Proceedings of the First International Tropical Fruit Short Course: The Avocado.

J.W. Sauls, R.L. Phillips and L.K. Jackson (eds.)

Gainesville: Fruit Crops Dept., Florida Cooperative Extension Service

Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, 1976.





  1. World Avocado Production—1976
    Don Gustafson

  2. The Botany of the Avocado and Its Relatives
    Louis O. Williams

  3. Exploring For Persea in Latin America
    Eugenio Schieber and G. A. Zentmyer

  4. A Survey of Avocado Cultivars
    C. W. Campbell and S. E. Malo

  5. Avocado Breeding and Selection
    B. O. Bergh

  6. Breeding Avocados for Cold Hardiness
    Robert J. Knight, Jr.

  7. Discussion—Avocado Breeding and Selection
    Mineral Nutrition of Avocado

  8. Mineral Nutrition of Avocado
    Simon E. Malo

  9. Avocado Water Relations
    Don Gustafson

  10. Tree Spacing and Control of Avocado Tree Growth
    Robert G. Platt

  11. Growing Avocados in Areas of High Salinity
    Shmuel Gazit and Amnon Kadman

  12. Avocado Production Economics
    Robert C. Rock

  13. Diseases of Avocado
    R. T. McMillan, Jr

  14. Management of Insect and Mite Pests of Avocado
    J. A. McMurtry

  15. Weed Control in Avocado Orchards
    Simon E. Malo

  16. Soil-Borne Pathogens of Avocado
    G. A. Zentmyer

  17. Factors Affecting Avocado Fruitfulness
    B. O. Bergh

  18. Pollination and Fruit Set of Avocado
    Shmuel Gazit

  19. Current Techniques of Avocado Propagation
    Robert G. Platt

  20. Discussion—Avocado Roostocks

  21. Avocado Fruit Maturity
    Charles R. Barmore

  22. Storage of Avocados
    Donald H. Spalding

  23. Harvesting and Postharvest Handling of Avocados
    Phillip W. Newman

  24. Marketing Avocados in Western Europe
    Shmuel Gazit

  25. Marketing Orders
    Charles Walker

  26. Japan as a Potential Market for Avocados
    Charles Walker

  27. Discussion —Harvesting and Handling