California Avocado Association
1917-1918 Annual Report
Volume 3

Table of Contents

  1. Foreword

  2. List of Members
Fourth Semi-Annual Meeting
  1. Minutes of the Second Annual and Fourth Semi-Annual Meeting

  2. Remarks Made in Opening the Fourth Semi-Annual Meeting
    President H. J. Webber

  3. Avocado Varieties in Florida
    E. D. Vosbury

  4. History and Propagation of the Sharpless and Monroe Avocados
    B. H. Sharpless

  5. The Wagner, Lambert, and Surprise Avocados
    Chas. F. Wagner

  6. My Experience in Growing the Avocado
    Martin Fesler

  7. Notes on Avocado Varieties for Commercial Orchards
    Chas. D. Adams

  8. The Avocado in Central and Northern California
    Prof. I. J. Condit

  9. Additions to the Check List of Varieties
    I. J. Condit

  10. How Shall We Eliminate the Misnomer "Alligator Pear"?
    Thos. H. Shedden

  11. Interplanting and Changing Varieties
    Wm. A. Spinks

  12. Cold Resistance of the Avocado
    Dr. H. J. Webber

  13. The Avocado for the Table
    Victor Hirtzler

  14. The Taft Avocado and Its History
    C. P. Taft

  15. Comparative Merits of the California Avocado Varieties
    L. B. Scott

  16. My Experience in Growing Avocados
    Mrs. Margaret Stewart
Fifth Semi-Annual Meeting
  1. Minutes of the Fifth Semi-Annual Meeting

  2. Presidential Address
    President Thos. H. Shedden

  3. Joseph Sexton—An Appreciation
    C. W. Beers

  4. Resolutions on Death of Joseph Sexton

  5. Symposium on Irrigation, Discussion
    Dr. Lester Keller

  6. Utility and Sentiment Applied to the Avocado
    J. M. Elliott

  7. Studies on the Composition and Nutritive Value of Some Subtropical Fruits
    Prof. M. E. Jaffa and F. W. Albro

  8. A New Sugar in the Avocado
    W. P. Kelley

  9. Chemical Constants of Avocado Oil
    F. W. Albro

  10. Symposium on Heat Injury, Discussion
    F. O. Popenoe

  11. Special Report of Directors on Avocado Varieties
    T. U. Barber

  12. Avocado Varieties Recommended for Planting in California, Circular No. 1

  13. Avocado Tea Recipe
    Mrs. G. W. Beck

  14. Exploring Guatemala for Desirable New Avocados
    Wilson Popenoe

  15. In Memoriam