Subtropical Fruit News

1999. Volume 7, No. 1


Table of Contents



1.       Opportunities for interchange – summaries of selected international avocado research
Reuben Hofshi

1.       Conservation of avocado genetic resources in Mexico
Alejandro F. Barrientos-Priego

2.       Avocado production in South Africa and research at Merensky Technological Services
J. Stefan K

5.       Avocado Nutrition
Emi Lahav

7.       Improving avocado orchard yield through the use of pruning and girdling
Miriam Zilberstaine and Eli Kaluski

8.       Avocado canopies: a New Zealand perspective
Grant Thorp

9.       High density avocado planting – an argument for replanting trees
Reuben Hofshi

13.     Should avocado growers consider a “nursery cooperative”?
Reuben Hofshi

16.     Update on the economic impact of Mediterranean Fruit Fly on Californian agriculture
Jerry Siebert

18.     Use of lime-sulfur solution for the control of postharvest mold of citrus fruit
Joseph L. Smilanick and David Sorenson

23.     Potential problems with gibberellic acid application to citrus
Ben Faber

24.     Boron is high in many southern San Joaquin Valley citrus trees
Craig Kallsen

25.     Considerations relative to the establishment of Clementine mandarins
Etienne Rabe

27.     After December’s freeze, gear up for additional releases of bio control agents
Phil A. Phillips

30.     Does applying all of the season’s nitrogen early in the season promote earlier fruit maturity?
Craig Kallsen

31.     New Subtropical Cooperative Extension Specialist/Horticulturist at the University of California, Riverside: Dr. Chih-Cheng (Thomas) Chao