New Zealand Avocado Growers Association






Annual Research Report







Volume 2



Editor:    Dr. H.A. Pak

Avocado Industry Council Ltd

PO Box 16004

Bethlehem, Tauranga

New Zealand


Published by:

Avocado Growers Association

PO Box 16004

Bethlehem, Tauranga



Tel:  (07) 571 6147

Fax: (07) 571 6145



Copyright                                                                               ISSN:




            J. Cutting


1. REVIEW: Pollination of avocados

            J. Dixon and D. Sher …………………………………………………………………      1


2. REVIEW: Avocado fruit rots: a review of industry funded research

K.R. Everett ……………………………….……………………………………………     2


3. Efficacy of new pesticides against sixspotted mite Eotetranychus sexmaculatus (Riley) (Acari:Tetranychidae) on avocados

            K.J. Froud, P.S. Stevens, T. Machin and L.E. Jamieson…………………….…….      3


4. Sustainable management of sixspotted spider mite (Eotetranychus sexmaculatus (Riley)) on avocados

A.R. Tomkins………………………………...………………………………………….     4


5. Evaluating the suitability of sixspotted mites as prey for commercially available mite predators

P. Stevens and L. Jamieson .…………………………………………………………     5


6. Dose-mortality response of “susceptible” Eotetranychus sexmaculatus (sixspotted mite) to Avid and Malathion. A pre-emptive strategy for detecting future resistance.

            J. Charles and D. Allan….……………………………………………………………       6


7. Distribution of greenhouse thrips and leafroller larva in avocado orchard blocks

            P.A. Brookbank and D. Steven……………………………………………………….      7


8. Fruit growth and size profiles

H.A. Pak ……………………………………………..…………………………………      8


9. An investigation into the effects of pre-harvest sprays of calcium-containing formulations in reducing rots in Hass avocados.

            C.J. Partridge, H.A. Pak and P.A. Brookbanks………………………...………….        9


10. Analysis of packhouse library tray data from 2001/2002 season  

J. Dixon and H.A. Pak ………………………………………………………………        10


11. Infection criteria for pathogens causing body rots in avocados

            K.R. Everett and H.A. Pak……...……………………………………………………     11


12. Stem-end rots: the infection portal

            W.F.T. Hartill, K.R. Everett and H.A. Pak …………………………….…………        12


13. Monitoring rates of early season dry matter accumulation

            H.A. Pak ……………………………………………………………………………         13


14. Disease progress curves

            K.R. Everett and H. Pak……… ………………………………………………         14


15. Effects of prepacking holding temperatures on shelf life quality of Hass avocados

C. Yearsley, N. Lallu, J. Burdon, D. Billing, M. Punter, and S. Osman…….        15             

16. Effects of airflows during storage or shiping on shelf life quality of Hass avocados

C. Yearsley, N. Lallu, J. Burdon, D. Billing, M. Punter, and S. Osman…….         16


17. Influence of water blasting on ripe rots

            H.A. Pak and J. Dixon……………….…………………………………………         17