
DixonJonathan2003b |
New Zealand Avocado Fruit Quality: The Impact of Storage Temperature and Maturity |
DixonJonathan2003c |
Quality of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Fruit after High Humidity Storage and/or Exogenous Ethylene Removal |
DixonJonathan2003d |
The Effect of Ethylene Treatment on Fruit Quality and Ripening for Late Season 'Hass' Avocados Stored up to Six Weeks |
DixonJonathan2003e |
New Zealand Avocado Fruit Quality: The Impact of Storage Temperature and Maturity |
DixonJonathan2003f |
Observations on Avocado Tree Rot Systems in the Western Bay of Plenty |
DixonJonathan2004 |
Research Note: Nectar Content of New Zealand ‘Hass’ Avocado Flowers at Different Floral Stages |
DixonJonathan2004b |
Quality of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Fruit Storage in Modified Atmosphere Freshaway™ Bags |
DixonJonathan2004c |
Alternatives to Sportak |
DixonJonathan2004d |
Fruit Age, Storage Temperature and Maturity Effects on Hass Avocado Fruit Quality and Ripening |
DixonJonathan2004e |
Quality of Hass Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Fruit After High Humidity Storage in Polyethylene Bags |
DixonJonathan2004f |
Avocado Pollination |
DixonJonathan2005 |
Understanding Avocado Fruit Set in New Zealand - An Overview |
DixonJonathan2005b |
Mulching - is it worth it? |
DixonJonathan2005c |
Is ripening and post harvest quality of Hass avocados affected by fruit water status? |
DixonJonathan2005d |
Replenishment of Nectar Removed from 'Hass' Avocado Flowers During the Female Phase |
DixonJonathan2005e |
Increasing Pick to Pack Times Increases Ripe Rots in 'Hass' Avocados |
DixonJonathan2005f |
The Impact on Shelf Life and Ripe Fruit Quality of Alobua™ FC-12 Fruit Coating on Late Season New Zealand 'Hass' Avocados |
DixonJonathan2005g |
The Impact of Foliar Applications of Nitrogen and Boron on 'Hass' Avocado Fruit Set in 2004 |
DixonJonathan2005h |
'Hass' Avocado Tree Phenology in 2004 for the Western Bay of Plenty |
DixonJonathan2005i |
Factors Affecting 'Hass' Avocado Flower Nectar and Their Impact on Pollination and Fruit Set |
DixonJonathan2005j |
POSTER: Imbibing - Can it be Used as a Relative Measure of the Water Status of Avocado Fruit? |
DixonJonathan2005k |
POSTER: Utilization of Industrial Greenwaste Streams as a Mulch for Avocado Trees |
DixonJonathan2005l |
POSTER: Avocado Fruit Ripening and Quality Disorders after Storage are Affected by Fruit Maturity |
DixonJonathan2005m |
POSTER: The Impact of Foliar Applications of Nitrogen and Boron on Hass Avocado Fruit Set in New Zealand |
DixonJonathan2005n |
POSTER: The Role of Nectar in New Zealand Hass Avocado Pollination and Fruit Set |
DixonJonathan2005o |
POSTER: Delaying Placing Avocado Fruit into Storage after Harvest Reduces Ripe Fruit Quality |
DixonJonathan2006 |
Mulching project: Utilization of industrial waste streams as a mulch of avocado trees |
DixonJonathan2006b |
Putative timing of irreversible commitment to flowering of 'Hass' avocado trees in the Western Bay of Plenty. |
DixonJonathan2006c |
'Hass' avocado tree phenology 2004-2006 in the Western Bay of Plenty. |
DixonJonathan2006d |
Seasonal variations in leaf mineral content. |
DixonJonathan2006e |
The impact of foliar applications of nitrogen and boron on 'Hass' avocado fruit set. |
DixonJonathan2006f |
Patterns of fruit growth and fruit drop of 'Hass' avocado trees in the Western Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. |
DixonJonathan2006g |
Soil disturbance reduces feeder root mass under irrigated or non-irrigated 'Hass' avocado trees. |
DixonJonathan2007 |
Factors Influencing Fruit Set of Hass Avocados in New Zealand |
DixonJonathan2007b |
'Hass' Avocado Tree Phenology 2004-2008 in the Western Bay of Plenty |
DixonJonathan2007c |
Differences in Initial Fruit Set on Determinate and Indeterminate Flowering Shoots |
DixonJonathan2007d |
What, When, Where and How Much Mulch Should Be Applied to ‘Hass’ Avocado Trees in the Western Bay of Plenty |
DixonJonathan2007e |
Effect of Rootstock Cultivar on Ripe Fruit Quality |
DixonJonathan2007f |
Shoot Growth of 'Hass' Avocado Trees in 'On' and 'Off' Flowering Years in the Western Bay of Plenty |
DixonJonathan2008 |
Avocado Research by the New Zealand Avocado Industry |
DixonJonathan2008b |
Relationship between Temperature in October and November and Yield |
DixonJonathan2008c |
Evaluation of Alternatives to Phosphorous Acid Control of Phytophthora Root Rot |
DixonJonathan2008d |
Reduction of Initial Fruit Set Through the Use of a Chemical Fruit Set Thinner Ethephon |
DixonJonathan2008e |
University of California Avocado Cultivars ‘Lamb Hass’ and ‘Gem’ Maturity and Fruit Quality Results from New Zealand Evaluation Trials |
DixonJonathan2008f |
'Hass' Avocado Tree Phenology 2004-2009 in the Western Bay of Plenty |
DixonJonathan2008g |
Low Temperature Limits of New Zealand 'Hass' Avocado Fruit |
DixonJonathan2008h |
Leaf Mineral Norms of 'Hass' Avocado Trees from the Western Bay of Plenty of New Zealand |
DoddMC2007 |
Identifying and Rectifying Complacency in the South African Avocado Cold Chain |
DoddsJA1990 |
Avocado Improvement through Detection and Elimination of Viruses Progress Report: Year 1 of 5 Year Project |
DoddsJA1999 |
Virus and Viroid Diseases of Avocado |
DoddsJA2000 |
Sensitive Detection and Characterization of Viroid, Virus, and Virus-like Agents of Avocado (Funded Project; Year 2 of 3) |
DoddsJA2001 |
Recognizing Avocado Sunblotch Disease |
DonadioLouis1984 |
The Brazilian Avocado Industry |
DonadioLouis1987 |
Present status of Brazilian avocado industry |
DonkinDJ1994 |
Rind Moisture Loss - the Cause of Cold Damage in Harvested Avocado Fruit? |
DonkinDJ1994b |
Progress Report: Cold Storage Temperature Regimes and Tolerance of Avocado Fruit to Cold Storage |
DonkinDJ1995 |
"Stepped Down" Storage Temperature Regimes for Fuerte Fruit Grown in the Kwazulu/Natal Midlands: Do they Reduce the Incidence of Physiological Disorders? |
DonkinDJ1995b |
Post-harvest Heat Treatments with a view to Reducing Chilling Injury in Fuerte Avocado Fruit |
DonkinDJ1995c |
ABSTRACT: Some Aspects of Cold Storage of 'Fuerte' Avocados (Persea Americana Mill.) Grown in the Natal Midlands |
DonkinDJ2005 |
Developing the UK Avocado Market Through Generic Promotion |
DonkinDJ2012 |
Developments in the South African Avocado Industry |
DonnelyMaurice1941 |
Root Distribution of Young Avocado Trees on Bench Terraces |
DonnelyMaurice1944 |
Rain and Drought in Avocado Decline |
DornHarold1928 |
The Avocado Today in Dade County |
DornHarold1933 |
The Marketing of Avocados |
DotyCH1977 |
Evaluation of Herbicides for Avocado Groves |
DouhanGreg2005 |
Screening and Evaluation of New Rootstocks with Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi (Continuing Project: Year 14 of 20) |
DouhanGreg2006 |
Screening and Evaluation of New Rootstocks with Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi 2005 (Continuing Project: Year 15 of 20) |
DouhanGreg2006b |
PRESENTATION: Screening and Evaluation of New Rootstocks with Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi 2006 |
DouhanGreg2007 |
Screening and Evaluation of New Rootstocks with Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi |
DouhanGreg2008 |
PRESENTATION: Avocado Rootstock Breeding at UC Riverside |
DouhanGreg2008b |
Screening and Evaluation of New Rootstocks with Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi |
DouhanGreg2008c |
PRESENTATION: Avocado Rootstock Breeding at UC Riverside |
DouhanGreg2009 |
Screening and Evaluation of New Rootstocks with Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi |
DouhanGreg2009b |
Current and Future Perspectives Regarding Avocado Rootstock Breeding at UCR |
DouhanGreg2010 |
Screening and Evaluation of New Rootstocks with Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi |
DouhanGreg2011 |
Screening and Evaluation of New Rootstocks with Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi |
DownerAJ1999 |
The Effect of Yard Trimmings as a Mulch on Growth of Avocado and Avocado Root Rot Caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi |
DownerAJ2001 |
Effects of Cellulytic Enzymes on Phytophthora cinnamomi |
DownerJames2002 |
Factors Affecting Root Rot Control in Mulched Avocado Orchards |
DowntonWJS1978 |
Growth and flowering in salt-stressed avocado trees |
DrakeRobert1973 |
Transmission of Avocado Sunblotch Virus by Embryo Graftage |
DrewHenry2005 |
Spotting Bug Management in Avocados - A Review |
DrewHenry2009 |
PRESENTATION: Integrated Pest Management in Avocados |
DubeDennis1978 |
Avocado Feasibility Study |
DucaAna1996 |
Efecto de tres niveles hidricos aplicados en un huerto de paltos (Persea americana Mill) cv. Hass sobre la incidencia de Phytopthora cinnamomi |
BungayDP1994 |
Principles of Steam Pasteurization |
DuarteAmilcar2018 |
Alguns aspetos da floração e vingamento do abacateiro |
DuarteJoao2020 |
Dados preliminares de um estudo sobre produtividade e alternância em abacateiro (Persea americana Mill.), no Algarve |
DunkelblumEzra2000 |
DuPlessisSF1979 |
Seasonal Changes in the Composition of Avocado Oil Recovered by Centrifugation |
DuPlessisSF1987 |
Comparison of different calcium sources on avocado production |
DuPlessisSF1991 |
Factors Important for Optimal Irrigation Scheduling of Avocado Orchards |
DuPlessisSF1992 |
Relationship between Mineral Nutrition and Postharvest Fruit Disorders of 'Fuerte' Avocados |
DuPlessisSF1995 |
DuPlessisSF1995b |
DuPlooyCP1992 |
Breeding and evaluation strategy on avocado |
DupontFMA1993 |
An Ecological Study of and Development of a Monitoring Technique for the Damage Done to Avocado Fruits by Hemiptera in the Hazyview Region of South Africa |
DupontFMA1993b |
The Status of Greenhouse Thrips, Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis, and Red-Banded Thrips, Selonothrips rubrocinctus (Thripidae), on Avocado Fruits in the Hazyview Region of the Eastern Transvaal |
DurandBJ1978 |
Effect of External Cull Factors on Internal Quality |
DurandBJ1981 |
A Model for Fruit Ripeness |
DurandBJ1983 |
Avocados in Israel |
DurandBJ1984 |
Effects of Waxing on Moisture Loss and Ripening of 'Fuerte' Avocado Fruit |
DurandBJ1984b |
Shrink Wrap Materials as Post-Harvest Treatment |
DurandBJ1987 |
Root distribution of avocado trees in different soil types |
DuRandN2010 |
The effect of gamma irradiation on the internal and external quality of avocados |
DurbinRichard0000 |
Eradication of Phytophthora cinnamomi in Avocado Seed by Hot-water Treatment |
DurbinRichard1957 |
Eradication of Phytophthora Cinnamomi in Avocado Seed by Hot Water Treatment |
DuToitAP1993 |
Notes on Foraging Activity of Honeybees in an Avocado Orchard |
DuToitAP1994 |
Pollination of 'Ryan' Avocado During the 1993 Flowering Season at Politsi: Second Report |
DuToitES2019 |
Pollination: In vitro, in nets and open trees; avocado flower characteristics and bee activity |
DuToitES2024 |
Diagnosing Avocado Pollen Abnormalities by Using a New Novel Counting Methodology |
DuToitWJ1979 |
The Identification of Causes of Typical Surface Lesions on Avocado Fruit |
DuToitWJ1981 |
The Role of Fruit Flies on Avocados Early in the Season |
DuToitWJ1991 |
Parasitoids of the Heart-Shaped Scale, Protopulvinaria pyriformis (Cockerell) (Hemipthera: Coccidae) on Avocados in South Africa |
DuToitWJ1992 |
The role of ants on avocado pests |
DuToitWJ1992b |
Parasitoids of the Heart-Shaped (Pyriform) Scale. Protopulvinaria pyriformis (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Coccidae) on Avocados in South Africa |
DuToitWJ1993 |
Occurrence of Protrusions on Avocado Fruit and the Causative Agent |
DuttonEC1923 |
Making the Avocado Tree Bear |
DuvenhageJA1990 |
A Preliminary Report: The influence of N and Casources on pathogenicity of Phytophthora cinnamomi and of Ca-sources on resistance of avocado roots to infection by the fungus |
DuvenhageJA1990b |
The occurrence of soils suppressive to Phytophthora cinnamomi |
DuvenhageJA1991 |
Suppressive Soils and Biological Control of Phytophthora Root Rot |
DuvenhageJA1991b |
The Influence of Calcium on Saprophytic Growth and Pathogenicity of Phytophthora cinnamomi and on Resistance of Avocado to Root Rot |
DuvenhageJA1992 |
The influence of nitrogen and calcium on mycelial growth and disease severity of Phytophthora cinnamomi and the effect of calcium on resistance of avocado to root rot |
DuvenhageJA1993 |
Biocontrol of Root Rot of Avocado Seedlings |
DuvenhageJA1993b |
The Influence of Organic Amendments and Discontinuation of Chemical Root Rot Control on Tree Condition and Yield of Avocado |
DuvenhageJA1993c |
The Influence of Wet Picking on Post Harvest Diseases and Disorders of Avocado Fruit |
DuvenhageJA1994 |
Monitoring the Resistance of Phytophthora cinnamomi to Fosetyl-Al and H3PO3 |
DuvenhageJA1994b |
Control of Black Spot of Avocado by Organic and Inorganic Fungicides |
DuvenhageJA1995 |
Efficacy of Dimethomorph against Phytophthora Root Rot of Avocado |
DuvenhageJA1995b |
Progress Report on Plant Pathology Research at Merensky Technological Services |
DuvenhageJA1995c |
DuvenhageJA1996 |
Progress in Avocado Pathology Research at Merensky Technological Services |
DuvenhageJA1997 |
Biocontrol of Root Rot in Avocado Orchards and Monitoring for Resistance of Phytophthora Cinnamomi to Phosphites |
DuvenhageJA1998 |
Breeding for Resistance to and Biocontrol of Phytophthora cinnamomi Root Rot Progress Report |
DuvenhageJA1999 |
Biological and chemical control of root rot |
DuvenhageJA1999b |
Thermal fogging of fungicides for the control of Pseudocercosporo purpurea on avocado |
DuvenhageJA2001 |
Efficacy of H3PO3 leaf sprays and resistance of Phytophthora cinnamomi to H3PO3 |
DuvenhageJA2002 |
Evaluation of new generation fungicides for control of Cercospora spot on avocado fruit |
DymondKeira2021 |
The role of insect pollinators in avocado production: A global review |
EaksIrving1966 |
The Effect of Ethylene Upon Ripening and Respiratory Rate of Avocado Fruit |
EaksIrving1973 |
Effects of Clip vs. Snap Harvest of Avocados on Ripening and Weight Loss |
EaksIrving1976 |
Ripening, Chilling Injury, and Respiratory Response of 'Hass' and 'Fuerte' Avocado Fruits at 20° C following Chilling |
EaksIrving1978 |
Ripening, Respiration, and Ethylene Production of 'Hass' Avocado Fruits at 20° to 40°C |
EaksIrving1978b |
Pectin and Related Constituents in Avocado Fruit during Ontogeny |
EaksIrving1983 |
Effects of Chilling on Respiration and Ethylene Production of 'Hass' Avocado Fruit at 20°C |
EaksIrving1985 |
Effect of Calcium on Ripening, Respiratory Rate, Ethylene Production, and Quality of Avocado Fruit |
EaksIrving1990 |
Change in the Fatty Acid Composition of Avocado Fruit during Ontogeny, Cold Storage and Ripening |
EardleyCD1993 |
Preliminary Report on the Natural Occurrence of Insect Pollinators in an Avocado Orchard |
EardleyCD1994 |
Report on the Natural Occurrence of Insect Pollinators in an Avocado Orchard: Second Report |
EardleyCD1996 |
The Natural Occurrence of Insect Pollinators in an Avocado Orchard |
EarnstAA1977 |
A Morphological and Physiological Study on the Rooting Possibility of Three Avocado Cultivar Cuttings |
EarnstAA1977b |
The Tolerance of the Three Avocado Cultivars Duke, Edranol and Fuerte Against Phytophthora Cinnamomi |
EarnstAA1987 |
Callus development - a possible aid in rooting avocado cuttings |
EarnstAA1999 |
Micro Cloning: A Multiple Cloning Technique for Avocados Using Micro Containers |
EatonRichard1932 |
Calavo By-Products |
EbbageJoseph2009 |
PRESENTATION: Benchmarking the usage and attitudes of avocados with health professionals |
EbelingWalter1946 |
Minor Insect Pests of the Avocado |
EbelingWalter1947 |
The Mealybug Problem on Newly Top-Grafted Avocado Trees |
EbelingWalter1948 |
The Mealybug Problem on Newly Grafted Avocado Trees |
EbelingWalter1948b |
Control of the Greenhouse Thrips, Long-Tailed Mealybugs and June Beetles on Avocados |
EbelingWalter1949 |
Avocado Pests and Their Control |
EbelingWalter1952 |
Pests of the Avocado |
EbelingWalter1953 |
Avocado Pests |
EbelingWalter1955 |
Diagnosis of Injury to Avocado Foliage |
EbelingWalter1955b |
Causes of Avocado Leaf Injury: Certain foliage injury often attributed to insect feeding may actually be the result of some physiological disorder |
EbelingWalter1955c |
Causes of Avocado Leaf Injury |
EbelingWalter1957 |
Orange Tortrix on Avocados: Pest becoming of increasing economic importance on certain varieties of avocado in some orchards in the coastal areas |
EbelingWalter1957b |
Avocado Pests |
EbelingWalter1959 |
Some Factors that Influence Pest Population on Avocados |
EbelingWalter1959b |
Subtropical Fruit Pests |
EcheverriaRexner1988 |
Efecto del uso de cera y una película plástica sobre el comportamiento en almacenaje refrigerado de frutos de palta (Persea americana. Mill) cv. Fuerte cosechado en dos estados de madurez |
EdgertonArthur1977 |
Proliferation of Israeli Avocado Varieties in California |
EfendiDarda2003 |
Cryopreservation of avocado |
EfendiDarda2003b |
Transformation and Cryopreservation of Embryogenic Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Cultures |
EggersER1936 |
Propagating the Avocado by Means of Stem Cuttings |
EggersER1937 |
Rooting Avocado Cuttings |
EggersER1937b |
Germinating Power of Avocado Seed from Frost-Injured Fruit |
EggersER1942 |
Effect of the Removal of the Seed Coats on Avocado Seed Germination |
EggersER1944 |
Effect of Wet and Cold Conditions on Avocado Seedbed Stock |
EggersER1945 |
Selecting and Planting Avocado Trees |
EggersER1956 |
Trends in Orchard Development and Management |
EggersER1960 |
Propagation of Avocado Nursery Trees |
EhlersJL1982 |
Aerial Photography and Root Diseases |
EissenstatDavid1991 |
Interaction of Simulated Acid Rain with Ozone on Freeze Resistance, Growth, and Mineral Nutrition in Citrus and Avocado |
EksteenGawie1985 |
Effects of Controlled and Modified Atmosphere Storage on Quality of Eating Ripe Avocados |
EksteenGawie1987 |
Storage and transport of avocados - practical considerations for the South African export situation |
EksteenGawie1989 |
Transport simulation test with avocados and bananas in controlled atmosphere containers |
EksteenGawie1991 |
1990 Temperature Survey of Export Avocados |
EksteenGawie1992 |
1991 Temperature survey of export avocados |
EksteenGawie1992b |
Long-Distance Controlled Atmosphere Transport of Avocados |
EksteenGawie1995 |
Handling Guidelines for Avocado - 1995 Season |
EksteenGawie1997 |
The Effect of Preshipment Factors on the Market Quality of Fuerte Avocados 1996 Season |
EksteenGawie1998 |
Handling Procedures for Avocados, 1998 Season |
EksteenGawie1998b |
The Effect of lntransit and Storage Conditions on the Quality of Avocados -1997 Season |
EksteenGawie1999 |
The Effect of lntransit and Storage Conditions on the Quality of Avocados -1997 Season |
EksteenGawie1999b |
Expectations of the European Market Regarding the Quality of Avocados and How to Meet These Expectations |
ElHamalawiZeinab1994 |
Effect of Leaf Removal and Plant Pruning on the Development of Stem Canker Disease Caused by Phytophthora citricola on Persea americana and Persea indica |
ElHamalawiZeinab1994b |
Comparison of Resistance to Phytophthora citricola in Nineteen Avocado Rootstocks under Greenhouse Conditions |
ElHamalawiZeinab1994c |
Effect of Root Infection by Phytophthora citricola on Avocado Root Rot Caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi |
ElHamalawiZeinab1994d |
Effect of Wound Age and Fungicide Treatment of Wounds on Susceptibility of Avocado Stems to Infection by Phytophthora citricola |
ElHamalawiZeinab1994e |
Avocado Trunk Canker Disease Caused by Phytophthora citricola: Investigation of Factors Affecting Infection and Disease Development |
ElHamalawiZeinab1995 |
Seasonal Fluctuations in the Extent of Colonization of Avocado Plants by the Stem Canker Pathogen Phytophthora citricola |
ElHamalawiZeinab1995b |
Methods of Fosetyl-AI Application and Phosphonate Levels in Avocado Tissue Needed to Control Stem Canker Caused by Phytophthora citricola |
ElHamalawiZeinab1996 |
The Role of Snails and Ants in Transmitting the Avocado Stem Canker Pathogen, Phytophthora citricola |
ElZeftawiBM1978 |
Physical and chemical changes in fruit of seven avocado cultivars at Mildura |
ElliottJM1917 |
Utility and Sentiment Applied to Avocado |
ElliottJM1918 |
Hillside Planting of Avocados |
ElliottJM1923 |
Practical Pointers on Budding and Grafting Avocados |
ElliottJM1926 |
Experience with the Popenoe Varieties |
ElliottJM1929 |
Comments on Varieties |
EllstrandNorman1986 |
Isozymes Confirm Hybrid Parentage for 'G755' Selections |
EllstrandNorman1992 |
A Genetic Basis for Avocado Decline in The Rancho California Area of California |
EllstrandNorman1992b |
Sex and the Single Variety |
ElMirMajed2001 |
Hypoxic acclimation prevents avocado mesocarp injury caused by subsequent exposure to extreme low oxygen atmospheres |
ElmslyTA2007 |
Influence of Time of Day of Harvest on 'Hass' Avocado Ripe Fruit Quality |
ElmslyTA2007b |
Effect of the Fruit Coating Biocoat™ on Ripe Rots of 'Hass' Avocados |
ElmslyTA2008 |
Growth Rates of Ripe Rot Fungi at Different Temperatures |
EloffKosie2016 |
Chairman's Report / Voorsittersverslag |
EmbletonTom1955 |
Avocado Fertilizer Experiments |
EmbletonTom1956 |
Manure as Source of Nitrogen: Studies of tilled and nontilled citrus and avocado orchards show manure to be efficient in supplying nitrogen to tilled soil |
EmbletonTom1958 |
Effects of Irrigation Treatments and Rates of Nitrogen Fertilization on Young Hass Avocado Trees. IV. Macronutrient Content of Leaves |
EmbletonTom1958b |
Influence of Sampling Date, Season, and Fertilization on Macronutrients in Fuerte Avocado Leaves |
EmbletonTom1958c |
A Progress Report on Cooperative Avocado Nitrogen Fertilizer Experiments |
EmbletonTom1959 |
Curvilinear Relationship between Leaf Nitrogen and Yield of Fuerte Avocados |
EmbletonTom1959b |
Leaf Analysis as a Guide to Nitrogen Fertilization of Avocado |
EmbletonTom1960 |
Fertilization of the Avocado: Leaf analysis as a guide to nitrogen |
EmbletonTom1960b |
Nitrogen Fertilization of the MacArthur Avocado |
EmbletonTom1962 |
Chlorine and Other Elements in Avocado Leaves as Influenced by Rootstock |
EmbletonTom1964 |
Avocado Nutrition in California |
EmbletonTom1966 |
Soil Applications of Zinc for Avocados |
EmbletonTom1968 |
Nitrogen Fertilization of the Mass Avocado |
EmbletonTom1971 |
Development of Nitrogen Fertilizer Programs for California Avocados |
EmbletonTom1973 |
Nitrogen Fertilization of Bacon Avocado - Yield and Ground-Water Salinity |
EmbletonTom1984 |
Nutricion y fertilizacion en paltos |
EmbletonTom1990 |
Kenyan Avocado Industry |
EmbryJoanna2009 |
PRESENTATION: Avocado Retail Quality Surveys |
EngelbrechtAHP1987 |
Localisation of polyphenol oxidase activity in avocado fruit |
EngelbrechtAHP1982 |
Intracellular Localization of poly-phenoloxidase in Avocado Fruit |
EquihuaMartinezArmando2019 |
PRESENTACIÓN: Coleopteros barrenadores de la semilla del aguacate / PRESENTATION: Avocado Seed Beetles |
EquihuaMartinezArmando2021 |
PRESENTACIÓN: Coleopteros barrenadores de la semilla del aguacate / PRESENTATION: Avocado Seed Beetles |
ErasmusHD1998 |
Foliar Application of Uniconazole (Sunny) to Avocado Trees to Improve Fruit Size and Yield and to Change Fruit Shape |
Erichsen1992 |
Economic losses due to insect pests on avocado fruit in the Nelspruit/Hazyview region of South Africa during 1991 |
Erichsen1993 |
The Role of Two Insecticides in Controlling Insect Pests of Avocados |
ErichsenC1993b |
Invasion of Orchards by the Avocado Beetle Monolepta apicalis (Sahlberg) (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae): Assessment of Damage to Leaves and Fruit |
ErichsenC1993c |
Comparison of and Scouting for Beetle and Looper Damage to Avocado Leaves and Fruit |
ErichsenC1993d |
Monolepta apicalis (Sahlberg) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae): A New Addition to the Avocado Pest Complex |
ErichsenC1994 |
Moth Pests of Avocados |
ErichsenC1994b |
Identification and Potential Pest-Status of Looper on Avocado |
EricksonLC1964 |
Ripening Hass Avocados in High and Low Humidities |
EricksonLC1964b |
Effect of Temperature on the Ripening of Mass Avocados |
EricksonLC1965 |
Determination of Surface Area and Volume of Avocado Fruits |
EricksonLC1966 |
Correlations Between Cuticle Wax and Oil in Avocados |
EricksonLC1971 |
Over-Maturity in Hass Avocados |
ErnstAA2007 |
Maluma Hass: A New Released Cultivar in Comparison with Hass |
ErnstAA2007b |
Allesbeste Nursery: Breeding and Selection in South Africa - an Integrated Approach |
ErnstAA2009 |
PRESENTATION: Maluma, a new generation cultivar |
ErnstAA2012 |
Interaction of storage, ethylene and ethylene inhibitors on post-harvest quality of 'Maluma' |
ErnstAA2015 |
'Maluma': establishing a new generation avocado cultivar commercially |
ErnstE2007 |
Ahuacatl: A Comprehensive Nursery Software Management Solution |
ErnstE2015 |
Economic considerations of 'Maluma' |
ErnstE2024 |
Chairman's Report 2024 |
EarnstZander2015 |
The strategic role of new cultivars: a case study of 'Maluma' |
EscaleraJulie2020 |
Adoption of Water-Related Technology and Management Practices by the California Avocado Industry |
EscobarCarlos2003 |
Evaluacion del riego por pulsos sobre el crecimiento y la productividad del palto (Persea americana Mill) cv. Hass |
EscobedoEmiliano2012 |
If Past Is Prologue, Get Ready For A New Wave Of Avocado Category Success |
EscobedoPachecoElías2019 |
Ácidos grasos y estabilidad oxidativa de aceite de palta, variedades Hass y Fuerta - Moquegua, Perú |
EscobedoVictor2009 |
Estudio de propagación clonal por esquejes del portainjerto de palto 'Duke' (Persea americana Mill.) utilizando brotes etiolados y cámaras húmedas individuales |
EscobedoVictor2015 |
Propagacion clonal de palto 'Duke' (Persea americana Mill.) Utilizando esquejes con callos y raíces preformadas en su base etiolada y cámaras húmedas individuales |
EshetI1976 |
Water requirements of avocado in the Western Galilee. e) Economic analysis. Alón Hanotea 30:675-681 (in Hebrew). |
EskalenAkif2009 |
Identification, biology, epidemiology and geographical distribution of fungal and bacterial pathogens associated with avocado in California |
EskalenAkif2009b |
Avocado Branch Canker (Formerly Dothiorella Canker) |
EskalenAkif2010 |
PRESENTATION: Laurel Wilt Disease - A new threat to California avocado industry |
EskalenAkif2010b |
HANDOUT: Laurel Wilt Disease: a new threat to California avocado industry |
EskalenAkif2010c |
Dothiorella Canker Disease of Avocado in California |
EskalenAkif2010d |
Identification, biology, epidemiology and geographical distribution of fungal and bacterial pathogens associated with avocado in California |
EskalenAkif2011 |
HANDOUT: Phytophthora Root Rot (Phytophthora cinnamomi) |
EskalenAkif2011b |
HANDOUT: Avocado Trunk Canker and Collar Rot (Phytophthora mengei, P. cinnamomi) |
EskalenAkif2011c |
HANDOUT: Avocado Branch Canker (formerly Dothiorella Canker) |
EskalenAkif2011d |
A new beetle-fungus disease complex threatening avocado |
EskalenAkif2012 |
Pest Alert: Fusarium dieback on California avocado trees vectored by Tea Shot Hole Borer (Euwallacea fornicatus) |
EskalenAkif2012b |
Alerta de plaga: Marchitez de fusarium, vectorado en Árboles de aguacate en California por el Tea Shot Hole Borer (Euwallacea fornicatus) |
EskalenAkif2012c |
