California Avocado Society
1979 Yearbook
Volume 63

Table of Contents

  1. Index to Advertisers
Section I—The California Avocado Society
  1. 1979 California Avocado Society Officers

  2. 1980 California Avocado Society Officers

  3. Past Presidents

  4. 1979 Committees of the California Avocado Society

  5. 1980 Committees of the California Avocado Society

  6. Financial Statement

  7. Auditor's Certificate

  8. Minutes of the Annual Meeting

  9. Resolution

  10. Report of the President

  11. 1979 Award of Honor

  12. Awards of Honor

  13. Report of the Variety Committee

  14. Report of the Membership Committee

  15. Whither Agricultural Research?
    J. B. Kendrick, Jr.
Section II — General
  1. The Quetzal and the Persea
    Eugenio Schieber and G. A. Zentmyer

  2. Exploring for Persea in Northern Guatemala
    Eugenio Schieber and G. A. Zentmyer

  3. History and Present Trends of Drip Irrigation
    C. Don Gustafson

  4. Review of Avocado Fertilizer Practices in San Diego County
    C. Don Gustafson

  5. A Review of Pest Control in Avocados
    C. Don Gustafson

  6. 1980 Avocado Orchard Development Costs-San Diego County
    C. Don Gustafson

  7. 1980 Avocado Production Costs—San Diego County
    C. Don Gustafson

  8. A Note from "Down Under"

  9. Dampier's Early Account of the Avocado
    C. A. Schroeder

  10. Ripening Avocado Fruit
    Roy E. Young
Section III — Technical
  1. Frost Damage to Avocado Reduced by Elimination of Bacterial Ice Nuclei

  2. Pollen Transmission of Avocado Sunblotch Virus Experimentally Demonstrated
    Paul R. Desjardins, Robert J. Drake, E. Laurence Atkins, Berthold O. Bergh

  3. Etiolation and Avocado Bud Elongation in Vitro
    C. A. Schroeder

  4. An Avocado Relative from China
    C. A. Schroeder

  5. Drip Irrigation on Avocados Six-Year Summary of Project
    C. D. Gustafson, A. W. Marsh, R. L. Branson, Sterling Davis
Section IV — Membership Lists
  1. California Avocado Society Membership—1979.