California Avocado Society
1970-1971 Yearbook
Volume 54

Table of Contents

  1. Index to Advertisers

  2. Foreword, Editorial Committee and Membership Dues

  3. In Memoriam: Carl B. Schmidt
  1. Officers, Past Presidents

  2. Awards of Honor

  3. Award of Honor, Robert G. Platt

  4. Financial Report

  5. Report of the President
  1. Drip. Drip, Drip
    Albert W. Marsh

  2. Drip Irrigation
    C. D. Gustafson

  3. Evaluation of an Avocado Orchard Thinning Program
    H. Leonard Francis

  4. 1970 Cost to Develop an Avocado Orchard in San Diego County
    C. D. Gustafson and R. C. Rock

  5. 1970 Cost to Produce Avocados in San Diego County
    C. D. Gustafson and R. C. Rock

  6. Useful Life of Avocado Trees in Commercial Orchards in California
    G. E. Goodall, T. M. Little, R. C. Rock. R. G. Platt, and A. D. Reed

  7. Notes on Avocado Tree Depreciation
    G. E. Goodall

  8. The Avocado Industry in San Diego County
    C. D. Gustafson

  9. The San Joaquin Avocado Variety Dilemma
    James H. LaRue

  10. The Fuerte Avocado in Yorba Linda
    George Kellogg
  1. Soil Fumigants for Control of Phytophthora Root Rot
    G. A. Zentmyer and E. L. V. Johnson

  2. The Avocado Drip Irrigation Experiment
    C. D. Gustafson, A. W. Marsh. Roy L. Branson, and Sterling Davis

  3. Over-Maturity in Hass Avocados
    L. C. Erickson. I. L. Eaks, and G. G. Porter

  4. A Progress Report on the Shake Harvest of Avocados
    B. W. Lee and P. F. Burkner

  5. The Effects of Sodium on Mature Avocado Trees
    F. T. Bingham and C. O. Nelson

  6. Research on Avocado Processing at the University of California. Davis
    Lloyd M. Smith and Frank H. Winter

  7. The Response of Avocado Pericarp Tissue to Temperature and Light in Vitro
    C. A. Schroeder
  1. Girdling, a Means to Increase Avocado Fruit Production
    R. J. Ticho

  2. The Use of Potassium Salt of Indole Butyric Acid (KIBA) in Rooting Avocado Cuttings
    A. Kadman and C. D. Gustafson

  3. The Role of the Seed Coat in Avocado Fruit Development (Growth and Maturation)
    A. Blumenfeld and S. Gazit

  4. Tissue Cultures of Callus Derived from Avocado Fruit
    S. Gazit and A. Blumenfeld

  5. Avocado Culture in Australia and New Zealand
    Stanley Shepard
  1. The Subtropical Fruit Committee Report
    Walter Beck

  2. Fruits of the Annonas
    C. A. Schroeder

  3. Pollination of Cherimoya
    C. A. Schroeder

  4. My Experience with the Cherimoya
    Walter R. Beck

  5. Cherimoya Growing in Chile
    Max A. Schmidt

  6. The Cherimoya in South Africa
    C. A. Schroeder

  7. The Cherimoya (A Bit of Background and Something about Spain)
    Wilson Popenoe