Plant Disease


A Publication of The American Phytopathological Society

Korsten, L., De Villiers, E. E., Wehner, F. C., and Kotzé, J. M. 1997.
Field sprays of Bacillus subtilis and fungicides for control of preharvest fruit diseases of avocado in South Africa.
Plant Dis. 81:455-459.

Schnell, R. J., Kuhn, D. N., Ronning, C. M., and Harkins, D. 1997.
Application of RT-PCR for indexing avocado sunblotch viroid.
Plant Dis. 81:1023-1026.

López-Herrera, C. J., Pérez-Jiménez, R. M., Zea-Bonilla, T., Basallote-Ureba, M. J., and Melero-Vara, J. M. 1998.
Soil solarization in established avocado trees for control of Dematophora necatrix.
Plant Dis. 82:1088-1092.

Messenger, B. J., Menge, J. A., and Pond, E. 2000.
Effects of gypsum soil amendments on avocado growth, soil drainage, and resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi.
Plant Dis. 84:612-616.

Messenger, B. J., Menge, J. A., and Pond, E. 2000.
Effects of gypsum on zoospores and sporangia of Phytophthora cinnamomi in field soil.
Plant Dis. 84:617-621.


López-Herrera, Carlos J. 2005.
ABSTRACT: First Report of Phytophthora cactorum Causing Fruit Rot on Avocado in Spain

Plant Dis. 89:1363, 2005.



Riggins, J.J., Hughes, M., Smith, J.A., Mayfield III, Albert E., Layton, B., Balbalian, C., Campbell, R.
ABSTRACT: First Occurrence of Laurel Wilt Disease Caused by Raffaelea lauricola on Redbay Trees in Mississippi
Plant Dis. 94(5):634, 2010.