California Avocado Association
1935 Yearbook
Volume 20

Table of Contents

  1. Officers and Directors

  2. Presidents

  3. Calendar of Activities

  4. Variety Check-List

  5. Registration of Seedlings

  6. Report of Variety Committee, Carter Barrett

  7. Minutes of Variety Committee Meetings

  8. Personal Notes on Varieties
    Carter Barrett

  9. Effect of Vacuum Fumigation on Avocado Scions

  10. Dr. Lester Keller, Memorial
    Carter Barrett

  11. Germination of Avocado Seeds
    Theo. Horne

  12. Dietetic Value of Calavos in Prevention of Anemia
    LeRoy S. Weatherby

  13. Root Pruning May Increase Production
    Gabriel R. Valencia

  14. Soil Aeration for Avocado Roots
    A. R. C. Haas

  15. Variety Distribution as Delivered to Calavo Growers

  16. Marketability Ratings

  17. Marketability of Avocado Varieties
    J. Eliot Coit

  18. Sixth Annual Avocado Growers' Institute

  19. Practical Methods of Disease Control
    Dean Palmer

  20. Life History and Control of Latania Scale
    H. L. McKenzie

  21. Problems in Growing and Marketing Avocados
    Paul M. Hoenshel

  22. Rate of Growth of Fuerte Fruit
    Raymond H. Marsh

  23. Dietetic Value of the Avocado
    Dr. J. H. Kellogg

  24. Tenth Annual Avocado Show at Whittier
    Carter Barrett

  25. Avocado Fractional Embryo Graftage

  26. Training and Pruning Avocado Trees
    Carter Barrett

  27. Avocado Graftng
    James France

  28. Tip-Burn and Salt Content of Leaves
    A. R. C. Haas

  29. Avocado Costs, Five Year Study
    Harold Wahlberg

  30. Avocado Fruit Abnormalities
    R. W. Hodgson

  31. The Avocado in the Orient
    I. J. Condit

  32. Climatic Influence on Avocado Production
    V. F. Blanchard

  33. Avocado Recipes
    Eulalia B. Alger

  34. Choosing a Location for Avocados
    Dean F. Palmer

  35. Fertilizer Trials on Fuerte Avocado
    Raymond H. Marsh

  36. Plant Patents as Applied to Avocados
    J. Eliot Coit

  37. Avocados in Coachella Valley
    J. Eliot Coit

  38. Effects of Sun-Blotch on Avocado Stems
    Chas. A. Schroeder

  39. Avocado Growers' Field Day, Oxnard

  40. Drainage of Avocado Orchards
    Dean F. Palmer

  41. Annual Meeting of Association

  42. Cause and Control of Avocado Diseases
    Wm. T. Home

  43. Minutes of Annual Meeting

  44. Financial Statement

  45. List of Exhibits and Exhibitors at Annual Meeting

  46. Studies in Bearing Behavior of Fuerte
    R. W. Hodgson and S. H. Cameron

  47. Avocado Growing in Florida and Cuba
    D. W. Tubbs

  48. President's Annual Report
    Arthur W. Christie

  49. Annual Dinner Program

  50. Strides in Marketing 1935 Crop
    F. R. Wilcox

  51. Tariff Memorandum
    Edwin G. Hart

  52. Value of Cost of Production Records
    M. B. Rounds

  53. Avocados in Santa Cruz, Calif

  54. Origin of Cultivated Races of Avocados
    Wilson Popenoe

  55. By-Laws of California Avocado Association

  56. Calavo Growers' 12th Annual Report