PRESENTATION: The Extent of the problem in California |
EskalenAkif2012d |
PRESENTATION: A complex of fungal species associated with polyphagous shot hole borer in California |
EskalenAkif2012e |
California Avocado Commission Report: Avocado tour in Israel |
EsparzaDaniel1993 |
La palta: Una opcion de exportacion a Estados Unidos |
EspindolaBarqueraMC2015 |
Descripción morfométrica de híbridos de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) |
EspindolaBarqueraMC2019 |
PRESENTACIÓN: Perspectivas de nuevas selecciones de aguacate en México |
EspinozaMariela2002 |
Diagnostico de las caracteristicas productivas relacionadas con el manejo de agua, suelo y fertilizacion en palto (Persea americana) variedad Hass en la localidad de Mallarauco |
EspinozaIgnacio2004 |
Evaluación del efecto de dos bioestimulantes, Aminofit Xtra y Aminofit Flowering, sobre la retención de frutos de palto (Persea americana Mill) cv Hass |
EstebanPaola1993 |
Estimación del contenido de aceite a traves de la humedad y su relación con la palatabilidad en frutos de paltos de las variedades Negra de la Cruz, Bacon, Edranol y Hass desde la última etapa de desarrollode hasta madurez fisiologica |
EstradaVenegasEdith2021 |
Ácaros asociados a escolítidos y trozas de aguacate (Persea americana) en Tetela del Volcán Puebla, México / Mites Associated with Scolitids and Avocado Logs (Persea americana) in Tetela del Volcán Puebla, Mexico |
EstradaVenegasEdith2021b |
La cría de Heilipus lauri (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) en condiciones de laboratorio / The Breeding of Heilipus lauri (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Under Laboratory Conditions |
EtxeberriaEd2006 |
Anatomical and Morphological Characteristics of Laser Etching Depressions for Fruit Labeling |
EvansEdward2010 |
Potential Economic Impact of Laurel Wilt Disease on the Florida Avocado Industry |
EvansEdward2015 |
Cost-benefit analysis of area-wide management of Laurel wilt disease in Florida commercial avocado production area |
EverettKerri1997 |
Progress in Managing Latent Infections a Review |
EverettKerri1999 |
Cultural Effects on Fruit Quality |
EverettKerri1999b |
Infection of Unripe Avocado Fruit by Stem End Rot Fungi In New Zealand |
EverettKerri2001 |
Lenticel Damage |
EverettKerri2001b |
Stem-End Rots: Infection of Ripening Fruit |
EverettKerri2001c |
Orchard Survey: Effect of Preharvest Factors on Postharvest Rots |
EverettKerri2002 |
Patterns of Stem-End Rot Development in Coolstorage |
EverettKerri2002b |
Infection Criteria for Pathogens Causing Body Rots in Avocados |
EverettKerri2002c |
Avocado Fruit Rots: A Review of Industry Funded Research |
EverettKerri2003 |
Predicting Avocado Fruit Rots by Quantifying Inoculum Potential in the Orchard Before Harvest |
EverettKerri2003b |
The effect of low temperatures on Colletotrichum acutatum and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing body rots of avocados in New Zealand |
EverettKerri2005 |
Stem-end rots - how, where and what do they infect? |
EverettKerri2006 |
Reducing copper use in avocado orchards: results of laboratory and postharvest testing of alternate fungicides and biological products. |
EverettKerri2007 |
Avocado Scab is not Present in New Zealand |
EverettKerri2007b |
Field Testing Alternatives to Copper for Controlling Avocado Fruit Rots |
EverettKerri2007c |
Evaluation of a New Chemical and Two Biological Control Agents for Postharvest Rot Control in Avocados |
EverettKerri2007d |
Calcium, fungicide sprays and canopy density influence postharvest rots of avocado |
EverettKerri2008 |
Avocado lenticel damage: The cause and the effect on fruit quality |
EverettKerri2008b |
Orchard Treatments Other Than Spray Application of Fungicides That Reduce Postharvest Rots of Avocados |
EverettKerri2008c |
Postharvest Fungicide Treatments and Their Effect on Long-Term Storage of Avocados from Three Growing Regions in New Zealand |
EverettKerri2008d |
Fungicide Spray Trial in Three Avocado Growing Regions in New Zealand |
EverettKerri2015 |
Towards commercialisation of avocado rot prediction |
EverettKerri2015b |
Investigation of the cause of 'Black spot' disorder of avocado fruit in Peru |
FaberBen1991 |
Orchard "Slenderizing" |
FaberBen1994 |
Irrigation Management of Avocados |
FaberBen1995 |
The Latest Avocado Research Results |
FaberBen1995b |
Organic Matter in Soil Aids Structure, Nutrient Exchange and Fertility |
FaberBen1995c |
FaberBen1995d |
Foliar Sprays for Frost Protection of Young Citrus and Avocado |
FaberBen1995e |
FaberBen1996 |
New Bugs, Old Bugs |
FaberBen1996b |
Early Intervention Keeps Root Rot at Bay |
FaberBen1996c |
Meeting Winter Water Needs |
FaberBen1996d |
Nursing Fire Damaged Trees |
FaberBen1996e |
Fire Damage Treatment |
FaberBen1999 |
Improving Avocado Productivity |
FaberBen2000 |
Effect of Predaceous Mite Release Timing on Persea Mite (Acari:Tetranychidae) Populations in Avocado Orchards |
FaberBen2000b |
Effect of Abamectin Treatment for Avocado Thrips on Populations of Persea and Avocado Bud Mite and Their Associated Damage to Leaves and Fruit |
FaberBen2000c |
Thoughts on Agriculture in New Zealand |
FaberBen2001 |
An Impression of New Zealand |
FaberBen2002 |
Slope and Aspect Effect on Evaporation as Measured by Atmometer |
FaberBen2002b |
Avocado Planting Systems |
FaberBen2002c |
The Avocado: Botany, Production and Uses |
FaberBen2003 |
Avocado Planting Systems |
FaberBen2003b |
Cellulase Production by Various Sources of Mulch |
FaberBen2003c |
Effects of Mulch on Avocado and Citrus |
FaberBen2006 |
Avocado Irrigation in California |
FaberBen2007 |
Evaluation of Commercially Available Phosphonate Products for Control of Phytophthora cinnamomi |
FaberBen2007b |
Effect of Abamectin Treatments for Avocado Thrips (Scirtothrips perseae Nakahara [Thysanoptera: Thripidae]) on Persea Mite (Oligonychus perseae Tuttle, Baker and Abbatiello [Acari:Tetranychidae]) and Avocado Bud Mite (Tegolophus myresi Keifer [Acari: Eriophyidae]) Populations and on their Associated Damage to Leaves and Fruit of Avocado (Persea Americana) |
FaberBen2008 |
So You Want to Grow Organic Avocados |
FaberBen2008b |
Organic Avocado Production |
FaberBen2008c |
Laurel Wilt Disease in the Southwest |
FaberBen2011 |
Turkish Agriculture |
FaberBen2013 |
2013 Oliver Atkins Award of Excellence - Mary L. Bianchi |
FaberBen2022 |
PRESENTATION: How to Read Soil and Water Reports |
FairchildDavid1938 |
Reminiscences of Early Plant Introduction Work in South Florida |
FairchildDavid1939 |
Reminiscences of Early Avocado Introductions |
FairchildDavid1943 |
Some Observations on the Cherimoyas of Colombia and Guatemala |
FairchildDavid1945 |
Two Relatives of the Avocado and their Reintroduction into Florida |
FarreJM1987 |
Avocado in Spain |
FarreJM1987b |
Effects of pre-bloom pruning on leaf nutrient status, growth and cropping of the avocado cv Hass |
FarreJM2005 |
Alternate Irrigation of Avocados: Effects on Growth, Cropping, and Control of Rosellinia Necatrix |
FarrellKenneth1987 |
Marketing Challenges Facing California Agriculture |
FassioC2007 |
Anatomical and Morphological Characterization of Roots of Seedling and Clonal Avocado (Persea americana Mill) Rootstocks |
FassioC2015 |
Efecto de la técnica de propagación e injertación en las características morfológicas y relación raíz /brote en plantas de palto (Persea americana Mill.) |
FassioC2021 |
Factores que afectan la unión injerto/portainjerto en la propagación clonal de Persea americana Mill. / Factors Affecting the Scion/Rootstock Union in the Clonal Propagation of Persea americana Mill. |
FaubionDana1992 |
Response of 'Hass' Avocado to Postharvest Storage in Controlled Atmosphere Conditions |
FawcettHoward1916 |
A Bark Disease of Avocado Trees |
FawcettHoward1937 |
Dr. Fawcett Reports on the Avocado Situation in Brazil |
FawcettHoward1939 |
Observations on Avocados in Brazil |
FeatherstoneCharles1997 |
Bee buzz: Researchers seeking new pollinators for crops in wake of honeybee decline |
FeisterDon1949 |
The Coyo: a root stock for the avocado? |
FellesLeandroD2015 |
Sistemas de conducción intensivos en la rentabilidad del cultivo de palto cv. Hass |
FellesLeandroD2015b |
Aplicación de Paclobutrazol en el rendimiento del cultivo de palto cv. "Hass" |
FengXuqiao2000 |
Control of ethylene responses in avocado fruit with 1-methycyclopropene |
FennLB1968 |
On the Mechanism of Chloride Toxicity |
FennMark1987 |
Phosphonate Fungicides for Control of Diseases Caused by Phytophthora |
FergusonIan1985 |
Effects of Low Temperature and Respiratory Inhibitors on Calcium Flux in Plant Mitochondria |
FergusonIan1999 |
Preharvest factors affecting physiological disorders of fruit |
FernandezClaudia1994 |
Estudio preliminar de la poblacion de conchuela piriforme (Protopulvinaria pyriformis Cockerell) en hiedra (Hedera helix L.) y palto (Persea americana Mill) en la localidad de Quillota, quinta Region |
FernandezDiego1983 |
Maduracion programada de paltas (Frutos de Persea americana Mill) cv. Hass |
FernandezMatias2003 |
El posicionamiento de Chile en el comercio mundial de paltas |
FerreiraEduardo1999 |
Productivity study of four avocado cultivars in Algarve Region |
FerrerCarlos2000 |
Efectos de la Utilización de Mulch de Acícula de Pino, Corteza de Pino, Paja con Guano de Caballo y Guano de Pavo sobre la Productividad del Palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass |
FerreyraRaul1998 |
Frutales. Riego deficitario controlado |
FerreyraRaul2006 |
La asfixia radicular y el manejo del riego en palto |
FerreyraRaul2007 |
Effects of Environment, Leaf Characteristics and Methodology on Stem Water Potential in Avocado Trees |
FerreyraRaul2007b |
Effect of Air Content of Soil on Avocado Tree Water Status and Growth |
FerreyraRaul2008 |
Clorosis férrica en palto y manejo del riego |
FerreyraRaul2008b |
PRESENTACIÓN: Clorosis férrica en palto y manejo del riego |
FerreyraRaul2009 |
PRESENTACIÓN: Use de sensores de humedad de suelo para determinar tiempo y frecuencia de riego |
FerreyraRaul2012 |
Factores de precosecha que afectan la postcosecha de plata Hass: Clima, suelo y manejo |
FerreyraRaul2015 |
BULLETIN: Optimización de la Calidad de Palta 'Hass' - Capítulo 1. Variación en los suelos; el clima y manejo de los huertos de palto en Chile |
FerreyraRaul2015b |
BULLETIN: Optimización de la Calidad de Palta 'Hass' - Capítulo 1. Variación en los suelos; el clima y manejo de los huertos de palto en Chile |
FerreyraRaul2015c |
BULLETIN: Optimización de la Calidad de Palta 'Hass' - Capítulo 1. Variación en los suelos; el clima y manejo de los huertos de palto en Chile |
FeslerMartin1917 |
My Experience in Growing the Avocado |
FetscherAE1999 |
Considerations in Managing Pollination of the Avocado |
FetscherAE2000 |
A Review of Avocado Pollination and the Role of Pollinizers |
FetscherAE2001 |
Pollinizers and Pollinators - Do They Make a Difference? |
FiedlerJ1995 |
FieldsFiona2005 |
POSTER: Effect of Prohexadione-Ca on Shoot Growth, Fruit Set and Retention in Hass Avocado |
FieldsFiona2005b |
POSTER: Do Different Rootstocks Influence Hass Fruit Quality? |
FiesterDon1948 |
New Avocados from the Home of "Fuerte" |
FigueroaJorge1994 |
Atmosfera controlada en frutos de palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass |
FigueroaMagdalena1997 |
Contenido nutrimental en hojas e inflorescencias de tres cultivares de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) |
FigueroaMaria2002 |
FirthDJ1992 |
Preliminary Assessment of G-755c Root Rot Resistant Avocado Rootstock on the Far North Coast of New South Wales, Australia |
FisherJack1989 |
Structure and Development of Surface Deformations on Avocado Fruits |
FitzellRD1983 |
Reducing post-harvest disease in Fuerte avocados by temperature management |
FitzellRD1987 |
Epidemiology of anthracnose disease of avocados |
FlemmerClaire2009 |
PRESENTATION: Robotics in Horticulture |
FlemmerRory2009 |
PRESENTATION: New Advances in Packing |
FleschnerCA1954 |
Biological Control of Avocado Pests |
FleschnerCA1955 |
New Mite Predators: Four species from Guatemala show promise in southern California |
FleschnerCA1957 |
Parasites of Amorbia and the Omnivorous Looper in Avocado Orchards |
FleschnerCA1958 |
The Effect of Orchard Dust on the Biological Control of Avocado Pests |
FleschnerCA1960 |
Production and Colonization of Imported Natural Enemies of Avocado Mite Pests |
FlesthnerCA1955 |
Natural Balance of Mite Pests in an Avocado Grove |
FletcherWA1971 |
Avocado Growing in New Zealand |
FleuryAC1932 |
The State Plant Quarantine Service and the California Avocado Grower |
FlipseLF1921 |
The Avocado from the Investor’s Standpoint |
FlitsanovU2000 |
Measurement of avocado softening at various temperatures using ultrasound |
FloresC2007 |
Supresión de la podredumbre radical del palto en un suelo de Jujuy, Argentina |
FloresEspinosaBlanca2021 |
Relaciones anatómicas de xilema con tolerancia a sequía en portainjertos de aguacate / Anatomic Relationships of Xylem with Drought Tolerance in Avocado Rootstocks |
FloresMezaD1988 |
Laterals Distribution on the Principal Root in Avocado Seedlings (Persea americana Mill.) |
FloresMezaD1990 |
Relations Among the Components of Avocado Seedlings (Persea americana Mill.) |
FloresVivarS2015 |
Incremento del tamaño de fruto de palto 'hass' (Persea americana Mill.) Con aplicaciones de ácido Giberélico, Thidiazuron y anillado de ramas |
FlorissenP1996 |
The effects of short heat-treatments on the induction of chilling injury in avocado fruit (Persea americana Mill) |
FoguetJL1996 |
Resultados preliminares de un ensayo de portainjerto clónales para Palto cv. Hass |
FoguetJL2001 |
Preliminary results of trials with clonal rootstocks for Hass avocado |
FoldenauerM1986 |
A Crop Estimation Model for Avocado |
FolgerAH1941 |
Digestion Trial With Avocado Meal |
FoottJohn1976 |
A New Crop in San Luis Obispo County |
ForslinePhilip2007 |
Fruit Exploration Supported by the National Plant Germplasm System, 1980 to 2004 |
FortierAnthony1994 |
The Potential of Phase Reversal in Avocado Using in Vitro Propagation |
FotouoMH2019 |
Report on the incidence of diseases (anthracnose, stem-end rot) and physiological disorders in 'Hass' avocados from Tzaneen region |
FouchePS1985 |
The Liming of Acid Soil Under Avocado Cultivation |
FouchePS1995 |
Influence of Surface Applied Lime and Gypsum on Subsoil Acidity, Extractable Ca and Nutrient Accumulation in Avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) |
FraedrichSW2008 |
California Laurel Is Susceptible to Laurel Wilt Caused by Raffaelea lauricola |
FraedrichSW2008b |
A Fungal Symbiont of the Redbay Ambrosia Beetle Causes a Lethal Wilt in Redbay and Other Lauraceae in the Southeastern United States |
FraedrichSW2014 |
The interactions of Xyleborus glabratus and Raffaelea lauricola with species in the family Lauraceae in the southeastern United States |
FranceJames1929 |
FranceJames1931 |
Principles of Tree Growth |
FranceJames1931b |
Intelligent Use of Fertilizer |
FranceJames1932 |
Status of the Avocado Industry in San Diego County |
FranceJames1932b |
Yields in Relation to Profitable Avocado Culture |
FranceJames1932c |
Problems of the Avocado Industry |
FranceJames1933 |
Status of the Avocado Industry in San Diego County |
FranceJames1934 |
"Looking Ahead in Avocado Pruning" |
FranceJames1935 |
Avocado Grafting |
FranceJames1936 |
Impressions of the Avocado Industry in Florida, Cuba, Mexico, Guatemala and California |
FranceJames1940 |
A Correspondence Survey of the Florida Avocado and Lime Industries |
FranceJames1944 |
Avocado Tree Decline! So What? |
FranceJames1945 |
The BPS of Avocado Orchard Management for Growers New to the Industry |
FranceJames1945b |
So, You Are Going to Be an Avocado Grower! |
FranceJames1947 |
Practical Points in Avocado Pruning |
FranceschiF1911 |
Alligator Pear, Avocado, Ahuacate? |
FrancisHL1971 |
Evaluation of an Avocado Orchard Thinning Program |
FrancisHL1972 |
Bindweed Control Study in Avocado Orchard by Sprayblade Layering Technique (A Progress Report) |
FrancisHL1973 |
Avocado Economics: An Evaluation |
FrancisHL1974 |
An Evaluation of Avocado Plantings in the Santa Rosa Hills of Riverside County |
FrancisHL1991 |
Production Research Accomplishments A Five-Year Record: 1986-1991 |
FrancisHL1991b |
The Israeli Ways |
FrancisHL1992 |
Research Liaison Report: South Africa |
FrancisHL1992b |
Australian Avocado Research and Management Programs: 1992 |
FrancisHL1993 |
Mexico - Is It Really What We Hear? |
FrancisHL1994 |
What to Do With Tall, Crowding Trees In Orchards Previously Thinned |
FrancisHL1996 |
Correlation between Cross-pollination and Fruit Yield |
FrancisHL1996b |
Girdling Trial Yield Data |
FrancisHL1996c |
The 1996-1997 Production Research Program |
FrancisHL1997 |
The New Zealand/Australian Avocado Conference - 1997 Before - During - and after ... |
FrancisHL1997b |
Six-Plus Methods to Increase Avocado Production |
FrancisHL1998 |
California Avocado Commission Grower Research Survey Results: 1999 |
FrancisHL2007 |
Award of Special Merit: Steve Peirce |
FrancoOmar2001 |
Influencia del grado de polinizacion en la calidad de la guanábana / Pollination Degre Influence in Soursop Fruit Quality |
FrankieGordon2022 |
PRESENTATION: Pollinator Habitat Gardens Produce Diverse Native Pollinators that Visit Avocado Flowers in Greater Ventura |
FranklinStewart2009 |
PRESENTATION: Crop Yield Loss You Can’t See |
FrantzRay1935 |
Sixth Annual Avocado Growers' Institute |
FraserGreg2009 |
PRESENTATION: Avocados for Life - Preparing for Biosecurity Issues |
FraserWG1916 |
Our Experiences in Growing the Avocado |
FravelDeborah2012 |
PRESENTATION: Stopping the Spread of Invasive Species |
FreelandRO1948 |
Photosynthesis in Relation to Stomatal Frequency and Distribution |
FreemanStanley2000 |
Molecular Analyses of Colletotrichum Species from Almond and Other Fruits |
FreemanStanley2012 |
PRESENTATION: Update from Israel regarding the fungal symbiont Fusarium sp. nov., genetic diversity, interaction with its hosts as a plant pathogen, and as a feed for Euwallacea fornicatus |
FreemanStanley2012b |
PRESENTATION: Fungicide screening for inhibition of the fungal symbiont Fusarium sp. nov. in Israel |
FreistadtDavid1958 |
Harvesting Avocados |
FreistadtDavid1968 |
The Handlers' Contribution |
FreistadtDavid1985 |
An Appraisal of Gwen and Whitsell |
FreitasBreno2004 |
Solitary Bees: conservation, rearing and management for pollination |
FrenchTom2009 |
PRESENTATION: Avocado Promotion in Thailand |
FriasHoracio2003 |
“Marketing en aguacates, si ó si” |
FriasMarcia1995 |
Evaluacion de distintas modificaciones atmosfericas en la conservacion de paltas (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass, Gwen y Whitsell en almacenaje refrigerado |
FriedPaula1999 |
Evaluación de la polinización y cuaja en palto (Persea americana Mill.) mediante el uso de Bombus terrestrís (Hymenóptera: Apidae) en la localidad de Quillota, V región |
FriedmanA1936 |
Avocado Acclimatization in Palestine |
FrolichEF1951 |
Rooting Guatemalan Avocado Cuttings |
FrolichEF1958 |
Graft Compatibility in the Genus Persea |
FrolichEF1971 |
Use of the Etiolation Technique in Rooting Avocado Cuttings |
FroudKJ2002 |
Efficacy of New Pesticides Against Sixspotted Mite Eotetranychus sexmaculatus (Riley) (Acari: Tetranychidae) on Avocados |
FuchsYoram1975 |
Freeze Injuries in Avocado Fruit |
FuchsYoram1987 |
Physiological aspects of delayed marketing of avocado fruit |
FuchsYoram1995 |
FucikovskyLeopold1987 |
Avocado fruit diseases and their control in Mexico |
FucikovskyLeopold1992 |
Sphaeropsis Tumor of Avocado |
FuenzalidaNora1990 |
Efecto del permanganato de potasio (ETHYSORB) sobre la evolucion de la madurez en frutos de palto (Persea americana Mill) cv. Edranol y Hass cosechados en diferentes estados de madurez y almacenados en refrigeracion |
FuenmayorCarlos2013 |
Honey of Colombian Stingless Bees: Nutritional Characteristics and Physicochemical Quality Indicators |
FuentesJL2003 |
Zygotic embryo culture and mutation breeding in avocado (Persea americana Mill) |
FullmerForrest1945 |
Variations in the Phosphorus and Potassium Content of the Foliage From Fuerte Avocado Groves |
FunkSW1920 |
Method of Grafting and Top-Working the Avocado |
FurrJR1945 |
Soil Moisture Factors of Importance in Citrus and Avocado Grove Management |
FurrJR1946 |
Symptoms Exhibited by Avocado Trees Grown in Outdoor Sand Cultures Deprived of Various Mineral Nutrients |
FutchIvey1930 |
Mulching and Other Practices in the Growing of Avocados |
GaborBrad1990 |
Comparison of Field Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi in Twelve Avocado Rootstocks |
GaborBrad1991 |
Comparison of Rapid Methods for Evaluating Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi in Avocado Rootstocks |
GaffneyJJ1975 |
Susceptibility of West Indian Avocados to Chilling Injury as Related to Rapid Cooling with Low Temperature Air or Water |
GafniE1984 |
Effect of extreme temperature regimes and different pollinizers on the fertilization and fruit set processes in avocado |
GafniU1998 |
Avocado in Israel -1998 |
GafniUdi2023 |
PRESENTATION: New development in Israeli avocado |
GalanVictor1980 |
Arona - New Cultivar of Avocado in The Canary Islands |
GalanVictor1985 |
Avocado Culture in the Canary Islands |
GalindoJorge1964 |
Mating Types in Phytophthora cinnamomi |
GallardoNelson1998 |
Efecto de la aplicacion de bioestimulantes [Frutaliv, Defender] en floracion de palto Persea americana Mill. cv. Hass sobre la cuaja y retencion de frutos |
GallardoSergio1996 |
Conservacion de la pulpa y mitades de paltas (Persea americana Mill), almacenada en atmosfera modificada y refrigeracion (cvs. Hass, Edranol y Gwen) |
GallatinMH1953 |
Fertilizer, Irrigation Studies on Avocados and Limes on the Rockdale Soils of the Homestead Area |
GallegosPaula2002 |
Situación actual de la palta en el mercado nacional y en el mercado de Estados Unidos |
GalleryDePasquale2009 |
PRESENTATION: HAL Avocado Strategy and Implementation 2009/2010 |
GalloFabian2009 |
PRESENTATION: Avocado Irrigation Monitoring Techniques - How it can work for you! |
GalloLlobetL1992 |
Update of Canary Islands Research on West Indian Avocado Rootstock Tolerance/Resistance to Phytophthora Root Rot |
GalloLlobetL1995 |
GalloLlobetL1995b |
GalloLlobetL1999 |
Búsqueda de resistencia a Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands. en patrones de aguacate de raza antillana |
GalloLlobetL2003 |
Uso potencial de la raza antillana como fuente de resistencia a la podredumbre radicular del aguacate |
GalloLlobetL2003b |
Evaluación en campo de patrones clonales de aguacate de raza mexicana y antillana tolerante-resistentes a Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands |
GamaCampilloLilia1992 |
An Ethnoecological Approach for the Study of Persea: A Case Study in the Maya Area |
GandolfoSandra1995 |
GandulfoLuz1983 |
Efecto del anillado y la aplicación de ácido indolbutírico en el enraizamiento de brotes etiolados de palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Mexicola |
GarbersCF1987 |
Proceedings of the First World Avocado Congress: Opening Address |
GarciaCarolina2002 |
Variación estacional en el contenido de aceite, humedad y palatabilidad en frutos de paltos cv. Isabel injertado sobre Mexícola |
GarciaFajardoJA1999 |
Estructura de la semilla de aguacate y cuantificación de la grasa extraída por diferentes técnicas |
GarciaGomez1994 |
Levels of endogenous indole-3-acetic acid and indole-3-acetyl-aspartic acid during adventitious rooting in avocado microcuttings |
GarciaGonzalezJD2003 |
El aguacate en agricultura ecológica. Puntos de control y certificación según el reglamento europeo 2092/91 y sus modificaciones |
GarciaGonzalezJD2003b |
El aguacate ecológico. Aspectos técnicos, sociales y medio ambientales de su cultivo en Andalucía |
GarciaMarcela2005 |
Analisis tecnico-economico de pequeños productores de palta (Persea americana M) en la localidad de Huelquen |
GarciaMargarita1997 |
Caracterizacion de la floracion del palto (Persea americana Mill.) en los cultivares Hass, Fuerte, Gwen y Esther en Quillota |
GarciaMurciaJulian2019 |
PRESENTACIÓN: Implementación de un modelo de innovación social para la asociatividad de los productores de aguacate en Colombia |
GarciaRojasMiguel2010 |
Estudio de la participación de genes claves de la biosíntesis de lípidos en el desarrollo de desórdenes fisiológicos en palta cv. Hass |
GarciaVicente2003 |
Formación estructural de plantones de aguacate en vivero |
GardiazabalFrancisco1990 |
Variedades e implantacion |
GardiazabalFrancisco1990b |
Requerimientos de clima, suelo y agua para la implantación de paltos |
GardiazabalFrancisco1991 |
El Cultivo del Palto |
GardiazabalFrancisco1995 |
GardiazabalFrancisco1995b |
The Effects of Ringing, Double Incision and Applications of Paclobutrazol Cultar on the Avocado (Persea americana Mill) cv. Negra de La Cruz. |
GardiazabalFrancisco1995c |
GardiazabalFrancisco1998 |
Factores agronómicos a considerar en la implantación de un huerto de paltos |
GardiazabalFrancisco1998b |
Floración en paltos |
GardiazabalFrancisco2000 |
Fertirrigacion en paltos |
GardiazabalFrancisco2001 |
Historia y Desarrollo del Palto en Chile |
GardiazabalFrancisco2001b |
History and Development of the Avocado in Chile |
GardiazabalFrancisco2001c |
Paltos |
GardiazabalFrancisco2003 |
Determinación del coeficiente de cultivo (KC) para paltos cv. Hass en Chile |
GardiazabalFrancisco2004 |
Factores agronómicos a considerar en la implantación de un huerto de paltos |
GardiazabalFrancisco2004b |
Riego y nutrición en paltos |
GardiazabalFrancisco2004c |
Suelo - Clima y Agua para Paltos (PRESENTACIÓN) |
GardiazabalFrancisco2004d |
Riego y fertilización en paltos (PRESENTACIÓN) |
GardiazabalFrancisco2006 |
PRESENTATION: Alta Productividad en Paltos (High Production in avocados) |
GardiazabalFrancisco2007 |
Evaluación de dos nuevas variedades de paltos (Persea americana Mill), similares al cv. Hass obtenidas en Chile |
GardiazabalFrancisco2007b |
Estrategias para la recuperación de huertos de paltos (Persea americana Mill) decaidos, en Chile |
GardiazabalFrancisco2007c |
Efecto de la fertilización en base a N-P-K-Ca-Mg-B-Zn en palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass sobre su desarrollo, productividad y postcosecha de la fruta |
GardiazabalFrancisco2007d |
Efecto de la fertilización con inhibidores de la nitrificación (ENTEC® SOLUB 21) en paltos (Persea americana Mill) cv. Hass |
GardiazabalFrancisco2011 |
The Avocado Industry in Chile and its Evolution |
GardiazabalFrancisco2015 |
Efecto de la aplicación de Cultar® al suelo, sobre la productividad y desarrollo de paltos (Persea americana Mill.) Cv Hass |
GardiazabalFrancisco2015b |
Plantaciones de muy alta densidad (2,5 x 1,25m y 1,25 x 1,25m) en paltos (Persea americana Mill.) Cv. Hass logran en su primer año de producción más de 40 t/ha |
GardiazabalFrancisco2015c |
Efecto de distintas épocas de aplicaciones de Uniconazol al suelo en la producción de paltos (Persea americana Mill.) Cv Hass |
GardiazabalFrancisco2015d |
Efecto de dosis de Uniconazol y efecto de distintos uniconazoles aplicados al suelo para la producción en paltos (Persea americana Mill.) Cv Hass |
GardnerHH1936 |
Report of the Avocado Department, Orange County Farm Bureau |
GarnerLauren2008 |
The Relationship Between Flower and Fruit Abscission and Alternate Bearing of 'Hass' Avocado |
GarnerLauren2008b |
