California Avocado Society 1991 Yearbook - Volume 75


Table of Contents


The California Avocado Society

6.        Past Presidents

7.        1991 President of the California Avocado Society

8.        1990-1991 California Avocado Society Officers and Directors

9.        1991-1992 California Avocado Society Officers and Directors

10.      Awards of Honor

12.      Award of Honor 1991

14.      Resolutions

16.      Minutes of the 1991 Annual Meeting

19.      Financial Statements

25.      Production Research Accomplishments - A Five-Year Record: 1986-1991
H. Leonard Francis

29.      The California Avocado Nursery Situation
Larry Rose

31.      Report from the Variety Committee
Oliver Atkins

37.      Report from Australia
Donald W. Lavers


43.      Mulching Practices in Avocado Orchards
M. Matava

45.      Grafting Musings. Update 1991
Gray Martin

51.      Avocado Tree Structuring
Gray Martin

57.      Orchard "Slenderizing"
Dr. Ben Faber

63.      Tree Recovery After the December 1990 Freeze
Guy Witney and Mary Lu Arpaia

71.      Relationship Between Physiological Maturity and Percent Dry Matter of Avocados
Clifford Ranney

87.     Performance of Ettinger, Fuerte, and Hass Cultivars of Avocado on Two Root.stocks in Cyprus
C. Gregoriou and C. V. Economides

93.      Some Environmental Factors and Yield Variabilities of Avocado Trees in a Spanish Commercial Orchard
Leandro Olalla Mercadé and Ana I. Rodriguez Ruiz

101.    The Israeli Ways
H. Leonard Francis

119.    The Genus Persea
George A. Zentmyer

125.    New Insight into Avocado Flowering in Relation to Its Pollination
G. Ish-Am. and D. Eisikowitch

139.    Formation of Adventitious Roots in Decaying Trunks of Old Persea americana Mill. Mexican Race
M. W. Borys

145.    Research Update
D. N. Zamet