Subtropical Fruit News

Summer / Fall 1996

Volume 4, No. 2


Table of Contents



1.       Citricola scale increases in pest status in the San Joaquin Valley
Elizabeth E. Grafton-Cardwell

2.       How good is our refrigerator?
Craig Kallsen

3.       Microsprinklers
Ben Faber

4.       Clone your own avocado at home
Reuben Hofshi

6.       Choice of clonal rootstock affects salt tolerance of ‘Hass’ avocado
Michael V. Mickelbart and Mary Lu Arpaia

10.     A young citrus tree dies, is someone at fault?
Gary S. Bender

11.     Marketing citrus fruit: the choice grade is a bargain
Craig Kallsen

13.     It’s your money
Ben Faber

14.     Citrus IPM Videos and Brochures

14.     Pest and Disease Quick Guides available

15.     San Diego County News: New Pest on avocado
Gary Bender

15.     San Diego County News: Persea mite on avocado
Gary Bender