The Impact of Outcrossing on Yields of 'Hass' Avocado |
GarrettClive2022 |
Chairman's Report 2022 |
GarrettClive2023 |
Chairman's Report 2023 |
GaskinRE2004 |
Use of a Superspreader Adjuvant to Reduce Spray Application Volumes on Avocados |
GaskinRE2006 |
Characterising plant surfaces and adjuvant interactions to improve pesticide spray retention and coverage on avocados. |
GaskinRE2009 |
PRESENTATION: Optimising concentrate spray applications on avocados |
GaticaRicardo2003 |
Evaluacion de los efectos de distintos programas de fertirriego bajo condiciones salinas en paltos (Persea americana Mill) c.v Hass |
GaudinAmelie2024 |
CV: Amélie Gaudin |
GaudinAmelie2024b |
PRESENTATION: Healthy soils for productive and resilient farms: the untapped potential under our feet |
GayNat1949 |
Future Production Trends |
GazitShmuel1970 |
Response of Mature Avocado Fruits to Ethylene Treatments Before and After Harvest |
GazitShmuel1970b |
Cytokinin and Inhibitor Activities in the Avocado Fruit Mesocarp |
GazitShmuel1971 |
Tissue Cultures of Callus Derived from Avocado Fruit |
GazitShmuel1976 |
Growing Avocados in Areas of High Salinity |
GazitShmuel1976b |
Pollination and Fruit Set of Avocado |
GazitShmuel1976c |
Marketing Avocados in Western Europe |
GazitShmuel2002 |
The Avocado: Botany, Production and Uses / Reproductive Biology |
GazitShmuel2006 |
Stingless Bees Can Serve as Efficient Avocado Pollinators |
GeeringAndrew2009 |
PRESENTATION: Better control of avocado sunblotch disease through improved diagnostic technologies |
GeeringAndrew2012 |
PRESENTATION: The situation in Australia... |
GeorgeNicolas2002 |
Avances en la evaluación del efecto de dos sistemas de riego presurizado, goteo y microchorro sobre el lavado de sales, crecimiento vegetativo y reproductivo del palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass, en la zona de Mallarauco |
GeorgiKaren1993 |
Metodologia para la evaluacion de la incidenc1a y severidad de la enfermedad "Tristeza del Palto" aislamiento, identificacion y patogenicidad de cepas de Phytophthora asociadas |
GiblinFiona2005 |
Phytophthora Revisited |
GiblinFiona2007 |
Phosphonate Trunk Injections and Bark Sprays |
GiblinFiona2007b |
Avocado Fruit Responses to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz) SACC |
GiblinFiona2010 |
Pathogenic diversity of avocado and mango isolates of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing anthracnose and pepper spot in Australia |
GillHS1977 |
Phytophthora blight of periinkles in the Coachella Valley of California |
GillHS1977b |
Identification of Phytophthora Species by Disc Electrophoresis |
GillespieHL1952 |
Asexual Reproduction of Rootstock from Heavyproducing Fuerte Avocado Trees |
GillespieHL1953 |
Development and Evaluation of Clonal Rootstocks in the Avocado -- Phase Two |
GillespieHL1956 |
Preliminary Investigation of "Residual Juvenility" in Avocado Seedling Stems |
GillespieHL1957 |
Stem-Rooting Varietal Clones by Means of "Juvenile Growth Phase" Leafy-Stem Nurse Cuttings |
GilpatrickJohn1958 |
Chemical Soil Treatments for the Control of Root Rot of Avocado |
GilPilar1999 |
Desface en la época de floración del palto (Persea americana Mill) cv. Hass, mediante aspersión de sales minerales al folleje |
GilPilar2004 |
El cultivo del palto |
GilPilar2006 |
Situación hídrica de las plantaciones de palto en Chile |
GilPilar2007 |
Effect of Waterlogging on Plant Water Status, Leaf Gas Exchange and Biomass of Avocado (Persea americana Mill) |
GilPilar2007b |
Electrical Signal Measurements as a Tool for Monitoring Responses of Avocado (Persea americana Mill) Trees to Soil Water Content |
GilPilar2008 |
Study of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) physiological responses to different soil water-to-air ratios and the transmission of root-to-shoot electrical signals in response of soil water deficit and root hypoxia |
GinsburgL1984 |
The Extension of Storage Life of Avocados by Means of Modified Atmosphere Storage Control |
GinsburgL1985 |
Post Harvest Physiological Problems of Avocados |
GleesonM2015 |
Microrna regulation of avocado adventitious rooting for clonal rootstock propagation |
GlennH2003 |
Lepidopterous Pests of Florida Avocado: Biodynamics, Mortality Factors and Control |
GlowaczM2018 |
Investigating the pre-harvest factors associated with the postharvest quality of 'Hass' avocados exported to the UK |
GodfreyKris2006 |
PRESENTATION: Diaprepes Root Weevil |
GodinezPlacenciaJose2021 |
Tendencia, ciclo, estacionalidad y cambio estructural de los precios de exportación de aguacate de México a EE. UU., 2006-2021 / Trend, Cycle, Seasonality and Structural Change of Avocado Export Prices from Mexico to the US, 2006-2021 |
GoldbergER1921 |
Avocado Culture in South Dade County |
GoldringAnat1985 |
Isoenzymes as genetic markers for identification of avocado cultivars |
GoldringAnat1987 |
Isozyme Analysis of Mature Avocado Embryos to Determine Outcrossing Rate in a 'Hass' Plot |
GomezClaudia2000 |
Comportamiento de frutos de palto (Persea americana Mill.) var. Hass almacenados a diferentes concentraciones de CO2 y O2 |
GomezCastilloJorge2021 |
Vigilancia fitosanitaria para determinar la situación de 12 especies de insectos que pueden afectar el cultivo de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass en Guatemala / Phytosanitary Surveillance to Determine the Situation of 12 Species of Insects That May Affect the Crop of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass in Guatemala |
GomezdelCampoMaria2009 |
Yield determination in olive hedgerow orchards. I. Yield and profiles of yield components in north–south and east–west oriented hedgerows |
GonzalezAgueroMauricio2010 |
PRESENTATION: Identification and Characterization of Two Genes Associated to Postharvest Disorders of 'Hass' Avocados (Persea americana Mill.) |
GonzalezAngelica1994 |
Caracterizacion histologica y evaluacion de campo de apices terminales provenientes de distintos flush de crecimiento vegetativo de palto (Persea americana Mill.), en los cultivares Hass y Fuerte |
GonzalezFernandezJJ2007 |
PRESENTACIÓN: Dinámica poblacional de Oligonychus perseae y la fauna auxiliar asociada en el cultivo de aguacate Hass en el sur de España |
GonzalezFernandezJJ2008 |
Alternative food improves the combined effect of an omnivore and a predator on biological pest control. A case study in avocado orchards |
GonzalezFrancisco2002 |
Efecto de la fertilización con N-P-K-Ca en palto (persea americana mill.) cv. Hass sobre su desarrollo, productividad y postcose |
GonzalezHector1984 |
Root Induction and Vegetative Development from Avocado Plantules (Persea americana Mill.) |
GonzalezHector1985 |
Propagation in vitro of Chinini (Persea schiedeana Nees) |
GonzalezHector1990 |
Effect of IBA, Kinetin, and Benzil Amino Purine on the Germination, Shoot Development, and Root Formation in Avocado Embryos Cultivated in vitro. |
GonzalezHector1992 |
GonzalezHector1992b |
Preliminary Results In Vitro Selection for Tolerance to Chloride Excess in Avocado |
GonzalezHector1992c |
Effect of IBA, Kinetin, and Benzylaminopurine on the Germination, Shoot Development, and Root Formation in Avocado Embryos Cultivated in vitro |
GonzalezHector2003 |
Preliminary Results on in vitro Selection for Tolerance to Chloride Excess in Avocado / Resultados preliminares sobre selección in vitro por tolerancia a exceso de cloruros en aguacate |
GonzalezHernandezH1999 |
Selección de trampas de color y fluctuación poblacional de trips del aguacate en Michoacán, México / Color Traps Selection and Fluctuacion Population of the Avocado Thrips in Michoacan, Mexico |
GonzalezHernandezH2017 |
Plagas de importancia económica del aguacate en México |
GonzalezHerreraA2003 |
Artropodos asociados al cultivo del aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) en Costa Rica |
GonzalezMauricio2015 |
Capítulo 7. Sabor en palta ‘Hass’: algo más que sólo aceite |
GonzalezRoberto2000 |
ABSTRACT: Agenda de pesticidas, registros, tolerancias y carencias en frutas y hortalizas de exportacion |
GoodallGeorge1951 |
Avocado Practices in Ventura County |
GoodallGeorge1953 |
Orchard Management - It's the Little Things that Count |
GoodallGeorge1955 |
Avocado Root Rot Disease in Santa Barbara County |
GoodallGeorge1959 |
Santa Barbara County Avocado Situation |
GoodallGeorge1960 |
Soil Stratification and Phytophthora Root Rot Occurrence in Avocado Orchards |
GoodallGeorge1962 |
Santa Barbara County Avocado Root Rot Soil Survey |
GoodallGeorge1965 |
Avocados and the Coyote Fire |
GoodallGeorge1967 |
Can avocados be produced in Santa Maria-San Luis Obispo area? |
GoodallGeorge1969 |
Can you afford to grow avocados? |
GoodallGeorge1971 |
Notes on Avocado Tree Depreciation |
GoodallGeorge1971b |
Useful Life of Avocado Trees in Commercial Orchards in California |
GoodallGeorge1972 |
How do you thin a root rot replant block? |
GoodallGeorge1978 |
Avocado Fertilization |
GoodallGeorge1983 |
Fertilizing Avocados - An Expert Looks At 30 Years Of Progress |
GoodallGeorge1986 |
Tensiometer: Irrigationist's Best Friend |
GoodallGeorge1987 |
Mounds Aid Root Rot Replants |
GoodallGeorge1987b |
Mounding benefits replanting avocado root rot orchards |
GoodallGeorge1987c |
Integrated pest management considerations for Greenhouse Thrips control in coastal avocado |
GoodallGeorge1989 |
Urban Expansion-Will It Change The Way We Farm? |
GoodwinMark2009 |
PRESENTATION: Avocado - Fruit Set |
GordonJohn1964 |
Report of the Foreign Exploration Committee |
GorenM1982 |
ABSTRACT: Approaches to the production of avocado cuttings with etiolated bases, and the endogenous changes involve in the rooting process |
GorenM2009 |
האם קיים יתרון לאבוקדו מזן "האס" המורכב על כנות וגטטיביות נבחרות? \ Is there any advantage to 'Hass' avocado grafted on vegetative rootstock ? |
GornatB1972 |
Irrigation Schedules in an Avocado Plantation Using Trickle and Sprinkling Irrigation Systems |
GoubleBarbara1995 |
Nitrous oxide inhibition of ethylene production in ripening and senescing climacteric fruits |
GoulsonDave2002 |
Conserving wild bees for crop pollination |
GoulsonDave2015 |
Interacting stressors underlie pollinator declines; bees feel the squeeze - Combined stress from parasites, pesticides and lack of flowers drives bee declines |
GowdaDC1988 |
Structural Investigations on the Mucilaginous Polysaccharides Isolated from Bark of the Avocado Tree (Persea americana Mill) |
GrahamADN1991 |
Preliminary Results on the Influence of Late Hanging of Hass Avocados (Persea americana Mill) on Tree Performance |
GrahamADN1991b |
ABSTRACT: Starch and Energy Aspects of Fruiting and Delayed Harvest in 'Hass' Avocado [Persea americana Mill.] |
GrahamRD1972 |
Potassium Deficiency-induced Changes in Stomatal Behavior, Leaf Water Potentials, and Root System Permeability in Beta vulgaris L. |
GrangerCecilia2001 |
Analisis quimico de flores y frutos para el diagnostico de la nutricion mineral en palto (Persea americana Mill.) |
GrantWilson1960 |
Influence of Avocados on Serum Cholesterol |
GrasovskyA1933 |
Departments of Agriculture and Forests: American Colony, Jerusalem |
GrattanStephen2003 |
Avocado response to salinity and potential management practices |
GrayRalph1930 |
Avocados in Peru |
GreenGeo1927 |
GregoAlbert1941 |
The American Date Industry |
GregoriouCostas1982 |
Some Aspects of Shoot and Root Growth of Avocado Under Lowland Tropical Conditions |
GregoriouCostas1983 |
Use of Chelates for Correcting Iron Chlorosis in Avocados Growing in Calcareous Soils in Cyprus |
GregoriouCostas1984 |
Propagation of Avocado Plants in Cyprus (Comparison Between Budding and Grafting of Four Avocado Varieties.) |
GregoriouCostas1989 |
Effect of Girdling on Fruit Set of Fuerte Avocado Variety |
GregoriouCostas1991 |
Performance of Ettinger, Fuerte, and Hass Cultivars of Avocado on Two Rootstocks in Cyprus |
GregoriouCostas1992 |
Yield Growth and Fruit Quality of 'Fuerte' and 'Ettinger' Cultivars of Avocado on Four Rootstocks in Cyprus |
GreyLen1965 |
Avocado Culture in New Zealand |
GreyLouis2009 |
PRESENTATION: Exporting from Australia |
GriffinFL1921 |
The University and the Avocado Association |
GrismerMark2000 |
Avocado and Citrus Orchards along the Coast May Use Less Water |
GriswoldHB1941 |
Annual Tree Production Record Plan |
GriswoldHB1944 |
Cellophane Wrapped Avocados |
GriswoldHB1945 |
The Hass Avocado |
GriswoldHB1946 |
Primitive Avocados of Central America and Mexico |
GriswoldHB1946b |
Guatemalan Trip |
GriswoldHB1947 |
GriswoldHB1947b |
Committee on Foreign Exploration |
GriswoldHB1948 |
Committee on Foreign Exploration |
GriswoldHB1949 |
Report of the Committee on Foreign Exploration |
GriswoldHB1950 |
Report on the Committee on Foreign Explorations |
GriswoldHB1953 |
Report of the Foreign Exploration Committee - June 6, 1953 |
GriswoldHB1955 |
Report of the Foreign Exploration Committee: Annual Meeting June, 1955 |
GroblerM2015 |
Phosphonate treatments as part of early preventative control of Phytophthora root rot, pre- and post-planting - Preliminary report |
GroblerM2015b |
Evaluation of alternative methods to stem injections to apply phosphonate to avocado trees for Phytophthora control, i.e. bark and soil penetrants to enhance phosphonate uptake - Final report |
GroblerM2016 |
Phosphite treatments as part of early preventative control of Phytophthora root rot, pre- and post-planting |
GroblerM2016b |
Bark and soil penetrants used in alternative application methods of phosphonate for the control of Phytophthora root on avocado |
GroenewaldJA1985 |
Economic Aspects of Avocado Production: Orchard Replacement |
GroveT1998 |
Monitoring Fruit Flies in Avocado Orchards |
GroveT1999 |
The false codling moth, Cryptophlebia leucotreta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) on avocadoa literature review |
GroveT1999b |
The effect of heat shock treatments followed by a quarantine cold treatment on avocado fruit quality |
GroveT1999c |
Host status of Hass avocado fruit for the False Codling Moth, Cryptophlebia leucotreta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tortricadae) |
GroveT2000 |
Host status of Hass avocado fruit for the false codling moth, Cryptophlebia leucotreta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) |
GroveT2015 |
Fruit flies and avocado production - a world perspective |
GroveT2016 |
Indigenous host plants for economic important fruit fly species in South Africa |
GroveT2018 |
Relative numbers of fruit fly species in avocado orchards |
GuajardoSusana2002 |
Caracterizacion y evaluacion en almacenaje refrigerado del cv de palto Isabel (Persea americana Mill.) |
GuarnizDaysy2021 |
Efecto antagónico in vitro de microorganismos rizosféricos aislados de palto 'Hass' frente a Phytophthora cinnamomi / In vitro Antagonic Effect of Rizospheric Microorganisms Isolated from Avocado 'Hass' Against Phytophthora cinnamomi |
GuarnizDaysy2021b |
Efecto de un complejo de microrganismos eficientes en el incremento de la productividad del cultivo de palto 'Hass' bajo diferentes condiciones de manejo agronómico / Effect of a Complex of Efficient Microorganisms on the Increase of the Productivity of the 'Hass' Avocado Culture Under Different Agronomic Management Conditions |
GuetskyR2007 |
Metabolism of Epicatechin by Laccase of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides |
GuilIsaac1992 |
Pollination of the Hass Avocado Cultivar |
GuillemetFred1974 |
Root Rot Resistance Field Plots |
GuillemetFred1988 |
Field Evaluations of Some New Avocado Rootstocks |
GuillenAndradeH2007 |
Anthracnose: Research on Its Causing Agent in the Avocado Producing Area of Michoacan, Mexico |
GuilIsaac1992 |
Pollination of the Hass Avocado Cultivar |
GuiradoE2003 |
Influencia del rayado de tronco en la entrada en producción de árboles de Hass fuertemente podados |
GuiradoE2003b |
Plantaciones en colinas de frutos subtropicales. Influencia de la orientación y la cota en la demanda evaporativa. |
GuiradoE2015 |
Cultivo ecológico y convencional del aguacate. 13 años de observaciones en árboles adultos |
GuiradoE2015b |
Nutrición PK del aguacate. Conclusión de un experimento de 40 años |
GuiradoE2015c |
Comparación de portainjertos de aguacate Hass. Observaciones durante los primeros 7 años |
GulackWilliam1956 |
Avocados at the Retail Level |
GurD1989 |
Identification of the pollen donor in avocado, at the pollination and harvest stages |
GurovichA2015 |
Agricable - caso empírico de mecanización de la cosecha de paltas en laderas de cerro |
GurovichLuis0000 |
Aplicaciones del fitomonitoreo en el manejo del riego |
GustafsonCD0000 |
Review of Avocado Fertilizer Practices in San Diego County: A Comprehensive Study |
GustafsonCD1951 |
Frost Protection of Young Avocado Trees |
GustafsonCD1954 |
Fumigation of Avocado Soils: Fungus causing root rot can be controlled by fumigant but its use may prove lethal to trees |
GustafsonCD1957 |
Irrigation of Avocados in San Diego County |
GustafsonCD1958 |
San Diego County Avocado Industry |
GustafsonCD1959 |
San Diego County Avocado Industry |
GustafsonCD1960 |
"What are your production costs?" |
GustafsonCD1961 |
Soil Fumigation for Avocado Replants |
GustafsonCD1961b |
Avocado Irrigation and Tensiometers |
GustafsonCD1962 |
The Salinity Problem in Growing Avocados |
GustafsonCD1964 |
Temperature Changes in Fuerte Avocado from Tree to Market |
GustafsonCD1964b |
The Avocado Industry - Where is it Headed? |
GustafsonCD1965 |
Financing the Purchase and Operation of an Avocado Orchard |
GustafsonCD1966 |
History and Review of Studies on Cross-Pollination of Avocados |
GustafsonCD1966b |
Interplanting Complementary Avocado Varieties Aids Fruit Production |
GustafsonCD1966c |
1966 Cost to Produce Avocados in San Diego County |
GustafsonCD1966d |
Cost to Develop an Avocado Orchard in San Diego County |
GustafsonCD1967 |
1967 Cost to Produce Avocados in San Diego County |
GustafsonCD1967b |
The Avocado Industry in Israel |
GustafsonCD1968 |
1968 Costs to Produce Avocados in San Diego County |
GustafsonCD1968b |
Cost to Develop an Avocado Orchard in San Diego County |
GustafsonCD1968c |
Summary of Our Trip to Mexico |
GustafsonCD1969 |
Israel's Avocado Industry - 1969 |
GustafsonCD1969b |
Effect of Some Plant Hormones on the Rooting Capacity of Avocado Cuttings |
GustafsonCD1971 |
The Avocado Drip Irrigation Experiment |
GustafsonCD1971b |
Drip Irrigation |
GustafsonCD1971c |
The Avocado Industry in San Diego County, 1970 |
GustafsonCD1971d |
1970 Cost to Produce Avocados in San Diego County |
GustafsonCD1971e |
1970 Cost to Develop an Avocado Orchard in San Diego County |
GustafsonCD1971f |
Drip Irrigation Experiments with Avocados in San Diego County |
GustafsonCD1971g |
Avocado Growers' Study Mission #2 to Mexico - 1970 |
GustafsonCD1972 |
Fertilization of Avocado Trees |
GustafsonCD1972b |
1972 Cost to Produce Avocados in San Diego County |
GustafsonCD1972c |
How to Select an Avocado Orchard |
GustafsonCD1972d |
Drip Irrigation Experiments with Avocados in San Diego County |
GustafsonCD1974 |
1974 Costs to Produce Avocados in San Diego County |
GustafsonCD1974b |
Cost to Develop an Avocado Orchard in San Diego County - 1974 |
GustafsonCD1974c |
Drip Irrigation Experiment on Avocados |
GustafsonCD1976 |
World Avocado Production - 1976 |
GustafsonCD1976b |
Avocado Water Relations |
GustafsonCD1976c |
1976 Costs to Produce Avocados in San Diego County |
GustafsonCD1976d |
Fruit Removal from Steep Hillside Avocado Orchards (Progress Report) |
GustafsonCD1976e |
Cost to Develop an Avocado Orchard in San Diego County - 1976 |
GustafsonCD1976f |
The San Diego County Avocado Industry - 1975 |
GustafsonCD1976g |
1976 World Avocado Production |
GustafsonCD1977 |
The Avocado Industry in San Diego County |
GustafsonCD1977b |
Avocado Tree Defoliation |
GustafsonCD1979 |
Review of Avocado Fertilizer Practices in San Diego County |
GustafsonCD1979b |
1980 Avocado Production Costs-San Diego County |
GustafsonCD1979c |
1980 Avocado Orchard Development Costs – San Diego County |
GustafsonCD1979d |
History and Present Trends of Drip Irrigation |
GustafsonCD1979e |
A Review of Pest Control in Avocados |
GustafsonCD1979f |
Drip Irrigation on Avocados |
GustafsonCD1980 |
Review of Avocado Fertilizer Practices in San Diego County |
GustafsonCD1980b |
How to Buy an Avocado Orchard |
GustafsonCD1981 |
Management of Drip Irrigation Systems on Tree Crops |
GustafsonCD1983 |
February is the Month to Apply Fertilizer |
GustafsonCD1984 |
Comments on the South African Avocado Industry |
GutierrezDiezA2015 |
Identificación diferencial de etiquetas de secuencias expresadas de frutos de aguacate raza mexicana (Persea americana Mill. VAR. drymifolia) |
GutierrezDiezA2015b |
Caracterización molecular y análisis filogenético de los subgéneros Persea y Eriodaphne (Lauraceae) |
GutierrezDiezA2019 |
PRESENTACIÓN: Efecto de polifenoles totales de hojas de Persea americana var. drymifolia sobre cepa de Staphylococcus aureus resistente a meticilina |
GutierrezMarinVanessa2021 |
Identificación de los agentes causales de las principales patologías del aguacate de Colombia / Main Causal Agents of Pathologies Observed in Avocado Fields in Colombia |
GutierrezML2007 |
The Avocado in the Prehispanic Time Avocados in the Prehispanic Time |
HaasARC1929 |
Composition of Avocado Trees in Relation to Chlorosis and Tip-Burn |
HaasARC1935 |
Importance of Soil Aeration for Avocado Roots |
HaasARC1935b |
Accumulations of Salts in the Tips of Avocado Leaves in Relation to Tip-Burn |
HaasARC1936 |
Pectin in Avocado Leaves |
HaasARC1936b |
Chlorine in Relation to Ring-Neck in Avocado Fruits |
HaasARC1936c |
Growth of the Avocado Tree in Solution Culture |
HaasARC1936d |
Growth and Water Relations of the Avocado Fruit |
HaasARC1937 |
Further Progress in the Rooting of Fuerte Avocado Cuttings |
HaasARC1937b |
Distribution of Inorganic Constituents in Avocado Fruits |
HaasARC1937c |
Propagation of the Fuerte Avocado by Means of Leafy-Twig Cuttings |
HaasARC1937d |
Chemical Composition of Avocado Fruits |
HaasARC1938 |
Some Effects of Sun-Blotch on Fuerte Avocado Fruit |
HaasARC1938b |
Water Content of Avocado Fruit and Leaves |
HaasARC1939 |
Growth and Transpiration in Avocado Seedlings as Affected by Artificial Winds of Low Intensity |
HaasARC1939b |
Effects of pH on the Growth of Avocado Seedlings |
HaasARC1939c |
Avocado Leaf Symptoms Characteristic of Potassium, Phosphate, Manganese, and Boron Deficiencies in Solution Cultures |
HaasARC1939d |
Root Temperature Effects on the Growth of Walnut and Avocado Seedlings |
HaasARC1940 |
Importance of Root Aeration in Avocado and Citrus Trees |
HaasARC1941 |
The pH of Soils in Avocado Orchards |
HaasARC1941b |
Soil Moisture Range and the Growth of Young Lemon and Avocado Plants |
HaasARC1941c |
pH Determination in Plant Tissue |
HaasARC1943 |
Boron Content of Avocado Trees and Soils |
HaasARC1944 |
Toxicity of Boron for Avocado Seedlings |
HaasARC1945 |
Nitrogen, Potassium, and Phosphorus Content of Fuerte Avocado Fruits from Different Orchards |
HaasARC1947 |
Growth in Avocado Seedlings and the Continuity of the Nitrogen Supply |
HaasARC1947b |
Rainfall Distribution Under Fuerte Avocado Trees |
HaasARC1947c |
Nitrogen Effects on Avocado Seedlings in Soil Cultures |
HaasARC1949 |
Effect of the Application of Complete Fertilizers on the Composition of Fuerte Avocado Fruit |
HaasARC1949b |
Growth and Composition of Avocado Seedlings in Soil Cultures as Affected by the Relation of Calcium to Magnesium in the Applied Solution |
HaasARC1949c |
Growth of Avocado Seedlings as Affected by the Rate of Soil Drainage |
HaasARC1950 |
Rootstock Influence on the Composition of Scion Avocado Leaves |
HaasARC1950b |
Calcium In Relation to the Effects of Sodium in Avocado Seedlings |
HaasARC1950c |
Effect of Sodium Chloride on Mexican, Guatemalan, and West Indian Avocado Seedlingsf |
HaasARC1951 |
Variations in the Composition of Avocado Seed |
HaasARC1952 |
Sun-Blotch in Avocado Seedlings |
HaasARC1952b |
Sodium Effects on Avocado Rootstocks |
HaasARC1952c |
Importance of Inorganic Elements in the Growth of Avocado Trees |
HaasARC1953 |
Zutano Avocado Cuttings Rooted: Leafy-twig cuttings of vigorous Mexican variety readily rooted without special procedures or hormone treatments |
HaasARC1953b |
Inorganic Content of Portions of Avocado Fruit of Several Varieties Grown Under Various Orchard Conditions |
HaasARC1953c |
Total Sulphur Content and Its Effect on Avocado Leaves |
HaasARC1953d |
Some Inorganic Changes in the Pulp of Mature Fuerte Avocado Fruit |
HaasARC1954 |
Biuret, Toxic Form of Nitrogen: Soluble nitrogen compounds are not of equal value as fertilizers as shown by tests with citrus and avocado |
HaasARC1954b |
2,4-D Treated Avocado Plants: Plant growth regulator improved the vegetative growth in greenhouse tests with sand cultures |
HaasARC1954c |
2, 4-D Treatment of Avocado Plants |
HaasARC1955 |
Phosphate Response in Avocado Trees |
HaasARC1955b |
Chloride Toxicity in Avocados: Tests show chloride absorption and toxicity vary with the seedling variety and the form of nitrogen |
HaasARC1957 |
Leaf Malady of Avocado Trees: Leaves of trees of several varieties on various rootstocks seriously affected when placed under glasshouse conditions |
HaasARC1961 |
Effects of chromium on Citrus and Avocado grown in nutrient solutions |
HabermanAmnon2020 |
Management of VerticilliumWilt of Avocado Using Tolerant Rootstocks |
HackneyCR1995 |
Increasing Yield of Young Hass Avocado Trees using the Cincturing Technique |
HadariMatan2004 |
A Three-Dimensional Model of the Light Regime in an Avocado Orchard |
HaleCN1994 |
Avocado Research in New Zealand |
HallAlice1956 |
B Vitamin Content of Avocados: Studies reveal California-grown avocados are in superior group of foods as source of pantothenic acid and vitamin B6 |
HallahanDavid1992 |
Interactions of Avocado (Persea americana) Cytochrome P-450 with Monoterpenoids |
HallettCarol1980 |
The Impact of Politics on the Agriculture Industry |
HalmaFF1937 |
Recovery of Avocado Trees from the January 1937 Freeze |
HalmaFF1938 |
A Promising Method for Distinguishing Between Mexican and Guatemalan Avocado Bark |
HalmaFF1939 |
Vegetative and Reproductive Recovery of Avocado Trees from the January 1937 Freeze |
HalmaFF1942 |
Leaf Sap Concentration and Cold Resistance in the Avocado |
HalmaFF1946 |
Seasonal Effect on the Regeneration of Avocado Roots |
HalmaFF1948 |
Avocado Rootstock Trials in Santa Barbara County |
HalmaFF1948b |
Replacing Declined and Sun-Blotched Avocado Trees |
HalmaFF1949 |
Grafting Cold-Injured Avocados |
HalmaFF1949b |
Storing Avocado Seeds and Hastening Germination |
HalmaFF1950 |
Avocado Rootstock Investigations |
HalmaFF1951 |
Cold-Hardiness of Young Avocado Trees on Mexican and Guatemalan Rootstocks |
HalmaFF1951b |
Relative Susceptibility of Avocado Rootstocks to Chlorosis |
HalmaFF1952 |
An Approach to the Evaluation of Avocado Rootstock Variability |
HalmaFF1952b |
Relative Susceptibility of Avocado Rootstocks to Chlorosis |
HalmaFF1953 |
Chlorosis in Avocado: Young trees on Guatemalan rootstocks appear less tolerant to disorder than trees on Mexican stocks |
HalmaFF1953b |
Chlorosis in Avocado: May be caused by nutrients in soil or genetic variations in the variety |
HalmaFF1953c |
Avocado Rootstock Experiments - A 10-Year Report |
HalmaFF1953d |
Relative Susceptibility of Guatemalan and Mexican Avocado Varieties to Dothiorella Canker |
HamacekEd2005 |
Development of a Non-Chemical Treatment System for Avocado Against Queensland Fruit Fly for Interstate Trade |
