California Avocado Society 1993 Yearbook - Volume 77


Table of Contents



6.       Past Presidents

7.       1993 President of the California Avocado Society

8.       1992/1993 California Avocado Society Officers and Directors

9.       1993/1994 California Avocado Society Officers and Directors

10.     1993 - 1994 Committees and Subcommittees

11.     Minutes of the 1993 Annual Meeting

13.     President's Report

15.       Award of Honor

17.       Awards of Honor 1993

23.     The Future of the California Avocado Industry

39.     Report from the Variety/Nursery Section

43.     Report of the Variety Committee

45.     Financial Statements

51.     Len Keith Gray - In Memoriam

53.     Eugenio Schieber - In Memoriam


59.     Mexico - Is It Really What We Hear?
H. Leonard Francis

67.      Wild Mushrooms or Imagination
Gray Martin

69.       On Avocado Yields
D. N. Zamet

73.        A New Mite Problem in Avocados
Gary S. Bender

79.       Studies in the Postharvest Handling of California Avocados
Mary Lu Arpaia

89.       Avocado Clonal Rootstock Production Trial
M. L. Arpaia, G. S. Bender, and G. W. Witney

95.       Zinc Nutrition of Avocado
David E. Crowley, Woody Smith, Ben Faber, and Mary Lu Arpaia

101.     Morphogenesis of Avocado in Vitro. A Review
Yasseen Mohamed-Yasseen

107.     In Vitro Propagation of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.)
Yasseen Mohamed-Yasseen

113.    Beneficial Microorganisms for Biocontrol of Phytophthora Root Rot
William L. Casale

121.      Aberrant Avocado Leaf Forms
C. A. Schroeder

125.    An Avocado Relative: Beilschmiedia Anay (Blake) Kosterm. A Fruit Source
Michal W. Borys, Helen Leszczyńska-Borys, Sara Ramirez Maranon, Laura Castro and Fernandez del Campo

Membership Lists

139.    Membership Lists

Advertisers' Index

4.        Advertisers' Index