California Avocado Society
1969-1970 Yearbook
Volume 53

Table of Contents

  1. Index to Advertisers

  2. Editorial Committee and Membership Dues
  1. Officers, Past Presidents

  2. Awards of Honor

  3. Award of Honor, B. O. Bergh

  4. Financial Report

  5. Minutes, Annual Meeting

  6. Report of the President

  7. Annual Report. Executive Secretary-Treasurer

  8. Meet your Directors-at-Large – Zwi Shachar, Enrique Costes and Takashi Turu

  9. Report of the Avocado Variety Committee of the California Avocado Society

  10. Report of the Fruit Quality Improvement Committee

  11. Progress Report-Avocado Nurserymen's Section of the California Avocado Society

  12. In Memoriam - George Barclay Hodgkin

  13. In Memoriam - Albert Joseph Thille
  1. Avocados South of the Border
    Takashi Turu

  2. Israel's Avocado Industry — 1969
    C. D. Gustafson

  3. Can You Afford to Grow Avocados?
    George E. Goodall

  4. Regulations for the Certification of Avocado Nursery Stock

  5. Avocado Root Rot Survey
    R. G. Platt

  6. Irrigation of Newly Planted Trees
    W. H. Brokaw

  7. Fossil Avocado Leaf
    C. A. Schroeder

  8. Treatment of Cold-Injured Avocado Trees
    R. G. Platt

  9. Avocado Stump Regrowth Control
    B. W. Lee

  10. Plastic Containers for Avocado Plastic Trees
    R. M. Burns

  11. Avocado Irrigation
    Albert W. Marsh and C. D. Gustafson
  1. Summary of Avocado Research

  2. Effect of Some Plant Hormones on the Rooting Capacity of Avocado Cuttings
    C. D. Gustafson and A. Kadman

  3. Biological Control Research on the Avocado Brown Mite
    J. A. McMurtry

  4. Production of Sporangia by Phytophthora Cinnamomi in Pure Culture
    G. A. Zentmyer and Dah-wu Chen