HamiltonRA1953 |
The Avocado Situation in Hawaii |
HamiltonRA1971 |
Lychee Cultivars in Hawaii |
HannwegK1997 |
Towards the Development of a Method for the Clonal Propagation of Avocado Rootstocks |
HanrahanRK1987 | The use of phosetyl-Al against Phytophthora root rot in avocados |
HansenFJ1943 |
Nitrogen Fertilization of Avocados |
HanulaJames2008 |
Biology and Host Associations of Redbay Ambrosia Beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), Exotic Vector of Laurel Wilt Killing Redbay Trees in the Southeastern United States |
HanulaJames2008b |
Manuka Oil and Phoebe Oil are Attractive Baits for Xyleborus glabratus (Coleoptera: Scolytinae), the Vector of Laurel Wilt |
HanulaJames2008c |
Manuka Oil and Phoebe Oil are Attractive Baits for Xyleborus glabratus (Coleoptera: Scolytinae), the Vector of Laurel Wilt |
HanulaJames2012 |
PRESENTATION: Monitoring and Development of Detection Methods - Redbay Ambrosia Beetle Attractants and Trapping |
HardinWL1926 |
Back to the Soil |
HardingPaul1954 |
The Relation of Maturity to Quality in Florida Avocados |
HardingRobert1957 |
Leaf Burn on Sprinkled Citrus: Factors affecting leaf absorption of sodium and chloride from water sprinkler-applied to citrus and avocados studied |
HardisonED1950 |
A Grower's Observations of Frost Protection by Use of a Blower |
HardisonED1981 |
Four Score and Five Years of Good Works |
HargreavesPhilip1978 |
Residual ethylene dibromide and inorganic bromide levels in some fruit and vegetables after fumigation with ethylene dibromide or methyl bromide |
HarkerRoger1997 |
Texture of parenchymatous plant tissue: a comparison between tensile and other instrumental and sensory measurements of tissue strength and juiciness |
HarkerRoger2009 |
PRESENTATION: Consumer preferences and choice of fruit: the role of Avocado quality |
HarknessRoy1950 |
Weed Control Studies Around Young Avocado Trees |
HarknessRoy1954 |
Chemical and Physical Tests of Avocado Maturity |
HarknessRoy1957 |
Iron Chlorosis in Avocados |
HarknessRoy1971 |
Weed Control in Lime, Avocado and Mango Groves |
HarriesHW1936 |
Trial Avocado Planting in Arica, Chile, S. A. |
HarringtonTC2008 |
Raffaelea lauricola, a new ambrosia beetle symbiont and pathogen on the Lauraceae |
HarrisonMaria1993 |
Control biologico de Pseudococcus longispinus |
HarterThomas2022 |
PRESENTATION: Implementing the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) |
HartillWFT2002 |
Stem-End Rots: The Infection Portal |
HartillWFT2002b |
Inoculum sources and infection pathways of pathogens causing stem-end rots of 'Hass' avocado (Persea americana) |
HartyPA1985 |
Propagation of Avocados by Tissue Culture: Development of a Culture Medium for Multiplication of Shoots |
HarveyJames1945 |
Fungi Associated with Decline of Avocado in California |
HarveyJames1946 |
Some Observations on the Spread of Phytophthora Cinnamomi in Diseased Avocado Groves |
HassRudolph1935 |
Hass Patent, 8-27-1935 |
HattonTT1957 |
Effect of Fruit Position and Weight on Percentage of Oil in Lula Avocados in Florida |
HattonTT1957b |
Relation of Maturity to Certain Chemical and Physical Characters in Florida Avocados |
HattonTT1959 |
Evaluation of Indices for Florida Avocado Maturity |
HattonTT1963 |
Effects of the December 1962 Freeze on Lula and Taylor Avocado Fruits |
HattonTT1963b |
Postharvest Effects of Dipping and Fumigating Florida Avocados with Ethylene Dibromide and Ethylene Chlorobromide |
HattonTT1964 |
Seasonal Changes in Florida Avocados |
HattonTT1965 |
Maturity of Minor Varieties of Florida Avocados, 1964-65 |
HattonTT1972 |
Quality of 'Lula' Avocados Stored in Controlled Atmospheres with or without Ethylene |
HauschBethany2020 |
Chemical Characterization of Two California-Grown Avocado Varieties (Persea americana Mill.) over the Harvest Season with an Emphasis on Sensory-Directed Flavor Analysis |
HauschBethany2021 |
Sensory characterization of two California‐grown avocado varieties (Persea americana Mill.) over the harvest season by descriptive analysis and consumer tests |
HavengaW1999 |
Factors affecting biocontrol efficacy of Bacillus subtilis against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides |
HawsonMG1965 |
Avocado Industry in Western Australia |
HayeGerardo1999 |
Situacion actual y perspectivas de la palta en Chile |
HaymakerRobert1939 |
New Machine for Removing Scale from Avocados |
HeathRobert2003 |
Avocado Tree Physiology – Understanding the Basis of Productivity |
HeathRobert2004 |
Avocado Tree Physiology - Understanding the basis of Productivity (New Project: Year 3 of 5) |
HeathRobert2005 |
Avocado Tree Physiology – Understanding the Basis of Productivity (Continuing Project: Year 4 of 5) |
HeathRobert2006 |
PRESENTATION: Avocado Tree Physiology - Understanding the Basis of Productivity |
HeathRobert2006b |
Avocado Tree Physiology – Understanding the Basis of Productivity (Continuing Project: Year 5 of 5) |
HeathRobert2006c |
PRESENTATION: Midday depression of stomatal conductance in avocado leaves |
HeathRobert2007 |
Assimilation Productivity from Canopy to Fruit as Determined by Avocado Tree Physiology |
HedrickER1938 |
University Of California Berkeley: Office of the President |
HeismannPaul1939 |
Notes on Avocado Anatomy |
HendryNS1982 |
Attempts at Propagation of Avocados Using Various Techniques |
HennesseyMichael1995 |
Antibiosis to Caribbean Fruit Fly in Avocado Germplasm |
HenryCharles1978 |
An Independent Packer Views the Bumper Crop - A Challenging Opportunity |
HenryCharles1984 |
How to Benefit From "Pre-Ripe" |
HenryCharles1985 |
"Pre-Ripe"-An Update |
HenryPhil2013 |
In Memoriam - Charles Gilman Henry |
HenryWarren1962 |
The Role of the Independent Packer in the Avocado Industry |
HermosoJM1995 |
HermosoJM2003 |
Calidad de fruto en una colección de cultivares de aguacate |
HermosoJM2003b |
Efectos de seis tipos de materia orgánica en el crecimiento y la productividad de aguacates jovenes con baja fertilización nitrogenada |
HermosoJM2003c |
Comparación de aguacates cv. Hass cultivados en distintas áreas agroclimáticas |
HermosoJM2003d |
Comportamiento a largo plazo de los cvs. Fuerte y Hass sobre los portainjertos Lula y Topa-Topa en suelo pizarroso |
HermosoJM2003e |
Comparación de riego por goteo y microaspersión en árboles adultos del cv. Reed |
HermosoJM2003f |
Aplicación intermitente de agua sobre el follaje del aguacate hass |
HermosoJM2003g |
Nutrición PK del aguacate. Resumen de dos experimentos de 29 años. |
HermosoJM2003h |
Estudios sobre el podrido del aguacate en poscosecha |
HermosoJM2005 |
Phosphorus and Potassium Nutrition: A Summary of Two Twenty-Nine Year Experiments |
HermosoJM2007 |
Cultivo ecológico y convencional del aguacate |
HermosoJM2007b |
Riego alterno del aguacate con potencial matricial moderado en suelo |
HermosoJM2007c |
Efecto de la humedad de conservación, temperatura y humedad de maduración e inyección de etileno en el podrido en poscosecha del aguacate Hass |
HermosoJM2007d |
Podrido en poscosecha del aguacate Hass. Efectos de las temperaturas de conservación y maduración. Influencia del etileno. |
HermosoJM2007e |
Efecto de la conservacion a temperaturas fijas o alternas en el podrido en poscosecha del aguacate Hass |
HermosoJM2007f |
Nutrición de B, Zn y Cu del aguacate Hass. Influencia en cosecha. |
HernandezClaudio2001 |
Efecto del hongo micorriza (Glomus intraradíces Schenk & Smith) en el crecimiento del portainjerto mexícola (Persea americana Mill) cultivado bajo cinco tratamientos de fertilización |
HernandezFrancisco1991 |
Aproximacion al ciclo fenologico del palto (Persea americana Mill.), cultivar Hass, para la zona de Quillota, 5 Region |
HernandezPablo1999 |
Estudio de la competitividad económica en la producción de paltas |
HernandezHernandezE1999 |
Distribución de la podredumbre de raíz producida por Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands. en los cultivos de aguacate de Tenerife |
HernandezValdesEdgardo2021 |
Diagnóstico por dinámica nutrimental acumulada, herramienta para el monitoreo nutrimental / Diagnosis by Accumulated Nutrimental Dynamics, a Tool for Nutrimental Monitoring |
HerreraBasurtoJ2007 |
Aspersiones de calcio en la concentración nutrimental de hoja, cáscara y fruto de aguacate 'Hass' |
HerreraDaniel0000 |
Microelementos en palto. La importante funcion del Boro (B) en la produccion |
HerreraDaniel1992 |
Hacia la eficiencia del control de Phytophthora en paltos |
HerreraDaniel1993 |
Microelementos en palto. El hierro (Fe) muestra problemas en los huertos |
HerreraGonzalezJuan2013 |
El comportamiento poscosecha de frutos de aguacate 'Hass' es influenciado por el portainjerto / Postharvest performance of 'Hass' avocado fruit is influenced by rootstock |
HerreraGonzalezJuan2021 |
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides sensu lato principal agente causal de antracnosis en postcosecha del aguacate / Colletotrichum gloeosporioides sensu lato Main Causal Agent of Avocado Anthrachnosis in Postharvest |
HerreraRojasMario2011 |
Manejo integrado de palto |
HershkovitzVera2009 |
The role of the embryo and ethylene in avocado fruit mesocarp discoloration |
HershkovitzVera2009b |
Induction of ethylene in avocado fruit in response to chilling stress on tree |
HertogMaarten2002 |
The impact of biological variation on postharvest population dynamics |
HertogMaarten2003 |
The effect of modified atmospheres on the rate of quality change in 'Hass' avocado |
HertrichWmH1918 |
Care of the Avocado Tree for One Year after Leaving the Nursery |
HertrichWmH1922 |
Effect of the Recent Cold Weather on the Different Varieties of Avocados in Different Localities |
HertrichWmH1936 |
Early Experiences in Avocado Growing |
HertrichWmH1937 |
Twenty-five Years Experience With Avocados |
HidalgoErnesto1938 |
Address Delivered by the Honorable Ernesto Hidalgo |
HigginsJE1911 |
Seedling Avocados |
HigginsJE1916 |
The Growing of the Avocado in Hawaii |
HigginsJE1936 |
Avocado Growing in Panama |
HilligerGuillermo1976 |
Aplicacion de acido giberelico a semilla y plantulas de tres cultivares de palto (Persea americana Mill.) usados como portainjerto, para obtener un mayor crecimiento en altura y diametro en el momento de ser injertado |
HiltabrandWF1953 |
Report of the Special Sub-Committee of the Nursery Stock Certification Committee |
HiltonBarberDavid1995 |
HirtzlerVictor1917 |
The Avocado for the Table |
HitiBandaralageJCA2015 |
Gibberellin and cytokinin in synergy for a rapid nodal multiplication system of avocado |
HoHH1977 |
Morphology of Phytophthora cinnamomi |
HoakHarland1953 |
The Grower's Problems |
HoddleMark1997 |
Avocado Thrips: A Serious New Pest of Avocados in California |
HoddleMark1999 |
Science Briefs: Persea mite, thrips threaten avocados |
HoddleMark1999b |
Using Neoseiulus californicus for Control of Persea Mite |
HoddleMark1999c |
Determining the Susceptibility of Avocado Cultivars to Feeding by the Persea Mite, Oligonychus Perseae (Acari: Tetranychidae) |
HoddleMark2000 |
Avocado Thrips (Scirtothrips perseae Nakahara [Thysanoptera: Thripidae]) Biology and Management: Overview of Subprojects. |
HoddleMark2000b |
Avocado Thrips Subproject 1: Laboratory Studies on Biology, Field Phenology, and Foreign Exploration / Avocado Thrips Subproject 3: Pesticide Screening, Sabadilla Resistance, Goetheana and Lacewing Studies |
HoddleMark2000c |
Using Neoseiulus californicus for Control of Persea Mite |
HoddleMark2001 |
A Growers' Guide to Avocado Thrips Management 2001 |
HoddleMark2002 |
Avocado thrips: New challenge for growers |
HoddleMark2002b |
Phenology of Scirtothrips perseae Nakahara (Thysanoptera:Thripidae) and Associated Natural Enemies in Southern California Avocado Orchards |
HoddleMark2004 |
Persea Mite Biology and Monitoring |
HoddleMark2004b |
Biology and Management of Avocado Thrips |
HoddleMark2005 |
Results of Field Surveys for Neohydatothrips burungae in California (New Project: Year 1 of 2) |
HoddleMark2005b |
Biology and Management of Avocado Lace Bug (ALB) in California (New Project: Year 1) |
HoddleMark2005c |
Invasions of Leaf Feeding Arthropods: Why Are So Many New Pests Attacking California-Grown Avocados? |
HoddleMark2005d |
Avocado Lace Bug |
HoddleMark2005e |
Avocado Lace Bug in California |
HoddleMark2006 |
Biology and Management of Avocado Lace Bug in California: Year 1 of 3 |
HoddleMark2006b |
Neohydatothrips burungae (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) Phenology & Survey: Year 1 of 1 |
HoddleMark2006c |
PRESENTATION: Progress in Management of Avocado Lace Bug |
HoddleMark2006d |
Lurkers on the Threshold: Potential New Fruit Pests for California Avocados |
HoddleMark2007 |
Neohydatothrips burungae Phenology & Survey |
HoddleMark2007b |
Pseudacysta perseae: Biology and Management of Avocado Lace Bug in California |
HoddleMark2008 |
Neohydatothrips burungae: Field Surveys and Distribution in California |
HoddleMark2008b |
PRESENTATION: Proactive Research: Working South of the Border for the California Avocado Industry |
HoddleMark2009 |
PRESENTATION: Results from Field Trials Refining the Use of the Sex Pheromone of Stenoma catenifer, the Avocado Seed Moth, in Commercial Hass Avocado Orchards in Guatemala |
HoddleMark2009b |
Mitigating Invasion Threats to the California Avocado Industry through Collaboration |
HoddleMark2010 |
Proactive Surveys for Avocado Fruit Feeding Pests in Central or South American Countries Planning to Export Fresh Fruit into California |
HoddleMark2010b |
Proactive Surveys for Incipient Populations of the Avocado Seed Moth, Stenoma catenifer, in California |
HoddleMark2010c |
Are Thrips Important Pollinators of Avocados in California? |
HoddleMark2012 |
The Persea Mite Invasion into California: History, Biology, Management, and Current Status |
HodelDonald2012 |
Fusarium Dieback: A New and Serious Insect-Vectored Disease of Landscape Trees |
HodgkinGeorge1924 |
A Preview of the Marketing Situation |
HodgkinGeorge1925 |
Handling Methods |
HodgkinGeorge1925b |
The Present Outlook for a Commercial Avocado Industry in California |
HodgkinGeorge1926 |
"Calavo" |
HodgkinGeorge1933 |
Cutting Costs by Handling Specialty Products |
HodgkinGeorge1936 |
Industry Observations |
HodgkinGeorge1937 |
Marketing Avocados After the Freeze |
HodgkinGeorge1939 |
Avocado Standardization |
HodgkinGeorge1940 |
Looking Ahead in California |
HodgkinGeorge1942 |
The Avocado Outlook |
HodgkinGeorge1942b |
Marketing Comments |
HodgkinGeorge1943 |
The Avocado Market Situation and Outlook |
HodgkinGeorge1947 |
Marketing the Avocado Crop |
HodgkinGeorge1980 |
A Pilgrimage (1929) To The Parent Fuerte Tree |
HodgsonRW1921 |
Avocados as a Commercial Industry |
HodgsonRW1925 |
The Avocado in the Lower Rio Grande Valley |
HodgsonRW1926 |
The Florida Avocado Industry - A Survey |
HodgsonRW1927 |
Observations on Avocado Production Made From a Trip to Florida and Central America in February and March of 1927 |
HodgsonRW1927b |
HodgsonRW1929 |
Some Economic Aspects of the Avocado Industry in California and Florida |
HodgsonRW1930 |
Cross-Pollination |
HodgsonRW1930b |
The Division of Subtropical Horticulture and the Avocado Industry Plans and Prospects |
HodgsonRW1933 |
Horticultural Investigations on the Avocado |
HodgsonRW1934 |
On the Bearing Behavior of the Fuerte Avocado Variety in Southern California |
HodgsonRW1934b |
To Thin or Not to Thin - The Avocado Grower's Dilemma |
HodgsonRW1934c |
How to Overcome the Alternate Bearing of Avocados |
HodgsonRW1935 |
Temperature in Relation to the Alternate Bearing Behavior of the Fuerte Avocado Variety |
HodgsonRW1935b |
Avocado Fruit Abnormalities |
HodgsonRW1935c |
Studies on the Bearing Behavior of the Fuerte Avocado Variety: A Progress Report |
HodgsonRW1937 |
Correlations Between Seed, Seedling and Budling in the Avocado |
HodgsonRW1937b |
Recent Travels and Observations in India and Egypt |
HodgsonRW1937c |
Girdling to Induce Bearing in the Fuerte Avocado |
HodgsonRW1937d |
The University's Research Program on the Avocado |
HodgsonRW1938 |
Correlations between Size of Seed, Seedling and Nursery Tree in the Avocado |
HodgsonRW1940 |
Avocado Research at the University of California, Los Angeles - Progress and Plans |
HodgsonRW1940b |
Experiments on Fruit-Cluster Thinning in the Loquat |
HodgsonRW1940c |
Rootstocks for the Oriental Persimmon |
HodgsonRW1941 |
Avocado - Definition and Correct Pronunciation |
HodgsonRW1942 |
The Nitrogen Requirement of the Avocado Tree in California |
HodgsonRW1942b |
Our Research Program on the Minor Subtropical Fruits |
HodgsonRW1943 |
Observations on the History and Status of the Avocado Tree Decline and Collapse Problem in California |
HodgsonRW1943b |
The Fruit-Growing Industries and Possibilities of French North Africa |
HodgsonRW1944 |
Avocado Decline Investigations - A Progress Report, October 27, 1944 |
HodgsonRW1945 |
Suggestive Evidence of the Existence of Strains in the Fuerte Avocado Variety |
HodgsonRW1945b |
Research on the Avocado |
HodgsonRW1946 |
Is Alternate Bearing of Avocados Transmitted by the Root-Stock? |
HodgsonRW1946b |
The College of Agriculture Avocado Tree Decline Research Program |
HodgsonRW1946c |
Bearing Cycles of the Avocado |
HodgsonRW1947 |
Bearing Habits of the Avocado |
HodgsonRW1948 |
Alternate Bearing of Avocado: May be corrected eventually by one of two possible solutions to problem |
HodgsonRW1950 |
On the Comparative Resistance of the Avocado and Certain Other Tender Subtropicals and Tropicals to Low Winter Temperatures |
HodgsonRW1951 |
The Principal Work of the Division of Subtropical Horticulture on the Avocado |
HodgsonRW1951b |
Report of Long-term Research on the Avocado - studies on alternate bearing, varieties, rootstock, propagation and storage by Division of Subtropical Horticulture |
HodgsonRW1956 |
Current Avocado Research on the Los Angeles Campus |
HodgsonRW1959 |
The Avocado Industry of Chile |
HoenshelPaul1933 |
The Growing of Avocados in the Everglades |
HoenshelPaul1934 |
Problems in the Growing and Marketing of Avocados |
HoenshelPaul1939 |
Avocado Growing in the Okeechobee Region |
HoffmanJE1999 |
Seasonal Water Requirements of Avocado Trees Grown Under Subtropical Conditions |
HoffmanNeil1980 |
Changes of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic Acid Content in Ripening Fruits in Relation to their Ethylene Production Rates |
HofmanPJ1987 |
The involvement of polyphenol oxidase, abscisic acid and gibberellins in the expression of mesocarp discolouration in Fuerte avocado fruit |
HofmanPJ1995 |
HofmanPeter1997 |
Avocado Fruit Sampling Procedures Affect the Accuracy of the Dry Matter Maturity Test |
HofmanPeter2000 |
Percentage of Dry Matter and Oil Content Are Not Reliable Indicators of Fruit Maturity or Quality in Late-harvested ‘Hass’ Avocado |
HofmanPeter2001 |
Ripening and quality responses of avocado, custard apple, mango and papaya fruit to 1-methylcyclopropene |
HofmanPeter2002 |
Hot water treatments improve 'Hass' avocado fruit quality after cold disinfestation |
HofmanPeter2002b |
Tree yield and fruit minerals concentrations influence 'Hass' avocado fruit quality |
HofmanPeter2003 |
Low temperature conditioning before cold disinfestation improves 'Hass' avocado fruit quality |
HofmanPeter2005 |
Improving Avocado Fruit Quality through Tree Nutrition - Present Knowledge |
HofmanPeter2009 |
PRESENTATION: Exporting Australian avocados: Challenges, options and research |
HofshiReuben0000 |
Honey bees and your avocado orchard - an argument for a bee cooperative |
HofshiReuben0000b |
Should Avocado Growers Consider A "Nursery Cooperative"? |
HofshiReuben0000c |
Perú - Avocado industry in the desert |
HofshiReuben0000d |
Letter to the Editor: A vision for the future avocado industry |
HofshiReuben0000e |
Preliminary Report on the Feasibility of 'Snap' Harvesting 'Hass' Avocado |
HofshiReuben1994 |
Avocado Productivity: an Overview |
HofshiReuben1995 |
Harnessing the Honeybee to Improve Pollination of the Avocado Flower: A Summary of Dr. Gad Ish-Am's Seminars |
HofshiReuben1995b |
A Conversation with Tony Whiley |
HofshiReuben1996 |
Clone Your Own Avocado at Home |
HofshiReuben1996b |
Experiments with Cloning Avocado Rootstocks |
HofshiReuben1996c |
Accepted and Perceived Limiting Factors to Avocado Production in Israel - Solutions and Setbacks |
HofshiReuben1996d |
We Can Shape Our Future |
HofshiReuben1999 |
High-Density Avocado Planting - An Argument for Replanting Trees |
HofshiReuben1999b |
Some Economic Reasons to Consider Canopy Management |
HofshiReuben1999c |
Pollination, Pollinators and Pollinizers |
HofshiReuben2000 |
'Lamb Hass' Maturity and Fruit Quality Study (Continuing Project; Year 2 of 3) |
HofshiReuben2001 |
Hass Cultivation in Mexico |
HofshiReuben2001b |
What Should You Do in the Face of International Competition? |
HofshiReuben2002 |
Should the California Avocado Industry Consider "Snap" Harvesting? |
HofshiReuben2002b |
The Chilean Avocado Industry: An Overview |
HofshiReuben2002c |
Avocado Fruit Abnormalities and Defects Revisited |
HofshiReuben2004 |
WWW.AVOCADOSOURCE.COM: A web based virtual library of avocado |
HofshiReuben2004b |
Beyond Yield: Re-Engineering the Avocado |
HofshiReuben2004c | the avocado world at your fingertips (PRESENTATION) |
HofshiReuben2004d |
Nuevas plagas en California (PRESENTACIÓN) |
HofshiReuben2006 |
PRESENTATION: Plantaciones en ladera y alta densidad (Plantings on hillsides and high densities) |
HojasConstanza2009 |
PRESENTACIÓN: Nitrogeno. Fuentes, eficiencia y costos: una revisión. |
HolcroftDeirdre2001 |
Modification of ethylene-induced ripening of ‘Hass’ avocados by an ethylene absorbing filter |
HoldenDavid2012 |
A Commercial Extract of the Brown Seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum Suppresses Avocado Thrips and Persea Mites in Field-Grown Hass Avocados, A Practical Field Perspective |
HoldenDavid2014 |
AG RX Spring 2014 Avocado-Citrus Meeting |
HolmTheo1935 |
Germination of Avocado Seeds |
HolmesMA1993 |
Orchard Microclimate as Modified by Windbreaks: A Preliminary Investigation |
HomskyShaul1995 |
The avocado industry in Israel - an overview |
HomskyShaul2003 |
Avocado in Israel 2003 |
HopeT1963 |
Quality Tests Identify Best Avocadoes |
HopkirkGlen1994 |
Influence of postharvest temperatures and the rate of fruit ripening on internal postharvest rots and disorders of New Zealand 'Hass' avocado fruit |
HoraKatja2024 |
More Fruits Were Set by Application of Iodine with Potassium Nitrate as Soil Application In 'Maluma Hass' Avocado in Tzaneen |
HormazaJI2010 |
PRESENTATION: Avocado research at the E.E. la Mayora, Malaga, Spain |
HormazabalPaola1999 |
Efecto de la IV Gama en la mezcla de lechuga (Lactuca sativa) tipo Escarola y palta (Persea americana Mill) cvs. Edranol, Hass y Negra de la Cruz |
HorneWmT1926 |
Avocado Fruit Decays |
HorneWmT1927 |
Notes on Fruit Decays of the Feijoa (Feijoa sellowiana Berg.) |
HorneWmT1929 |
Carapace Spots |
HorneWmT1932 |
Pests and Diseases - Latest Developments in Avocado Disease Control |
HorneWmT1933 |
Pests and Diseases - Latest Developments in Avocado Disease Control |
HorneWmT1934 |
Avocado Diseases in California |
HorneWmT1935 |
Cause and Control of Important Avocado Diseases |
HorneWmT1935b |
The Control of Dothiorella Rot on Avocado Fruits |
HorneWmT1937 |
Dothiorella Fungus In Frozen Avocado Trees |
HorneWmT1938 |
Report on Trip to Mexico |
HorneWmT1938b |
English Text of Address Given at the Presentation of Medal to Senor Le Blanc at Atlixco, April 17, 1938 |
HorneWmT1941 |
Avocado Trunk Cankers |
HorneWmT1941b |
The Nature of Sun-Blotch and its Practical Control |
HorneWmT1942 |
Notes on the Fruits of Seventy-five Puebla Seedlings |
HornerIJ2004 |
Evaluation of Phytoptora Control in Avocados |
HorstBerger1982 |
Almacenamiento de paltas (Persea americana Mill) cv. Fuerte y Hass en atmosfera controlada, atmosfera modificada y refrigeracion comun |
HorstBerger1984 |
Maduracion programada de paltas |
HortInnovation2017 |
Avocado Fund Annual Report 2016/17 |
HortInnovation2018 |
Avocado Fund Annual Report 2017/18 |
HortInnovation2018b |
Avocado Fruit Quality Problem Solver |
HortInnovation2019 |
Avocado Fund Annual Report 2018/19 |
HortInnovation2020 |
Avocado Fund Annual Report 2019/20 |
HortInnovation2021 |
Avocado Fund Annual Report 2020/21 |
HortInnovation2022 |
Avocado Fund Annual Report 2021/22 |
HortInnovation2023 |
Avocado Fund Annual Report 2022/23 |
HorticultureInnovationAustralia2016 |
Avocado Annual Report 2015/16 |
HowarthMS2003 |
Online Non-Destructive Avocado Firmness Assessment Based on Low-Mass Impact Technique |
HowdenMark2005 |
Climate Change - Risks and Opportunities for the Avocado Industry |
HuangLiShar1991 |
Metabolically Driven Self-Restoration of Energy-Linked Functions by Avocado Mitochondria: General Characteristics and Phosphorylative Aspects |
HuberDonald1993 |
Polyuronides in Avocado (Persea americana) and Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Fruits Exhibit Markedly Different Patterns of Molecular Weight Downshifts during Ripening |
HuberDonald2008 |
Suppression of Ethylene Responses Through Application of 1-Methylcyclopropene: A Powerful Tool for Elucidating Ripening and Senescence Mechanisms in Climacteric and Nonclimacteric Fruits and Vegetables |
HubertyMartin1943 |
Solid, Liquid, Gaseous Phase Relationships of Soils on Which Avocado Trees Have Declined |
HubertyMartin1943b |
The Drainage and Permeability Characteristics of the Soils on which Avocado Tree Decline and Collapse Are Prevalent |
HubertyMartin1955 |
The South Coast Field Station |
HubertyMartin1956 |
Plans and Progress Report on South Coast Field Station |
HuettDO1996 |
Prospects for manipulating the vegetative-reproductive balance in horticultural crops through nitrogen nutrition: a review |
HuettDO2000 |
An evaluation of the rationale for fertiliser management of tropical fruit crops |
HuettDO2004 |
Macadamia physiology review: a canopy light response study and literature review |
HulcrJiri2011 |
The sudden emergence of pathogenicity in insect–fungus symbioses threatens naive forest ecosystems |
HulcrJiri2011b |
The Scent of a Partner: Ambrosia Beetles Are Attracted to Volatiles from Their Fungal Symbionts |
HulcrJiri2012 |
PRESENTATION: What's wrong with ambrosia beetles these days? |
HumanNB1987 |
Mapping of areas climatically suited to the production of avocado under irrigation in the Eastern Transvaal |
HumanTP1987 |
Oil as a byproduct of the avocado |
HummasonEdwin1933 |
Building the Market |
HurlebausEH1926 |
Random Remarks on Avocados |
HuwerRuth2015 |
A multi-targeted approach to management of fruitspotting bugs - major pests in tropical and subtropical horticulture in Australia |
HuysamerM2003 |
The effect of relative humidity and ethylene scrubbing on 'Fuerte' and 'Hass' avocado fruit quality |
HwangChengShine1995 |
Cloning of a Gene Expressed during Appressorium Formation by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and a Marked Decrease in Virulence by Disruption of This Gene |
IbacacheAntonio1998 |
Programa de mejoramiento en diversas especies frutales en el Norte Chico |
IbacacheAntonio1998b |
Fertilizacion del palto |
IbarraLacletteEnrique2015 |
Deep sequencing of the Mexican avocado transcriptome, an ancient angiosperm with a high content of fatty acids |
IgnotoA2007 |
Argentine Avocados: Trade and Future Perspectives |
IllsleyCarlos1992 |
Review of the Mexican Avocado Industry in 1991 |
ImbertFiona1997 |
