California Avocado Society

2004-2005 Yearbook

Volume 87

Table of Contents


The California Avocado Society

6.       Past Presidents of the Society

7.       2004 California Avocado Society Officers and Directors

8.       Minutes of the 2004 Annual Meeting

12.     Financial Statements FY 2004

16.     Report from the President
Wayne Brydon

19.     Award of Honor – 2004

21.     2003 Oliver Atkins Award       

23.     Awards of Honor Past Recipients      

27.     In Memoriam Ralph Pinkerton
Mark Affleck

Avocado Marketing

31.     Update on the Avocado Industry of Michoacán México
Samuel Salazar-García, Luis Zamora-Cuevas,
Ricardo J. Vega-López

45.     Actualización sobre la Industria del Aguacate en Michoacán, México
Samuel Salazar-García, Luis Zamora-Cuevas, Ricardo J. Vega-López

55.     The Australian Avocado Industry
Graham Anderson

59.     The Avocado Industry in South Africa
L. L. Vorster

Avocado Research

65.     Invasions of Leaf Feeding Arthropods: Why Are So Many New Pests Attacking California-Grown Avocados?
Mark S. Hoddle

83.     Time of Avocado Pruning Affects Fruit Set and Avocado Thrips Occurrence in Southern California Groves
Pascal Oevering, Ben Faber, Phil Phillips

97.     Glassy Winged Sharpshooters in Avocado Orchards in Southern California
Pascal Oevering, Phil Phillips, Ben Faber

111.    Flowering of Avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) As Influenced by Gibberellic Acid Treatments
A. T. Bruwer, P. J. Robbertse

117.    Alternate Irrigation of Avocados: Effects on Growth Cropping, and Control of Rosellinia Necatrix
J. M. Farré, J. M. Hermoso, M.D. Torres

127.    Phosphorus and Potassium Nutrition: A Summary of Two Twenty-nine Year Experiments
J. M. Hermoso, S. Jaime, M. D. Torres, J. M. Farré

World Members of the California Avocado Society

138.    Membership Lists