California Avocado Association
1934 Yearbook
Volume 19

Table of Contents

  1. Officers and Directors

  2. Past Presidents

  3. Calendar of Activities

  4. Variety Check-List

  5. Registration of Seedling Avocados

  6. Report of Committee on Varieties
    Dr. J. Eliot Coit

  7. Report Los Angeles County Variety Committee
    Carter Barrett

  8. Summer Varieties and Prices

  9. Minutes Avocado Growers' Conference, Dec. 16, 1933

  10. The Tariff in Relation to Avocado Industry
    Geo. B. Hodgkin

  11. The Cuban Avocado Industry
    Consul H. S. Tewell

  12. Cuban Tariff Situation
    Geo. B. Hodgkin

  13. New Cuban Treaty

  14. Memorial—Charles Parkman Tart

  15. Memorial—Frederick O. Popenoe

  16. Fifth Avocado Institute, Placentia, March 16, 1934

  17. Side Hill Irrigation
    J. B. Brown

  18. Marketing of Avocados
    Leigh Crosby

  19. Looking Ahead in Avocado Pruning
    J. G. France

  20. Avocado Growers Reduce Production Costs
    H. E. Wahlberg

  21. Fertilization of Subtropical Fruits
    W. R. Schoonover

  22. Controlling Movement of Stolen Fruit
    Edward Craig

  23. Overcoming Alternate Bearing of Avocados
    R. W. Hodgson

  24. Nutritive Value of the Avocado in the Normal Diet
    Eulalia B. Alger

  25. Observations on Storage of Avocados
    Claude W. Wardlaw

  26. To Thin or Not to Thin
    Robt. W. Hodgson

  27. Early History of the Avocado
    Wilson Popenoe

  28. New Skin-Puncture Marking Device
    J. Eliot Coit

  29. Merits of Record Keeping on Avocado Trees
    Roy Kepner

  30. The Florida Avocado Shipping Season

  31. Avocado Planting in Russia

  32. Minutes, Annual Meeting California Avocado Assn., May 8, 1934

  33. Multiple-Graft Method of Top-Working Large Trees
    Chas. E. Dailey

  34. Advantages of Low Grafting
    Willis Calkins

  35. Efficacy of Plant Quarantine
    A. P. Messenger

  36. Composition of Avocado Seed
    Dr. Le Roy S. Weatherby

  37. Dothiorella Rot
    Dean F. Palmer.

  38. Note on Re-Grafting Avocado Stumps
    J. Eliot Coit

  39. Calavo Packing-House Branch at Vista

  40. Annual Avocado Show at Whittier

  41. Cleaning Scale from Avocados
    R. R. McLean

  42. Photos
    1. The grove of O. Ruf at Baldwin Park, California, as frozen back in 1922 (Knowles Ryerson).
    2. The Ruf grove in 1934 showing recovery (J. I. Coit).
  43. Windbreaks
    Carl V. Newman

  44. Regional Behavior of Avocado Varietes
    V. F. Blanchard

  45. Experiences in Irrigating Avocados
    W. L. McCulloch

  46. Questions and Answers

  47. Association Dinner at Whittier, May 8, 1934

  48. The California Farm Bureau Federation
    B. W. Blackburn

  49. Crop and Market Outlook
    F. E. Wilcox

  50. President's Annual Address
    Judge F. D. Halm

  51. Planting Avocados in Los Angeles County
    M. B. Rounds

  52. Top-Working Avocado Trees
    M. B. Rounds, et al

  53. Avocado Tree Pruning
    M. B. Rounds, et al

  54. By-Laws of the California Avocado Association