Delayed Pistil Senescence Causes an Overlap in Protogyny in 'Tonnage' Avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) |
InoueHiroaki1989 |
Differentiation and Development of Avocado Flower Buds in Japan |
InoueHiroaki1990 |
Effects of Temperature on the Flowering Behavior of Avocado Trees |
InoueHiroaki1990b |
Studies on the Bearing Behavior and Yield Composition of the Avocado Tree |
InoueHiroaki1991 |
Scanning Electron Microscope Observation of Abnormal Flowers and Their Frequency in Avocado Trees |
InoueHiroaki1992 |
Morphology and Fertility of Pollen of Avocado (Persea americana MILL.) |
InoueHiroaki1995 |
IPGRI_1995 |
Descriptors for Avocado |
IPGRI_1995 |
Descriptores para aguacate |
IrihimovitchVered2010 |
בעיית גודל הפרי באבוקדו 'האס': מהו הגורם המגביל? / The problem of fruit size in "Hass" avocado. The question of the limiting factor |
IshAmGad1991 |
Possible Routes of Avocado Tree Pollination by Honeybees |
IshAmGad1991b |
New Insight into Avocado Flowering in Relation to Its Pollination |
IshAmGad1992 |
New Insight into Avocado Flowering in Relation to Its Pollination |
IshAmGad1993 |
The behaviour of honeybees (Apis mellifera) visiting avocado (Persea americana) flowers and their contribution to its pollination |
IshAmGad1995 |
IshAmGad1995b |
IshAmGad1997 |
Insectos polinizadores del aguacate en los estados de Mexico y Michoacan |
IshAmGad1998 |
Low attractiveness of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) flowers to honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) limits fruit set in Israel |
IshAmGad1998b |
Mobility of honey bees (Apidae, Apis mellifera L) during foraging in avocado orchards |
IshAmGad1999 |
IshAmGad1999b |
Background Information and Ideas on Avocado Pollination |
IshAmGad1999c |
Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Pollinators in its Region of Origin |
IshAmGad2004 |
PRESENTATION: Avocado Pollination Basics |
IshAmGad2004b |
Avocado Pollination Basics – A Short Review |
IshAmGad2004c |
Pollination of Avocado in Israel: Practice and Experiments - A Short Review |
IshAmGad2005 |
Avocado Pollination – A Review |
IshAmGad2007 |
Achieving Larger 'Ettinger' Fruits in Western Galilee, Israel |
IshAmGad2008 |
Daily Patterns of Avocado Bloom and Honeybee Activity |
IssacovichConstantin1938 |
Pioneering With Avocados In Argentina |
IssacovichConstantin1940 |
Romance of the Avocado in Obera, Misiones, Argentina |
ItoPJ1980 |
Classification of Hawaiian Avocado Cultivars According to Flower Types |
ItoPJ1980b |
Fumigation of Avocado Fruit with Methyl Bromide |
IturrietaRodrigo2015 |
POSTER: External anatomy of a 'Hass' avocado (Persea americana, Mill.) shoot. |
IturrietaRodrigo2015b |
POSTER: Fruit presence alters the vegetative and reproductive shoot growth in 'Hass' avocado (Persea americana, Mill.) |
IturrietaRodrigo2015c |
POSTER: Surveying the vegetative and reproductive growth of 'Hass' avocado (Persea americana Mill.) shoots. |
IveySterling2011 |
Laurel Wilt Disease Identified in Miami-Dade County |
IvinsCF1956 |
The Concept, Duties, and Operations of the Florida Avocado and Lime Commission |
IzharY1995 |
CONTROL OF THE GIANT LOOPER Boarmia Selenaria (Ascotis) |
JacobsenWC1927 |
JaffaME0000 |
The Nutritive Value of the Avocado |
JaffaME1915 |
Food Value of the Avocado |
JaffaME1915b |
Food Value of the Avocado |
JaffaME1916 |
The Mineral Elements of the Avocado |
JaffaME1916b |
Further Investigations of the Composition and Food Value of the Avocado |
JaffaME1917 |
Studies on the Composition and Nutritive Value of Some Sub-Tropical Fruits |
JaffaME1921 |
Discussion of Analyses of Avocados from the Standpoint of Nutrition |
JaganathI1995 |
Efficacy Studies on Prebloom Canopy Applications of Boron and/or Urea to 'Hass' Avocados in California |
JaganathI1995b |
JamesSachin2007 |
JamiesonSW1920 |
Growing Avocados from Slips |
JangEric2001 |
Effect of heat shock and quarantine cold treatment with a warm temperature spike on survival of Mediterranean fruit fly eggs and fruit quality in Hawaii-grown 'Sharwil' avocado |
JansenEugene1963 |
Metabolism of Labeled Ethylene in the Avocado - Appearance of Tritium in the Methyl Group of Toluene |
JansenEugene1964 |
Metabolism of Labeled Ethylene in the Avocado. II. Benzene and Toluene from Ethylene-14C; Benzene from Ethylene-3H |
JansenEugene1965 |
Formation of Benzene and Toluene from Acetylene-14C in the Avocado |
JansenEugene1969 |
Metabolism of Carbon-14-Labeled Benzene and Toluene in Avocado Fruit |
JaqueMathias2001 |
Evaluación técnica del comportamiento de paltos (persea americana mill) cv. Hass en dos edades sometidos a un sistema de poda en seto |
JaqueRaul0000 |
Efecto del calibre y la altura del fruto dentro del árbol sobre el contenido de aceite, en palta (Persea americana Mill.) cvs. Hass y Fuerte. |
JaraFrancisco2007 |
Comparación del período de madurez en palta Hass en cinco zonas productoras de Chile (Temporadas 2003-2005) |
JeffersonLaura1973 |
Collecting Avocados in Mexico |
JengJungS2007 |
Maturity and Heat Pretreatment Influence on Storage Quality at Low Temperature of Some Local Varieties of Avocado Persea americana Mill in Taiwan |
JengJungS2007b |
Influence of Temperature on the Storage Quality of Some Local Avocado (Persea americana Mill) Varieties in Taiwan |
JenkinsAnna1939 |
Historical Records of Avocado Scab in Florida and Cuba |
JeongJiwon0000 |
PRESENTATION: The potential benefits of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) for retarding ripening and extending the storage life of avocados |
JeongJiwon0000b |
PRESENTATION: 1-Methylcyclopropene and Waxing Influence the Ripening and Storage Life of Avocado Fruit |
JeongJiwon2002 |
Influence of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) on ripening and cell-wall matrix polysaccharides of avocado (Persea americana) fruit |
JeongJiwon2003 |
Delay of avocado (Persea americana) fruit ripening by 1-methylcyclopropene and wax treatments |
JeongJiwon2004 |
Suppression of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Fruit Softening and Changes in Cell Wall Matrix Polysaccharides and Enzyme Activities: Differential Responses to 1-MCP and Delayed Ethylene Application |
JessupAndrew1991 |
High-temperature Dip and Low Temperatures for Storage and Disinfestation of Avocados |
JetterKaren2004 |
Agri-Mek Section 18 Approved for the 2004 Field Season |
JetterKaren2004b |
Dynamic Benefits of Invasive Pest Control in California Avocado Production (One Year Project) |
JimenezIzarrarazMP2003 |
Comercialización de las empresas exportadoras michoacanas de aguacate a los Estados Unidos de América |
JimenezLopezLE1980 |
Algunos aspectos criticos de la distribucion de la palta en Chile |
JimenezMasisRosaMaria2016 |
Evaluación de los servicios de polinización de Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) en el cultivo del aguacate (Persea americana Mill var. Hass) y su aporte en la producción. San Pablo de León Cortés, San José, Costa Rica. |
JimenezRafael0000 |
Generalización del cultivar tardío California (Persea americana Mill), como una alternativa más para el desarrollo de la fruticultura cubana |
JimenezRafael0000b |
Estudio de distancias de plantación para cuatro cultivares de aguacatero (Persea americana Mill.) en las condiciones de Cuba |
JimenezRafael2000 |
Estudio de 11 cultivares de aguacatero en cuba (Persea americana Mill), su crecimiento, rendimiento y algunas características fonológicas, físicas y químicas del fruto |
JimenezRafael2005 |
Manual Práctico para el Cultivo del Aguacatero en Cuba |
JimenezRafael2007 |
Labores de cultivos en plataciones de aguacatero cvs. Hass y California en La Habana Cuba |
JimenezRafael2007b |
Principales cultivares que se utilizan en Cuba |
JimenezRafael2007c |
Influencia de dos patrones sobre el crecimiento, rendimiento y calidad física de la fruta de seis cultivares aguacatero en La Habana Cuba |
JimenezRafael2007d |
Primeros reportes de daños en ramas y troncos en plantaciones de aguacatero causados por Neotermes castaneus Snyder en La Habana Cuba |
JimenezRafael2007e |
Influencia de cuatro patrones de aguacatero sobre el crecimiento y rendimiento del cultivar Catalina a una distancia de plantación de 10 x 5 m con cultivos asociados en las condiciones de Cuba |
JimenezRafael2009 |
Comportamiento de 17 cultivares comerciales de aguacates a la Tristeza (Phytopthora cinnamomi Rand) en las condiciones de Cuba y su manejo mediante poda de restauración. |
JimenezRosalesP1999 |
Estudio fenológico de dos nuevas selecciones de aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass en la región de Tacámbaro |
JohannsmeierMF1997 |
Honeybees in an Avocado Orchard: Forager Distribution, Influence on Fruit Set and Colony Development |
JohannsmeierMF1999 |
Some factors affecting pollination and yield of Hass avocados |
JohansenNaimeRM1999 |
Introduccion al conocimiento de los insectos tisanopteros mexicanos, en el aguacatero (Persea americana Miller) / An Introduction to the Knowledge of Mexican Thysanoptera, on the Avocado (Persea americana Miller) |
JohansenNaimeRM2003 |
The Present Knowledge of the Mexican Thysanoptera (Insecta), Inhabiting Avocado Trees (Persea americana Miller) |
JohansenNaimeRM2007 |
About Some Thrips Species Assemblages Found in Avocado Trees (Persea americana Mill) in Mexico |
JohanssonIngvar1970 |
The isolation of both a talo-heptulose and an allo-heptulose from the avocado. Some new paper-chromatographic data on haptuloses. |
JohnsenRichard1971 |
Realities in Research Money |
JohnsonArthur1965 |
Australia Note |
JohnsonEthelbert1945 |
Weed Control in Avocado Orchards |
JohnsonELV1971 |
Collections for Root Rot Resistance in Guatemala, Mexico and El Salvador |
JohnsonELV1972 |
Avocado Collecting in Guatemala |
JohnsonHunter1959 |
The Avocado Situation in Los Angeles County |
JohnstonJC1948 |
Frost Protection |
JohnstonJC1955 |
Orchard Management |
JohnstonJC1956 |
Avocado Propagation |
JohnstonJason1998 |
Selection of a surface coating and optimisation of its concentration for use on 'Hass' avocado (Persea americana Mill.) fruit |
JolliffeJB2018 |
The temporal nature of Phytophthora cinnamomi colonisation in avocado roots – Preliminary report |
JolliffeJB2019 |
Assessing the effect of rootstock and number of trunk injections on Phytophthora cinnamomi root DNA quantities in avocado |
JonesD1929 |
Proteins of the Avocado (Persea Americana Mill) |
JonesWW1957 |
Number of Replications and Plot Sizes Required for Reliable Evaluation of Nutritional Studies and Yield Relationships with Citrus and Avocado |
JongTruMing1997 |
Avocado Breeding in Taiwan (in Chinese) |
JoosteAEC2018 |
Report on Avocado sunblotch viroid studies in South Africa |
JoosteAEC2019 |
Avocado sunblotch viroid in South Africa: Present status and future prospects |
JoosteAEC2021 |
Avocado Sunblotch Viroid (ASBVd) symptom identification and detection in avocado orchards |
JoosteAEC2022 |
Understanding Field Transmission of Avocado Sunblotch Viroid (ASBVd) |
JoosteElize2024 |
The Role of Honey Bees in the Spread of Avocado Sunblotch Viroid (ASBVd) |
JoosteElize2024b |
JordaanE2022 |
Supporting Crop Establishment and Trees in Established Avocado Orchards, by Way of Combined Use of Biological and Chemical Solutions |
JordaanE2024 |
Supporting Crop Establishment and Trees in Established Avocado Orchards by Way of Combined Use of Biological and Chemical Solutions |
JordanLowell1968 |
Recent Advances in Perennial Grass Control in Avocado Orchards |
JordanLowell1987 |
Herbicide use for weed control in avocado culture |
JordanLowell1989 |
Vegetation Management in Avocados |
JoubertE2022 |
Evaluation of Different Integrated Pest Management Strategies for the Management of Thrips in Avocado Orchards |
JoubertE2023 |
Evaluation of Different Integrated Pest Management Strategies for the Management of Thrips in Avocado Orchards |
JoubertPH1994 |
Stink Bug Damage on Avocado Fruit in the Nelspruit Region |
JoyceDaryl1995 |
Effect of delayed film wrapping and waxing on the shelf life of avocado fruit |
JutziChristine1996 |
Mexican Avocados Seized in US |
JutziChristine1996b |
Fire Burns Ventura County Groves |
JutziChristine1996c |
No Mexican Avocados Soon, Says USDA |
KadmanAmnon1962 |
Soil Treatments with Iron Chelates to Cure Chlorotic Avocado Trees in Israel |
KadmanAmnon1962b |
Selection of avocado rootstocks, tolerant to saline irrigation water, and their vegetative propagation |
KadmanAmnon1963 |
The Uptake and Accumulation of Chloride in Avocado Leaves and the Tolerance of Avocado Seedlings under Saline Conditions |
KadmanAmnon1964 |
The Uptake and Accumulation of Sodium in Avocado Seedlings |
KadmanAmnon1965 |
A Review of Experiments on Some Factors Influencing the Rooting of Avocado Cuttings |
KadmanAmnon1968 |
Selection of Avocado Rootstock Suitable for Use with Saline Irrigation Water |
KadmanAmnon1971 |
The Use of Potassium Salt of Indole Butyric Acid (KIBA) in Rooting Avocado Cuttings |
KadmanAmnon1971b |
Experiments with Various Treatments to Cure Chlorotic Avocado Trees |
KadmanAmnon1971c |
Preparation of Avocado Leaves for Chemical Analysis of Nutrient Elements |
KadmanA1973 |
Some Abnormalities Observed in Avocado Fruits and Flowers |
KadmanAmnon1973b |
A Rapid Method for Curing Chlorotic Avocado Trees |
KadmanAmnon1976 |
Effect of the Age of Juvenile Stage Avocado Seedlings on the Rooting Capacity of Their Cuttings |
KadmanAmnon1976b |
A Method for Measuring the "Covering Area" of Avocado Trees |
KadmanAmnon1977 |
Experiments with Zinc Applications to Avocado Trees |
KadmanA1980 |
G.A.-13 Avocado Rootstock Selection |
KadmanA1980b |
Maoz Avocado Rootstock Selection |
KadmanA1981 |
'Fuchs-20' Avocado Rootstock |
KaiserC1992 |
Overview of lipids in the avocado fruit, with particular reference to the Natal Midlands |
KaiserC1993 |
Aspects of Late Hung 'Hass' Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Fruit in the Natal Midlands I. Fruit Lipid and Fatty Acid Accumulation |
KaiserC1993b |
Vascular and Associated Tissue of 'Hass' Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Fruit |
KaiserC1993c |
Aspects of Late Hung 'Hass' Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Fruit in the Natal Midlands II. Whole Tree Starch Cycling |
KaiserC1993d |
ABSTRACT: Some Physiological Aspects of Delayed Harvest of 'Hass' Avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) in the Natal Midlands |
KaiserC1995 |
Distal-end Browning ('Bolverkleuring') of Fuerte Fruit in the Kwazulu/Natal Midlands |
KaiserC1995b |
Maturity Standards for Fuerte Fruit in the Kwazulu/Natal Midlands |
KaiserC1995c |
KaiserC1996 |
Towards Improved Maturity Standards for Fuerte Avocado Fruit in the Cool Subtropical Kwazulu-Natal Midlands |
KaiserC1997 |
Determination of Critical Root Concentrations of Phosphonate to Control Phytophthora Root Rot in Avocado |
KaiserC2005 |
In-vitro inhibition of mycelial growth of several phytopathogenic fungi, including Phytophthora cinnamomi by soluble silicon |
KalalaMB2005 |
Contribution of the seed to fruit development: A tool to understand avocado tree management and fruit maturity parameters |
KaluwaK2010 |
Silicon application effects on 'Hass' avocado fruit physiology |
KalmarDov1976 |
Water requirements of avocado in the Western Galilee. a) The effect of different irrigation treatments on water consumption, salt content in the soil and root distribution. Alón Hanotea 30:629-643 (in Hebrew). |
KalmarDov1977 |
Water requirements of avocado in Israel. I. Tree and soil parameters |
KamaliAR1972 |
Effect of Gamma Irradiation on 'Fuerte' Avocado Fruits |
KanellisAngelos1989 |
Hydrolytic Enzyme Activities and Protein Pattern of Avocado Fruit Ripened in Air and in Low Oxygen, with and without Ethylene |
KanellisAngelos1991 |
Suppression of Cellulase and Polygalacturonase and Induction of Alcohol Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes in Avocado Fruit Mesocarp Subjected to Low Oxygen Stress |
KanellisAngelos1992 |
Cellulase Occurs in Multiple Active Forms in Ripe Avocado Fruit Mesocarp |
KaplanerUrsula1986 |
Formulacion de productos en base a paltas Fuerte y Hass |
KaplanZohar1971 |
ABSTRACT: Avocado seeds germination: changes which occur in seed composition during the germination process and the effect of plant growth regulators on germination |
KarahanAhmed2015 |
Sublethal imidacloprid effects on honey bee flower choices when foraging |
KarmelicJulia1983 |
Simulacion de embarque de paltas irradiadas |
KarmelicJulia1983b |
Preservacion de paltas var. Fuerte por tratamiento combinado de calor e irradiacion |
KassonMatthew2012 |
PRESENTATION: Yet another ambrosia beetle with a Fusarium symbiont: Euwallacea validus associated with Verticillium wilt of Ailanthus |
KatzEhud1995 |
Avocado Productivity: Pollination, Pollenizers, Fruit Set and Abscission |
KatzEhud1995 |
Avocado Productivity: Pollination, Pollenizers, Fruit Set and Abscission / פוריות אבוקדו: האבקה, מפריס, חנטה ונשירת פירות |
KatzEhud1995 |
ABSTRACT: Avocado Productivity: Pollination, Pollenizers, Fruit Set and Abscission |
KayE1963 |
Seasonal Regeneration of Avocado Fruit Tissue in Vitro |
KeDangyang1995 |
Regulation of Fermentative Metabolism in Avocado Fruit under Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Stress |
KellerLester1917 |
Symposium on Irrigation |
KellerLester1918 |
How far can we go with the avocado as a food ? Will people eat it, and to what extent? |
KelleyWP1917 |
A New Sugar in the Avocado |
KelloggGeorge1971 |
The Fuerte Avocado in Yorba Linda |
KelloggJH1934 |
The Priceless Diatetic Value of Florida's Tropical Fruits - the Citrus, the Avocado and the Papaya |
KelloggJH1935 |
The Priceless Dietetic Value of the Citrus, the Avocado, and the Papaya |
KendallHarold1956 |
Marketing of Limes and Avocados in Florida |
KendallHarold1956b |
Avocados in Florida |
KendrickJB1979 |
Whither Agricultural Research? |
KepnerRoy1933 |
Avocado Growers Tour |
KepnerRoy1946 |
Thinning the Avocado Grove |
KerbelEduardo1987 |
Effect of Postharvest Heat Treatments for Insect Control on the Quality and Market Life of Avocados |
KerguelenV2000 |
Comparison of the susceptibility of several cultivars of avocado to the persea mite, Oligonychus perseae (Acari: Tetranychidae) |
KesslerKenneth1965 |
Tip Analysis as a Method for Current Evaluation of the Effect of Micro-Nutrients on Plants |
KhazanoffAmram1936 |
Avocado Notes from Haifa, Palestine |
KhewKL1974 |
Electrotactic Response of Zoospores of Seven Species of Phytophthora |
KhodadadiFatemeh2023 |
PRESENTATION: The consequences of flooding and mitigation strategies to consider |
KiddKenton1982 |
The Retailer Is On Your Team; Cultivate Him! |
KigerFrancisco1980 |
Preservacion de palta (Persea americana Mill.) variedad Fuerte, mediante el uso de aditivos quimicos y bajas temperaturas |
KikutaYoshio1968 |
Seasonal Changes of Avocado Lipids During Fruit Development and Storage |
KimYeonKi2000 |
A Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase Required for Induction of Cytokinesis and Appressorium Formation by Host Signals in the Conidia of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides |
KimelmannRoland1979 |
ABSTRACT: The Influence of Different Temperatures and Light Intersites on Gas Exange of Avocado Leaves (Persea americana Mill.) |
KingDana1916 |
Marketing Obstacles and Problems |
KinmanCF1918 |
Observation on Frost Injury to Avocados |
KinmanCF1923 |
How to Make the Avocado Tree Bear |
KleinertA2022 |
Determining Minimum Maturity Levels for 'Maluma Hass' - First Season Results |
KleinertA2023 |
Reviewing Minimum Harvest Maturity Levels for 'Maluma Hass' and 'Lamb Hass' |
KlingerbergGunther1990 |
Análisis económico |
KlotzLJ1943 |
The Possible Relationships of Soil Organisms to Avocado Tree Decline and Collapse |
KnightEE1914 |
Guatemala - The Land of the Hard-Shelled Avocado |
KnightEE1916 |
Methods of Avocado Growing in the Tropics Applicable to California |
KnightEE1918 |
Why are the Guatemalan avocados best? |
KnightKWL2001 |
Plant parasitic nematodes associated with six subtropical crops in New Zealand |
KnightRobert1971 |
Mango and Avocado Evaluation in Southeastern Florida |
KnightRobert1974 |
The Potential of Cold-Tolerant Avocado Introductions in Breeding for Enhanced Winter Hardiness |
KnightRobert1976 |
Breeding Avocados for Cold Hardiness |
KnightRobert1999 |
Genetic Diversity in Avocado |
KnightRobertJJr1999 |
Ecological Adaptation and the Evolution of Modern Avocado Cultivars |
KnightRobertJJr2002 |
The Avocado: Botany, Production and Uses / History Distribution and Uses |
KnollinJC1921 |
Advertising and Publicity in their Relation to the Avocado Industry |
KnyazevAV2015 |
Study of the properties of vitamins |
KnyazevaSS2015 |
Hormones and their properties |
KobayashiMarilyn1996 |
Outcrossing in Avocado: Is there a relationship to fruit yield? |
KobayashiMarilyn2000 |
Quantitative analysis of avocado outcrossing and yield in California using RAPD markers |
KochFH2008 |
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Xyleborus glabratus (Coleoptera: Circulionidae: Scolytinae) Invasion in Eastern U.S. Forests |
KockFrank1983 |
Avocado Grower's Handbook |
KoekemoerPJJ1994 |
Selection of Phytophthora Tolerant Avocado Rootstocks |
KoenTJ1992 |
Optimal Leaf Analysis Norms for Avocado (cv. Fuerte) |
KohneJS1987 |
Vegetative growth and fruit retention in avocado as affected by a new plant growth regulator (Paclobutrazol) |
KohneJS1988 |
Methods of Increasing Avocado Fruit Production |
KohneJS1988b |
Reduction in Yield in Avocado Orchards Bordering on Eucalyptus Plantations |
KohneJS1989 |
Spring Growth of Avocado Trees as Influenced by Pruning and the Use of Growth Regulators to Stabilise Yield and Improve Fruit Quality |
KohneJS1989b |
Comparison of growth regulators paclobutrazol and uniconazole on avocado |
KohneJS1991 |
Avocado High Density Planting - A Progress Report |
KohneJS1991b |
Observations in an Avocado Orchard Where Chemical Control of Phytophthora cinnamomi was Discontinued for Two Years |
KohneJS1991c |
Increasing Hass Fruit Size |
KohneJS1991d |
Performance of Hass on Three Clonal Rootstocks |
KohneJS1992 |
Field Evaluation of 'Hass' Avocado Grown on Duke 7', G6 and G755C Rootstocks |
KohneJS1992b |
Yield Advantages and Control of Vegetative Growth in a High-Density Avocado Orchard Treated with Paclobutrazol |
KohneJS1992c |
Yield Advantages and Control of Vegetative Growth in a High-Density Avocado Orchard Treated with Paclobutrazol |
KohneJS1992d |
Increasing 'Hass' Fruit Size |
KohneJS1992e |
Field Evaluation of 'Hass' Avocado Grown on Duke 7', G6 and G755C Rootstocks |
KohneJS1993 |
Effect of CPPU Sprays on Yield and Fruit Size in Avocado cv Hass |
KohneJS1993b |
Progress Report on Avocado Tree Size Control by Means of Bark Manipulation, Dwarfing Interstocks and Rootstocks |
KohneJS1994 |
Avocado Production Research at Merensky Technological Services and Westfalia Estate – An Overview |
KohneJS1995 |
Progress Report on Pruning Hass Avocado Trees to Hedgerows |
KohneJS1995b |
Picking Hass Avocados without Pedicel |
KohneJS1998 |
Non-Destructive Avocado Fruit Firmness Measurement |
KohneJS1998b |
Avocado Tree Spacing Trends and Size Control in South Africa |
KohneJS1998c |
An Integrated Approach to Avocado Root Health and Phytophthora Control |
KohneJS1998d |
Flowering, Fruit Development and Manipulation of Yield in Avocado |
KohneJS2015 |
Developing new avocado plant material: overview of the plant breeder’s right / patent concept, time-frames in testing, internationalisation and commercialisation |
KohneS1985 |
Yield Estimation Based on Measureable Parameters |
KohneS1985b |
Pre-Ripening of Avocado Fruit by Postharvest Treatment with Ethylene |
KohneS1986 |
Better Yields from Smaller Trees |
KohneS1990 |
Results of a high density avocado planting |
KohneS1990b |
Report on a visit to Mexico |
KohneS1992 |
Increased yield through girdling of young Hass trees prior to thinning |
KohneS1992b |
La industria del palto en Sudafrica |
KohneS1992c |
Tree Spacing or Tree Thinning - Which is Best? |
KohneS2004 |
Breeding and Field Evaluation of New Rootstocks for Increased ‘Hass’ Yields and Resistance to Root Rot in South Africa |
KohneS2004b |
Organic Avocado Production (PRESENTATION) |
KohneS2004c |
25 Years of Avocado Rootstock Development at Westfalia, South Africa (PRESENTATION) |
KohneS2005 |
Selection of Avocado Scions and Breeding of Rootstocks in South Africa |
KokRD2010 |
Low temperature shipping and cold chain management of 'Hass' avocados: An opportunity to reduce shipping costs |
KokRD2012 |
The physiological effects of ultra-low temperature shipping and cold chain break on 'Hass' avocados |
KonstantinosAL1994 |
Regulation of Glutamate Dehydrogenase and Glutamine Synthetase in Avocado Fruit during Development and Ripening |
KooRCJ1977 |
Effects of Age, Position, and Fruiting Status on Mineral Composition of 'Tonnage' Avocado Leaves |
KornhauserRichard1950 |
Problems of the Grower |
KorstenLise1984 |
Bacterial Canker of Avocado |
KorstenLise1985 |
Bacterial Canker of Avocado |
KorstenLise1986 |
Commercial Monitoring of Avocado Sunblotch Viroid |
KorstenLise1987 |
Monitoring avocado sunblotch disease in South Africa |
KorstenLise1987b |
Monoclonal antibodies against bacterial canker of avocado |
KorstenLise1988 |
Biological Control of Postharvest Diseases of Avocado |
KorstenLise1989 |
Biocontrol of avocado postharvest diseases |
KorstenLise1991 |
Biological Control of Avocado Postharvest Diseases |
KorstenLise1992 |
Effect of Bacillus subtilis and fungicide sprays for control of |
KorstenLise1992b |
Morphology of the Avocado Phylloplane as Related to Microbial Colonization |
KorstenLise1992c |
Postharvest Biological Control of Avocado Postharvest Diseases |
KorstenLise1992d |
Preharvest Biological Control of Avocado Postharvest Diseases |
KorstenLise1993 |
Postharvest Biological Control of Avocado Fruit Diseases |
KorstenLise1994 |
Isolation and Pathogenicity of Avocado Post Harvest Pathogens from Westfalia and Other Avocado Producing Areas |
KorstenLise1994b |
Control of Avocado Pre-Harvest Diseases with Bacillus subtilis and Fungicide Sprays |
KorstenLise1995 |
Mode of Action of Bacillus subtilis for Control of Avocado Postharvest Pathogens |
KorstenLise1995b |
Status of Research on Biological Control of Avocado Pre- and Postharvest Diseases: An Overview |
KorstenLise1996 |
Optimizing Culturing Conditions for Bacillus Subtilis |
KorstenLise1997 |
Update on Bacterial Canker of Avocado |
KorstenLise1997b |
Field Sprays of Bacillus subtilis and Fungicides for Control of Preharvest Fruit Diseases of Avocado in South Africa |
KorstenLise1998 |
Evaluation of Avogreen as Post-harvest Treatment for Controlling Anthracnose and Stem-end Rot on Avocado Fruit |
KosenthalIonel1985 |
An Analytical Assay for the Determination of Oil Content in Avocado |
KosiyachindaS1976 |
Chilling Sensitivity of Avocado Fruit at Different Stages of the Respiratory Climacteric |
KosiyachindaS1977 |
Succinoxidase Activity of Avocado Fruit Mitochondria in Relation to Temperature and Chilling Injury throughout the Climacteric Cycle |
KotzeJohannes1978 |
Anthracnose of Avocados |
KotzeJohannes1978b |
Some Aspects of the Oil and Moisture Contents of Avocado Fruit |
KotzeJohannes1979 |
Sooty Blotch of Avocados |
KotzeJohannes1979b |
Phases of Seasonal Growth of the Avocado Tree |
KotzeJohannes1979c |
Control of Anthracnose of Avocados: Techniques to Evaluate Fungicides |
KotzeJohannes1981 |
Co-Ordination of Research Sponsored by Saaga |
