California Avocado Society 1997 Yearbook - Volume 81


Table of Contents


5.       Farewell, Gentlemen

10.     Past Presidents of the Society

11.     1996-97 California Avocado Society Officers and Directors

12.     Minutes of the 1997 Annual Meeting

14.     Financial Statements

19.     Report from the President
Tom Markle

23.     Awards of Honor

27.     Award of Honor - 1997

31.     A Report from the Avocado Variety/Nurserymen's Committee
John Lindstrom

33.       The New Zealand/Australian Avocado Conference - 1997
H. Leonard Francis

45.       The Israeli Avocado Industry - A Status Report
E. Lahav

47.     The Australian Avocado Industry - Director's Update
Ross Richards

49.       The South African Avocado Industry - Director's Update
Louis Vorster

53.     Production Research Survey Results
H. Leonard Francis

69.      The Effects of Calcium on Avocado Growth and Root Health
Belinda J. Messenger, John A. Menge, Chris Amrheim, and Ben Faber

81.      Avocado Thrips: A Serious New Pest of Avocados in California
Mark S. Hoddle and Joseph G. Morse

91.       Detection of Avocado Sunblotch Viroid by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
D. M. Mathews, J. A. Heick, and J. A. Dodds

99.       Delayed Pistil Senescence Causes an Overlap in Protogyny in Tonnage' Avocado
Fiona M. Imbert

107.    Six-Plus Methods to Increase Avocado Production
H. Leonard Francis

109.   Eight Predictions
Gray Martin

113.    Winter Flooding Effects on Avocado Tree Growth and Yield
D. N. Zamet

117.    Alternate Bearing in the Avocado
Sergio Paz-Vega

151.    Annals of the Avocado
George A. Zentmyer

155.    The Avocado Has Many Names
Wilson Popenoe, George A. Zentmyer, and Eugenio Schieber

163.    Early History of the Avocado
Wilson Popenoe and G. A. Zentmyer

172.    The Most Important Known References to the Avocado in Literature, Down to the End of the Seventeenth Century

175.   Looking for the Future
Mark E. Affleck

World Members of the California Avocado Society

194.     Membership Lists