California Avocado Society
1987 Yearbook
Volume 71

Table of Contents

Section I — The California Avocado Society
  1. Past Presidents

  2. 1987 California Avocado Society Officers

  3. 1988 California Avocado Society Officers

  4. 1987 Committees of the California Avocado Society

  5. 1988 Committees of the California Avocado Society

  6. Minutes of the Annual Meeting
    Clifford Sponsel

  7. Financial Statements

  8. Marvin B. Rounds Research Fund
    Jack Shepherd

  9. Awards of Honor

  10. Award of Honor 1986

  11. Award of Honor 1987

  12. Report of the Research Committee

  13. Report of the Program Committee

  14. Report of the Variety Committee

  15. Avocado Varieties for Commercial Planting in California 1988

  16. Report of the Nurserymen's Section

  17. The World Avocado Congress: What We Learned
    W.H. Brokaw

  18. Who Will Pick Your Fruit Next Year?
    Russell L. Williams

  19. Avocados Around the World
    George A. Zentmyer

  20. It's Your Turn!

  21. The President's Report
    W.H. Brokaw

  22. Remarks

  23. Marketing Challenges Facing California Agriculture
    Kenneth R. Farrell

  24. Foreign "Friends" and "Foes"
    Karen Darling
Section II — General
  1. Phytophthora Root Rot of Avocado—An Integrated Approach to Control in California
    Michael D. Coffey

  2. Phytophthora citricola —Advances In Our Understanding of the Disease
    Peter Oudemans and Michael D. Coffey

  3. Mounds Aid Root Rot Replants
    G.E. Goodall, H.D. Ohr, and G.A. Zentmyer

  4. A Visit to Chile
    Kurt P. Pidduck

  5. Current Status of Avocado Growing in Mexico
    Salvador Sanchez Colin

  6. The South African Avocado Industry
    J.C. Toerien

  7. Profiles of UCR Clonal Rootstocks
    M.D. Coffey and Fred Guillemet

  8. Avocado Rootstocks
    M.D. Coffey and Fred Guillemet

  9. First Progress Report for a "Monitoring - Early Warning Project" for Amorbia and the O. Looper, Insect Pests of California Avocado and Citrus
    J.B. Bailey, K.N. Olsen, N.V. O'Connell, and P.A. Phillips

  10. How Avocado Fruits Soften During Ripening
    Eugene A. Nothnagel

  11. Persea zentmyerii: A New Species from Guatemala
    Eugenio Schieber and Bob Bergh

  12. Characterization of Eleven Late-Maturing Selections of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.)
    Ma. Teresa Martinez Damian
Section III — Technical
  1. Selection of Dwarfing Rootstocks of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.)
    Alfredo Lopez Jimenez and Alejandro F. Barrientos Priego

  2. Relative Sensitivity of Avocado Varieties to Photochemical Smog (Ozone) and Sulfur Dioxide
    D.M. Olszyk, B.O. Bergh, G. Kats, and R.H. Whitsell

  3. Phosphonate- Fungicides for Control of Diseases Caused by Phytophthora
    Mark Fenn and Michael D. Coffey

  4. Stress
    Carol J. Lovatt

  5. Fluorescence of Tissues in Avocado Fruit
    C.A. Schroeder

  6. Chemical Inactivation of Avocado Sunblotch Viroid on Pruning and Propagation Tools
    P.R. Desjardins, P.J. Saski, and R.J. Drake
Section IV — Membership Lists
  1. California Avocado Society Membership—1987