KotzeJohannes1981b |
Pre-Harvest Chemical Control of Anthracnose and Sooty Blotch |
KotzeJohannes1982 |
SAAGA Research Programme for 1981-1982 |
KotzeJohannes1982b |
Pre-Harvest Chemical Control of Anthracnose, Sooty Blotch and Cercospora Spot of Avocados |
KotzeJohannes1983 |
Research Projects Sponsored by SAAGA for 1982-83 |
KotzeJohannes1983b |
Integrated Control of Avocado Root Rot |
KotzeJohannes1984 |
The Research Scene of 1983/84 |
KotzeJohannes1985 |
Symptoms and Causes |
KotzeJohannes1985b |
Strategy for Combatting Avocado Root Rot |
KotzeJohannes1985c |
Research for the Year 1984/85 |
KotzeJohannes1986 |
Research in Perspective |
KotzeJohannes1987 |
Root rot control in South Africa: Past, present and future |
KotzeJohannes1988 |
Marketing and Research Strategies |
KotzeJohannes1991 |
Preface |
KotzeJohannes1994 |
Foreword |
KotzeRiaan2022 |
An Investigative Soil Health Analysis of Avocado Orchards in Eastern Zimbabwe |
KreitnerGL1992 |
Weevils Threaten U. S. Avocado Industry: A Photoessay on Damage to Avocado Fruit by Larvae of an Avocado Weevil |
KremenClaire2002 |
Crop pollination from native bees at risk from agricultural intensification |
KremerKohneS1991 |
Yield and Fruit Quality of Avocado cv Fuerte as Influenced by Paclobutrazol Foliar Applications |
KremerKohneS1992 |
Yield and fruit quality of Fuerte and Hass on clonal rootstocks |
KremerKohneS1993 |
Effect of Potassium, Magnesium and Nitrogen Soil Applications on Fuerte Avocado Fruit Quality |
KremerKohneS1994 |
Horticultural Performance of Fuerte Avocado on Duke 7 and G6 Rootstocks |
KremerKohneS1995 |
Approaches to Solving the Hass Small Fruit Problem: Progress Report |
KremerKohneS1995b |
KremerKohneS1995c |
KremerKohneS1996 |
Fuerte Fruit Quality as Influenced by Post-harvest Chlorine and Wax Treatments |
KremerKohneS1996b |
Possible Means to Increase Hass Avocado Fruit Size |
KremerKohneS1997 |
Alternatives to Polyethylene Wax as Post-Harvest Treatment for Avocados |
KremerKohneS1998 |
Maintenance and Evaluation of Avocado Cultivars and Selections |
KremerKohneS1998b |
Avocado Production in South Africa |
KremerKohneS1998c |
Postharvest Management of South African Avocado Fruit |
KremerKohneS1999 |
Hot water treatment of avocado fruit to induce cold tolerance |
KremerKohneS1999b |
Evaluation of new Hass-like avocado cultivars at Merensky Technological Services |
KremerKohneS1999c |
Field Testing of Root Rot Tolerant Avocado Rootstocks and Evaluation of New Hass-Like Avocado Cultivars in South Africa |
KremerKohneS2000 |
Field testing of new avocado rootstocks for tolerance to root rot |
KremerKohneS2000b |
New Hass-like avocado cultivars at Merensky Technological Services - progress report |
KremerKohneS2001 |
Breeding and field testing of new avocado rootstocks for increased Hass yields and resistance to root rot |
KremerKohneS2001b |
Lamb Hass evaluation at Westfalia Estate – final report |
KremerKohneS2001c |
New Hass-like avocado cultivars at Merensky Technological Services - further progress in 2000 |
KremerKohneS2002 |
New Hass-like avocado cultivars at Merensky Technological Services – progress in 2001 |
KremerKohneS2002b |
Breeding and field testing of new avocado rootstocks for increased ‘Hass’ yields and resistance to root rot – progress report |
KremerKohneS2003 |
Evaluation of New ‘Hass’-Like Avocado Cultivars in South Africa |
KremerKohneS2003b |
Breeding and Field Evaluation of New Rootstocks for Increased ‘Hass’ Yields and Resistance to Root Rot in South Africa |
KremerKohneS2003c |
Progress report on the evaluation of the new Hass-like avocado cultivars Harvest and Gem in 2002 |
KremerKohneS2004 |
New Hass-like avocado cultivars at Merensky Technological Services: Progress report on the evaluation of Harvest and Gem in 2003 |
KremerKohneS2004b |
New Hass-Like Avocado Cultivars at Merensky Technological Services: 2003 Progress Report on the Evaluation of Harvest and Gem in South Africa |
KremerKohneS2004c |
New Hass New Hass-like avocado cultivars: Evaluation of like avocado cultivars: Evaluation of Harvest and Gem at Harvest and Gem at Westfalia Westfalia, South Africa (PRESENTATION) |
KremerKohneS2007 |
25 Years of Avocado Rootstock Development in South Africa |
KrezdornAH1970 |
Evaluation of Cold-Hardy Avocados in Florida |
KrezdornAH1973 |
Influence of Rootstock on Cold Hardiness of Avocados |
KrezdornAH1975 |
An Expanded Avocado Variety Improvement Program |
KritzingerM1998 |
Further Evaluation of Hot Water / Air Heatshock Treatment of South African Avocados |
KokRD2011b |
Ultra-low temperature shipping and cold chain management of 'Hass' avocados: Investigation into reducing shipping costs |
KromeWJ1916 |
The Cultivation and Fertilization of the Avocado in Florida |
KromeWJ1920 |
What Constitutes a Good Commercial Variety of Avocado |
KromeWJ1921 |
Recent Development in Sub-Tropical Horticulture |
KromeWH1941 |
A Suggestion |
KromeWH1942 |
Report of the Avocado Variety Committee |
KromeWH1943 |
Second Report of the Avocado Variety Committee |
KromeWH1954 |
The Federal Avocado Marketing Agreement |
KromeWH1957 |
The Avocado Maturity Marketing Agreement |
KromeWH1958 |
The Case for Topworking Avocados to Standard Varieties |
KromeWH1959 |
The Case for Topworking Avocados to Standard Varieties |
KromeWH1967 |
Avocado Varieties I Am Planting Now-And Why |
KromeWH1971 |
Tree Spacing Trends in Avocado Groves in Dade County |
KrugerFJ1995 |
A Preliminary Study on Variation in the Maturity Parameters of Avocados from the Kiepersol/Hazyview Area |
KrugerFJ1995b |
KrugerFJ1996 |
Comparison of Export Avocado Maturation at Burgershall during the '94 and '95 Seasons |
KrugerFJ1996b |
Pilot Study on the Respiration Patterns of the Major South African Export Avocado Cultivars |
KrugerFJ1997 |
What Went Wrong with Export Avocado Physiology during the 1996 Season? |
KrugerFJ1998 |
Potential of the 'Hall’s Avoscan' as a Tool to Identify Soft Fruit during Packing for Export |
KrugerFJ1999 |
A Short Review of Recent Research on the Impact of Climatic Conditions on the Postharvest Quality of South African Export Avocados |
KrugerFJ2000 |
Recommendations for controlling the postharvest problems of the Pinkerton cultivar |
KrugerFJ2001 |
Updating Pinkerton export parameters and evaluation of new and upgraded avocado postharvest applications |
KrugerFJ2002 |
Development of a strategy for the prevention of black cold injury in South African export avocados |
KrugerFJ2004 |
Establishing appropriate maturity and fruit mineral content norms for the main avocado export cultivars |
KrugerFJ2007 |
Commercial Ripening Trials with South African Avocados in the United Kingdom |
KrugerFJ2008 |
Preliminary investigation into the causes and control of freeze injury and grey speckle in avocado fruit |
KrugerFJ2012 |
Does orchard soil moisture content at the time of harvest influence the post-storage ripening pattern of 'Hass' avocado fruit? |
KrugerFJ2012b |
Investigation into the current rind lesion problems experienced with the 'Pinkerton' cultivar |
KrugerFJ2012c |
Respiration and softening rates of 'Maluma' and 'Ryan' avocados and the effect that cold chain breaks have on the ripening and quality of these cultivars |
KrugerFJ2013 |
Further observations on the effect that rainfall, irrigation and fertiliser practices have on the ripening of avocado fruit |
KrugerFJ2013b |
Further investigations into the rind lesion problems experienced with the 'Pinkerton' cultivar |
KrugerFJ2014 |
Returning South African export 'Pinkerton' fruit to mid-2000s' quality |
KrugerFJ2014b |
Returning South African export 'Pinkerton' fruit to mid-2000s' quality |
KrugerFJ2014c |
Irrigation design and scheduling influence the ripening patterns of avocado fruit |
KrugerFJ2015 |
Four increasingly important physiological disorder variants of South African 'Hass' avocado fruit |
KrugerFJ2015b |
Effect of irrigation management on avocado ripening: Long term consistency would seem to be more important than short term variations |
KrugerFJ2016 |
Relationship between fruit pulp mineral composition and the ripening profiles of South African 'Hass' avocado fruit |
KrugerFJ2016b |
Firmness retention properties of ripened 'Maluma' avocado fruit |
KrugerFJ2016c |
Development of storage protocols for ultra-late season 'Lamb Hass' and 'Reed' avocado fruit |
KrugerFJ2016d |
Intra-seasonal variation in the ripening rates of South African avocados stored at different temperatures |
KrugerFJ2018 |
Towards the development of a total soluble solids (refractometer) based maturity measurement and ripening prediction procedure for avocado fruit |
KrugerFJ2018b |
Maluma avocado: Relationship between seed coat condition, orchard nitrogen status and grey pulp |
KrugerFJ2019 |
First results from a study aimed at quantifying the effects that ridges have on the yield and fruit quality of 'Hass' avocado |
KrugerFJ2019b |
Further observation and recommendations on the manifestation and control of vascular staining and grey pulp in 'Maluma' avocado fruit |
KrugerFJ2019c |
Managing the 'Maluma' avocado’s response to storage, ripening and post-ripening temperature settings |
KrugerFJ2019d |
Laboratory investigation into the effect that the time period between harvest and the application of a balanced atmosphere has on the quality and ripening patterns of South African export avocado fruit (with some comparative SmartFresh results) |
KrugerFJ2019e |
Further observations on the development of a total soluble solids (TSS) based maturity / ripening-efficacy measurement tool for South African avocado fruit |
KrugerFJ2020 |
Observations on the effects that row orientation, ridging and orchard altitude have on avocado production in the Tzaneen area |
KrugerFJ2020b |
Comparison of the ripening inhibitory effects of controlled atmosphere and balanced atmosphere on South African 'Hass', 'Maluma' and 'Fuerte' avocado fruit under laboratory conditions during the 2019 season |
KrugerFJ2020c |
Determining how effective a dry ice based modified atmosphere treatment will be at suppressing avocado respieration in pack-house cold rooms and refrigerated trucks |
KrugerFJ2020d |
Effects of cultivar, season and altitude on South African avocado fruit's soluble solid contents and early season quality |
KrugerFJ2021 |
Investigation into the potential use of avocado total soluble solids content for crop estimate and orchard management purposes |
KrugerFJ2021b |
Investigation into the potential use of avocado total soluble solids content for crop estimate and orchard management purposes |
KrugerFJ2021c |
Investigation into the potential use of avocado total soluble solids content for crop estimate and orchard management purposes |
KrugerFJ2022 |
First Trials Aimed at Establishing the Commercial Potential of A 1-Methylcyclopropene Tree Spray Formulation (Harvista; Agrofresh) on Avocado Fruit |
KrugerFJ2022b |
Commercialisation of the Intermittent Carbon Dioxide Truck Treatment Developed During Recent Seasons |
KrugerFJ2022c |
Triangle Taste Tests Performed with Low and High-Altitude 'Hass' Fruit at the Start of the 2021 Export Season |
KrugerFJ2023 |
Results from Two Trials Performed with a 1-Methylcyclopropene Tree Spray Application During the 2022 Season |
KrugerFJ2023b |
Triangle Taste Tests Performed with Early Season 'Hass' Fruit from Three Altitude Bands in the Greater Tzaneen Area Duirng 2022 |
KrugerFJ2024 |
The Third Season of Harvista (AgroFresh) Spray Trials Indicate That, Under Certain Conditions, Fruit Size and Yield Improvements Are Also Obtainable in Addition to the Postharvest Outcomes |
KumarRajesh2011 |
A new host plant for the shoot-hole borer, Euwallacea fornicatus (Eichhoff) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) from India |
KumarRajesh2012 |
PRESENTATION: Insect Fauna Associated with Muga-Ecosystem in North East India and Ambrosia Beetle |
KurtzChaim1992 |
Water Rate Effects on Three Avocado Cultivars |
KurtzSharon1988 |
Generation and Selection of Phytophthora cinnamomi Resistant Avocado Rootstocks through Somaclonal Variation |
KurtzSharon1989 |
Generation and Selection of Phytophthora cinnamomi Resistant Avocado Rootstocks through Somaclonal Variation |
KuschkeEileen2003 |
The Handling of South African Avocados at the Various Warehouses at Rungis, France |
KushadMosbah1983 |
Intermediates in the Recycling of 5-Methylthioribose to Methionine in Fruits |
KushadMosbah1988 |
Interrelationship of Polyamine and Ethylene Biosynthesis during Avocado Fruit Development and Ripening |
KutsunaiSally1993 |
Ripening-Related Polygalacturonase cDNA from Avocado |
LabanauskasCK1958 |
Influence of Soil Applications of Nitrogen, Phosphate, Potash, Dolomite, and Manure on the Micronutrient Content of Avocado Leaves |
LabanauskasCK1958b |
Effects of Irrigation Treatments and Rates of Nitrogen Fertilization on Young Hass Avocado Trees. V. Micronutrient Content of Leaves |
LabanauskasCK1958c |
Deficiencies of Micronutrients: Influence of phosphate fertilizers on micronutrients in avocado leaves subject of long-term study of Fuerte orchard |
LabanauskasCK1958d |
Micronutrients in the Avocado: Effects of nitrogen fertilization on the zinc, copper, iron, manganese and boron content of Fuerte avocado leaves |
LabanauskasCK1959 |
Fertilizer Effects Upon Micronutrient Nutrition of the Avocado |
LabanauskasCK1960 |
Effects of Nitrogen and Irrigation Treatments on the Micronutrient Concentration in Hass Avocado Leaves |
LabanauskasCK1961 |
Seasonal Changes in Concentrations of Zinc, Copper, Boron, Manganese, and Iron in Fuerte Avocado Leaves |
LabanauskasCK1961b |
Effects of irrigation and nitrogen on micronutrient concentrations in Hass avocado leaves |
LabanauskasCK1976 |
The Effect Of Root Infection by Phytophthora cinnamomi and Soil Oxygen Content on the Concentrations and Total Amounts of Nutrients in Avocado Plants (Persea americana Mill) |
LabanauskasCK1978 |
Rootstock, Soil Oxygen, and Soil Moisture Effects on Growth and Concentration of Nutrients in Avocado Plants |
LabraLautaro1972 |
Obtencion precoz de palto (Persea americana Mill.) por medio de injertacion de plantulas |
LabuschagneN1983 |
Chemical Control of Post-Harvest Diseases of Avocados by Pre-Harvest Fungicide Application |
LaForgeFB1917 |
D-mannoketoheptose, a new sugar from the avocado |
LagomarsinoRobert1985 |
Government and Growers |
LahavCliff1999 |
Issues and Strategies for Canopy Management of Avocado Orchards in the Jordan Valley of Israel |
LahavEmmanuel1971 |
The Effect of Girdling on the Productivity of the Avocado |
LahavEmmanuel1971b |
The Determination of Avocado Fruit Weight on the Tree |
LahavEmmanuel1973 |
The Value of Physiological Indicators in Determining the Irrigation Requirements of the Avocado Tree |
LahavEmmanuel1976 |
Potassium Fertilizer Experiment with Avocado Trees on Heavy Soils |
LahavEmmanuel1976b |
Water requirements of avocado in the Western Galilee. b) The effect of different irrigation treatments on tree growth. Alón Hanotea 30:645-656 (in Hebrew). |
LahavEmmanuel1976c |
Water requirements of avocado in the Western Galilee. c) The effect of different irrigation treatments on the yield. Alón Hanotea 30:657-663 (in Hebrew). |
LahavEmmanuel1976d |
Water requirements of avocado in the Western Galilee. d) The effect of different irrigation treatments on fruit quality. Alón Hanotea 30:665-673 (in Hebrew). |
LahavEmmanuel1977 | Water requirements of avocado in Israel. II.* Influence on yield, fruit growth and oil content |
LahavEmmanuel1980 | Avocado Fertilization |
LahavEmmanuel1982 | The effect of temperature on growth and dry matter production of avocado plants |
LahavEmmanuel1983 | Determination of the irrigation regimen for an avocado plantation in spring and autumn |
LahavEmmanuel1986 | Girdling as a Means of Shortening the Juvenile Period of Avocado Seedlings |
LahavEmmanuel1989 | Iriet - A New Avocado Cultivar |
LahavEmmanuel1989b | Only Spring Flush Leaves Should Be Sampled for a Reliable Assessment of Nutrients in the Avocado |
LahavEmmanuel1992 | 'Adi', a New Avocado Cultivar |
LahavEmmanuel1992b | Avocado Breeding in Israel |
LahavEmmanuel1994 | Israeli Avocado Industry |
LahavEmmanuel1995 | 'Gil': A New Avocado Cultivar |
LahavEmmanuel1995b | Performance of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) and Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Seedlings Compared with Their Grafted Trees |
LahavEmmanuel1995d |
LahavEmmanuel1995e |
NUTRICIÓN DEL PALTO - UNA REVISIÓN (Traducido por Enrique Espinoza Pavez) |
LahavEmmanuel1997 | A Status Report - The Israeli Avocado Industry |
LahavEmmanuel1998 | The Israeli Avocado Industry |
LahavEmmanuel1998b | Avocado Irrigation |
LahavEmmanuel1998c | Avocado Nutrition |
LahavEmmanuel1992 |
Water Requirements and the Effect of Salinity in an Avocado Orchard on Clay Soil |
LahavEmmanuel1999 | Avocado Nutrition |
LahavEmmanuel1999b | Mineral Losses of Avocado Tree Resulting from Abscission of Flowers, Fruitlets and Fruits |
LahavEmmanuel2002 | The Avocado: Botany, Production and Uses / Genetics and Classical Breeding |
LahavEmmanuel2003 | Avocado Mineral Nutrition: The Water-Nutrients Relationship |
LahavEmmanuel2003b | The response of avocado to salinity and water-fertilizer management |
LahavEmmanuel2005 |
'Arad' - A New Avocado Cultivar |
LahavEmmanuel2006 |
Re-evaluation of Irrigation Water Amounts under Changing Growing Conditions of Avocados in Israel |
LalluN2003 | Effects of Prepacking Holding Temperatures on Shelf Life of 'Hass' Avocados |
LalluN2005 | Is the poor quality of late season New Zealand 'Hass' avocado fruit related to fruit characteristics at harvest? |
LallumN2004 | Role of Water Loss in Ripening of 'Hass' Avocados |
LammertsWE1942 | Progress Report on Avocado Breeding |
LammertsWE1945 | The Avocado Breeding Project |
LamourR1936 | Observations on Budding and Planting of Avocado Trees |
LanceC1965 | Metabolic Processes in Cytoplasmic Particles of the Avocado Fruit VII. Oxidative and Phosphorylative Activities throughout the Climacteric Cvcle |
LanceC1967 | Metabolic Processes in Cytoplasmic Particles of the Avocado Fruit. IX. The Oxidation of Pyruvate and Malate during the Climacteric Cycle |
LandmanWP1996 | Optimization of Biological Control of Phytophthora Root Rot of Avocados |
LandmanWP1997 | Evaluation of Trichoderma harzianum, Bacillus megaterium, Composted Citrus Waste and Soil Solarization on Avocados with and without Phytophthora cinnamomi Preliminary Results |
LangeDiana1997 | Elevated Carbon Dioxide Exposure Alters Intracellular pH and Energy Charge in Avocado Fruit Tissue |
LangeDiana1997b | Changes in Alternative Pathway and Mitochondrial Respiration in Avocado in Response to Elevated Carbon Dioxide Levels |
LangeDiana1997c | Effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide on Key Mitochondrial Respiratory Enzymes in 'Hass' Avocado Fruit and Fruit Disks |
LaraChavezBN2007 | Characterization of Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands Isolates from the Avocado-Producing Area of Michoacan, Mexico |
LaraJesus2012 | Sampling Guidelines for Persea Mite in California Avocado Orchards |
LarralP2007 | Evaluation of Pesticide Effectiveness on the Control of Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on Avocado Trees (Persea americana Mill) |
LarralP2007b | PRESENTACIÓN: Control biológico de trips y chanchitos blancos en paltos |
LaRueJames1959 | The Avocado in Tulare County |
LaRueJames1964 | Report from the North - Tulare County Keeps Trying |
LaRueJames1967 | Avocados in the San Joaquin Valley |
LaRueJames1968 | Central California Tries for the Fall Market |
LaRueJames1971 | The San Joaquin Avocado Variety Dilemma |
LaRueJames1972 | Lindcove Field Station Avocado Variety Trials |
LaRueJames1974 | Maturity-Quality in San Joaquín Valley Avocados |
LaRueJames1973 | Avocado Yields in the San Joaquin Valley |
LaRueJames1983 | Growing Avocados in the San Joaquin Valley |
LashbrookCoralie1994 | Two Divergent Endo-ß-1,4-glucanase Genes Exhibit Overlapping Expression in Ripening Fruit and Abscising Flowers |
LatorreBernardo1998 | Tristeza del palto |
LatorreFernando1994 | Estimacion del porcentaje de aceite mediante la determinacion del porcentaje de humedad en frutos de palto (Persea americana Mill.) cultivares Zutano, Fuerte, Gwen y Whitsell |
LaursenHC1984 | Report from the Nurserymen's Section |
LaursenHC1985 | Report from the Nurserymen's Section |
LaversDon1986 | Word from Australia |
LaversDon1988 | Australia... |
LaversDon1989 | Report from Australia - An Update |
LaversDon1990 | Report from Australia |
LaversDon1991 | Report from Australia |
LaversDon1992 | Report from Australia |
LaviUri1991 | Application of DNA Fingerprints for Identification and Genetic Analysis of Avocado |
LaviUri1991b | Quantitative Genetic Analysis of Traits in Avocado Cultivars |
LaviUri1992 | The Genetics of the Juvenile Phase in Avocado |
LaviUri1993 | Genetic Variance Components and Heritabilities of Several Avocado Traits |
LaviUri1993b | Genetics of Skin Color, Flowering Group, and Anise Scent in Avocado |
LaviUri1997 | 'Eden' - A New Avocado Cultivar |
LazareSilit2020 | Avocado rootstock influences scion leaf mineral content |
LazareSilit2021 | It takes two: Reciprocal scion-rootstock relationships enable salt tolerance in 'Hass' avocado |
LazareSilit2021b | Rootstock-Dependent Response of Hass Avocado to Salt Stress |
LazareSilit2022 | Foliar application of boron to improve 'Hass' avocado productivity |
LazareSilit2022b |
PRESENTATION: Rootstock-dependent response of Hass avocado to salt stress |
LazareSilit2022c |
Canopy-cooling systems applied on avocado trees to mitigate heatwaves damages |
LazaroCastellanosCarlos2021 |
Escamas armadas (Hemiptera: diaspididae) asociadas a aguacate (Persea americana) en siete entidades de México / Armed Scales (Hemiptera: diaspididae) Associated with Avocado (Persea americana) in Seven Entities of Mexico |
LeaSergio2009 | PRESENTACIÓN: Agricultura y Adversidades Climáticas: Un Análisis Meteorológico |
LealAT1977 | Effects of Growth Regulators on Healing Avocado Pruning Wounds |
LealFJ1964 | Rooting Avocado Cuttings |
LeathersJason2015 | Pagiocerus frontalis (Fabricius): A Scolytid Weevil |
LeBlancAlejandro1938 | "Message From Señor Alejandro Le Blanc" |
LeclereqH1989 | Observations on the quality of avocados on the overseas market |
LeclereqH1990 | Observations on overseas markets during the 1989 avocado season |
LeeBW1953 | Resistance - Is it the Answer to Root Rot? |
LeeBW1967 | The Avocado Industry of Ventura County-Past, Present and Future |
LeeBW1968 | Costs to Produce Avocados in Ventura County |
LeeBW1968 | Costs to Produce Avocados in Ventura County |
LeeBW1968b | Cost to Establish an Avocado Orchard in Ventura County |
LeeBW1969 | Avocado Stump Regrowth Control |
LeeBW1971 | A Progress Report on the Shake Harvest of Avocados |
LeeBW1971b | Cash Flow Chart for Avocado Production Costs |
LeeBW1971c | Costs to Produce Avocados in Ventura County |
LeeBW1972 | The Avocado Industry of Ventura County at a Glance |
LeeBW1972b | The Efficacy of Aerial Applications of Zinc to Avocado Trees |
LeeBW1972c | Thoughts on Pollination |
LeeBW1973 | A Planting Plan for Avocados |
LeeBW1974 | Flower Type of the Reed Avocado |
LeeBW1976 | Adapting Japanese Citrus Handling Methods and Equipment to California Avocados |
LeeBW1977 | Nitrogen Application with Drip Irrigation |
LeeHS1998 | Endogenous Biosynthetic Precursors of (+)-Abscisic Acid. V. Inhibition by Tungstate and its Removal by Cinchonine shows that Xanthoxal is Oxidised by a Molybdo-Aldehyde Oxidase |
LeeHS1998b | Endogenous Biosynthetic Precursors of (+)-Abscisic Acid. IV. Biosynthesis of ABA from [2Hn] Carotenoids by a Cell-free System from Avocado |
LeeSeungKoo1981 | Methods for Percent Oil Analysis of Avocado Fruit |
LeeSeungKoo1981b | Maturity Studies of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Fruit in California |
LeeSeungKoo1981c |
A Review and Background of the Avocado Maturity Standard |
LeeSeungKoo1982 | Feasibility of Marketing Soft Avocado Fruit |
LeeSeungKoo1982b | Dry Weight Method for Determination of Avocado Fruit Maturity |
LeeSeungKoo1982c | Avocado Taste Test - A Preliminary Study of Regional Differences |
LeeSeungKoo1983 | Maturity Studies of Avocado Fruit Based on Picking Dates and Dry Weight |
LeeSeungKoo1983b | Growth Measurement as an Indication of Avocado Maturity |
LeeSeungKoo1984 | Temperature Sensitivity of Avocado Fruit in Relation to C2H4 Treatment |
LeguaKatherine2002 | Caracterización agronómica del cultivar de palto Isabel (Persea americana Mill), para la zona de Quillota, V región |
LeLagadecDanielle2009 | PRESENTATION: The quest to find superior avocado rootstocks |
LeLayY2007 | Estudio de compatibilidad in vitro de aislados monoconídicos de Trichoderma sp. potenciales agentes de biocontrol de la podredumbre blanca del aguacate |
LemmerD2002 | 1-Methyl cyclopropene (1-MCP): An alternative for controlled atmosphere storage of South African export avocados |
LemmerD2003 | Semi-Commercial Evaluation of Smartfresh(tm) with South African Export Avocados in Static Containers at a Packinghouse During 2002 |
LemmerD2003b | Laboratory Based Evaluation of 1-Methyl Cyclopropene (1-Mcp): with Five South African Commercial Export Avocado Cultivars |
LemmerD2003c | Semi-commercial evaluation of SmartFresh. with South African export avocados in static containers at the Westfalia packhouse during 2002 |
LemmerD2005 | Developing appropriate ripening protocols for the avocado 'ripe and ready' programmes |
LemmerD2005b | New advances in the development of quality assurance norms for the South African avocado export industry |
LemmerD2006 | Extended storage trials with South African avocados |
LemmerD2007 | Extending the storage life of late season 'Hass' avocados to increase the availability of pre-packed ready-to-eat fruit during the off-season |
LemmerD2009 | Quantification of the respiration and softening rates of South African avocados of increasing maturity stored at |
LemmerD2010 | Effect of cold chain breaks on the ripening and quality of 'Hass' avocados |
LemmerD2011 |
Respiration and softening rates of 'Fuerte' and 'Pinkerton' avocados and the effect that cold chain breaks have on the ripening and quality of these cultivars |
LemmerD2015 |
Comparison of the black cold damage sensitivity and ripening uniformity characteristics of the Maluma and Hass avocado cultivars |
LemmerD2020 |
Research towards reducing the incidence of lenticel damage of South African 'Hass' export avocado fruit |
LemmerD2021 |
Research towards reducing the incidence of lenticel damage of South African 'Hass' export avocado fruit |
LemmerD2022 |
Research Towards Reducing Orchard Cold Damage of 'Hass' Avocado Fruit |
LemmerD2022b |
Research Towards Reducing the Incidence of Lenticel Damage of South African 'Hass' Export Avocado Fruit |
LemusBraulio2017 | Control del complejo de trips del aguacate con insecticidas botánicos |
LemusBraulio2021 | Fungicidas cúpricos en el cultivo de aguacate / Copper Fungicides in the Avocado Cultivation |
LemusGamalier2003 | Validacion de sistemas de conduccion en palto cv. Hass |
LemusGamalier2005 | El Cultivo del Palto |
LemusSorianoBraulio2021 | Bioestimulación de raíces en plantas jóvenes de aguacate / Root Biostimulation in Young Avocado Plants |
LeonCristian2001 | Factibilidad de desarrollo de un metodo no destructivo para detectar madurez en el fruto palta (Persea americana Mill) |
LeonOlga2003 | Estudio de los parámetros de vida de Oligonychus yothersi Me Gregor (Acariña: Tetranychidae) en dos cultivares de palto (Persea americana Mill.), Hass y Fuerte |
LeonardiJohn2005 | New Strategies and Tools for Avocado Canopy Management |
LeonardiJohn2009 | PRESENTATION: Can Canopy Management Strategies Overcome Alternate Bearing? |
LeonardLewis1931 | L'Avocat |
LeosRodriguezJA | Impacto de las barreras fitosanitarias en el comercio de aguacate entre México y los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica |
LeRouxAWG1985 | Efficacy of Prochloraz Treatments for Post Harvest Disease Control in Avocados |
LeRouxJC1940 | The Avocado in South Africa |
LescanoFrancisco2000 | Efecto de dos fechas distintas en el inicio de la fertilizacion nitrogenada en combinacion con Solubor, Auxym y Frutaliv sobre retencion de frutos y largo de brotes en palto (Persea americana Mill) cv. Gwen |
LeschSM2009 | A Short Note on Calculating the Adjusted SAR Index |
LeshemYaacov2000 | Non-invasive photoacoustic spectroscopic determination of relative endogenous nitric oxide and ethylene content stoichiometry during the ripening of strawberries Fragaria anannasa (Duch.) and avocados Persea americana (Mill.) |
LesleyJW1951 | Environmental Conditions Affecting Pollination of Avocados |
LevinA1981 | Factors affecting inflorescence and vegetative development regulation in avocado (Persea americana Mill) |
LewisLowell1973 | The Bounty of Research |
LewisLowell1983 | Industry - University Relations |
LiCynthia2019 | Understanding, Conservation and Protection of Precious Natural Resources - Bees |
LiZhaoping2012 | Hass Avocado Modulates Postprandial Vascular Reactivity and Postprandial Inflammatory Responses To a Hamburger Meal In Healthy Volunteers |
LibradaAlcaraz2009 | Avocado Pollination and Fruit Set – A Perspective from Spain |
LiebermanMorris1977 | Influence of Plant Hormones on Ethylene Production in Apple, Tomato, and Avocado Slices during Maturation and Senescence |
LiLaiYung1947 | A Note on Avocado Culture in New Zealand |
LiLan2006 | Retailer Pricing Practices for Fresh Avocados |
LiYC1997 | Preliminary Findings on the Effects of Foliar-Applied Urea and Boron on Plant Nutrition, Fruit Set and Yield of Avocado Trees |
LimacoJulie1992 | The Effectiveness of Foliar Potassium Nitrate Sprays on the 'Hass' Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) |
LincolnFrancis1948 | Report of the Subtropical Fruit Committee |
LincolnFrancis1951 | Report of the Sub-Tropical Fruit Committee |
LindgrenDL1937 | Atmospheric HCN Fumigation for Latania Scale on Avocado Fruits |
LindgrenDL1955 | Tolerance of Avocado Fruits of Different Varieties to Fumigation with Ethylene Dibromide |
LindowSE1979 | Frost Damage to Avocado Reduced by Elimination of Bacterial Ice Nuclei |
LingP2003 | Fruit of the Fortune in Taiwan |
LipsSHerman1966 | Stimulations of Oxygen Uptake by Electron Transfer Inhibitors |
LittleGordon1993 | Uniformity in pressurized irrigation systems depends on design, installation |
LitzRichard1999 | Somatic Hybridization of Avocado |
LitzRichard2000 | Avocado Rootstock Development by Somatic Hybridization and Genetic Engineering (Continuing Project; Year 4 of 5) |
LitzRichard2007 | Genetic Transformation of Avocado with S-Adenosylmethionine Hydrolase (SAMASE) and Evalutation of Transformants after Three Years |
LiuXuan1995 | Nectar Sugar Composition of Selected Avocado Culivars and Related Species |
LiuXuan1999 | 'Hass' Avocado Carbohydrate Fluctuations. I. Growth and Phenology |
LiuXuan1999b | 'Hass' Avocado Carbohydrate Fluctuations. II. Fruit Growth and Ripening |
LiuXuan1999c | 'Hass' Avocado Leaf Growth, Abscission, Carbon Production and Fruit Set |
LiuXuan2002 | Postulated Physiological Roles of the Seven-carbon Sugars, Mannoheptulose, and Perseitol in Avocado |
LivingstonPete1993 | Sample Costs to Establish and Produce Avocados in California in the '90s |
LizanaAntonia1992 | The Influence of Harvest Maturity, Type of Packing and Temperatures on Avocado Quality |
LomasJ1988 | An Agrometeorological Model for Assessing the Effect of Heat Stress During the Flowering and Early Fruit Set on Avocado Yields |
LomasJ1992 | ABSTRACT: Analysis of the effect of heat stress during flowering on the yield of avocado under Mediterranean climatic conditions |
LomasJ1994 | ABSTRACT: Longterm analysis and modelling of agroclimatic effects on national avocado yields in Israel |
LombardTA1957 | The Work of the USDA's Advisory Committee |
LonsdaleJH1988 | Preliminary Trials to Assess the Resistance of Three Clonal Avocado Rootstocks to Crown Canker Caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi |
LonsdaleJH1988b | Phytophthora cinnamomi, The Cause of Crown and Trunk Canker of Duke 7 Avocado Rootstocks in South Africa |
LonsdaleJH1989 | Chemical control of pre- and postharvest diseases of avocados |
LonsdaleJH1991 | Control of Preharvest Fruit Diseases of Avocado Part I: Efficacy of various Triazole fungicides against Cercospora spot and Sooty blotch |
LonsdaleJH1991b | Control of Preharvest Fruit Diseases of Avocado Part II: A preliminary report on the effects of spray timing on the |
LonsdaleJH1992 | Evaluation of systemic fungicides as pre-harvest treatments of avocados |
LopesRosario2019 | A cultura do abacateiro no Algarve e a sua floração peculiar |
LopesRosario2020 | Sincronia floral de quatro cultivares de abacateiro (Persea americana Mill.), no Algarve |
LopezAlfredo1987 | Selection of Dwarfing Rootstocks of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) |
LopezCarlos1987 | Detection of Avocado Sunblotch Viroid in Spain by Double Polyacrylamide Gel Eletrophoresis |
LopezCarlos1992 | El cultivo del palto |
LopezCarlos1995 | El cultivo del palto |
LopezCarlos1995b | El cultivo del palto, 2a parte |
LopezCarlos1995c | El cultivo del palto, 3a parte |
LopezCarlos1995d |
LopezCarlos1995e |
LopezCarlos1998 | Soil Solarization in Established Avocado Trees for Control of Dematophora necatrix |
LopezCarlos1999 | Estudios in vivo de Trichoderma como agente de biocontrol contra Phytophthora cinnamomi y Rosellinia necatrix en aguacate |
LopezCarlos1999b | Evaluación de patrones de aguacate por su tolerancia a la podredumbre blanca |
LopezCarlos2003 | Evaluación de diferentes fungicidas para el control de la podredumbre blanca del aguacate |
LopezEncinaCarlos2014 | Enhancing somatic embryogenesis in avocado (Persea americana Mill.) using a two-step culture system and including glutamine in the culture medium |
LopezEugenio1990 | Manejo de plagas de palto |
LopezEugenio1998 | Manejo integrado de plagas del palto |
LopezEugenio1999 | Situacion sanitaria del palto en Chile |
LopezEugenio2004 | Las plagas del palto en Chile: Aspectos relevantes de su biología, comportamiento y manejo |
LopezEugenio2004b | Las plagas del palto en Chile: Aspectos relevantes de su biología, comportamiento y manejo (PRESENTACIÓN) |
LopezGomezR2007 | Genomics of Avocado Criollo Fruit (Persea americana Mill. VAR. Drymifolia) |
LopezGomezR2007b | Micropropagation and In Vitro Resistance Tests Against Phytophthora cinnamomi of Mexican-Race Avocado Genotypes |
LopezJavier2003 | Efecto del anillado, realizado en tres epocas en ramas de paltos (Persea americana Mill) cv. Hass, en la localidad de San Isidro, provincia de |
LopezJose1918 | The Avocado in Santo Domingo |
LopezJuan1993 | Efecto del CPPU (Forchlorfenuron) sobre frutos de palto (Persea americana Mill.) [cv Hass] en dos epocas, dos formas y tres niveles de aplicacion |
LopezLuis1995 | La biodiversidad del genero Persea y especies afines preservados en los bancos de germoplasma del Estado de Mexico |
LopezLuis1995b | El estres hidrico y su influencia sobre la maduracion y calidad de fruto de aguacate variedad Hass |
LopezLuis1995c | Efecto de las aplicaciones de diferentes fuentes de calcio en precosecha sobre la calidad de fruto de aguacate 'Fuerte' |
LopezLuis1995d | Avances en la determinacion de daños por frio en frutos de aguacate de cascara verde |
LopezLuis1996 | Tratamientos precosecha con fuentes de calcio sobre la capacidad de almacenamiento de frutos de aguacate 'Fuerte' |
LopezLuis1997 | Tipo de envase y embalaje en la conservacion de la calidad de fruta de aguacate cv Hass |
LopezLuis1997b | Comportamiento postcosecha de fruta de aguacate cv Hass con base en la altitud de produccion y tipo de floracion |
LopezLuis1997c | Avance en el estudio de los recursos geneticos del genero Persea en Mexico |
LopezLuis1997d | Comportamiento del 'Colín V-33' como interinjerto del aguacate 'Hass' |
LopezLuis1997e | La biodiversidad del genero Persea y especies afines preservados en los bancos de germoplasma del Estado de México / Biodiversity of the genus Persea and related species in germplasm banks of the state of México |
LopezLuis1999 | Variabilidad genética de los bancos de germoplasma de aguacate preservados en el estado de México |
LopezLuis1999b | Comportamiento postcosecha de fruta de aguacate cv. Hass con base en la altitud de producción y tipo de floración |
LopezLuis1999c | Efecto del envase de cartón corrugado y embalaje en la conservación de la calidad de fruta de aguacate cv. Hass |
LopezLuis2001 | Situacion actual de los recursos geneticos del genero Persea y especies afines preservados en el Estado de Mexico / Current Status of Persea Genus Genetic Resources and Related Kinds Species Preservated in the State of Mexico |
LopezLuis2001b | Estudio de los recursos geneticos del aguacate y especies afines en la Fundacion Salvador Sanchez Colin Cictamex S.C. / Study of Avocado Genetic Resources and Related Kinds Species at the Fundacion Salvador Sanchez Colin Cictamex S.C. |
LovattCarol1987 | Stress |
LovattCarol1988 | Nitrogen Metabolism During Stress of the Hass Avocado |
LovattCarol1989 |
Development of Biochemical Indices of Stress Tolerance for Rapid Initial Screening of Large Numbers of Avocado Rootstock and Scion Varieties |
LovattCarol1990 | A Definitive Test to Determine Whether Phosphite Fertilization Can Replace Phosphate Fertilization to Supply P in the Metabolism of 'Hass' on 'Duke 7' (A Preliminary Report) |
LovattCarol1990b | Factors Affecting Fruit Set/Early Fruit Drop in Avocado |
LovattCarol1992 | A Definitive Test to Determine Whether Phosphite Fertilization can Replace Phosphate Fertilization to Supply P in the Metabolism of 'Hass' on Duke 7. - A Preliminary Report |
LovattCarol1992b | On-Going Research Testing the Efficacy of Using Urea to Increase Flowering, Fruit Set, and Yield in Avocado |
LovattCarol1994 | Fruit Set and Yield of 'Hass' Avocado Can Be Increased by Shifting the Time of Bloom or by Proper Timing of Nitrogen Fertilization |
LovattCarol1994b | Improving Fruit Set and Yield of 'Hass' Avocado with a Spring Application of Boron and/or Urea to the Bloom |
LovattCarol1994c | Improving Fruit Set and Yield of 'Hass' Avocado with a Bloom Application of Potassium Phosphate or Potassium Phosphite Alone or in Combination with Boron or Urea |
LovattCarol1994d | Comparison of Determinate us. Indeterminate Inflorescences to Determine the Roles of PGRs, Carbohydrate, Nitrogen, and Other Nutrients in Fruit Set of the 'Hass' Avocado |
LovattCarol1995 |
LovattCarol1995b |
LovattCarol1996 | Nitrogen Allocation Within the 'Hass' Avocado |
LovattCarol1997 | Pollination Biology and Fruit Set in Avocado |
LovattCarol1999 | Timing Citrus and Avocado Foliar Nutrient Applications to Increase Fruit Set and Size |
LovattCarol1999b | Soil Nitrogen Fertilization of 'Hass' Avocado in California: Time of Application Affects Yield |
LovattCarol1999c | Plant Nutrition Panel Summary |
LovattCarol2000 | Improving Fruit Set and Yield of the 'Hass' Avocado with Potassium Phosphate or Potassium Phosphite Applied During Bloom (Continuing Project; Year 4 of 4) |
LovattCarol2000b | Improving Fruit Set and Yield of the 'Hass' Avocado with Potassium Nitrogen Fertilization Strategies to Increase Yield of the 'Hass' Avocado (Continuing Project; Year 4 of 6) |
LovattCarol2001 | Properly Timed Soil-applied Nitrogen Fertilizer Increases Yield and Fruit Size of 'Hass' Avocado |
LovattCarol2001b | Nitrogen Fertilization of the 'Hass' Avocado in California - What we know and what we don't know. |
LovattCarol2004 | Use of Plant Growth Regulators to Increase Fruit Set, Fruit Size and Yield and to Manipulate Vegetative and Floral Shoot Growth (Continuing Project: Year 2 of 4) |
LovattCarol2004b | Eliminating Alternate Bearing of the ‘Hass’ Avocado (Continuing Project: Year 2 of 4) |
LovattCarol2005 | PGR Strategies to Increase Yield of 'Hass' Avocado (Continuing Project: Year 1 of 4) |
LovattCarol2005b | Eliminating Alternate Bearing of the 'Hass' Avocado (Continuing Project: Year 3 of 4) |
LovattCarol2005c | Plant Growth Regulators for Avocado Production |
LovattCarol2006 | Eliminating Alternate Bearing of the 'Hass' Avocado: Year 4 of 4 |
LovattCarol2006b | PGR Strategies to Increase Yield of 'Hass' Avocado: Year 2 of 4 |
LovattCarol2007 | PGR Strategies to Increase Fruit Size of 'Hass' Avocado |
LovattCarol2007b | Developing Field Strategies to Correct Alternate Bearing |
LovattCarol2007c | PGR Strategies to Increase Yield of 'Hass' Avocado |
LovattCarol2008 | PGR Strategies to Increase Fruit Size of 'Hass' Avocado |
LovattCarol2008b | PGR Strategies to Increase Yield of 'Hass' Avocado |
LovattCarol2008c | Developing Field Strategies to Correct Alternate Bearing |
LovattCarol2009 | PGR II - Strategies to Increase Fruit Size of 'Hass' Avocado |
LovattCarol2009b |
Phase III for GA3 and Phase II for 2,4-D and AVG for Commercial Use on 'Hass' Avocado |
LovattCarol2009c |
Developing Field Strategies to Correct Alternate Bearing (II) |
LovattCarol2010 |
Developing Field Strategies to Correct Alternate Bearing (II) |
LovattCarol2010b |
PGR II - Strategies to Increase Fruit Size of 'Hass' Avocado |
LovattCarol2010c |
Phase III for GA3 and Phase II for 2,4-D and AVG for Commercial Use on 'Hass' Avocado |
LovattCarol2013 |
Hass Avocado Nutrition Research In California |
LovattCarol2013b |
Properly Timing Foliar-applied Fertilizers Increases Efficacy: A Review and Update on Timing Foliar Nutrient Applications to Citrus and Avocado |
LovattCarol2015 |
Yield characteristics of 'Hass' avocado trees under California growing conditions |
LovattCarol2015b |
Optimizing 'Hass' avocado tree nutrient status to increase grower profit - an overview |
LoveHoward1944 | Avocado Oil Studies |
LowellKenneth1944 | The Cactus Fruit - A Commercial Product of San Diego County |
LozanoYF1992 | Effect of Fruit Development and Ecological Growing Conditions on Oil Composition of Persea americana Fruit Mesocarp |
LunaI1987 | Soil-borne avocado diseases of economic importance in Mexico |
LuntRE1981 | A Comparison Between Waxing and Cellophane Wrapping of Avocados for Export |
LuntRE1981b | Cooling Rates of Avocados in Cartons When Pallatized |
LutgeA2010 | Low temperature shipping and cold chain management of 'Fuerte' avocados: An opportunity to reduce shipping costs |
LutgeA2011 | Low temperature shipping and cold chain management of 'Fuerte' avocados: An opportunity to reduce shipping costs |
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Effects of low temperature storage and cold chain breaks on anti-oxidants and C7 sugars in 'Fuerte' avocados from South Africa |
LuttigM1999 | Application of a Highly Sensitive Avocado Sunblotch Viroid Indexing Method |
LuzaJuvenal1979 | Almacenaje en frio de paltas (Persea americana Mill) cvs. Negra La Cruz. Ampolleta Grande y Fuerte |
LuzaJuvenal1981 | Caracterizacion y comportamiento en postcosecha de paltas raza mexicana cultivadas en Chile (Persea americana Mill) |
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Ultrastructure and Cytology of the Postharvest Avocado (Persea americana Mill) Fruit |
LymanBrooks1986 | Computers and the Avocado Grower |
LynchSJ1939 | Studies in the Cold Storage of Avocados |
LynchSJ1944 | Third Report of the Avocado Variety Committee |
LynchSJ1954 | Some Effects of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium on the Yield, Tree Growth, and Leaf Analysis of Avocados |
LynchSJ1956 | Some Effects of Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium Fertilization on the Yield and Tree Growth of Avocados |
MaJ2014 | In vitro sensitivity of South African Phytophthora cinnamomi to phosphite at different phosphate concentrations |
MaasErna1989 | Evaluating micro-organisms from avocado soils for antagonism to Phytophthora cinnamomi |
MaasErna1990 | Recommendations for the control of root rot |
MacfieGeorge1955 | Utilization of Cull Avocados |
MackieDB1931 | A Report of the Coccids Infesting Avocados in California |
MagagulaSizwe2021 | Chairman's Report 2021 |
MaggioloGiancarlo2000 | Estudio de pre-factibilidad para establecer un huerto de paltos, variedad Hass en el Valle de Illapel |
MaghdahlChristian1998 | La industria de la palta en Chile |
MaghdahlChristian2004 | La industria de la palta en Chile |
MaghdahlChristian2004b | La industria de la palta en Chile (PRESENTACIÓN) |
MagdahlRoger1958 | Report from Chile |
MagwazaLS2008 | Effect of N and Fe fertilizer treatments on the incidence of chilling injury in 'Fuerte' and 'Hass' avocados |
MagwazaLS2009 | Initial results of fertilizer trials aimed at reducing orchard cold/freeze damage and grey speckle in South African avocado |
MagwazaLS2009b | Follow-up study on the effect that iron supplements have on the post-harvest chilling injury disorder of avocado fruit |
MagwazaLS2009c | Maturity indexing and storage protocols for 'Lamb Hass' and 'Reed' avocado cultivars |
MaibeeAnita1993 | Efecto de una cobertura de ceras naturales y un ester de sacarosa, sobre el comportamiento en almacenaje refrigerado de paltas (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Fuerte en distintos niveles de madurez |
MajolaTF2022 | Reduction of Postharvest Avocado Fruit Decay by Optimised Rapid Hot Water Treatment |
MalcolmJohn1951 | Water Soluble Phosphorus and Potassium in the Soil of Lime and Avocado Groves in Dade County |
MalcolmJohn1956 | The Effects of Longtime Avocado Culture on the Composition of Sandy Soil in Dade County |
MaldonadoTorresR2007 | Estándares nutrimentales para aguacatero 'Hass' |
MalerboSouzaDarcelet2000 | Pollination in Avocado Flowers (Persea americana Mill.) |
MalloryRichard1988 | Growers: An Endangered Species |
MaloSimon1965 | Promising Methods for Correcting Iron Chlorosis in Avocados - A Preliminary Report |
MaloSimon1966 | Correction of Iron Chlorosis of Avocados Growing in Calcareous Soils |
MaloSimon1970 | Mango and Avocado Cultivars Present Status and Future Developments |
MaloSimon1971 | Mango and Avocado: Emerging Fruits in World Horticulture and Trade |
MaloSimon1976 | Mineral Nutrition of Avocados |
MaloSimon1976b | Weed Control in Avocado Orchards |
MaloSimon1977 | Effects of the 1977 Freeze on Avocados and Limes in South Florida |
MandelikYael2009 | Diversity patterns of wild bees in almond orchards and their surrounding landscape |
MandemakerAJ2003 | Effects of Postharvest Water Blasting on Fruit Pesticide Residues |
MandemakerAJ2004 | The Quality of New Zealand Avocados in the Australian Market |
MandemakerAJ2005 | Photo-Oxidation in Avocado Leaves |
MandemakerAJ2005b |
Effect of Prohexadione-Ca on Shoot Growth, Fruit Set and Retention in 'Hass' Avocado in New Zealand |
MandemakerAJ2006 |
Seeking a post-harvest fungicide suitable for the USA market for late season 'Hass' avocado fruit. |
MandemakerAJ2006b |
Effects of drop heights and fruit harvesting methods on quality of 'Hass' avocados. |
MandemakerAJ2007 |
Photosynthetic Performance of Overwintered Leaves |
MandemakerAJ2007b |
Review: Photosynthesis of Avocado |
MandemakerJ2004 | Comparison of Core and Peel Sampling Methods for Dry Matter Measurement in Hass Avocado Fruit |
MangiaficoSalvatore2009 | Nutrients and Pesticides in Stormwater Runoff and Soil Water in Production Nurseries and Citrus and Avocado Groves in California |
MangosingDaryl2014 | Bee-Ware: Investigating Bee Colony Decline and its Ecological Effects on Human Health |
ManicomBQ1996 | Simplification and Improved Sensitivity of Avocado Sunblotch Viroid Detection |
ManicomBQ2008 | Fungicides for Pseudocercospora control on avocados: A review, a trial and observations |
ManicomBQ2009 | Fungicides for Pseudocercospora control on avocados: A review, a trial and observations |
ManicomBQ2010 | Evaluation of fungicides for Pseudocercospora control - final report |
ManktelowDW2006 | Review: Determining and optimizing chemical application rates and spray application in different avocado canopies. |
ManningWill1920 | Top-Working Old Avocado Trees |
MansCC1995 | Maturity and Storage Temperature Regimes for KwaZulu/Natal Avocados |
MansCC1996 | Effect of Foliar Feeding of Hass at Various Stages of Flowering |
MansCC1996b | Temperature Regimes for Avocados Grown In Kwazulu-Natal |
MansoorFaatimah2018 | Development of a Protocol for the Proliferation of In Vitro Axillary Buds in Avocado (Persea americana) cv. 'Edranol' |
MantheyJohn1997 | Leaf and Root Responses to Iron |
MaraboliPatricia1987 | Temperaturas de almacenaje e inmersion en ethrel de paltas cv. Bacon |
MaraisLawrence2002 | Avocado Stem Canker or Collar Rot |
MaraisLawrence2002b | Phytophthora Root Rot |
MaraisPG1981 | Some Aspects of Phytophthora Cinnamomi Rands Infection of Grapevines |
MardonesClaudio2005 | Estudio de la floración en palto Hass, determinación de un índice cuantitativo de densidad floral y consumo energético en este proceso para plantas de distinta carga frutal. |
MareL2002 | The use of CA storage, CO2 shock treatments and / or 1-MCP treatments on 'Fuerte' and 'Hass' avocados |
MargosanDennis1999 | Cultural Effects on Fruit Quality Fungi Isolated from Avocados with Stem-End Rot after "Snap" or "Clip" Harvest |
MargosanDennis2000 | Fungi Isolated After Harvest From Decayed California Avocado Fruit (New Project; Year 1 of 2) |
MarinAlejandra1996 | Diseño e implementacion de riego tecnificado en un huerto de paltos y cítricos en la localidad de Mallarauco |
MarkleTom1994 | Gwen Variety Update |
MarquesJose2006 | Between-tree variation in fruit quality and fruit mineral concentrations of Hass avocados |
MarquezB2003 | Factores que afectan a la obtención de embriones somáticos blanco-opacos de aguacate |
MarquezMartinB2009 | Effects of an in vitro maturation treatment on plant recovery from avocado zygotic embryos |
MarroquinFrancisco1999 | Factores que favorecen la incidencia de roña (Sphaceloma perseae Jenk.) en el cultivo del aguacate (Persea americana Mill.) 'Hass', en tres regiones agroclimáticas de michoacán. México |
MarshAlbert1951 | Water Use by Drip and Sprinkle Irrigated Avocados Related to Plant Cover, Evaporation and Air Temperature` |
MarshAlbert1958 | Orchard Irrigation |
MarshAlbert1962 | An Avocado Irrigation Program |
MarshAlbert1969 | Avocado Irrigation |
MarshAlbert1971 | Drip, Drip, Drip |
MarshAlbert1978 | Irrigating New Avocado Orchards |
MarshRaymond1935 | Rate of Growth of Fuerte Fruit |
MarshRaymond1935b | Fertilizer Trials on the Fuerte Avocado - A Progress Report |
MarshRaymond1941 | Thinning Crowded Avocado Orchards |
MarshRaymond1941b | Moisture Requirements of the Avocado |
MarshRaymond1943 | Fertilizer Trials on the Fuerte Avocado - A Progress Report |
MarshRaymond1947 | Irrigation of Young and Old Avocado Orchards |
MarshRaymond1949 | Soil Moisture Measurements by Electrical Resistance |
MarshburnAustin1941 | Permanent Cover for Avocado Orchards |
MartinGray1988 | Determining the Optimum Time to Pick Gwen |
MartinGray1991 | Avocado Tree Structuring |
MartinGray1991b | Grafting Musings, Update 1991 |
MartinGray1992 | Beauty and the Blade: Commercial Field Propagation Tools Useful for Avocado |
MartinGray1992b | Avocado Topworking Update 1990 |
MartinGray1993 | Report From the Variety/Nursery Section |
MartinGray1993b | Wild Mushrooms or Imagination |
MartinGray1997 | Eight Predictions |
MartinJames1952 | Soil Organisms - Fact and Fiction |
MartinJames1953 |
Effect of Various Soil Chemical Properties on Growth of Avocado Seedlings |
MartinJames1954 | Growth of Avocado Seedlings: Individual plants vary in susceptibility to injury by concentrations of sodium or potassium in soil |
MartinezFE2015 | Aptitud agroclimática e identificación de nichos productivos de bajo riesgo de déficit hídrico para aguacate en fresno, Colombia |
MartinezFE2015b | Aptitud agroclimática e identificación de nichos productivos de bajo riesgo a deficiencias hídricas para aguacate en El Tambo, Colombia |
MartínezFontR2015 | Estudio en realización de una selección de plantas de copa reducida, con miras a lograr posibles réplicas y plantas con unidad morfológica y funcional notables en el cultivo del aguacatero |
MartinezFrancisco2004 | Evolucion del contenido de aceite en palta variedad Hass, bajo distintas tasas de riego en la zona de Quillota |
MartinezMaria1987 | Characterization of Eleven Late-Maturing Selections of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) |
MartinezOscar1984 | Variación estacional en el contenido de aceite, contenido de humedad, tamaño y palatabilidad, en frutos de palto (Persea americana Mill) cvs. Negra de la Cruz, Bacon, Zutano, Fuerte, Edranol y Hass |
MartinezR2003 | Contribución al estudio de la fecha del anillado con relación al porcentaje de inflorescencias determinadas e indeterminadas en el aguacatero (Persea americana Mill) |
MartinezR2003b | Contribución al estudio del cambio de variedad en vergeles adultos de aguacatero (Persea americana Mill) |
MartinezR2003c | Contribución al estudio comparativo entre la eficiencia del riego por goteo y la microaspersión en el aguacatero (Persea americana Mill) con relación al área mojada en saturación del suelo |
MartinezR2003d | Contribución al estudio de la evolución del crecimiento del fruto del cvr Hass (Persea americana Mill) con respecto al tiempo en las condiciones ecológicas del área de Motril (Granada, España) |
MartinezR2003e | Contribución al estudio de una manifestación de woody gall asociada al sunblotch en vergeles adultos de aguacatero (Persea americana Mill) |
MartinezR2015 | Control químico y biológico en árboles con síntoma de tristeza del aguacate en Matanguaran Mpio. de Uruapan Michoacán, México |
MartinsDino2014 | Sweat Bees (Halictidae): Natural History and Pesticide Exposure |
MarulandaCarol2017 | Identificación de aislamientos de Phytophthora asociados al cultivo de aguacate en el sur occidente de Colombia |
MaruriJaime1990 | Efecto del encerado sobre el comportamiento en almacenaje refrigerado de paltas cv. Edranol cosechadas con tres niveles de madurez |
MashilingiShibonage2022 | Honeybees are far too insufficient to supply optimum pollination services in agricultural systems worldwide |
MasikaneSL2018 | Optimizing foliar phosphonate sprays for the preventative management of Phytophthora root rot on avocado – Preliminary report |
MasonRob2009 | PRESENTATION: Consumer Research 2009 Avocados |
MatamoroJOse2009 | Caracterización cualitativa en la colección de aguacateros (Persea americana Mill) del Instituto de investigaciones en Fruticultura Tropical de Cuba. |
MatavaMary1991 | Mulching Practices in Avocado Orchards |
MatavaMary2009 | The Benefits of Mulching Avocados |
MathabaN2015 | The skin colouring problem of 'Hass' avocado fruit during ripening |
MathabaN2016 | Effect of 1-MCP, production region, harvest time, orchard slope and fruit canopy position on ‘Hass’ avocado colour development during ripening |
MatherAllen1960 | "Why Farmers Should Cooperate" |
MatherRobert1920 | The Propagation of Nursery Stock - The Failures and Successes of the Nurserymen |
MathewsDM1997 | Detection of Avocado Sunblotch Viroid by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) |
MattarFajardoMarco2019 | PRESENTACIÓN: Efecto de la aplicación de 6 benzil adenina sobre la producción y calibre de fruto en palto var Hass |
MattarMarco2006 | Experiencia de riego en paltos y aspectos a considerar en el desarrollo de la asfixia radical en paltos |
MattarMarco2007 | Evaluation of the Behavior of Hass Plants Grafted in Different Rootstocks under Culture Conditions in Copiapó Valley |
MattarMarco2007b | Determination of the Nutrient Absorption Curve, Using Extractometric Sonda and Foliar Analysis in Hass Avocado (Persea americana Mill) |
MattarMarco2014 | Como aumentar la eficiencia de la abeja como agente polinizador en huertos de paltos. Hay que obligar a la abeja a cargarse de polen de la variedad polinizante. |
MattillHA1916 | The Digestibility of the Fat of the Avocado |
MaukPeggy1999 | Foliar and Fruit Diseases of Avocado in California |
MaukPeggy2017 | The Challenge of Salinity: Hope for the Future with New Avocado Rootstocks |
MaurelJC2000 | ABSTRACT: Biosynthetic Origin of Abscisic Acid in Ripening Avocado Fruit |
MavusoZ2007 | Effect of different mulch materials, composts and organic treatments on tree condition and root health |
MavusoZ2008 |
Effect of different mulch materials, composts and organic treatments on tree condition and root health |
MavusoZ2009 |
Effect of different mulch materials, composts and organic treatments on tree condition and root health |
MavusoZ2010 |
Development of a more effective post-harvest treatment for the control of post-harvest diseases of avocado fruit |
MavusoZ2011 |
Development of a more effective post-harvest treatment for the control of post-harvest diseases of avocado fruit – Results from 2010 |
MavusoZ2012 |
Development of a more effective post-harvest treatment for the control of post-harvest diseases of avocado fruit - Results from 2011 |
MavusoZ2013 |
Development of a more effective postharvest treatment for the control of postharvest diseases of avocado fruit |
MavusoZ2015 |
Challenges of growing avocado’s in subtropical South Africa |
MaxwellNorman1956 | Expeditions to Northern Mexico during 1955 in Search of Avocado Varieties |
MaxwellNorman1957 | 1956 Report of the Experiment Station Avocado Test Plot |
MaxwellNorman1962 | Cold Hardiness of Avocados during the January 1962 Freeze |
MayfieldAlbert2006 | The Redbay Ambrosia Beetle, Xyleborus glabratus Eichhoff (Scolytinae: Curculionidae) |
MayfieldAlbert2007 | Laurel Wilt: A Serious Threat to Redbay and Other Related Native Plants |
MayfieldAlbert2008 | Laurel Wilt: A Threat to Redbay, Avocado and Related Trees in Urban and Rural Landscapes |
MayfieldAlbert2008b |
First Report of Laurel Wilt Disease Caused by a Raffaelea sp. on Avocado in Florida |
MayfieldAlbert2008c |
Effect of Propiconazole on Laurel Wilt Disease Development in Redbay Trees and on the Pathogen In Vitro |
MayfieldAlbert2008d |
Ability of the Redbay Ambrosia Beetle (Coleoptera: curculionidae: Scolytinae) to Bore Into Young Avocado (Lauraceae) Plants and Transmit the Laurel Wilt Pathogen (Raffaelea Sp.) |
MayfieldAlbert2010 |
Laurel Wilt: A Threat to Redbay, Avocado and Related Trees in Urban and Rural Landscapes |
MazhawuE2018 |
Water use of avocado orchards – Year 1 |
MazhawuE2019 |
Water use of avocado orchards - Year 2 |
MazhawuE2020 |
Water use of avocado orchards - Year 3 |
McCarthyAlec2009 | PRESENTATION: Harvesting Hass during high temperatures |
McCartyCD1957 | Evaluation of Monuron as a Selective Herbicide for Use in Avocado Orchards |
McCartyCD1962 | Pruning Avocado Trees |
McCartyCD1962b | Control of Bermuda Grass in Avocado Orchards |
McCartyCD1971 | Chemically Induced Sprouting of Axillary Buds in Avocados |
McClureGeorge1918 | What about the market? |
McCormacJames1996 | International Marketing Order — an Idea Whose Time Is Arriving (By Boatload) |
McCullochWL1931 | The Balanced Care of an Avocado Tree |
McCullochWL1934 | Experiences in Irrigating Avocados |
McFaddenET1945 | Converting Citrus to Avocados: From Grapes to Oranges to Avocados in Sixty Years |
McGarveyDouglas1992 | Ripening-Related Gene from Avocado Fruit: Ethylene-inducible Expression of the mRNA and Polypeptide |
McGarveyDouglas1992b | Characterization and Kinetic Parameters of Ethylene-forming Enzyme from Avocado Fruit |
McGregorEA1942 | The Avocado Mite of California, a New Species |
McKellarMA1983 | Cold Hardiness of Two Cultivars of Avocado and a Mango |
McKellarMA1992 | Freezing Tolerance of Avocado Leaves |
McKenzieCB1988 | Evaluation of Nursery Procedures to Eliminate Graft-Take Problems |
McKenzieCB1989 | ABSTRACT: Some Aspects Affecting Graft-Take in Avocados |
McKenzieCB1992 | Some Aspects Affecting Graft-Take in Avocados |
McKenzieD1982 | Control of Phytophtora cinnamomi Causing Root Rot of Avocados |
McKenzieD1984 | The Long-Term Implications of the Use of Ridomil 5g for the Control of Avocado Root Rot in South Africa |
McKenzieHoward1933 | Latest Developments in Avocado Pest Control |
McKenzieHoward1935 | Life History and Control of Latania Scale on Avocado |
McKenzieHoward1937 |
Life History and Control of Latania Scale on Avocado |
McIntyreScott1994 | Farming 2000 - A Grower's Perspective |
McLeanLC1992 | Efficacy of methyl bromide in nurseries |
McLeanLC1992b | Effect of different dosages of methyl bromide on nursery pathogens |
McLeanRR1931 | Dothiorella Rot |
McLeanRR1931b | Pest Control - The Growing Problem of the Industry |
McLeanRR1934 | Cleaning Scale From Avocados |
McLeodA1995 | Evaluation of Trichoderma for Biological Control of Avocado Root Rot in Bark Medium Artificially Infested with Phytophthora cinnamomi |
McLeodA2015 | Investigating root phosphite quantification methods for optimising foliar spray application in avocado - Preliminary report |
McLeodA2016 | Evaluating foliar phosphonate sprays as an alternative to trunk injections for controlling avocado root rot preventatively (Preliminary report) |
McLeodA2019 | Using phosphonate foliar sprays for managing Phytophthora root rot in avocado |
McLeodA2020 | Investigating phosphonic acid residues in late hanging fruit and in tree roots from trees that received one versus two annual trunk injections |
McLeodA2021 | Evaluating ammonium- and potassium phosphonate foliar sprays over two seasons based on root phosphite concentrations for the preventative management of Phytophthora root rot |
McMahonML1954 | The Last Thirty Inches |
McMillanRT1970 | Effectiveness of Copper When Combined with Nu Film 17 for Control of Avocado Scab |
McMillanRT1971 | Fungicides for Disease Control on Avocados, Limes and Mangos in Florida |
McMillanRT1976 | Diseases of Avocado |
McMillanRT1990 | Effectiveness of Chemical Postharvest Treatments for Avocado Anthracnose Control |
McMurtryJA1962 | The Avocado Brown Mite in Relation to Its Natural Enemies |
McMurtryJA1965 |
Predaceous Mites on Avocados |
McMurtryJA1966 | Studies on Natural Control of the Avocado Brown Mite |
McMurtryJA1967 | Preliminary Studies on Releasing Stethorus Beetles for Control of the Avocado Brown Mite |
McMurtryJA1969 | Biological Control Research on the Avocado Brown Mite |
McMurtryJA1971 | Further Studies on Control of Avocado Brown Mite with Releases of Stethorus Picipes |
McMurtryJA1976 | Management of Insect and Mite Pests of Avocado |
McMurtryJA1988 | Biological Control of Insect and Mite Pests of Avocado |
McMurtryJA1989 | Biological Control of Thrips and Mite Pests of Avocado |
McMurtryJA1992 | The Role of Exotic Natural Enemies in the Biological Control of Insect and Mite Pests of Avocado in California |
McNeilRobert2003 | Comparison of Freezing Protectant Sprays Applied to Avocado Trees |
McNeilRobert2003b | The Effectiveness of the Western Bumblebee in Pollinating Hass Avocado Trees |
McNeilRobert2003c | The Effect of Cross-Pollination by Nurse Limbs on Hass Avocado Production after Topworking |
McNeilRobert2003d | Girdling of Hass Avocado Trees to Increase Fruit Yield and Income in “Off” Years in a California Coastal Valley |
McOnieAJ1982 | Avocado Fruit Growth and Maturity in Two Natal Localities |
McPhersonWilliam1931 | C. P. Taft, An Avocado Pioneer |
McPhersonWilliam1955 | Early Account of the Avocados in America |
MeadLoren1958 | Variety Improvement Program |
MedinaD2003 | Manejo del riego del aguacate mediante el uso de dendrometros |
MedinaR2007 | Strategy for the Inclusion of Small and Medium-Sized Avocado (Persea americana Mill) Producers in Dynamic Markets as a Result of Phytosanitary Legal Controls for Fruit Transport in Michoacan, Mexico |
MedinaTorresRaul2011 | Seasonal Variation of Photosynthesis in Several Avocado Cultivars / Variación estacional de la fotosíntesis en varios cultivares de aguacate |
MedinaTorresRaul2013 |
Variación de la transpiración del aguacate 'Colinmex' usando interinjertos bajo dos regímenes de humedad edáfica / Variation in the Transpiration Rate of ‘Colinmex’ Avocado Using Interstocks under Two Soil Moisture Regimes |
MehlschauE1981 | Report from the Nurserymen's Section |
MeirShimon1991 | Increased Formation of Fluorescent Lipid- Peroxidation Products in Avocado Peels Precedes Other Signs of Ripening |
MeirShimon1992 | Accumulation of Fluorescent Lipid-Peroxidation Products During Ripening of 'Fuerte' Avocado Fruit |
MeirShimon1995 | Further studies on the controlled atmosphere storage of avocados |
MeirShimon1997 | Prolonged storage of 'Hass' avocado fruit using modified atmosphere packaging |
MeiriAvraham1999 | Irrigation Frequency Affects Soil Salinity of Drip Irrigated Avocado |
MeiriAvraham1999b | Temporal Changes in Soil N of Drip Irrigated Avocado Indicate Seasonal Differences in N Uptake |
MejiaHernandezAE2015 | Perspectivas del aguacate Hass en Colombia |
MejiaJaramilloLuz2021 | Concentración y acumulación de nitrógeno y calcio en el fruto de aguacate cv. Hass en clima tropical altoandino de Colombia / Concentration and Accumulation of Nitrogen and Calcium in cv. Hass Avocado Fruit in Tropical Climate of Colombia's Highlands |
MelinAnnalie2014 | Pollination ecosystem services in South African agricultural systems |
MelladoVazquezA2015 | Remoción de nutrimentos por el fruto de aguacate 'Méndez' en el sur de Jalisco, México |
MenaFrancisco1997 | Caracterizacion de la floracion del palto (Persea americana Mill.) en los cultivares Zutano, Bacon, Negra de la Cruz y Edranol en Quillota, y determinacion de la viabilidad del polen del palto cv. Hass, a traves de dos metodos |
MenaFrancisco2003 | Efecto del UNICONAZOL-P (Sunny®) sobre el crecimiento y productividad de paltos cv. Hass en Chile |
MenaFrancisco2004 | Fenología del palto, su uso como base del manejo productivo |
MenaFrancisco2004b | Fenología en Paltos, su uso como Base del Manejo Productivo (PRESENTACIÓN) |
MenaFrancisco2004c | Poda en Paltos |
MenaFrancisco2004d | Poda en Paltos (PRESENTACIÓN) |
MenaFrancisco2005 | Growing Avocados in Chile; A Focus on Orchard Systems, Fruit Set and Size |
MenaFrancisco2007 | Efecto de la época de poda y el uso de reguladores de crecimiento sobre el desarrollo y floración de rebrotes de poda |
MenaFrancisco2007b | Huertos de alta densidad: efecto de la producción sobre el desarrollo, floración y productividad del año siguiente en palto (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Hass |
MenaFrancisco2015 | Comportamiento poblacional de 200 árboles de paltos (Persea americana Mill.) Cv Hass cultivados en Panquehue, Chile |
MenaFrancisco2015b | Efecto de la época de cosecha sobre el rendimiento y calibre de la fruta de paltos (Persea americana Mill.) variedad Hass |
MenaFrancisco2015c | Efecto del número de polinizantes edranol sobre la productividad de paltos (Persea americana Mill.) variedad Hass |
MenaFrancisco2021 | PRESENTATION: The Avocado Industry in the next 20 years |
MendelZvi2011 | The current situation of 'ambrosia wilt' in avocado plantations in Israel caused by the shot hole borer and its fungal symbiont Fusarium |
MendelZvi2012 | PRESENTATION: The situation in Israel: pace of spread, the potential and actual damage and the susceptibility of avocado varieties |
MendelZvi2012b | PRESENTATION: What did we learn so far in Israel about the biology of Euwallcea fornicatus, host range, natural and artificial rearing, beetle behavior and its seasonal history? |
MendelZvi2012c | PRESENTATION: Lessons and insights from the chemical control trials of E. fornicatus and its fungal symbiont in avocado plantations in Israel |
MendelZvi2014 | תסמיני הנזק הנגרמים לעצי נוי ולעצי יער ע"י פגע האמברוזיה |
MendezJaimesF2015 | Caracterización molecular de especies de Colletotrichum asociadas a Antracnosis en aguacate de la región centro de Michoacán |
MendozaChurapeJuan2021 | Especies de Ganoderma asociadas a la pudrición de raíz en Persea americana Miller var. drymifolia (Schltdl. y Cham) S. F. Blake / Ganoderma Species Associated with Root Rot in Persea americana Miller var. drymifolia (Schltdl. And Cham) S. F. Blake |
MengeJohn0000 | Mycorrhiza Agriculture Technologies |
MengeJohn1978 | Mycorrhizal Fungi Increase Growth and Reduce Transplant Injury in Avocado |
MengeJohn1980 | The Effect of Two Mycorrhizal Fungi upon Growth and Nutrition of Avocado Seedlings Grown with Six Fertilizer Treatments |
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Diseases Attack After the Thaw |
MengeJohn1992 | The Performance of Rootstocks Tolerant to Root Rot Caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi under Field Conditions in Southern California |
MengeJohn1999 | Results of Recent Tests for Root Rot Tolerance in Avocado Rootstocks in California |
MengeJohn1999b | Control of Phytophthora cinnamomi Root Rot of Avocado |
MengeJohn2000 | Screening and Evaluation of New Rootstocks with Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi (Continuing Project; Year 8 of 20) |
MengeJohn2000b | Biocontrol of Phytophthora Root Rot of Avocado with Mulch and Biocontrol Agents (Continuing Project; Year 4 of 5) |
MengeJohn2002 | Results of Recent Tests for Root Rot Tolerance in Avocado Rootstocks in California |
MengeJohn2004 | Biocontrol of Phytophthora Root Rot of Avocado 2004 (Continuing Project: Year 2 of 3) |
MengeJohn2004b | Screening and Evaluation of New Rootstocks with Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi 2004 (Continuing Project: Year 13 of 20) |
MengeJohn2012 |
Three New Avocado Rootstock Cultivars Tolerant to Phytophthora Root Rot: 'Zentmyer', 'Uzi', and 'Steddom' |
MenzelChristopher2014 |
Increasing the productivity of avocado orchards using high-density plantings: A review |
MerhautDonald2012 |
Best Management Practices in Avocado Orchard Management |
MerringtonG2002 | The potential impact of long-term copper fungicide usage on soil microbial biomass and microbial activity in an avocado orchard |
MessengerAP1934 | Efficacy of Plant Quarantines |
MessengerBelinda1997 | The Effects of Calcium on Avocado Growth and Root Health |
MessengerBelinda2000 | Effects of Gypsum on Zoospores and Sporangia of Phytophthora cinnamomi in Field Soil |
MessengerBelinda2001 | Effects of Gypsum Soil Amendments on Avocado Growth, Soil Drainage, and Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi |
MessengerPS1957 | Bioclimatic Studies of the Mexican Fruit Fly |
MessererDaniel1998 | Sustratos alternativos en la propagación de palto (Persea americana) |
MeyerJewell1988 | Irrigation and Fertilization Management of Avocados |
MeyerJewell1990 | Irrigation and Fertilization Management of Avocados Research Findings |
MeyerJewell1992 | Irrigation and Fertilization Management of Avocados |
MhameedSamir1996 | Level of Heterozygosity and Mode of Inheritance of Variable Number of Tandem Repeat Loci in Avocado |
MhlopheSD2012 | Effects of harvest maturity, storage temperature, controlled atmosphere and SmartFresh on the post-harvest vascular staining disorder of 'Maluma' avocado fruit |
MichelsonHamilton1921 | Shipping and Marketing the Avocado |
MickelbartMichael2000 | Avocado Leaf Surface Morphology |
MickelbartMichael2002 | Rootstock Influences Changes in Ion Concentrations, Growth, and Photosynthesis of 'Hass' Avocado Trees in Response to Salinity |
MickelbartMichael2003 | Salinity tolerance of avocado rootstocks |
MickelbartMichael2007 | Effects of clonal rootstocks on ‘Hass’ avocado yield components, alternate bearing, and nutrition |
MickelbartMichael2012 | 'Hass' Avocado tree growth on four rootstocks in California. I. Yield and flowering |
MickelbartMichael2012b | 'Hass' avocado tree growth on four rootstocks in California. II. Shoot and root growth |
MiddletonJohn1958 | Is it macadamia - or else? |
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MilborrowBV1998 | Endogenous biosynthetic precursors of (+)-abscisic acid. VI. Carotenoids and ABA are formed by the ‘non-mevalonate’ triosepyruvate pathway in chloroplasts |
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MillarJocelyn2009 | Development of pheromone-based detection and monitoring systems for invasive scale species infesting avocado |
MillarJocelyn2010 | Development of Pheromone-based Detection & Monitoring Systems for Invasive Scale & Species Infesting Avocado |
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MillerJean1936 | Avocados in San Diego County |
MillerJean1938 | Rehabilitation of Frost Damaged Trees |
MillerJean1944 | Tree Replacement and Topworking |
MillerJean1946 | The Care of the Avocado Grove |
MillerMarvin1955 | Avocados in Riverside County |
MillerMarvin1955b | Brace Grafting Avocado Trees |
MillerMarvin1956 | Avocado Prospects in New Areas of Riverside County |
MillerMarvin1957 | Avocado Growing and Pencil Pushing |
MillerMarvin1959 | What about avocados in riverside county? |
MillerMarvin1960 | Avocado Pruning to Regulate Crop Production |
MillerMarvin1963 | Cooling Avocado Trees by Sprinkling |
MillerMarvin1966 | Avocados in Sicily |
MillerMarvin1967 | Observations of Avocados in South Africa |
MillerPA1943 | Stylar End Checking of the Hachiya Persimmon |
MillerWells1951 | The Macadamia or Queensland Nut |
MillerWells1952 | Expedition to Mexico |
MillerWells1954 | The Macadamia Nut a New Commercial Crop for California |
MillerWells1956 | Progress Report on Macadamia |
MillerWells1960 | Macadamia Exploration in Australia |
MillerdAdele1953 | The Climacteric Rise in Fruit Respiration as Controlled by Phosphorylative Coupling |
MilneDL1971 | Experimental Control of Avocado Phytophthora Root Rot in South Africa |
MilneDL1982 | A Brief Review of SAAGA 1981 |
MilneDL1983 | SAAGA: Quo Vadis |
MilneDL1997 | Avocado Quality Assurance: Who? Where? When? How? |
MilneDL1998 | Foreword |
MilneDL1998b | Avocado Quality Assurance: Who? Where? When? How? |
MilneLindsay1996 | The South African Avocado Industry in 1996 |
MircetichSrecko1960 | Rhizoctonia Seed and Root Rot of Avocado |
MircetichSrecko1967 | Existence of Phytophthora cinnamomi as Chlamydospores and Oospores in Roots and Soil |
MitchellCF1977 | Treatment of Irrigaiton Water for Avocado Nurseries |
MitchellCF1977b | Avocado Soils on Mataffin |
MitchellDudley2000 | ABSTRACT: In Vitro Culture of Avocado: A Model System for Studying the Biochemistry of Fruit Growth |
MitchellDudley2018 | High Density Avocado Production |
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Boron Fertilization of 'Sharwil' Avocados in Kona, Hawaii |
MiyasakaSusan1999 | Boron Requirement of Young ‘Sharwil’ Avocado Trees |
MiyazakiJohn1987 | Metabolism of 5-Methylthioribose to Methionine |
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MizrachA1999 | Determination of avocado maturity by ultrasonic attenuation measurements |
MoggiaClaudia1988 | Efecto del permanganato de potasio como absorbedor de etileno (Ethysorb), sobre la evolucion en madurez de frutos de palto (Persea americana Mill) cv. Fuerte, en almacenaje refrigerado |
MohamedYasseen1993 | In Vitro Propagation of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Abstract |
MohamedYasseen1993b | Morphogenesis of Avocado in Vitro. A Review |
MohottiKeerthi2012 | PRESENTATION: Non Chemical Management of Shot Hole Borer: Sri Lankan Experiences |
MolinaLeonardo1999 | Descripción técnica y evaluación económica de diferentes métodos de control de heladas en palto (Persea americana Mill.) |
MollJN1978 | Phytophthora Root Rot |
MollJN1984 | Root Rot Control Strategy |
MollJN1984b | Sunblotch Indexing for the Plant Improvement Scheme |
MollJN1987 | A lethal, transmissible stem-pitting of avocados associated with Duke 6 rootstocks |
MondacaClaudio2003 | Comportamiento de paltas var. Hass almacenadas en atmosfera controlada |
MonseliseSP0000 | Alternate Bearing in Fruit Trees |
MonteE2003 | Trichoderma in Organic Agriculture |
MontedonicoJuan2001 | Riego deficitario controlado en palto (cv. Hass) para la zona de Quillota |
MontgomeryHW1950 | Tip-Graft Observations |
MontgomeryHW1955 | Shaping Avocado Trees |
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MontgomeryHW1957 | South of Panama |
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Pollen supply promotes, but high temperatures demote, predatory mite abundance in avocado orchards |
MontserratM2013 | Pollen supply promotes, but high temperatures demote, predatory mite abundance in avocado orchards |
MontserratM2013b | Can climate change jeopardize predator control of invasive herbivore species? A case study in avocado agro-ecosystems in Spain |
MonzonVictor2020 | Avocado crops as a floral resource for native bees of Chile |
MooreEC1938 | Recovery from Frost Injury |
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MooreGordonClive1994 | Progress Report: A Preliminary Report on the Effect of Mulching on 'Hass' Avocado Fruit Growth |
MooreGordonClive1995 | Effect of Mulching on Hass Avocado Fruit Growth and Yield in the Kwazulu/Natal Midlands |
MooreGordonClive1996 | The Hass Small-Fruit Problem: Role of Physiological Stress and its Amelioration by Mulching |
MooreGordonClive1997 | Mulching of Avocado Orchards to Increase Hass Yield and Fruit Size and Boost Financial Rewards a Three Season Summary of Research Findings |
MooreGordonClive1997b | ABSTRACT: Aspects of Avocado Fruit Growth and Development: Towards Understanding the 'Hass' Small Fruit Syndrome |
MoorePW1951 | Avocado Irrigation |
MoorePW1952 | The Fine Art of Fertilizing Avocados |
MoorePW1958 | Effects of Irrigation Treatments and Rates of Nitrogen Fertilization on Young Hass Avocado Trees. II. Relation to Leaf Tipburn, Tree Sunburn, Shoot Dieback, Leaf Scorch, Leaf Color, Leaf Size, Tree Vigor, and Leaf Moisture Deficits |
MoraGalindoJ1966 | Cooperative Project Attempting to Solve the Avocado Root Rot Problem |
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MoralesAntonio1981 | Control quimico de hongos causantes de pudriciones en almacenaje de paltas (Persea americana Mill.) cv. Fuerte |
MoralesGalvanO2003 | Desarrollo y validación de un plan de muestreo para Oligonychus punicae y O. perseae (Acari: tetranychidae) en aguacate cv. Hass |
MoralesLilian2005 | La chinche de encaje del aguacatero: Pseudacysta perseae (Heid.) (Heteroptera: Tingidae). Bioecología y lucha biológica en las condiciones de Cuba |
MorenoRodrigo2004 | Prospeccion del mercado europeo de la palta. Alternativas para Chile |
MoreauFrancois1982 | Preparation of Avocado Mitochondria Using Self-Generated Percoll Density Gradients and Changes in Buoyant Density during Ripening |
MoreauFrancois1982b | Malate Oxidation and Cyanide-Insensitive Respiration in Avocado Mitochondria during the Climacteric Cycle |
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MoriguchiTakaya1995 | Mitochondrial Self-restoration as an Index to the Capacity of Avocado Fruit to Sustain Atmospheric Stress at Two Climacteric States |
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MorleyJohn1924 | Notes on Avocados in Central Florida |
MorleyJohn1928 | Avocados in Polk County |
MorrisR1980 | Testing Avocados For Maturity |
MorseJoseph2000 | Persea Mite Pesticide Efficacy Trial |
MorseJoseph2004 | Biology and Chemical Control of Avocado Thrips; Pesticide Resistance Monitoring with Avocado Thrips and Persea Mite (Continuing Project: Year 2 of 3) |
MorseJoseph2005 | Evaluation of Systemic Chemicals for Avocado Thrips and Avocado Lace Bug Management (New Project: Year 1) |
MorseJoseph2005b | Biology, Management, and Resistance Monitoring of Avocado Thrips and Persea Mite (Continuing Project: Year 3 of 3) |
MorseJoseph2006 | Biology, Management, and Resistance Monitoring of Avocado Thrips and Persea Mite: Year 1 of 3 |
MorseJoseph2006b | Evaluation of Systemic Chemicals for Avocado Thrips and Avocado Lace Bug Management: Year 2 of 3 |
MorseJoseph2006c | PRESENTATION: Evaluation of Systemic Chemicals for Avocado Thrips and Avocado Lace Bug Management |
MorseJoseph2006d | PRESENTATION: Evaluation of Systemic Chemicals for Avocado Thrips and Avocado Lace Bug Management (POSTER) |
MorseJoseph2007 | Evaluation of Systemic Chemicals for Avocado Thrips and Avocado Lace Bug Management |
MorseJoseph2007b | Management and Resistance Monitoring of Avocado Thrips and Persea Mite |
MorseJoseph2008 |
Evaluation of Systemic Chemicals for Avocado Thrips and Avocado Lace Bug Management |
MorseJoseph2008b |
Management and Resistance Monitoring of Avocado Thrips and Persea Mite |
MorseJoseph2008c |
Pseudacysta perseae: Biology and Management of Avocado Lace Bug in California |
MorseJoseph2009 |
Management and Resistance Monitoring of Avocado Thrips and Persea Mite |
MorseJoseph2009b |
PRESENTATION: Research Update -- Avocado Thrips, Persea Mite, and Pesticide Resistance Management |
MorseJoseph2010 |
PRESENTATION: Research Update -- Avocado Thrips, Persea Mite, New Materials, Pesticide Resistance Management |
MorseJoseph2010b |
Survey for Armored Scales and their Natural Enemies on California Avocados |
MorseJoseph2010c |
Management and Resistance Monitoring of Avocado Thrips and Persea Mite |
MorseJoseph2011 |
The Introduction of Avocado Thrips into California: History and Current Status |
MossakIsaias1977 | ABSTRACT: Effects of different irrigation regimes in late summer on avocado fruit development and ripening |
MoznetteGF1920 | Insects Which Attach the Avocado in Florida |
MoznetteGF1920b | Some Important Insects Which Attack the Avocado in Florida |
MoznetteGF1921 | The Control of Insect Pests on the Avocado |
MoznetteGF1921b | The Possibility of Transmitting Insects on Budwood with Special Reference to the Avocado |
MoznetteGF1922 | The Avocado - Its Insect Enemies and How to Combat Them |
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MuloShane2003 | Major Update of Two Avocado Software Programs: Avoman and Avoinfo |
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MunozLeonardo1989 | Descripcion de una nueva plaga en palto, (Persea Americana Mill) en la localidad de Copequen, sexta region |
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MurphyJoe1950 | Frost Protection |
MurphyJoe1951 | Frost Protection |
MurphyKathryn1992 | Ripe Revolution |
MurrietaJuan1918 | Early Introduction of the Avocado into California |
MussenEric0000 | Honey Bees & Avocados |
MussenEric1998 | Honey Bees and Pesticides |
MustardMargaret1952 | Effect of Cold Storage on Some Florida Avocados |
MyburghL1982 | Bacterial Disease of Avocado |
MyburghL1983 | Bacterial Canker of Avocado |